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Debate on Francis Bishop of Rome in Dallas Wed 01/24/2018 January 23, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in catachesis, Dallas Diocese, different religion, disaster, Francis, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, Society, the struggle for the Church.

There will be a public discussion – a sort of debate, I guess – on the matter of how to respond to the current, absolutely unprecedented (in recorded history) Bishop of Rome we are confronted with sponsored by the University of Dallas  tomorrow, Wed Jan 24 at 7:30 pm.  The discussion is between Ross Douthat of the New York Slimes Times and extreme liberal Austin Ivereigh, and is moderated by journalist John Allen.  So, basically, two leftists against a moderately conservative neo – the Left never appreciates a fair fight (as Jordan Peterson’s utter destruction of a British feminist last week demonstrated).

Here’s a blurb on the discussion –

UD will be hosting a public discussion of the current papacy this Wednesday (the 24th) at 7:30 pm in the Moody Performance Hall in downtown Dallas. It will be between Ross Douthat of the NYT and British journalist Austen Ivereigh, moderated by John Allen. These are three of the most prominent Catholic journalists in the English-speaking world, and we are very excited to have them here in Dallas.  [Ivereigh is a close associate of the extremely progressive former Cardinal of Westminster Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, and basically gloated about the St. Gallen mafia and their role in enthroning Francis is a recent book]

This will be the first time in this country that one of Francis’s defenders (Ivereigh) and one of his critics (Douthat) have engaged each other face-to-face in public. Their moderator, John Allen, is probably the most well-known Vatican journalist in the world. [but definitely has a liberal bent, though less obvious than many of his confreres in the mainstream Catholic media.  So it’s basically two against one]

We promise a fascinating and enlightening discussion, and I encourage all ICONers to attend. Tickets are $10 (free to UD faculty/staff/students).

Here is a link to tickets:


You’ll see there also a list of several other events the speakers will be putting on at UD campus next week, many of which may also interest ICONers.

Here is the press release:


I’ve got a wife with strep and probably bronchitis after nearly two weeks of flu, and several sick kids.  So, no way I will attend.  Having said that, part of me is interested to see what Douthat has to say, though I suspect I already know it.  He is something of a critic of Francis, though hardly so thorough or penetrating as more traditional critics. Nevertheless, the interplay between the apologist Ivereigh and the critic Douthat could be interesting, though I doubt Allen provides anything like a level playing field, which will be maddening.

The thing is, what I think about this pope – Bishop of Rome, whatever – is pretty much settled.  He is what he is.  Goodness, as a man who understands the importance of gesture and media coverage, giving a pontifical medal to a rabid, murderous pro-abort the week of the March for Life in the US speaks for itself.  He is pope, somehow, though I don’t understand, and God has allowed this for some reason I don’t understand, but I cannot see how Francis can be described as Catholic.  He is a leftist ideologue with a wicked mean streak projecting an insincere joviality and the most publicity seeking “humility” in the history of ever.  Much of that could be forgiven, however, if he did not so obviously loathe both the Faith and those who hold it.  The problem is not with a pope with personal character failings.  There have been plenty of those, and the Church weathered them just fine. The problem is a pope who is patently at war with the Faith.

At any rate, the tix (general admission only) are $5, so it’s a fairly cheap night out.  Plan on another $10 or so for parking at least.  I hope some video is shot and it shows up on Youtube.  I am sort of interested in this debate to see where it goes, or rather, how far Douthat is willing to go in a hostile setting.  He’s OK on some topics.

If any readers attend, leave a comment on your impressions. I’d appreciate it.

I think kudos to UD, for having the guts to host this debate, and even permit some criticism of Francis, muted though it may be?  Of course, harsh criticism of popes from the Left has been not only permitted, but the central pillar of Catholic higher education around the world and especially in the West for decades, but this time it’s coming from the “wrong” side, the damnable right wingers.


1. Canon212 Update: Christ Has Always Protected His Church From False Francises. Bishop Gracida Has Had Enough – The Stumbling Block - January 24, 2018


2. c matt - January 25, 2018

When they invite Ann Barnhardt or Louie Verrechio to debate random leftist number 3, moderated by Frank Walker, then I might consider attending.

3. FL_Catholic - January 25, 2018

Francis is NOT Pope. Never was, never will be. Benedict is the only true and living Pope.

4. Camper - January 29, 2018

I hope somebody went to this. Looks like there is no commentary. I didn’t even hear about it until the Sunday afterwards.

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