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How Much Responsibility do the NeverTrump Rinos of the 2016-18 Congress Bear for this Impeachment Farce We are Enduring? November 14, 2019

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, It's all about the $$$, Revolution, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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I’d say, a very, very great deal.

Remember, this is the party that could not, would not, support Trump on virtually any of his major policy initiatives (the border wall, principally, but there were others) and in fact tried to stone wall and impede every move he made.  Their actions, and an inept organization by the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (were they trying to fail), chilled enthusiasm among Republicans and pretty much insured – along with a press consisting almost entirely of leftist operatives with bylines – that the demonrat party would gain control of the House in 2018.  Which, they did, after promising for two years that if they DID gain the House, they would use that as their leverage of power to impeach Trump and/or derail his re-election.  I increasingly believe that the House Republican leadership quite knew what it was doing in blocking Trump and helping to set this @#$&! show up, and that creatures like Paul Ryan (who, you will remember, conveniently retired from Congress to a lucrative lobbying career after his work in blocking Trump was done) did this deliberately with an intent to achieve just what we are seeing now.  Heck, the demonrats were very clear in their intent from even before Trump was sworn in – he must be blocked, stopped, and resisted by all means, fair or (preferably, for them) foul, up to an including use of naked violence.  They were talking impeachment from January 20, 2017 and haven’t stopped since.

Of course, this is what they have done to every single Republican elected President since Eisenhower, save for hapless, helpless, and hardly conservative Jerry Ford.

The democrats have been sending very strong signals to the American people for half a century now.  They mean to gain power, and once gained, never let it go.  I truly believe they felt they had practically attained their end in 2016, when, after 8 years of Obama and decades of flooding the country with democrat-voting immigrants, they were certain that 8 more years of demonrat rule under Hillary would mean perpetual democrat power.  That’s what this impeachment is about, it’s about overturning the elective will of the American people, and insuring that perpetual one-party rule under the democrats.

And leading Republicans went along with it, all too eagerly.  They are all too happy playing the always losing saps to the democrats one party rule (of course, as many have noted, there are so few differences between the Republican and Democrat elites that govern us that we are already essentially ruled by an incompetent, self-aggrandizing uniparty).  One grows exhausted at their constant malfeasance and cowardice. There aren’t 60 rock solid conservatives between the entire Congressional Republican bunch, House and Senate combined.  I guess at some point, we only have ourselves to blame.

So, I get very much what the “groypers” are doing.  I agree with much of it.  I just think their attacks are a bit broad and some parts of their focus may prove counterproductive. Or, at least, premature.

I liked this from reader T:

Grrrr My Alma Mater Declares Masculinity a Mental Health Problem May 3, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, disaster, error, family, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Yeah UT, you just go ahead and call me all the time begging for money.  You can be sure I’d be just ecstatic to throw a bunch of money at an organization that thinks my very existence is problematic at best, and that probably it would be best to be eradicated.

There was Leftism at UT nearly 30 years ago when I was there, but it was not so institutionalized nor so institutionally dominant.  The entire administrative apparatus, which has grown to be larger in number and consume much more budget than academics (at least, of the normal academics budget separate from non-programmed revenues for particular research projects), is overwhelmingly leftist.  So, when the campus Counseling and Mental Health Center (staffed by incompetent quacks 30 years ago, I doubt its improved much since then) takes on masculinity, you can be sure it’s going to be from a radical SJW perspective:

The Counseling and Mental Health Center at the University of Texas at Austin recently launched a new program to help male students “take control over their gender identity and develop a healthy sense of masculinity.”

Treating masculinity as if it were a mental health crisis, “MasculinUT” is organized by the school’s counseling staff and most recently organized a poster series encouraging students to develop a “healthy model of masculinity.”

The program is predicated on a critique of so-called “restrictive masculinity.” [Who made them God and let them define normal healthy masculine qualities as “restrictive” or harmful?] Men, the program argues, suffer when they are told to “act like a man” or when they are encouraged to fulfill traditional gender roles, such as being “successful” or “the breadwinner.” [Yes, what a hell is created when men are successful and provide for their families]

Though you might enjoy “taking care of people” or being “active,” MasculinUTwarns that many of these attributes are actually dangerous, claiming that “traditional ideas of masculinity place men into rigid (or restrictive) boxes [which]… prevent them from developing their emotional maturity.” [Translation – “traditional ideas of masculinity prevent men from acting like women, which is what we want, and so is undesirable.  ‘Emotional maturity’ =  feminization.”]

