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KC Media that Destroyed Bishop Finn Won’t Cover Far Larger Teacher-Sex Scandal April 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, cultural marxism, Endless Corruption, episcopate, General Catholic, Holy suffering, persecution, sadness, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.

Very interesting piece from The American Thinker regarding ongoing – and atrocious – teacher sex abuse scandals in the state of Missouri, especially the Kansas City area.  While the vast majority of the populations of Kansas and Missouri are extremely conservative (in fact, Kansas is a hotbed of sede vacantism), the elites in the large cities are overwhelmingly leftist, as are the media.

Bishop Finn was not only conservative but also suspected of embracing Tradition (as his very close association with the Benedictines of Mary Queen of the Apostles revealed).  For that, he had to be destroyed.  He remains the only US bishop ever to face criminal prosecution for ostensible malfeasance in a priest sex abuse case, even though the priest in question committed crimes that pale in comparison to those enabled by left-leaning bishops in the US and elsewhere.  Bishop Finn followed legal protocol and advice in his treatment of defrocked Fr. Shawn Ratigan, and removed him from service after he was found to have taken  upskirt photos of underage girls. But Fr. Ratigan repeated his (comparitively minor) crime, and the KC media had all the material they needed to mount a relentless campaign of destruction.

For instance, did you know that the local newspaper, the Kansas City Star, published NINETY articles attacking Bishop Finn during this campaign?  But Cardinal Mahoney, who had personal knowledge of actual boy-rape perpetrated repeatedly by certain priests, kept those priests in public apostolates, and he remained a cardinal in good standing throughout his tenure, and is still revered and feted around the country and world.

I hate leftism:

On April 15, Jackson County, Missouri, prosecutors charged James R. Green Jr., 52, with six counts of second-degree statutory sodomy. Green was a teacher and coach at a middle school in the suburban North Kansas City School District. Green’s victim was a sixteen-year-old boy. It appears likely that Green was abusing other boys over a period of at least twelve years in at least two different school districts, and Green’s crime is not the half of it…….

…….Without digging too hard, I discovered that Green was the sixth employee, all male, busted on sex charges with underage students in the last thirteen months in this one suburban school district. At least five of those employees were arrested. The reporting on the sixth was too sketchy to determine. Four of the interactions were heterosexual, two homosexual. In the same week Green was arrested, a campus supervisor at a high school in the North Kansas City District was charged with sending messages of a sexual nature to two female students, one fourteen and one fifteen. His was one of three cases at that same suburban school. In January 2017, the principal was arrested for having sex with students twenty years prior, and in August 2016 the band director was dismissed for sending sexual texts to students………

…….As troubling as these crimes were, what I found truly scandalous was that our local paper of record, the Kansas City Star, has not reported on this larger story. Typically, the paper has done brief one-offs on each crime and then moved on to something meatier, like, say, the latest imagined outrage by Gov. Brownback.

The reason for the silence is not hard to understand. The media and the teachers unions share an allegiance to the Democratic Party. The Star goes out of its way to protect the unions, and the unions have gone out of their way to protect the teachers, including the sexual predators………

………..[While steadfastly ignoring the far larger teacher-student rape scandal]the Star was dedicating its energies to Shawn Ratigan, a Catholic priest with the perverse habit of taking lurid photos of little girls unaware they were being photographed.

For the Star, the Ratigan scandal was tailor made. Unlike most accused priests, his pathology was heterosexual. Better still, the priest’s ultimate supervisor, Bishop Robert Finn, was described in media reports as a “theological conservative” with a record of challenging the Star’s agenda on life issues. [Yes. Don’t think that didn’t play a substantial role, especially when Finn several times publicly embarrassed the rag by refuting some of their pro-abort coverage]

The Star assigned its ace project reporter, Judy Thomas, to the Ratigan story. Locally, she had a reputation for seeking dirt on pro-life institutions, Catholic and evangelical. At the first whiff of the Ratigan scandal, the Star started to run above-the-fold headlines and soon called for the bishop’s resignation. “It’s painful to believe the most vulnerable in his flock weren’t protected,” thundered a Star editorialist. [Meanwhile, almost all the Star’s coverage of teacher sex abuse, which in some cases is even more systematic than it ever was in the Church, is buried deep in the paper if it is published at all]

After the photos were discovered, Ratigan attempted suicide. Bishop Finn consulted with his attorneys, and they assured him that what Ratigan had done may have been perverse, but it was not criminal. When Ratigan recovered, Finn assigned him to a home for aged nuns and imposed numerous restrictions. They did not work. Ratigan was caught taking photos at a family reunion.

The Star ran at least ninety articles on the Ratigan case, creating enough hysteria to get Ratigan a fifty-year prison sentence and get Finn, a saintly man, prosecuted for failure to report Ratigan to the police immediately. [And giving a hostile pope all the ammunition he needed to replace this good bishop years before the normal retirement age.]

Over the years, Catholic dioceses have dramatically altered their policies for identifying, reporting and removing alleged clerical predators, but, with cover from the media, public school districts have been largely insulated from any efforts to reform union practices.

Star editors went so far as to call Bishop Finn “repulsive,” but they have yet to mention the name of the man who runs the North Kansas City School District. As I have discovered, it is not just the national media that need to be watched. No, the local media are just as bad, maybe worse. [Which is why I dropped my subscription to the Dallas Morning News about 8 years ago.]

It was a hatchet job from beginning to end, deliberately construed to whip up enough public frenzy to get Finn not just charged, but convicted and then ultimately removed.

But Ace makes a great point.  The media – all media, entertainment, infotainment, “news,” etc. – only has the influence on us we choose to allow it to have.  If you are an expert in a certain field, or have a decent depth of knowledge, haven’t you noticed how often the media butchers related topics, and makes error after error?  Sure we discount the media’s political bias, but what about their cultural bias or even their plain knowledge of the world? Why would you believe they would be any more right in any other field?

