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Wonderful Local Catholic/Patriot Needs Your Prayers September 18, 2020

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, Basics, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church.
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It has been my great privilege over the past few years to become friends with my neighbor Steve Porter, owner of Porter’s Army Navy Store in Irving, a place frequented by many local Catholics, including a number of priests and brothers.  The Porters are wonderfully devout Catholics, and as with many souls the Lord loves, they have had their share of crosses to bear.  Quite possibly, more than their share.  They are also incredible patriots, still performing annual fundraisers on Veteran’s Day to provide hundreds of boxes of goodies for servicemembers stationed in conflict zones overseas (for nearly 20 years now).

Steve is a great guy and has been enduring a number of health problems in this dread year of 2020.  He is suffering from some acute difficulties right now. If you could, in your charity, pray for him, you can be assured of many prayers in return.  Thank you and God bless you for your act of virtue.

Catholic Musical Great Eric Genuis to Perform in Irving September 18-19, 2020 September 18, 2020

Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Interior Life, Restoration, sanctity, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I’m not dead, though this blog may as well be.  In a desperate to attempt to recussitate it*, Eric Genuis is coming to Irving to give a FREE concert at the RBR Muzik School in Irving, Texas (3248 Skyway Cir N, Irving, TX 75038) on Friday, September 18th, and Saturday, September, 19th.  There will be two concerts on the 19th.  See below for details.  The concert is free but donations are gratefully accepted for Eric’s charity, Concerts for Hope, a 501(c)3 charity.


An RSVP is required at the number above to attend, thanks to the ongoing cultural hysteria/desperate ploy brought to us by the Left and their ChiCom overlords called COVID-19/Kung Flu.  The 5pm concert is geared for children/teens but kids are welcome at any performance.  I doubt Mr. Genuis requires much introduction to this readership, but if you’ve never been to an Eric Genuis concert, this is an excellent opportunity to see a top-notch, world-class musician and composer in action.  It’s also a great opportunity for a classy night out with the wife, maybe for the first time in months, while enjoying edifying music and solid Catholic spirituality. I have it on good authority that Mr. Genuis strongly prefers the TLM whenever possible.

All the other culturally enriching high-brow forms of entertainment have been closed for months so take this opportunity to enjoy some live entertainment with a good Catholic in a pleasant environment.  It’s also a good way to stick it to the leftists who are desperately trying to steal an election by terrifying the public into compliance.  I keep thinking more and more of the title of Metallica’s 1983 album.

*- As for the inference, I’m just kidding, this was just a fortuitous opportunity to try to electroshock the blog back into existence.  Dr. Cal Brackett says, 400 watt-seconds, stat!

Judge Returns Joint Medical Decision Making in Case of Coppell Boy Being Forcefully “Transitioned” into a Girl By His Mother [UPDATED] October 24, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, Domestic Church, error, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Many will be familiar with the heart-wrenching story of a young boy in North Texas who – it seems to many – is being forcefully turned into a girl by maternal pressure.  This entire situation is beyond belief, and indicates a society not just broken but so irreparably bereft of morals that its survival seems impossible.  The situation: a child conceived by a very late in life (age at conception: 49) professional woman (Dr. Anne Georgulas) using frankenmedicine to, quite possibly, frustrate or overturn the will of God, having herself implanted with fertilized eggs from another woman, since, apparently, she was by that point totally barren.  That child then being born into a highly dysfunctional family where the parents divorce.  That child, one of twin brothers, being so traumatized and manipulated he may have given some slight evidence of being gender confused (under, it seems, tremendous maternal pressure), and that tragedy adding infinite fuel to an already extremely bitter custody fight.  The “mother” using her vastly superior financial resources and a state oriented towards giving women every advantage in child custody issues – and, in addition, already wholly gone over to endorsing the most radical “transgender” propaganda, even in Texas – to insure the father (Mr. Jeffrey Younger) has little say in the development of his son.  The entire thing is a fireball nightmare straight from hell.

One thing I can say up front; thanks to his mother’s extreme leftism and desire both to virtue signal and provide a living sales totem for her medical practice, which focuses not just on pediatrics but “modern parenting,” which is such a loaded phrase anyone possessing a bit of sanity would know very well to stay very far away, it is almost certain that this young boy’s life has already been so traumatic that it will be a major miracle if he is not morally, emotionally, and spiritually ruined for life.  God can do all things and overcome all human evil, but such Divine intervention almost always requires tremendous cooperation with Grace, and the more broken a person is, the harder that cooperation is.  I have such immense sorrow in my heart for this child, and am having a hard time not feeling utter contempt for his frankenmom.

