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The Nightmare of 2020 Continues: Local Traditional Catholics Gird Your Loins for Heartbreaking News October 12, 2020

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Dallas Diocese, disaster, error, foolishness, FSSP, General Catholic, horror, Latin Mass, sadness, scandals, sexual depravity, shocking, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare, the enemy.
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[EDIT] – I substantially reworked the beginning of this post immediately after posting it.  It’s deliberately more circumspect than the initial version, due to my own re-consideration.

After the crushing news of a priest participating in vile acts upon the very Altar of Sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, I am heartbroken to relate that local Catholics, particularly those of a traditional bent, are facing revelations along a similar line.  I cannot go into details in public now about the specifics, but pray now for all involved, including ourselves.  Yet another cross to bear, for those who are already weighted down under a crushing load.  I provide this post simply as a warning to start praying now to steel your hearts for further bad news.

For now, Taylor Marshall rightly expresses his outrage over the revelations from Pearl River, LA.  I do not know if he is aware of the local scandal at this point, or not, but it seems to me that he might be, just based on a few things he says below.

Wheels have come off, and that right hard.  Something has gone very wrong, and many of the laity sense it.  Of course, much of this is due to the hierarchy’s generally cowardly response to COVID – heck, their cowardly leadership going back decades on essentially all matters of moral import.  How many dioceses are still shut down, or largely shut down?  How much Grace was missed from millions of Masses cancelled worldwide?  How many priests have been given, or forced to endure, far, far too much idle time in which satan can work his evil?

Lord, what is the deal with this two thousand and twentieth year of Your Incarnation?!?  Pray, let us not also be forced to bear the stealing of an election in this country, as we go through the most concentrated and bald-faced gaslighting campaign in world history!  Have mercy on Your people, Lord!  We know we have sinned, and continue to do so with a maniacal ferocity.  Please, may Your mercy exceed Your justified wrath at this nation and Church that have so obviously and deliberately turned their backs on You.  Please give us the strength to weather the coming storms.  Please may Your Grace keep us and our children in the Church in spite of all the failings of those who have been given the infinite gift of a clerical office.

The Left Targets a Venerable Institution, Invades It, Kills It, then Parades Around in its Dessicated Husk Demanding Respect October 25, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, episcopate, error, Francis, General Catholic, paganism, Revolution, sadness, secularism, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition.
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The future of the institutional Church?

How long do you think these pagans will permit the TLM to coexist in the “same church” as the one they hold hostage?

For those just coming to the realization of what Francis and his ilk are, and what they intend for the Church, well, many other Catholics felt just as scandalized and outraged after Assisi in 1986.  That event was what caused Archbishop Lefebvre to decide he must act to insure the perpetuation of the priestly society he had founded.  It was just as scandalous then, as this Amazonian sin-nod is today.

In other words……….

A lot of people have been very hard on the SSPX over the years.  For some, this hostility was based on ideology, for others, convenience, for a very few, true concern for their souls.  But I fear the vast majority of us who like to think we’re such faithful Catholics may have to make the very, very hard choice the “Lefebvrists” did back in the 70s and 80s – adhere to the true practice of the Faith, or retain the approbation of the institutional Church (I originally wrote Whore of Babylon, but thought that might seem a bit strong.  Ooops).  The Ecclesia Dei communities have been a very cozy middle ground for the past 30 years.  I don’t think those in charge of the Church today will see much use in permitting this coziness to go on for much longer, especially as the number of souls associating with traditional communities continues to explode in direct reaction to the ongoing anti-Catholic travesties in Rome.  Right now the traditional movement is still small enough for the old, out of touch men in Rome to ignore and hope will die a natural death, but for how long?  These guys are anything but blind to the threat we represent to their newchurch.  

Judge Returns Joint Medical Decision Making in Case of Coppell Boy Being Forcefully “Transitioned” into a Girl By His Mother [UPDATED] October 24, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, Domestic Church, error, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Many will be familiar with the heart-wrenching story of a young boy in North Texas who – it seems to many – is being forcefully turned into a girl by maternal pressure.  This entire situation is beyond belief, and indicates a society not just broken but so irreparably bereft of morals that its survival seems impossible.  The situation: a child conceived by a very late in life (age at conception: 49) professional woman (Dr. Anne Georgulas) using frankenmedicine to, quite possibly, frustrate or overturn the will of God, having herself implanted with fertilized eggs from another woman, since, apparently, she was by that point totally barren.  That child then being born into a highly dysfunctional family where the parents divorce.  That child, one of twin brothers, being so traumatized and manipulated he may have given some slight evidence of being gender confused (under, it seems, tremendous maternal pressure), and that tragedy adding infinite fuel to an already extremely bitter custody fight.  The “mother” using her vastly superior financial resources and a state oriented towards giving women every advantage in child custody issues – and, in addition, already wholly gone over to endorsing the most radical “transgender” propaganda, even in Texas – to insure the father (Mr. Jeffrey Younger) has little say in the development of his son.  The entire thing is a fireball nightmare straight from hell.

