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Slippery slope – Pedophilia is protected sexual orientation under CA bill – UPDATED! April 4, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, contraception, disaster, family, General Catholic, horror, persecution, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.

I think this may be being stretched below, but I have absolutely no doubt polygamy and pedophilia are coming down the pike within 5-10 years.  If they become legal in this country, I honestly believe one ought to at least explore the possibility of living elsewhere:

California Congresswoman, Rep. Jackie Speier CA (D), wants to federalize a state law to prohibit counseling to change a person’s sexual orientation. That doesn’t sound that extreme, but pedophilia is a sexual orientation according to this bill as well. [maybe…..read on…..]

Under the bill’s language, a mental health counselor could be sanctioned if there was an attempt to get a pedophile or gay individual to change his behavior or speak negatively about their behavior as it relates to sexuality.

The bill calls on states to prohibit efforts to change a minor’s sexual orientation, even if the minor requests it, saying that doing so is “dangerous and harmful.”

The text of the legislation doesn’t specifically ban “gay” conversion therapy. Instead, it prohibits attempts to change a person’s sexual orientation.

“Sexual orientation change efforts’ means any practices by mental health providers that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation,” the bill says.

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that, “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation.” However, the Democrats defeated the amendment. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law, and accordingly decided that pedophilia is a sexual orientation that should be equally as embraced as homosexuality.

“This language is so broad and vague, it arguably could include all forms of sexual orientation, including pedophilia,” said Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute. “It’s not just the orientation that is protected—the conduct associated with the orientation is protected as well.” [OK, so the bill doesn’t specifically protect pedophilia, but is written so broadly that such maybe could be implied.]

It also means that, if pedophilia is a sexual orientation, that discrimination laws also apply to pedophiles. That means you cannot block a pedophile from being a preschool teacher or any other high-risk occupation. [It would also make the persecution of the Church over so-called pedophile priests rather non-operative, wouldn’t it?  Wouldn’t, then, they too be a protected class?  Has the left thought about that at all?  They would lose their favorite club. But I guess perversion trumps even Catholic bashing, to them]

Recently, a United States District Court Judge, William Shubb, sided with Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) by granting their plaintiffs a preliminary injunction against the legislation, which is known as California SB 1172.

“Because the court finds that SB 1172 is subject to strict scrutiny and is unlikely to satisfy this standard, the court finds that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their claims based on violations of their rights to freedom of speech under the First Amendment,” wrote Judge Shubb.

“This victory sends a clear signal to all those who feel they can stifle religious freedom, free speech, and the rights of parents without being contested,” said PJI President, Brad Dacus. “We at PJI are ready to fight this battle all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.

Can you imagine, pedophilia, which I was raised to believe and have always held to be a crime only exceeded – maybe – by murder in its awfulness, could conceivably become a protected “right” in this country?  This is entirely, ENTIRELY due to the moral relativism that is so rampant and the radical homosexual lobby which has used it to push their own agenda (which is not entirely separate from the pedophile agenda).

Good grief.  What aren’t we willing to destroy for increasingly tiny minorities?  Homosexuals make up maybe 1-2% of the population – let’s destroy marriage for them!  Pedophiles make up probably an even smaller percentage – the very highest estimates range to 5% of adult males (which would be about 1.5% of overall population), but most are much lower than that.  So, let’s destroy childhood and innocence and untold numbers of souls (because, my limited experience shows that those sexually abused as children are never right) for the sake of that tiny minority’s so-called rights!  But with the extreme pagan sexularists, logic never enters in.  It’s all about developing beholden constituencies, no matter how small or extreme.  And since liberals hardly have children anymore, what’s the loss to the political left?

As I said yesterday, stop the world, I want to get off.

UPDATE: A commenter is crying foul over my “endorsing” this post I linked to. I’m not endorsing anything, I’m reporting what seemed an interesting story. The commenter is claiming the linked post is very off base. It seems it may be, at least as far as the bill itself is concerned. The article makes many claims and is rather weak on links, so it’s difficult to verify many of the details. I will say the language regarding “protection” for therapies that are involved in dealing with currently criminal activities like pedophilia are weak – I can think of several ways around that very brief language in the bill off the top of my head.  But, make of it what you will, one or two persons at the original link and one here are utterly convinced and very emotional about this post being completely off base. Duly noted.


1. Micah C. - April 4, 2013

It started with Luther. Public heresy is always the result of private sins and the desire to rationalize one’s sins at the expense of foregoing logic, reason and Church teaching.

I’d be interested to know how many people who are pushing for the acceptance of pedophilia are themselves pedophiles. It goes without saying, but the numbers are staggering I’d imagine.

tantamergo - April 4, 2013

You got it. I actually think it started before Luther, with the Renaiisance and resurgence of pagan Roman/Greek thought, but Luther was the first real public manifestation where all this wonderful “classical” learning was leading. Give me 12th/13th Century thought any day!