Thus, the alternative media.  I am surprised, however, at the extent even people who should – who do! – know better still allow themselves to be moved on numerous issues by media opinion.  I just had the case of a (not terribly close) family member opining that “gay marriage” was just fine by them, because “they are in love and that’s who they are and how can we ‘deny them happiness'”?  Parroting almost word for word what the mass media says. Yet these same individuals see through the media lies regarding Trump. Discouraging.

Then again, they’re episcopalian, so go figure.



1. Margaret Costello - April 27, 2017

“they are in love and that’s who they are and how can we ‘deny them happiness’

1) Love would never sodomize another person. Real love wills the good for the beloved, and there is nothing good about perverted sex. What they call “love” is just self-centered emotionalism.

2) Who they are are not perverts. They have given into an emotional, sexual perversion to feed their fallen flesh. Ask the countless people who left the sodomite life because they woke up and realized being a pervert is never who someone is. Natural Law and Almighty God make every person heterosexual. THAT is who they are.

3) Happiness is not sticking yourself into someone’s dirty hole. Happiness is not being an emotional and sex addict. Happiness is not following vice but following VIRTUE. The sin of sodom and gomorrah leads to: psychological disorders, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, domestic violence, relationship instability, AIDS/HIV, STD’s, Cancer and colons falling out. No “happiness” to be found.

Yes, the Episcopalian thing explains it all. Brainless and emo addicted. May Our Lord wake them up from their stupor one day:+) God bless~

2. Richard Malcolm - April 27, 2017

As someone who used to work at the Kansas City Star – including in the newsroom, I think this is an occasion to offer a few firsthand observations:

1) Coming into the late 20th century, the Star had a rep as relatively moderate major daily – moderate to conservative on foreign policy and fiscal issues, but more liberal on social issues. As late as 1996 they endorsed Bob Dole, and not just because he was from Kansas. Increasingly, however, personnel turnover moved it steadily to the left, and a very sizable gay contingent was present by the late 90’s. During my time there, my impression of the newsroom was that of very few religiously active staff; and those tended to be of the liberal mainline or liberal Catholic disposition. Despite a burgeoning and lively evangelical community in the area (esp. in the suburbs), the staff really had no connection or sense of those people.

2) The Star actually did an interesting (award winning) multi-part story on AIDS in the priesthood in 1999. It was solid reporting, and well sourced. The diocese (dominated by liberals) was unhappy with it, and it was easy for conservatives to think the paper was on a witchhunt. Yet the Star’s investigation (even if clearly sympathetic to the afflicted priests) turned out to be one of the most valuable data points we have for the presence of a very large cohort of psychologically immature – and sexually active – homosexuals (and not just pederasts) in the Catholic priesthood in the post-conciliar period.

3) But “witch hunt” is a better description for the Finn/Ratigan coverage, which really did seem to be disproportionate to the scandal…if only certain other bishops (Weakland, Grahmann, Mahoney) – or heck, even Finn’s (liberal) predecessors, Boland and Sullivan, who had much worse records than Finn – had received the same scrutiny for far more terrible records on sex abuse. The Star editors (who certainly had friends among the liberal clergy and laity in the diocese restive under Finn’s tenure, happy to serve as sources) saw an opportunity to hang an attractive trophy villain on their wall, and also to reap more investigative street cred as a sequel to the AIDS story a decade before – that they could be the next Boston Globe.

4) I think it’s hard not to think that there is a big blind spot (and it is ideological) regarding teacher sex abuse that explains the lack of interest there; certainly it is shared throughout most of the media. But I will add the Star’s editorial resources now are a pale shadow of what they were just a decade ago – the collapse in ad revenues has meant that head count has been slashed from well over 2,000 to just a few hundred today, and the newsroom has been especially gutted. Judy Thomas does still work there, but she’s on a domestic terrorism/extremist group (and I don’t mean Wahhabi Islamic centers packed with weapons – and KC had one of those quietly busted last year, with zero coverage by Judy) beat now, which is obviously a more ideologically sympatico set of villains to chase; but even if she was dragged into a school sex abuse investigation, she’d likely have no staff left to help her. Which of course is no excuse.

But if the Star is dying (and it does seem to be), I have to say it’s not an undeserved death. It’s not just the growing pattern of bias and blind spots alienating it from a moderately conservative metro area due to growing newsroom groupthink, but, as with many other newspapers, failure to anticipate or adapt to the online revolution by an old generation of editors and managers who simply were not equipped to understand it.

The problem is, I don’t know who would be left to do solid investigative reporting on sex abuse in KC public schools. KC broadcast media are even more short-staffed. Alternate media and blogs are well and good, but good investigative reporting requires well trained and experienced reporters and good editors and resources to back them up.

Tantumblogo - April 28, 2017

You never cease to amaze. What haven’t you done?!

3. c matt - April 28, 2017

Think about it – the media’s ranks come from “journalism” majors; not exactly higher science, complicated math, or even deep philosophical thinking involved. Not to say there are not some smart ones out there, but the rank and file are . . . quite rank.

Camper - April 29, 2017

Good philosophy is extremely serious stuff. Usually, however, students are fed nonsense and told that it is awesome. I’m sure you agree.

Journalism should not be recognized as an education. Period. It should be de-certified.

4. The Lord's Blog - April 28, 2017

Reblogged this on Jean'sBistro2010's Blog and commented:
Public School Scandals again! Oh my!

5. Canon212 Update: PeaceFrancis Plagues Egypt, Gives Rome a Brief Break – The Stumbling Block - April 28, 2017


6. Sedgladium - April 29, 2017

At last. Someone else saying this besides me.

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