One thing I can say up front; thanks to his mother’s extreme leftism and desire both to virtue signal and provide a living sales totem for her medical practice, which focuses not just on pediatrics but “modern parenting,” which is such a loaded phrase anyone possessing a bit of sanity would know very well to stay very far away, it is almost certain that this young boy’s life has already been so traumatic that it will be a major miracle if he is not morally, emotionally, and spiritually ruined for life.  God can do all things and overcome all human evil, but such Divine intervention almost always requires tremendous cooperation with Grace, and the more broken a person is, the harder that cooperation is.  I have such immense sorrow in my heart for this child, and am having a hard time not feeling utter contempt for his frankenmom.

Advertisement on webpage of “mother’s” pediatric practice, featuring her forcibly transgendered son

There has been wall to wall coverage of this matter this week, since a jury – infected with what insanity I cannot imagine – concluded that frankenmom was somehow in the right and dad in the wrong, and awarded sole convertorship in terms of medical decisions for the boy.  The father opined that the jury was likely moved by numerous tales told by the “mom’s” attorneys of harassment she has, quite justifiably, received online and in real life as news of her abuse of this child has become widespread.  As justified as such outrage is, it is often, in cases like this, extremely counterproductive, garnering sympathy for people whose actions, by themselves, should leave them, practically speaking, as enemies of all decent people.

However, events quickly took a life of their own, as they tend to do in matters that arouse such passions, and after indications of additional intervention by the state (principally via Governor Greg Abbot and Senator Ted Cruz), the judge overturned the jury’s verdict, awarded the father some additional say in the medical and psychological care of his son (the details of which, and what it means for the poor boy at the center of this satanic maelstrom, being unclear at this point), but also imposed a gag order on the father, so that poor innocent Dr. Anne will no longer be bothered by people rather upset that she is utterly destroying a poor boy’s life.

That gag order is fairly unprecedented and may well be unconstitutional.  At least, the Texas solicitor general thinks so, and may challenge this order in court.  Given that it has only been the massive publicity this case has attracted that has given the father, and his son, even a shot at justice, the gag order could be extremely detrimental and, 6 months from now, with the order safely in place, any decisions made today can be reversed and the son put on all the drugs, surgeries, and brainwashing “counseling” sessions the mom could desire, to try to turn  young James into little “Luna” (which name……..are you kidding?  Could you pick a more starchild-esque, hippy-dippy name?).  So, this matter is far from over.

Now, some will try to say, but, the father is no prince!  He is not perfect, either!  There are allegations he overstated, as the couples were preparing to marry, his income, and that he has encouraged his son to remain a boy.  The first is supposed to make him an unreliable witness when he describes numerous instances of his wife’s abuse of his son, and the second is supposed to indicate he’s no more moral than he, because, as all good transgender rights activists know, humans are born neuter and are a total tabula rasa upon which outside forces alone create things like sexuality and personality.  This is, of course, not just wrong but insane, but, just as a majority of Americans were convinced over a period of 10-15 years of hardcore indoctrination via the media and other sources that people of the same sex can marry, a growing number of Americans today, under the same indoctrination, now believe this utter nonsense regarding sexuality and human development.  Because, science!  Or some similar idiocy.

If I were feeling even slightly ugly, I would say it doesn’t take much psychological understanding to grasp the picture pretty quickly – aged “she can have it all” type, finding the feminist materialism “ideal” she had pursued her entire life had left her hollow and empty, realizes, or convinces herself – too late – that what she needs to make herself feel happy and fulfilled is a child of her own, after years of caring for other’s children. I mean, having a child might make her feel as good as buying a new designer purse or a really sharp pair of shoes. She has one shot to reproduce through massive medical intervention, and is determined to have a girl.  But God doesn’t give a girl, he gives two boys.  Well, women like this do not take no for an answer.  Yass, slay kween!  You go girl and get whatever you want.  If a little boy and a father and a brother have to be completely wrecked to get it, well, that’s just their own fault for not realzing mom’s limitless narcissism and solipsism that mom is princess, a queen, and queens get whatever they want.

Truthfully, there have always been not just women, but people, like this, people who are so damaged, immoral, twisted – whatever – that they either cannot see or do not care what harm their actions cause others.  But not in 1000 years or more, at least in the West, has there been a society, a culture, that is predisposed to not only permit such destructive insanity, but to promote it.  This is exactly the fruit one would expect from a de-Christianized culture.  Indeed, we have been warned for centuries that this is exactly where the “enlightenment” (I call it the endarkenment) and all other excessively humanist, Christ-denying philosophies lead.  Ideas are unbelievably powerful, and they have consequences. The funny thing is, only those with the eyes to see this, feel the pain of the civilizational suicide ongoing all around us.

And this is a pretty damned good reason to go to a TLM parish, and to try to totally shield one’s spouse and children from all this corrupting, narcissistic evil.  If wanting to do that makes me weird, then I’d like to see what some people think “normal” is.

I pray for that poor boy, and the father and brother, and the “mother,” too.  She, too, has an eternal soul and will have to answer for her actions, and that is a reckoning no one would want to face.  Lord, have mercy on them all, tghere is no limit to the evil men will fall into when they reject You and Your Son.

You may think I’ve been a bit harsh, but I think Matt Walsh has been at least as strong on this matter as have I.  Some good videos below, if you are so inclined.  But first, Ace had this to say regarding frankenmom and her motivations:

“Joint custodianship means that father and mother are equal. But, as they disagree sharply and in a binary way (are we allowed to say this is a binary choice), the judge will actually cast the tie-breaking vote in all disputes.