Advertisement on webpage of “mother’s” pediatric practice, featuring her forcibly transgendered son

There has been wall to wall coverage of this matter this week, since a jury – infected with what insanity I cannot imagine – concluded that frankenmom was somehow in the right and dad in the wrong, and awarded sole convertorship in terms of medical decisions for the boy.  The father opined that the jury was likely moved by numerous tales told by the “mom’s” attorneys of harassment she has, quite justifiably, received online and in real life as news of her abuse of this child has become widespread.  As justified as such outrage is, it is often, in cases like this, extremely counterproductive, garnering sympathy for people whose actions, by themselves, should leave them, practically speaking, as enemies of all decent people.

However, events quickly took a life of their own, as they tend to do in matters that arouse such passions, and after indications of additional intervention by the state (principally via Governor Greg Abbot and Senator Ted Cruz), the judge overturned the jury’s verdict, awarded the father some additional say in the medical and psychological care of his son (the details of which, and what it means for the poor boy at the center of this satanic maelstrom, being unclear at this point), but also imposed a gag order on the father, so that poor innocent Dr. Anne will no longer be bothered by people rather upset that she is utterly destroying a poor boy’s life.

That gag order is fairly unprecedented and may well be unconstitutional.  At least, the Texas solicitor general thinks so, and may challenge this order in court.  Given that it has only been the massive publicity this case has attracted that has given the father, and his son, even a shot at justice, the gag order could be extremely detrimental and, 6 months from now, with the order safely in place, any decisions made today can be reversed and the son put on all the drugs, surgeries, and brainwashing “counseling” sessions the mom could desire, to try to turn  young James into little “Luna” (which name……..are you kidding?  Could you pick a more starchild-esque, hippy-dippy name?).  So, this matter is far from over.

Now, some will try to say, but, the father is no prince!  He is not perfect, either!  There are allegations he overstated, as the couples were preparing to marry, his income, and that he has encouraged his son to remain a boy.  The first is supposed to make him an unreliable witness when he describes numerous instances of his wife’s abuse of his son, and the second is supposed to indicate he’s no more moral than he, because, as all good transgender rights activists know, humans are born neuter and are a total tabula rasa upon which outside forces alone create things like sexuality and personality.  This is, of course, not just wrong but insane, but, just as a majority of Americans were convinced over a period of 10-15 years of hardcore indoctrination via the media and other sources that people of the same sex can marry, a growing number of Americans today, under the same indoctrination, now believe this utter nonsense regarding sexuality and human development.  Because, science!  Or some similar idiocy.

If I were feeling even slightly ugly, I would say it doesn’t take much psychological understanding to grasp the picture pretty quickly – aged “she can have it all” type, finding the feminist materialism “ideal” she had pursued her entire life had left her hollow and empty, realizes, or convinces herself – too late – that what she needs to make herself feel happy and fulfilled is a child of her own, after years of caring for other’s children. I mean, having a child might make her feel as good as buying a new designer purse or a really sharp pair of shoes. She has one shot to reproduce through massive medical intervention, and is determined to have a girl.  But God doesn’t give a girl, he gives two boys.  Well, women like this do not take no for an answer.  Yass, slay kween!  You go girl and get whatever you want.  If a little boy and a father and a brother have to be completely wrecked to get it, well, that’s just their own fault for not realzing mom’s limitless narcissism and solipsism that mom is princess, a queen, and queens get whatever they want.

Truthfully, there have always been not just women, but people, like this, people who are so damaged, immoral, twisted – whatever – that they either cannot see or do not care what harm their actions cause others.  But not in 1000 years or more, at least in the West, has there been a society, a culture, that is predisposed to not only permit such destructive insanity, but to promote it.  This is exactly the fruit one would expect from a de-Christianized culture.  Indeed, we have been warned for centuries that this is exactly where the “enlightenment” (I call it the endarkenment) and all other excessively humanist, Christ-denying philosophies lead.  Ideas are unbelievably powerful, and they have consequences. The funny thing is, only those with the eyes to see this, feel the pain of the civilizational suicide ongoing all around us.

And this is a pretty damned good reason to go to a TLM parish, and to try to totally shield one’s spouse and children from all this corrupting, narcissistic evil.  If wanting to do that makes me weird, then I’d like to see what some people think “normal” is.

