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Judge Returns Joint Medical Decision Making in Case of Coppell Boy Being Forcefully “Transitioned” into a Girl By His Mother [UPDATED] October 24, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, disaster, Domestic Church, error, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.

Many will be familiar with the heart-wrenching story of a young boy in North Texas who – it seems to many – is being forcefully turned into a girl by maternal pressure.  This entire situation is beyond belief, and indicates a society not just broken but so irreparably bereft of morals that its survival seems impossible.  The situation: a child conceived by a very late in life (age at conception: 49) professional woman (Dr. Anne Georgulas) using frankenmedicine to, quite possibly, frustrate or overturn the will of God, having herself implanted with fertilized eggs from another woman, since, apparently, she was by that point totally barren.  That child then being born into a highly dysfunctional family where the parents divorce.  That child, one of twin brothers, being so traumatized and manipulated he may have given some slight evidence of being gender confused (under, it seems, tremendous maternal pressure), and that tragedy adding infinite fuel to an already extremely bitter custody fight.  The “mother” using her vastly superior financial resources and a state oriented towards giving women every advantage in child custody issues – and, in addition, already wholly gone over to endorsing the most radical “transgender” propaganda, even in Texas – to insure the father (Mr. Jeffrey Younger) has little say in the development of his son.  The entire thing is a fireball nightmare straight from hell.

One thing I can say up front; thanks to his mother’s extreme leftism and desire both to virtue signal and provide a living sales totem for her medical practice, which focuses not just on pediatrics but “modern parenting,” which is such a loaded phrase anyone possessing a bit of sanity would know very well to stay very far away, it is almost certain that this young boy’s life has already been so traumatic that it will be a major miracle if he is not morally, emotionally, and spiritually ruined for life.  God can do all things and overcome all human evil, but such Divine intervention almost always requires tremendous cooperation with Grace, and the more broken a person is, the harder that cooperation is.  I have such immense sorrow in my heart for this child, and am having a hard time not feeling utter contempt for his frankenmom.

Advertisement on webpage of “mother’s” pediatric practice, featuring her forcibly transgendered son

There has been wall to wall coverage of this matter this week, since a jury – infected with what insanity I cannot imagine – concluded that frankenmom was somehow in the right and dad in the wrong, and awarded sole convertorship in terms of medical decisions for the boy.  The father opined that the jury was likely moved by numerous tales told by the “mom’s” attorneys of harassment she has, quite justifiably, received online and in real life as news of her abuse of this child has become widespread.  As justified as such outrage is, it is often, in cases like this, extremely counterproductive, garnering sympathy for people whose actions, by themselves, should leave them, practically speaking, as enemies of all decent people.

However, events quickly took a life of their own, as they tend to do in matters that arouse such passions, and after indications of additional intervention by the state (principally via Governor Greg Abbot and Senator Ted Cruz), the judge overturned the jury’s verdict, awarded the father some additional say in the medical and psychological care of his son (the details of which, and what it means for the poor boy at the center of this satanic maelstrom, being unclear at this point), but also imposed a gag order on the father, so that poor innocent Dr. Anne will no longer be bothered by people rather upset that she is utterly destroying a poor boy’s life.

That gag order is fairly unprecedented and may well be unconstitutional.  At least, the Texas solicitor general thinks so, and may challenge this order in court.  Given that it has only been the massive publicity this case has attracted that has given the father, and his son, even a shot at justice, the gag order could be extremely detrimental and, 6 months from now, with the order safely in place, any decisions made today can be reversed and the son put on all the drugs, surgeries, and brainwashing “counseling” sessions the mom could desire, to try to turn  young James into little “Luna” (which name……..are you kidding?  Could you pick a more starchild-esque, hippy-dippy name?).  So, this matter is far from over.

Now, some will try to say, but, the father is no prince!  He is not perfect, either!  There are allegations he overstated, as the couples were preparing to marry, his income, and that he has encouraged his son to remain a boy.  The first is supposed to make him an unreliable witness when he describes numerous instances of his wife’s abuse of his son, and the second is supposed to indicate he’s no more moral than he, because, as all good transgender rights activists know, humans are born neuter and are a total tabula rasa upon which outside forces alone create things like sexuality and personality.  This is, of course, not just wrong but insane, but, just as a majority of Americans were convinced over a period of 10-15 years of hardcore indoctrination via the media and other sources that people of the same sex can marry, a growing number of Americans today, under the same indoctrination, now believe this utter nonsense regarding sexuality and human development.  Because, science!  Or some similar idiocy.