Dear UT, you’ll never see a dime, nor any of my kids.

So who still thinks feminism as a movement and as it is commonly implemented has not metastasized into a female supremacy movement which operates from a paradigm that masculine characteristics = bad and (false, leftist conceptions of) feminine characteristics = good? Furthermore, how much of this is suffused with anti-Christian notions of hatred for the Father which in reality means God?  Yes yes not all those who call themselves think this way but the thought leaders do, the institutional powers increasingly do, and the movement is trending heavily in this direction. What else is the “pay gap” all about, except to result in women making more than men per hour or per task in order to make up for preponderance of fewer hours worked by women and fewer jobs performed, but still resulting in an equal W-2 at the end of the year?

California Assembly Bill Would Ban Bible, Most Books on Christian Morality……. April 24, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, Bible, cultural marxism, error, General Catholic, horror, paganism, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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…….or anything that has to do with opposition to the “sacred” act of sodomy, one of the sacraments of the sexular pagan religion (along with abortion – the anti-baptism, “gay marriage” – the anti-matrimony, and others).  A new bill under consideration in the California Assembly purports to ban any book or publication that inveighs against the acts of Sodom and Gomorrah and those who choose to define themselves by those same acts.  Thus the Bible could quite easily – and predictably – be found beyond the scope of state-approved literature, since there are of course nearly 20 clear denunciations of sodomy and the lifestyle associated with it in both the Old and New Testaments.

Of course, the radical Left that is pushing this bill claims that the old fuddy-duddy Christofascists are wrong again, postulating slippery slopes where none exist.  But based on how previous bills have been used to ban opposition to sexual license, or punish bakers and florists who refuse to service a same-sex couple’s pretense of a wedding, my money will be on this very broadly worded bill being yet another attempt by the Left to force Christians out of the public square and deep underground.  Which may well be the very best thing that could happen to a Faith that has become lazy and complacent, so if it were not for the damage that would result, one could almost say bring it on:

If liberal lawmakers in California get their way, that west coast state may be one step closer to being unrecognizable as part of the United States. A bill currently pending in the legislature would essentially ban the sale of books that include traditional Christian views on marriage and sexuality.

Shockingly, the proposed law could even be construed to make it illegal to sell Bibles, since they include verses that the far left finds unacceptable.

Assembly Bill 2943 would make it an ‘unlawful business practice’ to engage in ‘a transaction intended to result or that results in the sale or lease of goods or services to any consumer’ that advertise, offer to engage in, or do engage in ‘sexual orientation change efforts with an individual,’” explained National Review.

That’s a lot of legalese to digest, so let’s break it down. What the bill basically says is that anything that can be seen as trying to impact a person’s sexual orientation would be illegal to sell or offer. [Looking even farther down the road, it is not inconceivable to foresee an attempt to define church services as a kind of “transaction” and thus also open to meddling by a segment of the population that never sees any need for limits to the state’s power – when used against their enemies]

This would almost certainly include traditional Christian counseling services and books.

“The bill then defines ‘sexual orientation change efforts’ as ‘any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex,” continued National Review (emphasis added). [And you can see how this is really about imposing a wholly new, and totally hostile, moral order on the state/country.  The rights of unrepentant sodomites trump those of repentant ones.  Anything that alludes to Christianity can and must be suppressed and persecuted. “Bu- bu-but tax write offs for church donations!  That proves there is no persecution!”  Uh huh.  That will be one of the final steps, once all the other institutional supports for Christianity have been not just removed, but inverted and turned into means of persecution.]

“Efforts to change behaviors” is where the real problem is. After all, almost all counseling and even common psychiatric care are intended to “change behaviors” in various ways.

If you think about it, that’s the entire reason people seek help in the first place: They want to stop drinking or becoming angry or, yes, having troubling thoughts about their sexuality.