I pray for that poor boy, and the father and brother, and the “mother,” too.  She, too, has an eternal soul and will have to answer for her actions, and that is a reckoning no one would want to face.  Lord, have mercy on them all, tghere is no limit to the evil men will fall into when they reject You and Your Son.

You may think I’ve been a bit harsh, but I think Matt Walsh has been at least as strong on this matter as have I.  Some good videos below, if you are so inclined.  But first, Ace had this to say regarding frankenmom and her motivations:

“Joint custodianship means that father and mother are equal. But, as they disagree sharply and in a binary way (are we allowed to say this is a binary choice), the judge will actually cast the tie-breaking vote in all disputes.

Think she’ll do what judges almost never do and side with a man who is trying to make one more Cis Straight White Man — one more Future Oppressor — in the world?

Because I don’t. This looks like it’s full speed ahead for James’ mom to pursue her weird Muchausen-by-proxy/sexual Stage Mom/vengeance on her husband plan.”

Yep. That’s pretty much what’s going on.



Hundreds of poor afflicted souls who have allowed themselves to be convinced that they are somehow the “wrong sex” or gender or whatever, are coming forward seeking to return to their natural, God-given, biological sex.  God does not make mistakes.  He may give people certain crosses to bear, but they can all be born, and with aplomb, if we cooperate with Grace.  But the vast majority of people don’t want to do that; in fact, it’s the last thing they want to do.  Cooperation with Grace means admitting there is Something greater than you, and that you are not the center of the universe, and for many people in this infinitely twisted culture, that is too painful to admit.  So, they seek other alternatives, other ways of defining themselves that do not focus on God, and this transgender craze is just one of them:

No, You Cannot “Partially Confess” Mortal Sins……. September 28, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, different religion, disaster, Domestic Church, error, General Catholic, horror, Interior Life, paganism, Revolution, Sacraments, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.
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…….and the matter addressed in this post raises major issues with Novus Ordo Church.

I initially used the Youtuber’s name in the post, but went through and removed it, since it’s not really the point.

There is a particular Youtube channel with a particular female “host.” This woman formerly lived in Seattle and now lives in the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, area.  She’s what’s called a “based” or “red-pilled” Youtuber, which means she strongly rejects leftist social justice warrior ideology and adheres much more to conservative viewpoints.  In fact, she plays at being attracted to fascist ideologies at times.  I’m not sure how serious that attraction is, most of my viewership of her material comes through the weekly livecasts she does with another Youtuber.

In many respects she’s great.  She’s very conservative and we align on a number of points.  In spite of these many points of agreement, however, like Michael Knowles, there is a serious problem with her attitude regarding the Church and the moral law Christ has given to guide us in this life, be pleasing to Him, and enable us to spend eternity worshipping Him in Heaven..  Like so many of us, this fair haired woman has a lot of baggage.  Lord knows, I do, too.  I’ve been pretty open about that over the years.  One thing I have striven most mightily to do is to conform myself to the mind of the Church in all aspects of my life of which I am aware.  This does not mean I have succeeded in all fronts, but I continue to try.

In this day and age, however, that can be a difficult thing to do.  What should be the simplest, most straightforward thing in the world – for Catholics to know the moral law and live in accord with it (I didn’t say easiest) – has become a labyrinthe of difficulty, due to the error and outright heresy rife in the Church of the past 100 years or so, extending in recent times right to the highest level.  While the Doctrine of the Faith is still out there to be found by souls who are willing to put forth the effort – in books, on website, at traditional parishes, etc – there is a huge mass of error to lead poeple astray, and especially to tempt them in the most trying (marriage, chastity, procreation) aspects of their lives to find the wide, easy road to destruction, instead of the hard, narrow way our Blessed Lord told us would be our lot if we chose to take up our cross and follow Him.

All I say below has been publicly revealed by this Youtube personality herself, so I am not revealing any confidences. This woman is married to a non-Catholic.  She was married outside the Church.  As she became much more conservative over the past several years, she began to feel an attraction towards the Church again.  From what she has said, her initial return to the Church was to the SSPX. I am guessing this is the Immaculate Conception priory the SSPX has near the Washington/Idaho border. Upon approaching the priests there regarding regularzing her marriage and being able to receive the Sacraments, as she terms it, she was told that she would have to wait 6 months in order to have her marriage reviewed and the process of investigation completed.  During that time, she would have to remain chaste with her husband, living as brother and sister.  Now, this Youtuber is in her early 30s and is attempting to conceive her first child.  She has been married for at least a few years.