If I were feeling even slightly ugly, I would say it doesn’t take much psychological understanding to grasp the picture pretty quickly – aged “she can have it all” type, finding the feminist materialism “ideal” she had pursued her entire life had left her hollow and empty, realizes, or convinces herself – too late – that what she needs to make herself feel happy and fulfilled is a child of her own, after years of caring for other’s children. I mean, having a child might make her feel as good as buying a new designer purse or a really sharp pair of shoes. She has one shot to reproduce through massive medical intervention, and is determined to have a girl.  But God doesn’t give a girl, he gives two boys.  Well, women like this do not take no for an answer.  Yass, slay kween!  You go girl and get whatever you want.  If a little boy and a father and a brother have to be completely wrecked to get it, well, that’s just their own fault for not realzing mom’s limitless narcissism and solipsism that mom is princess, a queen, and queens get whatever they want.

Truthfully, there have always been not just women, but people, like this, people who are so damaged, immoral, twisted – whatever – that they either cannot see or do not care what harm their actions cause others.  But not in 1000 years or more, at least in the West, has there been a society, a culture, that is predisposed to not only permit such destructive insanity, but to promote it.  This is exactly the fruit one would expect from a de-Christianized culture.  Indeed, we have been warned for centuries that this is exactly where the “enlightenment” (I call it the endarkenment) and all other excessively humanist, Christ-denying philosophies lead.  Ideas are unbelievably powerful, and they have consequences. The funny thing is, only those with the eyes to see this, feel the pain of the civilizational suicide ongoing all around us.

And this is a pretty damned good reason to go to a TLM parish, and to try to totally shield one’s spouse and children from all this corrupting, narcissistic evil.  If wanting to do that makes me weird, then I’d like to see what some people think “normal” is.

I pray for that poor boy, and the father and brother, and the “mother,” too.  She, too, has an eternal soul and will have to answer for her actions, and that is a reckoning no one would want to face.  Lord, have mercy on them all, tghere is no limit to the evil men will fall into when they reject You and Your Son.

You may think I’ve been a bit harsh, but I think Matt Walsh has been at least as strong on this matter as have I.  Some good videos below, if you are so inclined.  But first, Ace had this to say regarding frankenmom and her motivations:

“Joint custodianship means that father and mother are equal. But, as they disagree sharply and in a binary way (are we allowed to say this is a binary choice), the judge will actually cast the tie-breaking vote in all disputes.

Think she’ll do what judges almost never do and side with a man who is trying to make one more Cis Straight White Man — one more Future Oppressor — in the world?

Because I don’t. This looks like it’s full speed ahead for James’ mom to pursue her weird Muchausen-by-proxy/sexual Stage Mom/vengeance on her husband plan.”

Yep. That’s pretty much what’s going on.



Hundreds of poor afflicted souls who have allowed themselves to be convinced that they are somehow the “wrong sex” or gender or whatever, are coming forward seeking to return to their natural, God-given, biological sex.  God does not make mistakes.  He may give people certain crosses to bear, but they can all be born, and with aplomb, if we cooperate with Grace.  But the vast majority of people don’t want to do that; in fact, it’s the last thing they want to do.  Cooperation with Grace means admitting there is Something greater than you, and that you are not the center of the universe, and for many people in this infinitely twisted culture, that is too painful to admit.  So, they seek other alternatives, other ways of defining themselves that do not focus on God, and this transgender craze is just one of them:


1. SoCatAristocrat - October 25, 2019

Referring to my own experience, the lunacy of the transgender movement is of Alice-in-Wonderlandish levels. Many there are in that group who have fallen far down that rabbit hole searching for meaning it will only be by cooperating with the grace God wishes to share that they might be saved from their lives of loneliness, fear and emptiness. This will require of us much prayer and sacrifice.

2. Baseballmomof8 - October 25, 2019

My heart breaks for these two little boys… may miracles bless these boys as they grow older.

3. Canon212 Update: – The Stumbling Block - October 25, 2019


4. Trg - October 25, 2019

You aren’t too harsh and neither is Matt Walsh. I’ve been following this story since I first read it on Lifesite News. It’s so depressing this insanity. I think the father should have kidnapped the boys and gone to another country like the mom who took her little girl from ex-lesbian lover. She’s in South America somewhere. Two men who helped her are in prison.

By the way, Luna is a Spanish last name. It was my mother’s maiden name. I have a lot of Luna relatives. It means moon. I can’t believe it is now been used as a first name. I can’t stand last names used as first names especially on girls.

Tantumblogo - October 25, 2019

I do know Luna is Hispanic in origin, but I think “mom” intends it in the new age sense – like Starchild or Hawkwind or something like that.

5. Tim - October 26, 2019

6. David - October 29, 2019

Thanks for posting more details of this unfortunate incident. I didn’t even know until last Wednesday that this happened in DFW (when I heard it was in Texas, I was thinking Austin) and 11of 12 jurors were okay with this. That is scary, and I am glad the Texas Attorney General will be investigating.

I have heard from people like Jennifer Roback Morse that the next challenge in the LGBT community is to lower the age of consent. That way a homosexual man can be with a 14 year old boy without risking arrest. Yes, we are living in scary times.

7. Camper - November 7, 2019

Correction: they can mangle him, but they cannot turn him into a girl.

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