Think she’ll do what judges almost never do and side with a man who is trying to make one more Cis Straight White Man — one more Future Oppressor — in the world?

Because I don’t. This looks like it’s full speed ahead for James’ mom to pursue her weird Muchausen-by-proxy/sexual Stage Mom/vengeance on her husband plan.”

Yep. That’s pretty much what’s going on.



Hundreds of poor afflicted souls who have allowed themselves to be convinced that they are somehow the “wrong sex” or gender or whatever, are coming forward seeking to return to their natural, God-given, biological sex.  God does not make mistakes.  He may give people certain crosses to bear, but they can all be born, and with aplomb, if we cooperate with Grace.  But the vast majority of people don’t want to do that; in fact, it’s the last thing they want to do.  Cooperation with Grace means admitting there is Something greater than you, and that you are not the center of the universe, and for many people in this infinitely twisted culture, that is too painful to admit.  So, they seek other alternatives, other ways of defining themselves that do not focus on God, and this transgender craze is just one of them:

From Promoting Error/Heresy to out n’ out Apostasy, the “Amazonian” Synod Takes Form October 10, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, cultural marxism, disaster, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, Revolution, scandals, secularism, sexual depravity, sickness, the struggle for the Church.
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We knew from the beginning – heck, from the beginning of this pontificate – that Francis and his band of elderly leftists would move to “modernize” the Church by attacking many of the dogmas and disciplines they and their generation have found most offensive – priestly celibacy, the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage, and the general moral beliefs of the Church (especially those associated with the 6th and 9th Commandments).  This sin-nod was ginned up on a false narrative (the people of the Amazon region ostensibly desiring certain exceptions for themselves with regard to Catholic moral doctrine), fabricated out of whole cloth on a fantastic basis, and made up of an overwhelming number of like-minded hardcore leftist/modernists (unworthy priests and prelates,  many probably plants from the days of the Soviet Union and its satellite states) which insured that the outcome was determined in advance.

Thus, the grave error and violation of discipline of rejecting priestly (and that of bishops, and probably even popes) celibacy was decided entirely in advance of this synod.  There is no debate, no real discussion.  The participants were chosen specifically for their  lock-step adherence to these manifest assaults on the very nature of the priesthood and the Church.  The synod is just a PR exercise and an attempt to give this violent assault on the Church a patina of respectability.  As one of its leading lights declared, this synod is also meant to approve female deaconesses and pave the way for false female priests.  Again, no discussion or debate.  This entire synod is a production of the German episcopal conference, which is funding it lock, stock, and barrel, and demanding its doctrinal outcome in advance.

But as this supposed synod has gone along over the past few days, it has become apparent that what this group of revolutionaries and Peronists has in mind is not “merely” the overturning of key disciplines and even certain doctrines/Dogmas, but an out and out apostasy against the Church herself.  Just a few samples from the past 2 or 3 days:

There was the pagan ritual held in the Vatican garden, in which Francis freely and happily took part, terminating with Francis offering the Pater Noster in Latin, of all things.  I’m amazed he knew it.

This was followed by subsequent pagan ceremonies within various Vatican City churches.  I must wonder whether this will not culminate with a pagan ceremony, featuring demons as objects of worship, within Saint Peter’s itself before this nightmare is over.

A handful of priests and prelates have vociferously objected to these heinous assaults against the Faith of Jesus Christ.   One of the most notable was (unfortunately, long-retired) Bishop Rene Henry Gracida of Corpus Christi, who described the pagan ceremonies mentioned above in these words:

The participation by Francis the Merciful in the pagan rites held in the Vatican Garden is further evidence of his lack of concern for the canonical penalties he is incurring by his repeated participation in heretical and even occult religious ceremonies forbidden to all Catholics, especially one who sits (invalidly ?) on the Throne of Peter. But then he does not seem to have let the excommunication incurred by him under the law of Universi Dominici Gregis bother him and so the penalties incurred by him with increasing regularity these days become easier to dismiss. A day of reckoning will come for him as it will for each of us.


+The Most Reverend Rene Henry Gracida

Adhuc multiplicabuntur in senecta uberi et bene patientes erunt
Ut adnuntient quoniam rectus Dominus Deus noster et non est iniquitas in eo

(Source: Private Correspondence with the Bishop)

Scene in a Roman church near the Vatican this week

As this synod goes on, it tends further and further from the promotion of specific errors/heresies and more and more towards outright apostasy.  Thus, it came as little surprise today that Francis was quoted by his long-time friend and extremist communist journalist Eugenio Scalfari as holding to the Arian heresy – Francis declared that Jesus Christ was just a man, and not Divine, a heresy settled in the earliest days of the Church:

“Those who, as it has happened many times with me, have had the luck of meeting him and speaking to him with the greatest cultural intimacy, know that pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, man, not God incarnate. Once incarnate, Jesus stops being a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross………..

“When I had the chance of discussing these sentences, Pope Francis told me: ‘They are the proven proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once having become a man, was, though a man of exceptional virtues, not at all a God.'”

Now, in the past, many have risen to defend Francis from the reporting Scalfari has made of his numerous interviews with Francis.  They have argued that Scalfari routinely misquotes Francis, or even makes up material out of whole cloth.