This was undoubtedly a huge cross to bear. I asked some local priests about this period of continence, and they indicated that it seemed rather longer than their experience indicated but that each case was different, and not knowing the particulars it was difficult to comment.  They absolutely agreed that this woman and her husband would need to live as brother and sister until the marriage was made right in the eyes of God and Holy Mother Church, and that she could not receive Communion during this waiting period, either.  It should be noted that, prior to the 1950s, getting a sacramentally invalid marriage to a non-Catholic validated was all but impossible. Whether such marriages should even be available for validation is a huge question, one which I won’t go into at this time.

The Youtuber was not amenable to this direction, done for the good of her soul, and that of her husband’s, I’m sure.  She sought out a Novus Ordo parish, my guess would be St. Thomas the Apostle because she described this as a relatively conservative and orthodox parish.  There are only two or three Novus Ordo parishes in the area, and this one is definitely the most orthodox by all appearances.  Apparently, from what she has said, this parish somehow regularized her marital situation, or gave her some kind of leave to continue to live as husband and wife while the matter was being resolved (and allowing her to receive the Sacraments). After discussing this situation on their Youtube livestream, I reached out directly to this woman and I suggested she seek out the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter parish in the area, because I feared that she may have been getting some worldly, feel-good kind of direction that is all too common in the Novus Ordo world.  I do not know if she contacted good Father Gordon up there, but she did say she was going to Mass and receiving Sacraments and seemed satisfied.

Now, I have no knowledge of the details, so perhaps this resolution of her non-sacramental marriage was perfectly legitimate.  But I was concerned that this could be evidence of the kind of extremely lackadiasical attitude towards the Sacraments and their right administration that is all too common in essentially all Novus Ordo parishes.  Subsequent events gave strong evidence of this.  The Youtubing woman related that as she had been away from the Church for years, she had accumulated numerous sins, including a number of mortal ones, and that confessing these was difficult.  She stated that the priest of this parish had advised that she could just confess one or two as she felt moved to do at each Confession, and then continue to receive Communion as she gradually went through her history of sins.  She indicated this was the course she was following.

This is obviously a grave offense against God and His Church, and is an absolutely disastrous pastoral practice.  Objectively speaking, every one of these Confessions has been invalid, devoid of the Grace of reconciliation with God, and each subsequent reception of the Blessed Sacrament has been unspeakably sacrilegious.  Now, the Youtuber received absolutely disastrous direction from her priest, so I’m not certain how much guilt accrues to her, and how much to him, but the entire situation is a catastrophe.  If she becomes aware of this grave offense against God, she would have to go re-confess all these sacrilegious confessions and all the other, original mortal sins, besides. What a nightmare.

And this brings me to the point of this post.  If I am right about the parish in question, by all external appearances it looks like a quite faithful, orthodox parish.  There is frequent public Rosary and Confession most days.  It could be she attends the other parish in Coeur d’Alene, St. Pius X (please don’t harrass either parish since I/we don’t know with certainty).  But either way, this situation highlights something I have learned at great cost over the past decade or so – that, one priest aside, there are virtually no Novus Ordo priests in this country who can be relied upon in every situation, no matter how difficult, to adhere to the Doctrine of the Faith and guide souls along these ancient, constant lines. Even in seemingly conservative/faithful Novus Ordo parishes/chapels, I have universally encountered error to one degree or another, with the exception of one priest, Father Paul Weinberger.  He is a rock.  But even in Hanceville, when Mother Angelica was still alive, I got some very unfortunate direction in the confessional, which fortunately I knew better than to follow.  There are other priests in the Novus Ordo church that I believe are also quite solid, like Father Ryan Erlenbush, but I do not have enough direct personal knowledge to confirm.  If you have such a priest, thank God, for you are truly fortunate.

The seemingly very quick and convenient, with little or no moral consequence, regularization of the sacramentally invalid marriage was frankly a huge warning sign.  But this matter of the advice given with regard to Confession is beyond the pale, and puts the woman’s soul in the gravest of jeopardy.  I have spoken with several priests on this matter – confidentially, of course  – and all were utterly aghast at this hideous direction.

It is a tragedy, but is one of the strongest reasons why I now pretty much advocate exclusively for souls to avail themselves of priests of traditional priestly societies if at all possible (up to an including driving an hour or so each way if possible), or of priests offering the TLM in the next case.  If absolutely no TLM is available, especially from a society of men deliberately formed according to the constant belief and practice of the Faith, search out the best priest you can find, but I think in such a case you have a particular duty to exert great effort to form yourself in the Faith to the degree that you will not be influenced by poor catechesis and destructive direction.

