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‘Rosaries of the unborn’ – what do you think? August 31, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Interior Life, North Deanery, Our Lady, scandals, sickness, Society.

Countless Rosaries are prayed every day in this country for the end to the barbaric practice of abortion on demand.  Now, there is an organization called ‘rosary of the unborn’ selling Rosaries that have little tiny babies inside each of the beads:

The proceeds for these rosaries apparently go back mainly to help make more rosaries, and also to help a charity that aids women contemplating abortion financially.  They’re pretty expensive, as Rosaries go  – about $25.  There are also many private revelations ostensibly associated with these Rosaries, including a promise from Our Lady, again apparently communicated privately, that each Hail Mary said devoutly with these Rosaries will lead to an unborn child being saved from abortion.  The details of these revelations are pretty sketchy on the website.  There is no context given, just bald assertions of statements from Our Lady.

Anyone know anything about these?  I kind of like the idea, but the price is high, and I have a Rosary given to me by my wife which has been blessed and to which I have quite an attachment.  The site also sells other pro-life related merchandise, as well as books whose authorship is unclear.  

Opinions?  The Rosaries look nice, but they are pricey.