It’s also worth pointing out that the bill as written would apply to people who are trying to change their own behavior. This would mean that if a person was struggling with same-sex behavior or sexual identity and they themselves wanted to change, it would be illegal for them to buy any book meant to help them with this……… [Of course.  Because sodomites want to be told that their sin is an unalloyed good, and nothing may be permitted that undermines that belief.]

……….You don’t even have to particularly agree with the Bible verses mentioned here to see the problem. Efforts like the proposed bill represent dangerous slippery slopes that would use the legislature to attack traditional beliefs, and even mainstream views that happen to be at odds with the far-left agenda.

If nothing else, it’s an affront to the free exchange of ideas — yes, even ones that someone might dislike — and a censorship of speech.

“No one doubts that (Christianity’s) teachings on sexual morality are increasingly unpopular,” summarized National Review. “But they remain constitutionally protected, and no state legislature should be permitted to ban a ‘good’ (such as a book) or a ‘service’ (like counseling) that makes these arguments and provides them to willing, consenting consumers.”

It’s amazing that the same liberals who bemoan “government in the bedroom” eagerly jump at the chance to give the same government control over sexual and moral topics the moment it helps their cause.

“No government in the bedroom” was always a convenient lie.  Just like “born that way,” “safe, legal, and rare,” and “federal government involvement in schools won’t lead to politicization.” All these statements have simply been means to an end, a wedge to use against Christians in the public eye as a means to split unthinking people from core cultural/social beliefs that evolved over centuries to produce that great construct known as Christendom, by far the greatest culture the world has ever known. It was all as hypocritical and cynical as hell, but that’s how they’ve managed to subvert the culture almost totally, while their opposition – in a sense rightly – preferred to adhere to their principles and clutched their collective pearls at it all.

Islam is the State Religion of Britain, While the Secular Pagan Religion Increasingly Falls Apart April 23, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, catachesis, Christendom, disaster, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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A couple of brief videos for you, one from a fairly unlikely source, a professor of physics at UC-San Diego who presents an argument that modern science’s attempt to explain all creation through natural processes absent God is becoming increasingly frayed and desperate.  While it is not stated in the video, the key fact that is driving belief in the multi-verse is detailed study that has shown that for macro-evolution to work, and to have resulted in the diversity and advanced forms of life presently on earth, far, far more time would have to have elapsed than actually has, even by the enormous ages of “scientific time” (going back over 10 billion years) to have resulted through Darwinian “natural selection.”  That is because the “evolution” that can be actually observed directly takes place so agonizingly slow (for the scienticians), and major variations like severe mutations are almost always evolutionary dead ends, not major breakthroughs.

So major public scientists like Steven Weinberg and Steven Hawking have opined that, since evolution must be true (it is the cardinal belief the God-denying scientists, basically taking the place of God in this mode of thinking), but not nearly enough time has passed for all the multivariate forms of life now found on earth, there must be an infinity of universes out there (existing so that every possibility that can occur in a given situation does occur in one universe or another – like Star Trek’s Mirror, Mirror episode), each one somehow invisibly interconnected with the other, so that there is now plenty of time – indeed, an infinity of time – for evolution to take place.  Voila!  Problem solved.  But as the professor notes below, there is no way to prove these other universes exist, and thus, belief in the multiverse is just another article of faith for the God-denying sexular pagans (which, I would argue, evolution is, as well, since the “evidence” there is largely contrived, or fully explainable by other means):

In the next video, a young woman in Britain who has received numerous death threats for having the temerity to criticize islam (the invasion and subsequent conversion of Christendom by islam is far more advanced in Europe than here) is told by the state – in the form of the police – that it is acceptable to criticize Christianity but not islam.  Mind, she has not been told this by one police official, but by several.  Coupled with the state’s continued cover-up of muslim pedophile rape gangs that pray exclusively on non-muslim girls, general prohibition by cultural elites of any public criticism of islam as “hate speech,” and a growing kow-towing to islam in virtually every major sphere of life, it appears the successful devolution of Britain from “Our Lady’s Dowry” to muslim despotism is moving apace.  Note that gutting of Christianity both in concept/meaning and unity through the protestant revolution was a central part of this process, since protestantism led to a self-serving conception of God/Christ and our relation to them, which led to collapse of belief, which led to rationalism/endarkenment values, which led to where we are today.  Painting with a broad brush but I’ve written about this before.