It just reinforces my growing opinion that the future of the Church is entirely in her past.  She must return to herself in all ways, most especially those related to the moral virtues and the Liturgy.  That’s not just about saving souls.  It’s about giving God the glory He deserves.


Excellent Priest on the Fruits of Feminism – UPDATED July 7, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, fightback, General Catholic, Grace, Interior Life, priests, Restoration, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Not sure if I am allowed to ID this priest or not, but I can say he’s one of my two favorite, most rock-solid FSSP priests a priest who gave a great sermon but not the one I was thinking of!  He sure sounds like an FSSP priest I know.  Oh well, humans gonna err.

He has an excellent sermon on the evils of feminism.  The key point is that the radical, man-hating, Christ-despising feminism we see today is the inevitable end-point of this erroneous and frankly diabolical movement.  There was never a “good feminism.”  It was always ordered towards subverting the role of men and women and essentially having the two sexes flip those roles.  You could say that feminism has always been much more a female supremacy movement than one interested in any kind of true equality – as if the God-given and traditional Christian roles of the sexes were somehow unequal.  They were only “unequal” in a totally materialistic and power-dynamic obsessed sense, the kind marxists would tend to grab onto.

There are those who argue that while “some” feminists take the movement too far, feminism at its roots is a good thing, and something it is perfectly acceptable to subscribe to.  I believe Father demonstrates the falsity of this claim.  At any rate, even if there are still some who consider themselves “moderate feminists,” only interested in some self-defined notion of equality and not at all like the radical fringe, the point is immaterial from a practical standpoint.  For 50 years or more feminism as a movement has constantly been dominated by its most radical fringe, and those who pretend to subscribe to only its more moderate aspects are giving valuable aid and comfort to this radical fringe.  Thus, feminism is something that no well-ordered and virtuous Catholic woman or man can subscribe to.

And why would you want to?  How does feminism help you or anyone you love get to Heaven?  The traditional Christ-inspired roles for men and women are completely focused on just that end, men and women helping each other, in constant practice of virtue, to attain Heaven, especially within the confines of marriage but also without.  All the evidence I have seen indicates feminism can do nothing but frustrate the good and holy purpose of rightly-ordered male-female relationships.

Please pray for Father that he may not be persecuted for preaching the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church in this most diabolical time, and that many will not just hear, but listen, to his words:

Feminism’s fruits are not just widows and orphans, but also hundreds of millions of murdered babies worldwide, and God knows how many broken marriages and devastated homes.


Please Pray for Greg Latz June 25, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Holy suffering, Interior Life, Revolution, sadness, sanctity.
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A quick (if delayed) post for reader Tim, who knows a man stricken with cancer who then developed various complications he nearly died from.  He is very weak and has a long road ahead of him, not least of which will involve further treatment for the cancer.  The man’s name is Greg Latz and he is a father and head of a large family and, I am told, a quite devout Catholic.  Please, if you would, in your charity, pray for his him and his family and loved ones.

Thank you!

I continue to be in a delicate situation with regard to el trabajando and this blog but I am going to try to put out something from time to time if I possibly can.  This notice is weeks late but I pray it is better late, than never.

So do you think Kurt Schlichter is right, that the divide in this country and leftist extremism must, almost of necessity at this point, end in violence?  David Harsyani also had some interesting thoughts on the growing insanity (leftists transferring their abhorrent online behavior into real life).  My wife doesn’t like to hear about this stuff.  She will, to a quite limited point, but overall she doesn’t want to have to think about it.  How bad can it get in Irving, Texas, after all?

Worse than she hopes, I fear.  We shall see. Stock up on most everything.  Keep your powder dry.  God bless you all.  I miss conversing with you.

Dominus vobiscum!

Joseph Sciambra’s Inspiring, Heartbreaking Tale of Leaving the “Gay” Lifestyle May 15, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, sanctity, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, Virtue.
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Folks, I won’t be able to blog much anymore.  Even the little I have done has been too much for the powers that be.  I have to be careful what I say, as it is being watched by the people I work for.  So posting will be light and infrequent for the foreseeable future.

However, I saw these video interviews of Joseph Sciambra and felt compelled to share them.  For those who do not know, Joseph Sciambra was deeply involved in the perverse lifestyle of men using other men for sexual gratification for a number of years.  He went so far as to become involved in extreme acts I won’t go into, as well as prostitution and, I believe, appearing in some pornographic films.  But, through a miracle of Grace, he was able to escape his sins and develop a life of virtue and continence.  He has a website here.

