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Catholic reaction? Man goes ballistic at Orange Diocese Catholic climate conference August 12, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, awesomeness, Basics, different religion, disconcerting, episcopate, error, General Catholic, It's all about the $$$, Papa, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the return, the struggle for the Church.

I’m not sure about the way he handled it – outbursts like this probably tend to turn more people off than not, and he appears to lose his cool pretty badly – but I certainly can commiserate with the sentiment.  Note how most in the crowd just sort of maintain an embarrassed silence.

So the Diocese of Orange, CA hosted a climate conference on the heels of Pope Francis’ encyclical this past Saturday.  Someone shot a video of some of the proceedings, which took place in the mammoth cathedral complex the Diocese purchased from a former evangelical ministry.  This hideous structure, one of the most un-Catholic I’ve ever seen, boast a huge amount of office and meeting space, and it is there – not the cathedral, proper – that this conference took place.

There is much to be concerned about in the presentations.  The rather broad and in many respects unprecedented aspects of Laudato Si are clearly being promoted by many Church authorities as binding on conscience and something all Catholics must correspond their faith to.  I don’t know where most Church employees learn to speak, but they could sure stand a refresher course in how to engage an audience and make an impression.  The church-lady sister just drones on and on.  Of course, she had to greatly misrepresent St. Francis to help make her point.

Anyway, the excitement starts at ~11:30, where a man claiming to represent traditional Catholicism just unloads on the conference speakers.  I guess this was in a Q&A session.  He just unloads on a CRS representative for their involvement in funding abortion, contraception, and other immoral activities, then says something to the effect that the mission of the Church is the salvation of souls and not jumping on every sexular pagan bandwagon item that comes down the pike.  No argument with that from me. It then descends into a bit of a fracas over whether he’ll be removed or not.  I think the point rather got lost with the man’s composure, that the Church is an eternal institution founded by Jesus Christ for the salvation of souls, not just another damnable NGO sucking at the government (re: people’s) teat and advocating for the progressive consensus.  Conferences like this, which seem to receive much more commitment in terms of time and resources from the institutional Church than, say, opposition to contraception, divorce, or fornication, distress many souls who see the Church slipping into the irrelevance the eternal enemy has always desired.

Anyway, let me know what you think?  I give the man an 8 for intent, a 10 for passion, but a zero for execution.  Overall score: 6.

Oh, and now self-described Catholics are getting major media coverage advocating that to be Catholic, one must be a vegetarian, and that every purchase involves a moral decision, so you’re going to burn in hell forever for those leather shoes, you @%&*%%! heretic.

Even more, get on your knees and pray for holy mother gaia, before she lashes out in all her pagan fury and dooms us all!


Do you think this huge push has anything to do with the massive gravy train – estimated by some to exceed a trillion dollars per decade – involved in the environmental industry, and especially the global warming cult?  Governments worldwide spend billions per year funding “global warming awareness”…….I’m sure the German bishops, among others, would love to get a piece of that action.

Man it feels like 1977 all over again.


1. Baseballmom - August 12, 2015

Hard to hear what he was saying. Surprised by the large number of attendees. He would have been much more effective if he had calmly laid out his case for what is “the Mission of the Church” – he apparently had some supporters based on the applause at the beginning of his talk…. Rant? I understand fully his frustration, but he did not carry it out to the benefit of those present.

2. Dismas - August 13, 2015

Oh, man. This is too good. It reminds me of the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”. The clones in that movie have missed someone, but in the end they all unite to identify and finish him off.

If you thought zombies were fictional, you need to watch this clip. If you stomach the whole thing, you might have been “body snatched” yourself. If you cannot tolerate the drivel, fast forward to 11:15 where a gentleman, still possessed of faculties of reason and a sensus catholicus, shows himself to the zombie clones and is eliminated.

Granted, his style could be questioned, but I’m not sure how far a guy talking calm reason to a panel and a roomful of brain-dead progressives would get. He was destined to be shouted down one way or another.

Great stuff.

3. c matt - August 13, 2015

Vegetarian? Didn’t Jesus eat passover lamb?

Tantumblogo - August 13, 2015

Among other things. Vegans don’t eat fish, either, and yet we know Our Lord ate fish a great number of times.

4. Joseph D'Hippolito - August 13, 2015

“Do you think this huge push has anything to do with the massive gravy train – estimated by some to exceed a trillion dollars per decade – involved in the environmental industry, and especially the global warming cult? Governments worldwide spend billions per year funding “global warming awareness”…….I’m sure the German bishops, among others, would love to get a piece of that action.”


5. MFG - August 14, 2015

Didn’t God permit man to eat after the flood? And why ? the highly nutritious pre-flood plant life that sustained life was wiped out during the flood.

And why did the flood occur? Because of the sins of same sex unions the Jewish Talmud scholars tell us.

There is definitely a connection between sin and the climate/physical world.

We Catholics can have a traditional response to the whole climate debate and can answer their points without getting into conservative vs. liberal polemics. We just need to explore Genesis 1-12 deeply and develop the traditional social teachings of the Church. We can take back the. “Seamless garment ” propaganda from the leftists.

Maybe it’s time to organize a traditional teachings seminar on this.

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