Britain is simply ahead of the US by about 30 years, but the exact same process is at work, here.  Why do the powers that be allow hundreds of thousands of muslims to emigrate to this country a year (mostly legally), while legal immigration from the same countries for Christians, or from Christian-majority nations, is extremely arduous?  It’s all about replacing the native population, and, more importantly, the native culture, with a multi-culti dystopia.  Given the paltry progress on the wall so far, this nation is going to be a disaster for our children and grandchildren to inhabit (sorry for the bare shoulders, it ends pretty quick):

This ascendance of fealty, perhaps obeisance is a better word, towards islam, is a classic case of seeing cultural suzerainty in action.  Even though islam has grown at an explosive rate in Britain, it still constitutes a small minority.  Muslims constitute barely 5% of the British population, but their political and especially cultural influence far outweighs their numbers.  Why is this?  It’s because few in the “Christian” majority have any kind of certainty in their beliefs, while the muslims are very convicted.  Thus a small minority is dictating much of the cultural/societal norm to the vast majority, which, thus far, has gone rather sheepishly along with this, and has managed to completely co-opt the political class and cultural elites.  In terms of actual numbers, there may be far more devout muslims in Britain today than there are devout Christians.  Certainly, there are many muslims quite willing to impose their culture and their moral norms on Britain, and very few British willing to defend their rapidly deteriorating legacy culture.

Will the same happen in the United States? I think an argument can be built that it already is.  Secularization and collapse of Christian belief and practice has not gone so far in the US as it has in Britain, Canada, and the rest of the West, but it is still occurring, and rapidly.  Each generation becomes successively less Christian and, what is more, convicted in their beliefs.  I fear the process in the US could be especially ugly, since there may be enough Christian conviction, defusely spread, in the country, to lead to much more open conflict with the implacable demands of islam, which asserts its cultural dominance wherever it gains enough numbers (and, as we see, those numbers are very far from requiring a majority).  And Trump’s rise and election was due at least in part to resentment over the seeming flood of muslims into this country along with the unconstrained Hispanic immigration. But that, I fear, will just be the beginning.  The elites seem determined to play this most massive social experiment in history out, even though all of history and ethnography shouts that diversity plus proximity virtually always equals conflict, and very bloody conflict.

Perhaps that’s the end goal after all.  You can’t get to a “perfect” world population of 2 billion without breaking a few eggs, or heads.

By the way, on evolution, has anyone read Repairing the Breach?  I got a copy for Christmas but it will be some time before I can devote the effort to reading it. It’s a massive book, really like a textbook, and some reviews claim it to be THE most thorough attack on evolution that has yet been written.  I’m already pretty tied down in reading at the moment, trying to finish Solzhenitsyn, and that is no trivial task, in itself.  I think I’ve brought this up before, but if anyone has read Repairing the Breach and would like to provide a review, I’d very much appreciate it.

Youth “Transgenderism” The Latest of Many Destructive Psychological Fads March 8, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, cultural marxism, disaster, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, horror, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Psychology/psychiatry are often the butt of jokes, and I think rightly so.  It is far from obvious that in the vast majority of psychological treatment the cure has been worse than the disease.  Tens of millions of Americans are prescribed anti-depressants, and yet more people than ever are depressed, and a disturbing percentage of those on anti-depressants will have a psychotic episode.  26 of the last 27 mass shooters in this country were on anti-depressants.

So-called split personalities received massive media attention in the 80s and 90s and resulted in a huge increase in the number of people reporting this affliction.  After decades of study, however, most science has concluded that the vast majority of those reporting split personalities were faking it.

There have been many other such examples – the mass psychosis of the 60s was “anxiety neurosis” and millions of Americans were placed on tranquilizers.  We have tens of millions of little boys in this country being drugged out of their minds to make them behave more like little girls and make teacher’s jobs easier.  I’m sure you can supply your own examples.