The interviewer is a priest, Fr. Peregrino, who features in a number of sermons on Sensus Fidelium, who also posted this excellent interview.

Mr. Sciambra raises a number of excellent points.  One of the key themes is for fathers to love their sons in an appropriate, demonstrative, supportive way.  Hugging your son, letting him know that he always has your love and support, and demonstrating through frequent involvement in numerous activities, not only “manly” ones but even simple things like playing with him or reading to him, are hugely important for helping insure your son does not become one of the few who may fall into this most destructive, most difficult to escape lifestyle.  He rightly notes that not all boys who grow up with absent/distant or any other kind of “problematic” father will fall into this lifestyle, but some will, and that at root the problem of male homosexuality is one rooted in failed father-son relationships (the causes of the female variety are more varied).  Interestingly, however, Mr. Sciambra does not believe anyone is “born gay.”  He also rightly states that the true number of male “homosexuals” is 1-2% of the male population, and that many of these men, including himself, are at varying times and under different circumstances attracted to, and have relationships with, women.  But this we already knew.

Another point I found illuminating was the role the traditional practice of the Faith played in Mr. Sciambra’s conversion.  The Traditional Mass was very important in this, with its structure and its clear communication of numerous aspects of our belief, but the entire traditional practice of the Faith was instrumental in his conversion.  First of all – and I mentioned this interview was both inspiring and heartbreaking – it is in the TLM environment that Mr. Sciambra most found those priests who were willing to call the sins he had spent decades ensconced in just that – sins. He relates that on many occasions he had gone to Confession at Novus Ordo parishes and was told by priests that his inclination towards and commission of sodomy and other gravely immoral acts constituted no sin at all.  He was just “being himself.”  They might gently nudge him towards finding “one partner” to settle down with – apparently ignoring the fact that even “monogamous, committed” relationships between men almost invariably feature constant sex acts with others – but that was the most he would hear.  One must wonder how many of these priests were justifying their own sins and inclinations in this refusal to call sodomy, one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, what it is.

It is also in the TLM and in the traditional practice of the Faith that Mr. Sciambra found a philosophy, a moral code, and a set of practices that were rigorous enough to satisfy his craving for masculine affirmation, a sort of set of rubrics for conducting oneself as a moral man.  This need is, when not totally ignored, almost always disparaged as “toxic masculinity” and other epithets in this sick and twisted age, but it is a real and important factor.  This huge craving for a firm moral order and the assertion of responsibility and duties over rights and unfulfilling, hedonistic “pleasure” is a major reason for the phenomenal success of Dr. Jordan Peterson, but he, sadly, only gives part of the truth almost all of us, but especially young men, need to hear these days (and it is also a truth mixed in with a certain measure of error, error that has the potential to derail Peterson’s followers off the road of upright living and back into the endless cul de sac of humanistic self-seeking.

Of course, scores of preceding generations of Catholics completely understood that the traditional, defined, orthodox practice of the Faith was absolutely necessary and vital for the right conduct of life and for the good of society generally, and that even slight deviations therefrom could, and almost certainly would, rapidly and quickly lead to disaster. I would add my personal opinion that the deviations seen in the Faith at, and since, Vatican II are far, far more substantial than many that were rightly and violently decried as heretical in previous generations of the Church.

The interviews do deal with subject matter that is not fit for children or those with particularly delicate consciences.  While Fr. Peregrino does an able job steering a fine line between too much detail and descent into prurient matter, and making the interview so bland and anodyne as to diminish its effect, it still deals at root with a subject matter that may be inappropriate for some adults and certainly younger children.

Joseph Sciambra is an excellent witness to our glorious Faith and gives great testimony to the destructiveness of the barbaric hedonism running rampant in our culture today.  May he continue to cooperate with Grace and do greater work to help souls lost in this intoxicating lifestyle (not least of which stems from the adulation the mass media and many cultural elements bestow on those within it) return to the practice of virtue and unity with the will of our Lord as revealed through Holy Mother Church.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Please Pray For – and possibly support – the Ramirez Family May 7, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, Dallas Diocese, Domestic Church, family, Four Last Things, General Catholic, Interior Life, North Deanery, sadness, thanksgiving, Virtue.
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We don’t know this family – I think my wife might know the mom as a friend of a friend sort of thing – but given what we went through just a year ago with our son suddenly having a seizure and then being diagnosed with a brain tumor, it didn’t take a lot of imagination on our part to know what this family was going through as the e-mails and text messages imploring prayers started flying around Saturday afternoon and evening.