2. paragraphein - April 4, 2013

Do some more fact checking. This whole story is fabricated.

tantamergo - April 4, 2013

Ummm, no, not entirely. There was concern over many aspects of the bill, while I noted the pedophile aspect may be a reach. The bill is being challenged due to several aspects. But given what has occurred with homosexuality (from illegal, to now a universal “right” being compared to marriage) in just the past few decades, I don’t think it beyond reason at all to fear that something that enshrines certain types of sexual deviancy in law as acceptable (while also massively infringing on the rights of others) could later be used to help enshrine pedophilia as a right if and when it gets legalized. Thus, the slippery slope. And there are already advocates for pedophilia using the homosexual lobby’s model in pursuit of state recognition of their make believe marriages in order to legalize their activities. Thus, an open ended bill like this could later be used by polygamists or whomever gets their kink legalized to shut down criticism and get state backing for their behavior. That’s the problem.

And, why didn’t the dems incorporate the amendment to specifically exclude pedophilia?

Nicole - April 4, 2013

LOL. Why didn’t Dems incorporate the amendment to specifically exclude pedophilia? Two reasons: 1. There was no such amendment. 2. This law applies only to minors. It basically says kids can’t be forced into conversion therapy against their will. Where is the need to say “this includes kids who are pedophiles?” That doesn’t even make sense.

Nicole - April 4, 2013

This is NOT an open-ended bill. Although I’m not even sure which “bill” you are referring to, because like the ridiculous article you have endorsed, you seem to be conflating two (possible three) separate pieces of legislation. But whatever, it doesn’t matter, because NONE of the bills in question can be interpreted to give pedophilia any protection at all. READ THE BILLS THEMSELVES. This is 2013. Legislation is available online.

tantamergo - April 4, 2013

Why are you so emotional about this? At the start, I said the article was probably a stretch. Then I said the bill does not cover pedophilia, but there is concern about the language. If the article I linked to is completely off, fine, but there are several hundred comments at the original site an only a handful seem to have problems with it. I’m not sure why you’re spending so much time on Alcee Hastings, I didn’t even address that small part of the overall article. It sounds like you have an argument with the original link more than with me. So why don’t you fight your battle there?

Nicole - April 4, 2013

I have posted my comments there. I cannot answer for other people as to why they don’t do their own fact-checking. I will post here as you are spreading this false crap as true. There is NO CONCERN about the language. This bill says minors cannot be forced into conversion therapy. That’s it, the end. Can you explain how a minor could be a pedophile in need of protection from conversion therapy?

And I’m addressing the piece about Alcee Hastings specifically because you didn’t address it. You didn’t bother to fact-check and find out the piece about Alcee Hastings is completely made up. If I were Alcee Hastings, I’d want to sue every site repeating this fabricated drivel about me.

tantamergo - April 4, 2013

Ummm, I don’t know too many bloggers who go through every article they link to to root sources “fact checking.” The statement about language IS germane because the language that therapy cannot be used to treat those with a sexual orientation – which pedophilia could be viewed as, as many argue it is just one of many orientations – is pretty weak with regard to those conditions which are viewed as criminal or problematic. It’s very vague.

The law doesn’t work as you’re describing it. Law can sometimes be very directly applied – as in, running a red light is illegal. OK, that’s clear. But often, laws are also used to set indirect precedents. What this law could very well do is claim that treatment for pedophiles is illegal. That is not the intent, but the language is so muddled that it could be interpreted as such.

And yes, Nicole, some of the most numerous cases of child sex abuse are committed by older children, who were frequently abused themselves. When a late teenager – under 18 – molests a 5 year old, that is still pedophilia.

Look, I put up 30 posts a week. I have posted almost 4000 articles since this blog went live. This would be the very first time I had linked to something that was just utterly fabricated. I still don’t think that’s entirely the case – exaggerated, yes, but I can see what they are getting at.

This conversation is tiresome, this was a sidelight filler post, not something I focus on.

3. Dismas - April 4, 2013

This particular story may or may not be fabricated, but I think you can count on such things being pushed. NAMBLA has been lobbying for this for years now.

4. Nicole - April 4, 2013

It IS fabricated. The meaning of the story is completely made up.

1. The California bill is about conversion therapy and only applies to minors. Basically it says kids can’t be forced into conversion therapy against their will. How does this is any way, at all protect, protect adult pedophiles?

2. The federal resolution, SHOK, is about the same topic. Like the California law, SHOK gives absolutely no protection to pedophilia behaviors.

3. The federal resolution has not even left committee.

4. Therefore, there is no way Alcee Hastings opposed an amendment to the federal resolution.

5. There is also no way Hastings (a federal rep from FL) opposed an amendment to a CA state bill.

6. Hence the implication that Hastings was one of the democrats who helped defeat such an amendment is a complete lie.

7. The amendment the article seems to reference for this slander about Hastings has to do with 2009 legislation–regarding an anti-hate crime bill. At that point in time, for that particular bill, Hastings did oppose an amendment that attempted to exclude protections from HATE CRIMES for people with various “philias.” He did not say pedophilia should be embraced the same as same-sex relationships. He did say, in essence, hey if we’re gonna pass a hate crime bill, to protect people from VIOLENCE, let’s not complicate things by trying to tack on a bunch of exclusions. Protecting people from violence is a far, far cry from protecting the act of pedophilia.

8. US District Judge Shubb did indeed grant an injunction agains the California law. But not because of concerns about pedophilia–because of concerns about infringing on therapists rights of free speech.

This article is hate-mongering and fear-mongering. Bottom line. Go read the texts of the California law and the SHOK resolution. Then go listen to what Hastings ACTUALLY said in 2009 (in a completely different year about a completely different bill, for heaven’s sake!). Then come back and tell me this article makes any sense at all.

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