Dr. Jordan Peterson believes we are in one of the most destructive psychological fads ever pushed (@~35:00 language warning for Owen Benjamin, so no embed in the post but the whole middle of the interview is very good) by the media, people desiring to be seen as part of a highly lionized movement given near total moral authority, and probably some parents who want their child to be “special” in the latest culturally approved way – that of pushing kids, almost exclusively little boys, into supposed “transgenderism.”  He believes we as a culture will have hell to pay with the adult product of the kids being experimented on today in one of the most horrific social experiments ever conducted, all for the benefit of the leftist social justice political organizing machine.

Historically, people experiencing genuine gender dysphoria, almost universally as the result of some terrible childhood trauma (generally of a sexual nature), have numbered about 0.01-0.03% of the population.  That is to say, 99.97-99.99% of the population did not experience this.  Now the fad is pushing the number up to where there are more people claiming to be transgender than inclined to the sins of sodom and gomorrah – upwards of 3% of the population:

Many more teenagers than previously thought may identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, a new study in the journal Pediatrics suggested. Only about 0.6 percent of U.S. adults identify with a gender opposite their birth sex, and previous studies showed about 0.7 percent of U.S. teens do so as well. The study published Monday suggested that the percentage might be closer to 3 percent, however. [Several things – I would be very careful with reading too much into these numbers (this post obviously aside!). Everything I have read, and it’s not an inconsiderable amount, on this subject suggests the number of transgenders historically averages are what I stated above – in the hundredths of a percent.  I am very dubious that the current number is 0.7%, which would translate into 2.4 million people!, or that 3% is really even in the realm of possibility – 10 million people!  It’s like the scam they pulled when advocating sodomy was the agenda – 10% of the population is “gay!”  No, it’s not, it’s not even close, first of all, many people drift in and out of the sins of sodom and gomorrah over their life – perhaps over half those who at one time self-identify as “gay” do so – and secondly the number is more like 2%, tops.  So my guess is that these numbers here have been exaggerated at least by a factor of 10, and possibly much higher. Nevertheless, it is not the raw numbers but the trends that this post is about.]

To put that in perspective, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that there were 41.7 million Americans between the ages of 10 and 19. If 0.7 percent of them identify as a gender different from their birth sex, then approximately 292,000 U.S. teens are transgender. If the share is 2.7 percent, however, that would mean 1.13 million U.S. teens are transgender — an increase of 0.86 million.

……….This week, Pediatrics released a study of Minnesota teenagers in grades 9 and 11. The study surveyed 80,929 students, and found that 2,168 (2.7 percent) identified with a gender opposite or different from their birth sex. The study referred to them as “Transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC),” and labeled the other 78,761 (97.3 percent) “cisgender.” [First of all, Pediatrics, along with the American Academy of Pediatrics, which like many other supposedly medical organizations/journals has been co-opted by the hard left.  Secondly, how was the question phrased, and have its results been duplicated (for instance, was the question broadly worded, calling “transgender” those who ever have ANY, even the slightest, confusion over their gender)?  Third, ages 14-16 are the very ages when people are most likely to experience confusion over gender as they experience the onrush of hormones, the often horrid peer environment of the school systems, and most of all, the beginnings of the transition from childhood to adulthood.  In this hyper-sexualized culture, in fact, children such as these are forced to grow up much too fast and are exposed to horrible influence like pornography that can warp their development and push them into the very kinks this study is supposed to be analyzing?  Here’s an interesting idea for research – how about correlating the frequent use of pornography and self-abuse with tendencies towards perversion?  There is a huge body of evidence that points to “transgenders,” like those inclined towards the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, being not born, but made.  What are the increasingly demonic schools doing to propagate this?]

These results represented a stunning increase from previous estimates. According to government estimates, about 0.6 percent of U.S. adults (1.4 million) identify as transgender. A UCLA study released last year estimated that 0.7 percent of teens between the ages of 13 and 17 are transgender, about 150,000 kids, CBS News reported.

“With growing trans visibility in the United States, some youth might find it safer to come out and talk about gender exploration,” Nic Rider, a University of Minnesota postdoctoral fellow studying transgender health, told CBS News. “Diverse gender identities are more prevalent than people would expect.”

