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Leftist Katholyc Explains Christianity Just in Time for Lent! March 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, contraception, cultural marxism, different religion, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.

I’ve had an odd day, so didn’t expect to post, but I saw this and had to share.  Does Time Magazine bother to mention that “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” is nothing more than a leftist front group intended to provide pseudo-intellectual cover for liberal self-described Catholics to vote democrat, no matter how egregiously the D candidate offends against the Doctrine of the Faith?  Do they relate that “Catholics in Alliance” has a tiny and severely aging membership, and that they have been roundly decried by bishops and even the Vatican for spreading falsehoods regarding the Faith?  Of course not.

Miraculously, it seems, for this leftist writer, the Truth Our Blessed Lord revealed just happens to align perfectly with his particular brand of leftism, feminism.

But, preach, brother, tell us all about this Jesus fellow we’ve been so mixed up on in the past.  I pray you won’t mind if I add my own comments:

Jesus, the great protagonist of this holy season, shows us that life and redemption aren’t achieved through strength and power but by rejecting privilege and taking up the sufferings of the entire human family. [Actually, Christ spoke greatly about religious hypocrisy, but never denounced privilege – such as political or economic power – as such.  He denounced the Pharisees because they twisted the true faith and used it to serve their own prurient interests.  But being rich or powerful or privileged is not a sin in itself, so long as that wealth or power is turned towards the practice of virtue in sharing it as Christ demands with others]In Jesus, God takes on the fullness of human dysfunction — its disloyalty, its violence, and its terror — to redeem everything. He goes all the way down to bring everyone up. No one is excluded. [No.  This is horrifically wrong.  Christ did not take ON human dysfunction, in the sense that it corrupted His perfect being as both God and Man.  Christ ENDURED human dysfunction, he was the victim of it, but he did not succumb to it, as this writer perversely says.  The horrors that can emerge from this fatal misunderstanding of who Christ is cannot be overstated.  This is an egregious error far beyond even what the Arians claimed.  God is not “dysfunctional.” Sheesh.]

[Here it comes……..] As a white heterosexual Christian man it’s a reminder that if I am to authentically honor the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ this holy season, I must acknowledge and reject the privilege afforded me for the sake of taking the path of Jesus Christ. [And there it is.  See my conclusion below.  This poor lost soul has made the Truth of Jesus Christ subordinate to his ideology.  Those privileges, for instance, should be viewed as gifts God has provided someone – gifts of normal, non-perverse sexuality, gifts of a stable home life as a child, gifts of being inculcated in the Faith (though it appears this one was done badly) – these are things to be cherished and recognized in order to demonstrate our thanks to God for them. How does one show thanks by loathing all that one is and has? That is precisely what SJWs of the feminist type demand of men, especially non-perverse white males. That loathing is the height of presumption and, yes, diabolical narcissism. Of course all sin and all are dependent on God’s Grace for salvation, but that doesn’t mean we have to bemoan whatever goods and privileges God has given us.  We must simply, like the good stewards, take these gifts and make them profitable, returning 10 fold or 5 fold on them in the service of God and Holy Mother Church.]

There’s nothing better for me to do this Lent than to abstain and fast from the sexism that too often colors my life. [Speak for yourself.  And perhaps you might focus on some of your more significant sins, such as finding nothing wrong in supporting politicians and policies who make baby killing their highest and most sacred belief.]

Now, let’s set the record straight: there are those who are blatantly sexist and there are those who unintentionally perpetuate micro-acts of sexism in their everyday lives. I’m most certainly a sinner, but on my best days, I’m hopefully more of the latter than the former. And perhaps that’s more pernicious in a country where Donald Trump is President. [And now we get to the point.  This isn’t about Catholicism, or providing counsel to souls in need, this is about getting democrats elected and defeating Donald Trump – which is the sine qua non of the so-called Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.]

His election certainly reminds us that sexism still runs rampant in the world’s longest lasting democratic republic. But to pretend that this problem is spread equally throughout the nation is to ignore the reality that some communities and institutions are the greatest offenders. [Republicans and conservatives, we can be sure.  But how sexist is it to support the brutal murder of 50,000,000 million babies worldwide, which are disproportionately female (in some countries, over 80% female)?  This is nothing but SJW politicking disingenuously and cynically wrapped in religious language.]