This situation involves a local family and their 10 year old daughter.  Via their Youcaring site:

“Maggie was running around with her siblings just this Friday.  She woke up with a bad headache Saturday (the day she was to make her First Communion) and is now on life support with a rapidly growing (inoperable) brain tumor.  They’ve been told there is basically nothing doctors can do and they are still clinging to hope that God will grant them a miracle.”

That was Saturday.  Then yesterday:

Yesterday at 7:31 PM we said goodbye to our beautiful Magdalene Therese. Please forgive me if this is how you are hearing the news. I called everyone I could think of but we are exhausted of mind and body. I rushed Magdalene to the hospital Saturday afternoon where we were promptly careflighted to Dallas Childrens. My darling girl had a brain tumor that was taking up much of one side of the brain. The doctors and ICU team fought for her but the tumor was growing too fast to stop. We had almost no time to prepare for her passing. This was so, so sudden.

Please know that while we are heartbroken we are not in despair. My beautiful girl was and is a testimony of the amazing love of Jesus Christ. She was not afraid to die at any point in her life and often talked about what it would be like for her. She loves Jesus with all her heart. She is now in the fullness of His presence and we completely trust and rest in the resurrection.

Our beautiful Maggie passed away surrounded by family and close friends. We sang her favorite song “How I Need You” by Matt Maher and I held her close.

Please pray for us. We so miss our darling girl. She was and is an amazing sister and friend. I’m so glad that I often told her how happy I am to be her mom and how very special she is to me.

Funeral arrangements will be posted once we have them. This is the last picture I have that she took on my phone. She is so amazing. I miss her so much already.

ETA: Official time was 7:41. I had my hand on her chest the whole time and 7:31 is when I felt her heart stop.

Oh sweet Jesus my heart aches for this family.  My God we are blessed having a son diagnosed with a brain tumor after a sudden set of seizures but our outcome has so far been so very much different.  God’s will be done, but that doesn’t make it easier to understand.

You might consider helping this family by prayer and any material means you have at your disposal.  Obviously this was a sudden loss and there are substantial expenses that were totally unexpected.  The crowdfunding site is here, and I am happy to see that it is being very generously supported.  A  picture of what one prays and assumes will be another Saint glorifying God forever.

May God have mercy on her soul and assuage the loss of her parents and siblings.  Requiescat in Pace.


Some Helpful Prayers to St. Joseph April 23, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Christendom, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Good St. Joseph, Grace, Interior Life, Saints, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I try to read at least one book on Good St. Joseph every year, and this year I found a very good one at the Our Lady’s Army Conference in DFW last month.  It’s The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph by Pere Binet.  It’s a very nice little book, containing more than just the usual history of devotion to St. Joseph or his small role in Scripture, but it is an extended examination of the divine favors he received as revealed through the revelations to various other Saints and the thoughts of many Church Fathers on the subject.

The book closes with a series of prayers to St. Joseph, some of which were new to me, at least, and I felt several of them deserved to be shared with a wider audience.  I will repeat again, as I always do when mentioning St. Joseph, my full concurrence with the great Saint and Doctor Teresa of Avila, that St. Joseph is an unbelievably powerful intercessor and helper to souls in need (which, of course, is all of us), and is unwaveringly loyal in seeing our requests through to fruition, provided they are in accord with God’s Will.  Just last night and today I had direct evidence of St. Joseph’s total effectiveness as an intercessor.  He’s especially helpful for husbands and fathers, but he helps all souls, of course.  He and Our Lady should be our first recourse when we have particular needs to offer up to Our Blessed Lord.

The first prayer is a prayer for the welfare of Holy Mother Church:

To thee, Blessed Joseph, do we have recourse in our tribulation, and having implored the help of thy thrice-holy Spouse, we confidently invoke thy patronage also.  By that charity wherewith thou wast united to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by that fatherly affection with which thou didst embrace the Child Jesus, we beseech thee and we humbly pray, that thou wouldst look graciously upon the inheritance which Jesus Christ hath purchased by His Blood, and assist us in our needs by thy power and strength.  Most watchful guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ; keep far from us, most loving father, all blight of error and corruption; mercifully assist us from Heaven, most mighty defender, in his our conflict with the powers of darkness; and, even as of old thou didst rescue the Child Jesus from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity; keep us one and all under thy continual protection, that, supported by thine example and thine assistance, we may be enabled to lead a holy life, die a happy death, and come at least ot the possession of everlasting blessedness in Heaven.  Amen.