Well I’m more than a bit dubious of this data, but coupled with other revelations, it does seem that the constant, wall-to-wall, glowing media coverage of transgenders and the great moral authority the Left instantly grants them in the cultural space is having an impact.  The number of very young children, even as young as 4, whose parents seek treatment to transform them, outwardly at least, from one gender to another when they can barely go to the bathroom on their own has risen very sharply in the past few years.  There is absolutely zero chance this is a natural phenomenon.  Can no one see the massive possibility for corruption and the most base self-interest in this? And as Dr. Peterson notes, we’re going to have to deal with some extremely ugly repercussions from traumatized adults who, I’m quite certain, will relate tale after tale of how their parents, or their trauma, induced them into drastic changes that literally destroyed their bodies physically and will prevent them from ever leading normal, happy lives.  Who knows the cancers and other ailments that will result from the hormone treatments alone, let alone the prevention of puberty and probable permanent sterility.  But the damage to their souls will, I fear, be much, much worse.

Oh yeah, it’s going to be oh so much fun.  In fact, it’s going to be a cultural disaster of massive proportions, for which the media-industrial complex will call for government intervention, of course, which is the point of it all.  Anything to weaken the family and church and empower the state, they are foursquare for.  And it’s exactly what all those uptight prudish no-fun-at-all Christians were warning about way back in the 70s and 80s when this descent into amoral madness started really getting rolling.


Obama’s No Fool: Blocking Non-Existent “School to Prison Pipeline” Paved Way for Parkland Shooting March 2, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, Endless Corruption, error, horror, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Obama may have been lazy, corrupt, and incompetent, but he was no fool.  Quite the contrary, he knew exactly the effect his policies would have, and a high-profile shooting or two may well have been seen as desirable for achieving one of his highest policy objectives – denying those backward hicks any guns to cling to.

The Obama administration posited a belief that schools referring children under their care to local law enforcement for crimes committed in their schools somehow constituted a “pipeline” from the schools to prison.  They were most concerned about locales with a huge number of incarcerated men – inner cities and other communities with “disproportionate” numbers of residents in prison. Rather than understanding this phenomenon from its root cause in, it must be said, generally leftist social policies, but from some invisible incipient racism still lurking in American society, the administration decided to try to encourage school districts to change their disciplinary practices to make it all but impossible to expel or suspend a student, or to bring law enforcement into truly egregious acts that broke the law.

Well, facing at least a tacit threat to their sacred federal funding, numerous American school districts immediately changed their disciplinary policies to fall in line with the Obamanation’s wishes.  And lo and behold, it turns out that very heavily left-wing Broward County, Florida, was one of the first to fall into line.  Thus, even though he committed numerous violent acts that should have resulted in his being charged with and probably convicted of several crimes, Nikolas Cruz never once was charged and thus was able to lawfully purchase the firearm he used to commit his insane atrocity.

Yes it may be a bit conspiracy oriented to think Obama saw that far ahead and actually desired this kind of outcome, to whip up such a frenzy of anti-gun sentiment as we see now (in at least a portion of the American populace, but I sense the majority is still strongly supportive of the 2nd Amendment), but he certainly desired chaos and destruction, all of which serve leftist ends of ever-growing statism.

At any rate, it’s amazing that inanimate black objects are being blamed for the sins of many, many failed bureaucrats and deranged policies:

Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient.

Documents reviewed by RealClearInvestigations and interviews show that his school district in Florida’s Broward County was in the vanguard of a strategy, adopted by more than 50 other major school districts nationwide, allowing thousands of troubled, often violent, students to commit crimes without legal consequence. The aim was to slow the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

“He had a clean record, so alarm bells didn’t go off when they looked him up in the [NCIS] system,” veteran FBI agent Michael Biasello told RCI. “He probably wouldn’t have been able to buy the murder weapon if the school had referred him to law enforcement.”

Disclosures about the strategy add a central new element to the Parkland shooting story: It’s not just one of official failings at many levels and of America’s deep divide over guns, but also one of deliberate federal policy gone awry.

In 2013, the year before Cruz entered high school, the Broward County school system scrapped and rewrote its discipline policy to make it much more difficult for administrators to suspend or expel problem students, or for campus police to arrest them for misdemeanors– including some of the crimes Cruz allegedly committed in the years and months leading up to the deadly Feb. 14 shooting at his Fort Lauderdale-area school.

