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Homosexual man who got a fake marriage removed from ministry… April 5, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, episcopate, error, Eucharist, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, pr stunts, sadness, scandals, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.
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…and apparently, the media is howling.  That’s why I don’t read the mass media!  There are many problems with all this:

A Catholic church on Long Island has removed a 47 year-old Long Island man from his role as the parish’s confirmation teacher, lector, and altar server after learning he was “married” to another man.

Nicholas Coppola joined his partner, David Krespo, in a non-sacramental “wedding ceremony” last October. The service was attended by some of his fellow parishioners at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Oceanside.

Coppola claims that he had been an open homosexual in his parish for years. Even his pastor, he alleges, knew of his engagement in the homosexual lifestyle but permitted Coppola to serve in leadership positions, including as an altar server, religious education teacher for children preparing for confirmation, and lector. [If true, that would be a grave scandal.  Because openly rejecting Church belief in any area that is doctrinal, such as violations of chastity would constitute, would place one outside the community of believers and thus require instant removal from any position that could give scandal to others.  Even more, the fact that these positions would cause the sinner to believe he is not separated from the Faith, not in a state of sin, and thus cause them to continue in a very dangerous moral condition is even more concerning.  Allowing this man to have these roles was a profoundly uncharitable act, to him and all the souls who came into contact with him]

Bishop William Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, received a written complaint about Coppola. A diocesan official passed it on to Coppola’s pastor saying, “While not on a witch hunt, I know it would be of concern to you if a catechist were, in fact, ‘married’ as described.”

Coppola’s pastor soon after pulled him aside to notify him that he was being removed from his public roles within the parish.

However, contrary to some reports, Coppola was never asked to leave the Church or cease worship at the parish.

“In this situation, the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage is that the sacrament of marriage is between one man and one woman,” diocesan Director of Communications, Sean Dolan explained to LifeSiteNews.com. “When this man became civilly married, it’s inconsistent with the Church’s teaching on marriage.”

“When you hold yourself to be a teacher, a public figure, lector or Eucharistic Minister, it sends an incorrect signal to people about the Church’s teaching on marriage,” he added. [There is a point here, but it’s about far more than just marriage.  While the marriage is a public act taken in defiance of the Faith, if he were truly “open” about his homosexual practices and thus severe unchastity, that, too, constituted sufficient public rejection of the Faith to have merited his removal from his position, or their denial to him]

What is sad in all this, is that the Diocese is bending over backwards to insist that the Mass and Sacraments are still open to this Mr. Coppola.  While the Mass is, of course, open to everyone, as is Confession, reception of the Blessed Sacrament is not. And I have not seen any statements that Mr. Coppola will be denied the Blessed Sacrament. Which is an even bigger scandal, because he will continue to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and commit a sacrilege every time he receives the infinitely precious Body and Blood of Our Lord.  Once again, allowing him to receive, in a sense, continues to act to confirm him in his sin.  An act whose uncharitability is simply stunning.

Of course, the equivocations of Cardinals Dolan and Wuerhl over the weekend, in what must have been a coordinated media campaign, only make the matter worse, for their inability to condemn a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance only makes the Church look more and more confused on the matter, as well as giving a false, almost demonic hope to those lost in these sins that “the Church may change.”  That’s the greatest failure of this latest PR campaign.

Words of the Fathers, Part 1: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin – UPDATE April 5, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, pr stunts, priests, religious, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the return.
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I’ve been meaning to start a series of posts, which may evolve into a book (due to my raging jealousy of Jay Boyd and her publishing), on the words of various conciliar “fathers” of Vatican II.  These posts are not meant to be comprehensive in any way.  They will simply include various selections of statements made by various men highly influential upon the most recent Council.  Even though de Chardin died long before the Council, there was probably no man more influential upon its direction and outcome than the six-times condemned Jesuit.  I will in the future, God willing, also review various statements by other fathers from both sides of the ecclesial divide (and what a tragedy it is that the existence of such a divide is unquestionable) ranging from Yves Congar and Henri de Lubac to one who is increasingly my modern hero Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Cardinal Ottaviani, Fr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, and others. For today, most of the words come from Fr. Paul A Wickens short book Christ Denied.  I can state that many of these quotes are also available in Roberto de Mattei’s Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten History and Michael Davies’ Pope John’s Council.