Next, a Prayer for the Triumph of the Church.  I can think of few prayers more needed in this time.

O glorious St. Joseph, chosen by God to be the foster-father of Jesus, the chaste spouse of Mary ever Virgin, and the head of the Holy Family, and then appointed by the Vicar of Christ to be the heavenly patron and defender of the Church founded by Jesus, most confidently do I implore thee at this moment thy powerful aid for all the Church Militant on earth.  Do thou shield with thy truly paternal love especially the Supreme Pontiff and all the bishops and priests who are in union with the Holy See of Peter from all error, stain of corruption, and deviation from the Truth of Jesus Christ.  Be the defender of all who labor for souls amidst the trials and tribulations of this life, and cause all the peoples of the earth to submit themselves in a docile spirit to that Church which is the sole ark of salvation for all men.

Be pleased also, dear St. Joseph, to accept this dedication of myself which I now make unto thee.  I dedicate myself wholly to thee, that thou mayest ever be my father, my patron and may guide in the way of salvation.  Obtain for me great purity of heart and a fervent devotion to the interior life.  Grant that, following thine example, I may direct all my actions to the greater glory of God, in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in union with thee. Finally, pray for me, that I may be a partaker in the peace and joy which were thine at the hour of thy holy death.  Amen.

Prayer for a Happy Death.  I’ve seen similar prayers before, but I found this one to be especially beautiful:  

O glorious St. Joseph, behold I choose thee today for my special patron in life and at the hour of my death.  Preserve and increase in me the spirit of prayer and fervor in the service of God.  Remove far from me every kind of sin; obtain for me that my death may not come upon me unawares, but that I may have time to confess my sins sacramentally and have access to all the aids Holy Mother Church makes available to souls departing this life.  May I bewail all my sins with a most perfect understanding and a most sincere contrition, in order htat I may breathe forth my soul into the hands of Jesus and Mary.  Amen.

Finally, and I think also so vital in this time, a prayer to St. Joseph for purity.  No soul, saving except Our Lady, practiced purity and perfect continence so well as St. Joseph, who, though married, abstained from the marital bed and never engaged in acts suitable for the creation of new life.  I pray that St. Joseph may intercede with Our Blessed Lord to raise up many more such souls in this time of mass lasciviousness:

Saint Joseph, father and guardian of virgins, into whose faithful keeping were entrusted Innocence Itself, Christ Jesus, and Mary, the Virgin of virgins and sinless Mother of God, I pray and beseech thee, through Jesus and Mary, those pledges so dear to thee, to intercede for me that I may be kept from all uncleanness, and to grant that my mind may be untainted, my heart pure and my body chaste; help me always to serve Jesus and Mary in perfect chastity. Amen.


I pray you find these prayers useful!  As for me, I plan to make the Prayer for the Triumph of the Church a daily prayer of mine.  It’s not about what’s good for the earthly glory of the Church, but what is good for souls.

The Awesome Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea at Our Lady’s Army of Advocates DFW March 30, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, priests, religious, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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I haven’t the time to give much of a recap of the talk below, but I’ll wager this – once you start watching/listening, you won’t be able to stop.  I’d never seen Fr. Relyea give a talk below, but he was absolutely fabulous. It’s just crack cocaine for traditional homeschooling Catholics.  Give it two minutes and he’ll take you an hour-plus.

It’s also a wonderful palate cleanser from the post below.  If you could imagine Christopher Walken having a twin brother as a traditional Catholic priest, that would be Fr. Relyea.  Too bad he couldn’t come over to share some cigars with Dismas and me (that was another tremendous pleasure from the conference, meeting longtime reader and commenter Dismas).

We need more like this, captivating, motivating, exhilarating traditional Catholic priest-speakers.

More from the conference later.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the Disney stuff.  I’m not a big fan of Disney and we’ve generally disowned all that, but I do think demonic infiltration by underwear might – might – be a bit of a pious exaggeration. Perhaps pious exaggeration is a bit too strong, but it does strain credulity.  It could be totally legit but it might come across to the uninitiated as a bit extreme.  The Lord does work in mysterious ways, however, so who knows.

For the rest though I really enjoyed his talk.  He’s a fun and gregarious guy, just a prototypical Queens/Brooklyn type.