But as Rorate Caeli notes, why would Francis repeatedly return to a source that has ostensibly misquoted him over and over again? Why would the Vatican publish the contents of several of these interviews in official Vatican organs?  At the very least, it would appear that Francis is extremely imprudent, to the point of negligence, in using Scalfari to communicate any message of any kind.  Coupling these quotes with yet another non-denial denial from the Vatican PR team, and given the other radicalism and rejection of the Faith occurring during this Synod (most all of these Scalfari interviews have been timed to coincide with synods or other major events), many are now concluding this represents something approximating Francis’ real belief.  And in that case, we could have the first pope not merely to hold to some error on a fine point of theology, but to hold such massive errors, and so many, that they rise to the level of apostasy.  Even if Scalfari made up this statement out of whole cloth, where on earth is the vociferous denial from the Vatican?

It is all of a piece with this synod and this pontificate.  I find it incredibly difficult to believe, at this point, that all these scandals, and all these massive shifts in doctrine and practice are not pointing towards a systematic attack on the Church has shee has been construed lo these past 2000 years.

As Pope Pius X of blessed memory stated, modernism is the synthesis of all heresies.  Once a man falls into the heresy of modernism, there is no limit to the depths to which he will sink, or the errors he will hold.

In truth, though, the Church since Vatican II has been heading in this modernist/leftist/materialist/pagan direction almost uninterruptedly. There has been Assisi I, II, and III, hosted and happily promoted by both of Francis’ predecessors, the “stalwart defenders of the Faith” John Paul II and Benedict XVI.  Certainly, neither predecessor so attacked and poisoned the faith with such determination and apparent glee as Francis, but both did not only permit, but promoted numerous offenses against the pre-conciliar, perennial belief and practice of the Church, beliefs and practices generally settled for well over 1000  years prior to Vatican II and essential to the Church’s understanding of herself.

I used to think the modernists were after the protestantization of the Church, and perhaps the first generation around Vatican II was, but this current generation in power, consisting mostly of men formed in and around the time the revolution was most visibly active in the Church, appears to be after nothing short of the full-on replacement of Christ’s Holy Church with a demonic simulacra.  These men are not wreaking this devastation out of concern for souls. This is not some misguided pastoralism.  That’s the furthest thing from their minds.  They are doing it to try to force the Church to correspond to their own modernist, leftist, pagan, and wholly immoral beliefs and conduct.

They are, in many ways, the ecclesiastical equivalent of the US deep state, and seek the same broad ends – exaltation of their ideology and great wealth and power for themselves, and spiritual and material destitution for just about everyone else – especially those who reject their errors and their assumptions of authority.

And, my good readers, this is just getting started.  This is the beginning of the abomination of desolation becoming ascendant in Holy Mother Church.  As Our Lady said, we will have much to suffer.  Be strong, keep to the Faith, pray without ceasing, and implore God to have mercy on us and on His Church.  Pray especially the Rosary, and adhere to the Faith of our Fathers.  Buy all the good and holy books you can, especially those published by reliable sources and most especially those published prior to 1900 in the US and 1800 in Europe.  Find the best parish/priests you can and nail your foot to the floor if you must. Trust in God, but know that this, barring some unprecedented miracle, is the Passion of the Church, and it will be prolonged.

I pray I may be a fool shouting inanities to himself, and that I have totally misread the situation, but I believe we are better off having our eyes open, than to keep the blinders on and try to pretend that all is fine and normal in the Church, or that the hierarchy, put in place by God to guide souls to Heaven, have not gone disastrously off the rails.

A good summation of our present situation from Dr.’s Taylor Marshall and Tim Gordon, below:

A  photo of a woman suckling a dog – a DOG – in a Roman church.  That’s where these pagans want to go.

One potential good God may draw from this unprecedented crisis – and God almost always draw good even from the greatest evils – is that I increasingly believe Francis and his allies are going to push so far, so fast, that it is going to force a decision point for many souls who would otherwise have tried to go along with happy clappy Novus Ordo church for years to come.  I think if they try to ordain women as priests, there will be an enormous influx out of the Novus Ordo church and into the TLM, especially those parishes operated by explicitly traditional communities like the FSSP and SSPX.  The good would be that many, many more souls may be exposed to the traditional practice of the Faith.  The bad is that there is no way these men are going to leave the traditional communities alone for very long.  They will have to come to them, because the difference between what they are constructing, and the actual Catholic Faith, will be too vast to paper over or ignore.  The TLM communities will also pose an increasing threat to the man-made object these sad (largely) old and corrupt men are trying to sing into being (no matter how bad their song is, or their voices are).  That’s another thing to gird your loins for – the coming attack on the TLM.  But that’s a matter for another day.

So, if you wondered what I thought about Francis and the synod, now you know.  I am not declaring Francis a heretic or even a practical apostate, only that he gives every appearance of being one.  It is up to God to judge, and may He be merciful to me if, despite the mountains of evidence, somehow I err.

Voris Obliterates AmChurch, and Challenges those Blase’ Souls that Sustain It July 19, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Dallas Diocese, different religion, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, Revolution, secularism, sexual depravity, sickness, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil, Voris.
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Amchurch, Novus Ordo land, the Great Facade………..whatever one wants to call it, Michael Voris obliterates it in the video below (h/t to reader Dismas).