A very brief biography of de Chardin.  He was a Jesuit highly influenced by the excommunicated Fr. George Tyrell, SJ.  de Chardin almost never served in ministry to souls. He spent most of his time traveling and making specious, completely fabricated archeological “finds.” Both his “Piltdown man” and “Peking man,” pathetic attempts to provide the “missing link” between apes and humans (thus reveailng de Chardin’s unquestioning acceptance of “evolution”) and, more importantly, to gain notoriety for himself, were completely discredited within months or years of his “discoveries.”  Between travels and his “discoveries,” he taught from time to time, but he was barred from teaching in Europe for several decades and was, in fact, exiled as a missionary to China (where he discovered “Peking Man,” a crude use of monkey bones he had modified to look “human”) but he did no missionary work. He almost never offered Mass. He was a prolific writer, whose evolution-derived theories of faithiness were incredibly influential, for reasons that are difficult to fathom.  Several prelates at the Council made interventions declaring de Chardin the intellectual “father” of Vatican II.  As I stated before, his works were condemned 6 times, there were monitums issued banning the publication of some of his most key works (but that didn’t stop their publication), and he was frequently accused of heresy.  The Vatican’s demands that he stop printing and teaching were generally simply ignored, or submitted to with a feigned submission while de Chardin kept right on keepin’ on.

To the quotes:

I do not think God should be worshipped – from a conference given in 1947

Very definitely there was no Adam and Eve and no Original Sin – from a similar conference, date not given, but this quote is entirely consistent with de Chardin’s views on evolution

Rome does not want me to return to my professorship. They do not seem to have taken a dislike to me, far from it; but they want to save Religion…..I would take enormous delight in breaking all ties (the reference here is to breaking all ties to traditional Catholic belief, and the Church as a whole – from letter written Feb. 14 1927)

What increasingly dominates my interest is the effort to establish within myself, and to diffuse around me, a new religion (let’s call it an improved Christianity if you like) whose personal God is no longer the great neolithic landowner of times gone by, but the Soul of the world……(Letter to Leontine Zanta, Jan 26 1936)

Christ saves. But must we not hasten to add that Christ, too, is saved by evolution? (Le Christique, 1955)

I have got so many friends in good strategic positions, that I feel quite safe about the future (Letter, Sept. 24, 1947, wherein de Chardin remarks on his numerous disciples in positions of great influence in the Church, which would certainly appear to have been borne out by the accolades given de Chardin during the Council)

I want to teach people how to see God everywhere, to see Him in all that is hidden, most solid, and most ultimate in the world. I am essentially Pantheist in my thinking and in my temperament. (no source, but I’ve seen this many places)

Since once again, Lord, I have neither bread nor wine nor altar  I will raise myself beyond these symbols, up to the pure majesty of the real itself; I, your priest, will make the whole  earth my altar, and on it will offer you all the labors and suffering of the world.

Sometimes I am a bit afraid, when I think of the transposition to which I must submit my mind concerning the common notions of creation, inspiration, miracle, original sin, resurrection, etc., in order to be able to accept them. (Letter of Dec. 17, 1922 to a friend, remarking on how he must radically change his desired thinking to accept such core Doctrines as the Resurrection or Original Sin)

Fascism opens its arms to the future….Fascism quite possibly represents……..the blueprint for the world tomorrow (de Chardin flirted quite heavily with Fascism in the 30s, before opposing after it was crushed in the 40s)

Peace cannot mean anything but a higher process of conquest

Personally, I would forgive the ruthless ways of fascism, if fascism did not shelter anti-progressive forces

A progressive democrat is not fundamentally different from a really progressive totalitarian (hey, he was right! – no source given for any of these)

No humane hopes for an organized society (in territories held as colonies by European powers) must cause us to forget that the human stratum may not be homogeneous. If it were not, it would be necessary to find for the Chinese, as for the Negroes, their special function, which may not (by biological impossibility) be that of the whites (April 6, 1927 letter – I would imagine China’s status today is a sufficient rebuke for de Chardin’s racism)

The Hindus have been a disappointement to me. In them, too, the creative power seems in a pretty poor way. India seems just as incapable of self-government as China or Malaya

Written about de Chardin, by Msgr. Leo S Schumacher, PhD: de Chardin……….really intended to start a new religion and revamped Catholic doctrine to suit his purpose…..So he produced a new faith, a new religion which masquerades as the Catholic Faith because it uses Catholic terminology. The words may be Catholic, but the meaning very often is not. Thus, many are deceived and go on to misinterpret Teilhard even where he is very clear in stating what he is up to.

Final note: I know that Pope Benedict to some degree fancied some of de Chardin, especially his “cosmic” exposition on the Mass. I know his writings are praised by many.  That’s why I’m just quoting his own words.  But I should note that even the Vatican listed de Chardin’s beliefs as a source of the new age religion, and he has been criticized heavily as much as he has been praised, if not more.