As a sinner who does his best every day to follow Jesus Christ, [I think I can safely say, you’re doing it wrong]it’s time to admit that the Christian community runs rampant with sexism, [So having a traditional family with mom at home, dad working, raising kids to do the same, going to church, and opposing abortion are now “sexist.”  And the stupid link doesn’t even begin to provide any evidence of this supposed sexism, it’s another opinion piece written by – get this – a rock n’ roll front man] and that — yes — I am a big part of it. All men are. [To attribute a negative characteristic simply on the basis of one’s being – black, white, male, female, whatever – is the height of whatever “-ism” the SJWs purport to oppose.  All men are sexist, and we can only redeem ourselves by completely surrendering to the leftist-feminist zeitgeist.  Convenient, that. Thus, politics are made the only means of redemption, a complete perversion of the Faith.] That’s the nature of societal sin: no one is truly devoid of responsibility, though some are more responsible than others. [Christ is far less concerned with societal sin, than he is with personal sin. Once again, you reveal how you have TOTALLY subordinated whatever faith you purport to have to your ideological predilections]

I am responsible, and I ashamed. The words of the Psalmist ring in my ears: “Forgive me, O Lord, for I have sinned!” [Get this: ashamed of imaginary sexism, things he isn’t even able to be conscious of, but not of baby murder.  Got it.]

………“Rend your hearts, not your garments!” It’s time for me and for the Christian community to reject artificial penance and to open our broken and confused hearts to authentic conversion and to see what it is inside of us that constantly allows us to debase and devalue women. [Again, speak for yourself.  And perhaps, consider this (which is huge, and perhaps explains why leftists project so much).  And this. This is again naught but a massive guilt trip – vote democrat OR YOU’RE GOING TO HELL!!!!]

[Now here we go, with such totally devastating truth bombs your mind will EXPLODE!!!!]  …..M y journey towards an authentic Christian feminism isn’t novel. In fact, it’s a rediscovery of the faith as it was in the beginning. [See, Christianity was always intended to align perfectly with leftist-feminist views, before evil men – like St. Paul, St. John, St. Peter, and, oh yeah, the Holy Ghost, as He inspired all Scripture – ruined it.] Jesus Christ himself was the faith’s first feminist. The great heroes of this holy season are the strong and courageous women who stayed with Jesus through his final hours, while most of his male disciples ran away in fear.

This is really disgusting and egregious. These poor lost creatures never miss an opportunity to co-opt a great Holy Day to advance their agenda.

Here’s a notion our emasculated hero might want to contemplate: this Faith Jesus Christ conveyed is meant to be much larger than  your political preferences.  Indeed, the Doctrine of the Faith is meant to inform and, most importantly, transform your pre-existing notions, about, say, how wonderfully good and holy it is to murder 125,000 babies a DAY worldwide through elective abortion (Catholics in Alliance being notoriously pro-abort).  I’ve radically changed numerous beliefs to  conform with the Truth Jesus Christ reveals.  THAT is the fundamental transformation that has to take place within each individual heart and mind before this transformation of the culture the author so longs for can even begin to occur.  All else is just a fallen human construct, even diabolical, and will end in horror, as all history has shown leftism invariably tends to do.

But what a feeble, pathetic, obvious attempt.


1. Baseballmomof8 - March 2, 2017

Looks like this guy and PF have the same ghost writer 😉

2. Tim - March 2, 2017

Suffering through this guy’s fertilizer is worth it to read your comments. Excellent!

3. Brian E. Breslin - March 2, 2017

I agree with Tim, Tantum. I’d use a different word than Tim’s fertilizer, but plowing through that clown’s whatever was indeed worth it to read your comments which are very well ordered and put across.

Tantumblogo - March 2, 2017

It was an old-time fiskin’. He deserved it.

4. “The Fall of the Catholic Church is Happening Right in Front of Our Eyes” | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - March 2, 2017

[…] viz yesterday’s fisking, it is about subordinating the Faith to the progressive zeitgeist.  You can see exactly how that […]

5. Canon212 Update: Don’t Be Afraid to Say It. Francis Should Step Down! – The Stumbling Block - March 2, 2017


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