Sort of……..frankly, he doesn’t go far enough.  For Bernadin and McCarrick, Dearden and Hallinan, Hunthausen and Mahony, didn’t fall out of the sky and land in their cathedras.  They were chosen and assigned, by popes dating back to Pius XII in some cases.  These are the popes Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton, regarded by several traditonal priests as the greatest theologian this country has ever produced, described as the popes between Saint Pius X and Paul VI as “weak and liberal……..who have flooded the hierarchy with unworthy and stupid men.”  That is to say, Voris identifies two key sources of the crisis in the Church, so far as the United States is concerned, but as always fails to follow the line to its inevitable conclusion.  Fenton was not sede vacantist in the slightest, and the quoted words were private comments pulled from his personal diary after his death, but nevertheless he was openly critical of the papalotry of his time and would be even more so today.  This is where Church Militant continually fails.

It’s a very rough line to draw.  If I had their reach and audience, I, too, would be very careful in how far I went in describing the crisis in the Church and its source, but it rings a little hollow to absolutely excoriate the hierarchy in the United States and say not a word about those in Rome who have selected, empowered, and backed up that hierarchy in all its error and destruction not only in the United States but around the world.

And, of course, today we see the apotheosis – or at least it’s apotheosis thus far, his successor may be far worse, God forbid – of this trend in the dictator pope Francis.

Nevertheless, these reminders of the corruption at the heart of the Novus Ordo establishment are healthy and helpful.  I would love to know how Voris’ video is received by any souls long used to the Novus Ordo church, who believe it to be the normative mode of Catholicism – indeed, for millions, it is the only form they have ever known.  But I am skeptical that many converts will be made by this video.  Perhaps there will be some, and God bless them if they see the light and Michael Voris for all his hard work. But I have found that very few souls happily ensconced in low-demand, happy-clappy, kindergarten-class Novus Ordo land very open to serious critiques of what they know.  Some of the very hardest to reach are the older souls who remember the pre-Vatican II Church, and dutifully followed their mother down this wide path to destruction so many years ago.  Souls who were devout enough to remain faithful even as the Church turned against her very core, her very nature, have a very, very hard time admitting, in the twilight of their life, that any reseverations they had decades ago were well placed, and that the experiment in aggiornamento has been a complete and total failure.  Of course, some of these folks went along quite wilingly, in the spirit of that tragic decade, thinking they really were good and great enough to “sing a new church into being,” to summon a “new pentecost,” one even greater than the first.

Nevertheless, watching this caused me to reflect on that occasional good news that comes out of the Novus Ordo environment, of priests offering Mass in Latin or more Confession, or good assignments made.  I like to think these are positive developments, but if they keep people from making the leap to the TLM and a real traditional Catholic community where the Faith is preached and, to the degree it can be in this sewer of a culture, lived, then they may actually be counterproductive.  It’s possible my own experience, where all these things – more Confession (which I sorely needed and need), more authentic forms of the Liturgy, increasingly solid catechesis from priests as we moved from the “large suburban parish” to the very conservative oddball Novus Ordo parish on the outskirts of the Diocese – pushed me and mine inexorably towards a traditional Latin Mass community.  But that may not be everyone’s experience.  At the same time, I do not feel comfortable criticizing those who are trying, by their own lights, to improve the situation in their parish, and seeing occasional positive moves in that direction.

Another thing Church Militant misses, today – they didn’t used to, at one time they were very much going in the direction of publicly excoriating the ambiguous, deliberately murky, and even blatantly erroneous aspects of Vatican II – is just that.  They don’t get to the root errors that caused Vatican II to happen.  Not at the level of, like Archbishop Lefebvre, accusing the Council.  I’ve been trying to screw up the courage to do a long podcast review of two books, John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition by David Wemhoff, with a strong whiff of E. Michael Jones about it, and Desire and Deception by Charles Coulombe.  I’ll have to do it as a podcast, otherwise it’d be a 5000 word post I’d never get out.  Both books dwell on possibly the key aspect of the Faith, the practical rejection of which led inevitably to the crisis in the Church today – Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus – but one I think is a rather poor and even often misleading effort, and the other is much more spot on.  It’s a subject I’d really like to do proper justice to, so I pray I can finally get around to making a recording and posting it.

Cardinal Wuerl on the Lam in Rome? August 31, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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If true, they need to RICO the entire body of the USCCB:

They did it before with Cardinal Law.  That sodomite-protector never saw justice.  If the bishops try to bury even this much broader scandal, I think the federal and state criminal (not civil) floodgates will open, and they won’t close for 30 years.  It will brutalize the Church, drive even many of the few remaining souls away, but in the end it may be the way the Church gets purified.  We shall see.

I don’t think the bishops, and especially the Vatican, are reading the situation right at all in the US.  This is not 2002, nor 2005/6.  There is a whole different feeling, and it is one of cold rage.  This kind of thing doesn’t go away after a few turns of the news spin cycle.