UPDATE:  A note about heresy and heretics.  It is very rare that someone is completely heretical – that is to say, that they reject everything the Church believes. It is unlikely such a person has ever existed. Because all heretics contain some measure of truth in their beliefs, some people seem to believe that makes them somehow OK, or at least, a manageable problem, so long as one can separate the wheat from the chaff.  I would caution people against doing so.  In order to be assured of not falling under some pernicious influence on the part of the problematic or heretical source, one would have to be very confident they possessed such a strong knowledge of the Faith, theology, philosophy, liturgy, et. al., as to be able to have an assured capability to separate those problematic areas from the ostensible “good.”  I think our view of heretics has been very misshapen by the protestant revolt, where there grew up sects of men who rejected whole swaths of revealed Truth.  Historically, that has not been the case. There have been many condemned heretics who perhaps held only one or two beliefs that could not be reconciled with the Faith.  But because the Faith is so intertwined, depending on those beliefs, they can have a spillover effect into all manner of Catholic Truth.  Arius the arch-heretic “only” believed the Christ was somehow less than God.  But that one belief is enough to collapse all of Christianity, and has the Arian sects developed, that’s exactly what occurred.  As  St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, the Moral Doctor of the Church, stated, one bad book is enough to destroy a monastery – or millions of souls.

Federal judge demands abortion pill be available to children w/o prescription or parental permission April 5, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, Basics, contraception, disaster, error, family, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society.
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Good Lord.  Via Ace of Spades:

A federal judge has ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lift age and other restrictions on the sale of the morning-after pill, making the drug available to women of all ages over the counter. [Since when is an 11 y/o girl a “woman?”]

The ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Edward Korman [a Reagan appointee, go figure]  reverses a 2011 decision by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius not to allow the sale of emergency contraception without a prescription for women 16 and under.

Drew M. at Ace notes that girls who will now be able to walk up to a counter and purchase an incredibly powerful chemical cocktail of class 1 carcinogens to kill the child in her womb – because that’s what it will do in most if not all cases – cannot go on a field trip or often even take an aspirin at school without parental approval.  Even then, it can be like pulling teeth.  But now they can wreak untold harm on their young bodies by ingesting this incredibly powerful drug, quite possibly under duress from the man abusing them.  This is incredible.  How can a judge declare that little children are capable of making life and death decisions, when our same culture and the judicial system constantly declare children and even parents incapable of doing so.  This judgment strips away huge rights from parents. Most obviously, the right not to have their grandchild murdered, and secondly, the right to stop potential ongoing abuse of their daughter.  More:

Korman blasted Sebelius’s order as “obviously political” and designed to avoid a fight with religious groups ahead of the 2012 presidential election.

“Even with eyes shut to the motivation for the Secretary’s decision, the reasons she provided are so unpersuasive as to call into question her good faith,” Korman wrote.

“She has failed to offer a coherent justification for denying the over-the-counter sale of levonorgestrel-based emergency contraceptives to the overwhelming majority of women of all ages who may have need for those drugs.”

Well, it was noted when Sebelius made this ruling in 2011 that the reasons she used were weak and specious.  There were powerful arguments she left off the table.  It could have been a setup all along, Sebelius using weak justification for her decision she knew would likely be overturned in court, thus arriving at the policy the Obama Administration desired without the political expense.

It is also worthwhile to note how utterly inconsistent the judiciary – the increasingly dominant branch of government – has been in terms of defining what kinds of decisions children can make.  Almost always in support of left wing destruction of the culture, mind you.  As a commenter at Ace points out, a lawyer, the judiciary in some cases holds that people can’t be held liable for their crimes until they are way, way beyond 16.  But now they can apparently make life and death decisions.  From that commenter:

I know everyone is sick of my rant on this but ignoring all the parental rights problems and the morality problems and the whole underage girls extraordinarily likely to have been at least statutorily raped problems, there’s the health problems.

Yes, this is overly simplified but Plan B and its ilk work by dumping a massive amount of hormones into a woman’s system. Except. Except these aren’t women. These are girls. These are human beings with immature hormonal systems and it is not the best idea in the world to shock their systems like this. Not to mention that there are matters about proper dosage amounts and how to take it and what to do when it results in a miscarriage as opposed to a failure to implant. As someone with an utterly boned endocrine system, you don’t want to mess up someone’s development in the early teen years. You really and truly don’t.

Indeed. This is like Gardasil all over again.  My wife has a niece who dang near had her reproductive system ruined for life by the “safe and FDA approved” Gardasil.  She was hardly alone. Even though she’s finally recovered from the worst of the debillitating syndrome Gardasil caused her, she will likely have reproductive difficulties her entire life.  It will be a miracle if there aren’t tens or hundreds of thousands of girls sterilized by this huge intake of hormones.