Francis Is Wholly Owned by the “Homosexual” Mafia in the Clergy August 29, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, cultural marxism, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, Francis, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unadulterated evil.
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Just a couple of quick examples of how this is true, both from Life Site News.  Why was Cardinal Muller fired as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?  Because he actually tried to implement the Church’s canon law and procedures governing priests addicted to sodomy and abusing their favorite target, young barely pubescent boys (“twinks”).  That caused many of Francis’ closest friends and supporters in the Curia and global episcopal hierarchy to demand his ouster, and Francis was only too happy to oblige.

Secondly, Francis gave a very nice (and very much desired) Vatican apartment to a priest already known to be lost in the sins of sodomy and drug addiction, among others (a very, very prevalent phenomenon among those men who give themselves over to the sins of Sodom), even though Francis had been warned that this man was wholly unsuited for being a priest, let alone such a perk.  That man, Msgr Luigi Capozzi, was subsequently caught hosting a drug fueled sodomite orgy in that very same apartment – within the Vatican!  Absolutely nothing is sacred to men such as these.  And yet it is upon their support that Francis depends – and indeed, he seems quite happy to do as many favors for his friends as possible.

This priest was a creature of the unrepentant sodomite Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, who has a high ranking role at the Vatican and has spoken glowingly about the “benefits” of men sodomizing other men.  In fact, Capozzi was the Cardinal’s secretary.  Of course, this kind of behavior is almost universally learned.  I don’t think we need to guess from whom Msgr. Capozzi learned this kind of behavior.

Of course, those who have been following this pontificate have known all along that Francis his support primarily from among the lavender mafia in the Church, and that he both buried the detailed report on sodomotical activities of Italian clergy delivered to Pope Benedict in late 2012 (shortly before his resignation), and immediately rehabilitated and elevated to high positions several men long known to be addicted to these perverse acts, and the accompanying crimes that so often go hand in hand with the sodomy (as in, diabolical narcissism).  Of course, the story of Francis elevating the corrupt Msgr. Battista Ricca shortly after he became Pope is also very well known.  The Vatican Bank has been accused for years of being a source of money-laundering on a vast scale, and the ongoing inability to reform this slush fund for sodomites and their hangers on probably played a substantial role in Benedict’s tragic abdication.  It is also no accident that Francis made his infamous “who am I to judge?” comment, after being directly questioned about Ricca.  Nice way to get the media to forget an abusive and larcenous priest, by declaring yourself to be on their side in the great leftist struggle to destroy Christianity, and especially Christian morality.

Yes, many have known for quite some time just what Francis is, and who he is beholden to.  I think the best we can hope for is that these ongoing revelations – and their escape out of the faithful Catholic ghetto and into the broader world – will kneecap the rest of Francis’ efforts to destroy the Church utterly undo the moral edifice of the Faith.  He won’t resign.  Unless the faithful can bring unprecedented pressure to bear, and even then, it’s very much a long shot.  But if the monetary well dries up, these men who have entered the priesthood for their own prurient reasons will decamp for easier pickings in short order.


For the vast majority of the Church hierarchy, the Faith is just window dressing at the service of their politics August 29, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Endless Corruption, Francis, General Catholic.
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Pope Starts to Suspect He Might Be Anti-Christ August 28, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, disaster, Endless Corruption, episcopate, error, Francis, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, the struggle for the Church.
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Nah, he’s nowhere near that self-aware.  His attack dog Father Tom Rosica was out just yesterday blasting the most faithful Catholics – people who assist at Mass, materially support the Church with great generosity, practice charity, avoid sin, and in general lead respectable, pious lives – as hideous Pharisees in disguise.  The “real faithful” are those mired in sin, who “struggle” to adhere to conduct their lives in the manner Our Blessed Lord has revealed, and who often attack and undermine that conduct at every turn.  Virtue is replaced by vice in his upside down moral world. They aren’t even trying to hide their utter contempt for the Faith at this point – a very real sign of, if not being the anti-christ, per se‘, at least playing for the same team.

The below is from the Babylon Bee satirical site, but life caught up with satire real quick when the Bee posted yesterday that Pope would deal with sodomite boy rapists in the priesthood right after he tackles climate change, only to have sweet baby Blaise Cupich of Chicago come out with just that argument in defense of Francis today.  These guys have no idea how enraged the faithful are, and with what contempt they are increasingly held by the dwindling faithful and non-Catholics alike.  Feature or bug,  you decide:

VATICAN CITY—In a private moment of reflection after watching one of his cardinals state that the head of the Roman Catholic Church was too busy speaking about the environment, addressing migrant issues, and “carrying on the work of the church” to address victims of the Church’s horrific sex abuse scandal, the Pontiff suddenly realized he might actually be the eschatological Antichrist.

“Oh man,” he murmured as he took a good, hard look at himself in the mirror. “Too busy talking about the environment to care for those abused by the Church? That sounds so bad. I wonder if I’m actually the Antichrist. Or at least an antichrist, like the ones John wrote about.” He took a few minutes to think about it, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

Regarding McCarrick, former Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell, and their connections to this diocese, I meant to write in yesterday’s already very long post a most salient fact. For decades, Dallas was an ecclesiastical backwater in this country.  It was not a diocese that spawned a large number of bishops.  It tended to be a diocese where priests from other dioceses – often San Antonio, previously, New York or Chicago – would be sent as bishop to finish out their careers.  But that all changed under Farrell, who was most certainly one of McCarrick’s top proteges.  Dallas suddenly became a bishop-birthing diocese, with about 10 men either from this Diocese, or with strong ties to it, being named bishops in the past 5 years or so.  There is no chance this is accidental.  It is also, given what is now known about McCarrick’s extremely disproportionate, and deleterious, influence on the bishop selection process in this country, extremely troubling.  Most all of those men, especially those directly supported by McCarrick, have some degree of taint about them, fairly or unfairly (I tend to think, most certainly, the former).  Something to think about.

Kwasniewski and White on the True Nature of the Crisis in the Church August 22, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, catachesis, cultural marxism, disaster, episcopate, error, Francis, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition.
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Dr. Peter Kwasniewski of Wyoming Catholic College normally writes in measured, scholarly tones, always providing insightful commentary but not usually with a lot of polemic.  But he let fly with both barrels in a recent post at One Peter Five, from which I excerpt extensively below (admittedly, he claims to be quoting another, but approvingly).  Hilary White has been waging a vitriolic war of words against the tyranny of the Bergoglian papacy, and rightly so, for years.  She continues her excellent work with another strong piece also at One Peter Five.  I tie the two together and try to add a few contributions of my own, paltry though they are.

First up, Dr. K – no matter how bad you think the corruption/rot/heresy/perversion in the Church is, it’s almost certainly much, much worse, and will get still more so:

Most commentators do not begin to understand the true nature of the problem.

The ring of criminal Nancy Boys is the same ring that has been sedulously working for decades to undermine the integrity of the doctrinal, moral, sacramental, liturgical Church. These men – McCarrick, McElroy, Wuerl, O’Malley, Mahony, Cupich, Tobin, Farrell, Lynch, Weakland, Paglia, Maradiaga, their lovable mouthpiece James Martin, Thomas Rosica, and far too many others, including ones who have passed on to their eternal fate, such as Lyons, Boland, Brom – are the same ones who have destabilized and adulterated catechesis, theology, liturgy, and most obviously the Church’s commitment to the unchanging moral law, as we saw in the Amoris Laetitia debacle and all that surrounded and succeeded it. We must connect the dots and not pretend to be shocked when we see, for example, attempts under way to “re-interpret” Humanae Vitae through a false teaching on conscience, or to do away with clerical celibacy, or to introduce female deacons.

To treat the sins of this ring of conspirators as nothing more than a recrudescence of the sex scandals of the past would be to lose sight of their real enormity. These are not just men of bad moral character; they are apostates, and they are trying to remake the Church in the image of their own apostasy. The Church has been smashed up in front of our eyes in slow motion for decades and few can even begin to admit that we are now faced with a Church in actual smithereens. The Nancy Boys have conducted their campaign of demolition with a kind of imperial sway. It is not this or that aspect of the Church that is corrupt; the rot is now everywhere. It is a rot on which the McCarrick Ring still sups, like maggots feasting on a corpse. For this reason, to hear well meaning people say Bergoglio must impanel some investigative body to set things right is Alice in Wonderland lunacy. It’s like putting Himmler in charge of Nuremberg.

We do not need bishops engaging in public penance (although it’s a good idea for their souls and long overdue); we do not need episcopal investigations; we do not need new procedures and new policies. These are all cries for exculpation. Bishops beating their breasts and then going back to doing nothing about the manifest apostasy at the very heart of the Church will not solve matters. We need the apostates [and those who have enabled and covered for them, and also all the sodomites] identified, denounced, and removed. [And so the Church in the US would probably lose 90+% of its clergy at a shot, if all the moral perverts and manifest heretics were, by some miracle, removed from office.  Are we prepared for that?  I can really only speak to the Church in the US, but I understand that in many Western countries, and Latin America, the problem is even worse.  There might not even be 1% of the active priests who are not heretical, addicted to horrifically immoral sin, or both]We need a reaffirmation of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Faith. To clean up this mess, we have to clean up more than the scandal of homosexuality, with all of its attendant horrors. We have to denounce and reject the apostasy that powerful and influential homosexuals and their friends have insinuated into the Church over decades………

……….It is a package deal. This, above all, is what people need to see. The moral depravity, the doctrinal heresy, the liturgical devastation – all of it goes together. If you have the courage to follow each thread, you will find that any attack on one part of the Church, one aspect of her life, one component of her tradition, already is or will soon be bound up with an attack on the other parts, too. The real “seamless garment” is Catholicism taken in its totality. Either you have the whole or you can’t have any…….

……..The difference with the clerical sodomites is that they become professional apostates. It is not enough for them not to believe in the sacraments; they must make others not believe in them as well. They will not stop twisting and mutilating the Church until she blesses their sin, along with many other sins. To achieve their goals, they must wreak havoc on every last aspect of the Church. This is what the faithful must stop – forget about the contemptible bureaucracy of the USCCB with its well heeled lawyers and slick marketeers. We begin to stop the havoc by calling its source by its real name. McCarrick was not just a predatory sodomite, but an apostate, and all of his “brother bishops” who knew about the double life and still got their pictures taken with him [or concelebrated with him, because there is a school of theological thought that says that concelebration is a tacit admission of doctrinal conformity with the celebrant, which is one of many reasons why traditional priests abhor the practice and refuse to condone it], laughing away at the latest wool pulled over the people’s eyes – you know, the ones who are putting out videos about how unfortunate this is, what a mess, and, you know, it isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be – these are all apostates, too. They’re company men with company cars, driving in a long line to their own burials at the ecumenical cemetery…………

………The Catholic Church is being rocked to its foundations by a scandal of Modernist apostasy of staggering proportions. We are in “2+2 = 5” territory, and the “conservative” apologists have no real response to that, which is why they insist on treating the McCarrick business as a sex scandalThey are more concerned about a mendacious, ramshackle, unaccountable episcopate than they are about the deposit of the faith under daily assault, as it has been ever since the progressive European bishops maneuvered into control of the Second Vatican Council, strewing ambiguities and half-truths in its documents and dominating its implementation, particularly in the liturgical sphere – all of which has led us straight into the cesspool of iniquity and heresy in which we are stewing.

But where does this go? What do they ultimately want?  That is what Miss White tells us, and very clearly, almost prophetically, to extend her analogy:

What is the Bergoglian Paradigm about? It is about a new religion, and specifically a religion that falsifies, negates, contradicts, denies, and abominates the old religion. It is about the complete reversal of all that God has taught mankind, not only since the dawn of the Christian era, but from the beginning. If the Bergoglian Negation is true, then everything we have believed, not for 2,000 years, but since the time of Abraham, indeed since the time of the promise to Eve, is false. Every miracle, every promise, every covenant, every expression of love of God for us was all a lie……….

…….Why? Because the Bergoglians tell us not to repent, not to turn away from sin. They tell us that God will not save, will not lend you strength. They tell us even that sin is good. It is a counsel of despair; it tells you that you are helpless in your sins, that no God is coming to save you, that His grace is insufficient for you, that you are ensnared in depravity and can never escape, never hope for holiness, never hope for salvation.

And that only humanity, only their leftism, only the communist utopia, can “save” you, and that you may as well have as much “pleasure” in this life as possible, as this is the only one there is.  That is what these men have been telling themselves, every day and practically every minute, for decades now. Misery loves company.  They want to drag everyone down to their level, ESPECIALLY those who have, by some miracle, managed to maintain true Faith over the past several insanely painful decades.

But these kinds of men have come before, and God has defeated them.  The Catholic Church has appeared broken and defeated, only to experience miraculous turnarounds.  In the mid-11th century, the popes had been  under the thumb – to the point of being named/appointed and even in some sense “consecrated” by them – of the Roman “nobility” and “Holy” Roman Emperor for 250 years. This is the period when a 16 yo boy was appointed pope and proceeded to live a most scandalous and profligate life, dying of acute cirrhosis when he was only 24 or so. Most priests and bishops were 2nd, 3rd, or 5th sons of petty lords who only used their positions as clergy to enrich themselves while they married, fornicated, drank, engaged in piracy and brigandage, and left the people to starve, spiritually.  Only here and there were there isolated locations where the Faith was actually maintained and practiced, and those very few.  But it was enough.  God managed to get a man, Hildebrand, appointed as St. Gregory VII and the entire enterprise, the whole edifice, was turned around in just 2-3 decades.  Problems remained, but the Church of the 12th and 13th centuries – admitted by all as the most Catholic in history –  was created immediately after these periods of near total collapse and disaster.

I say that so people do not become hopeless, but at the same time, I feel, for a variety of reasons, that the current crisis/mass apostasy is the most dangerous, yet, because it is the most efficient, systematic, and organized the Church has yet faced.  I think it is far more organized than anyone knows.  And it is not done, yet.  Even should we, by some small stroke of God’s will, be freed of Bergoglio, his replacement may well be worse.  This may go on for many decades to come, until they believe they have sucked the Church dry of all benefit it could provide them, or some great saintly reformer comes along to start the process of setting things right.

I know these are not exactly huge revelations to this crowd.  Heretics took over the human aspect of the Church, including the clergy, perhaps as divine retribution for the Church’s institutional embrace of usury via the IOR/Vatican Bank*.  But keep the Faith.  Find the best Mass/priest  you can and cling to them with all your might.  As Bear says, nail your foot to the floor if you have to.  Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus still applies, even though the institutional Church has not only lost its mind but appears demonically possessed.  It is still Christ’s Church and that is still His Body in the Blessed Sacrament.  Plus, as they say, living good is the best revenge, well, staying holy and keeping faith is the best way to deny this evil cohort the victory they desire.

*-has anyone else seen/heard this claim, that Vatican Bank/IOR activities have constituted sin of usury since the concordat with Mussolini in 1929, which transformed the Holy See from debtor mini-state to extremely wealthy and influential state?  Didn’t Malachi Martin argue this, that the Vatican had prior to Pius XI always held aloof from global financial markets due to refusal to charge interest for money or accept interest on money (as these constituted grave sins of usury, even worse than murder) and was thus impoverished from the late 18th to the early 20th centuries, but that the concordat and subsequent creation of the Vatican Bank rendered the Vatican spectacularly wealthy but required they engage in usurious practices?  And this is where all the trouble really started, as it instantly caused rapidly spreading corruption?  Thoughts?  I read the theory in this book, which seems to rely quite a bit on Malachi Martin.