To keep students in school and improve racial outcomes [meaning raising the minority graduation rate], Broward school Superintendent Robert W. Runcie — a Chicagoan and Harvard graduate with close ties to President Obama and his Education Department — signed an agreement with the county sheriff and other local jurisdictions to trade cops for counseling. Instead of the criminal justice system, students charged with various misdemeanors, including assault, were referred to counseling, which included participation in “healing circles,” obstacle courses and other “self-esteem building” exercises. [Because if there is one thing we all know millennials desperately need, it’s to think even more highly of themselves]

Asserting that minority students, in particular, were treated unfairly by traditional approaches to school discipline, Runcie’s goal was to slash arrests and ensure that students, no matter how delinquent, graduated without criminal records.

Instead of howling to burn Dana Loesch to death, or murder Marco Rubio, maybe those devastated beings of Broward County should turn their attention to their incompetent sheriff, department of human services, and school superintendent.

This Nation Is Headed for a Most Unhappy Breakup February 23, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, cultural marxism, different religion, firearms, General Catholic, horror, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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I’m not a big fan of David French or National Review – or T. Codrington Van Vorhies IV of the National Topsider, as Iowahawk calls them – but he does raise an important point in a recent post on how the Left is driving increasing political, social, and moral polarization in this country, to the extent now that we have two very large segments of this country who can no longer agree on even such basic things as what constitutes a male or female human, and whether bakers should be forced by government gun to bake a cake for a non-wedding of two people of the same sex.

What is developing is a situation where each side is so alienated from the other – a process driven by the Left’s relentless demands for always more revolutionary change – that it finds being governed by representatives of the other side intolerable.  Furthermore, the internet has encouraged and enabled the formation of ideological bubbles where most of us screen our sources of information to those which not only tend to comfortably reinforce our views, but even have a tendency to make them more extreme in confirming them.

However, as French notes, it is the Left that always, always leads in both of the phenomenons above.  The right was concerned and a bit panicked about the election of Obama, but we didn’t have public breakdowns and still-ongoing (more than a year after the event) screaming hissy fits about the election of someone other than our preferred candidate.  And it is the Left that is much more typically broadly ignorant of policy, and especially the viewpoints of the Right, than it is the other way around. The Left has virtually always forced the issues that divide us, and always always always presses for ever more radical developments, especially moral/cultural ones, but the right is also becoming radicalized as a process of both natural reaction to the constant antagonism of the Left, and as part of a process of coming to recognize its core principles more and more through media dedicated to that purpose.  The end result of this process appears to be such polarization that a Civil War type breakdown seems increasingly likely.

I don’t see much hope of the polarization decreasing in the future. In fact, I look forward to it continually increasing.  I also think the two sides will grow less and less able to live together.  However many believing Christians (and orthodox Jews) there are, there are tens of millions of people who continue to live with a fundamentally Christian moral framework.  Coexistence with the always more radical left is becoming increasingly difficult, and for more and more, impossible.  This cannot lead anywhere good.  I expect the national breakup with be short, sharp, ugly, and bloody.

Anyway here is French’s spiel:

 In most states, the Overton window moved to the right, and it’s still moving right.

We can do this issue by issue, but an issue-based focus obscures a larger and far more significant reality. We’re no longer fighting about “the” Overton window. Our differences have grown so profound that “the” window has broken. We’ve got two windows now. One for red. One for blue.

Since 1994 the Pew Research Center has been studying political polarization in the United States, and you can watch the two windows form right in front of your eyes. Here are two images that show the difference between the political positions of the “median Republican” and “median Democrat” in the “general public” in 1994 and in 2017:

And this brings us back to the three stories that started this piece. There is a difference, I believe, between progressives and conservatives. Given their control of the academy, legacy media, and Hollywood — along with their intense geographical concentration in large, urban enclaves — progressives are not only racing further to the left, they’re also deceiving themselves about their cultural strength.

They think they’re “winning” when they’ve really moved mainly themselves. The other window either remains unmoved or moves right in response. Arguments on the far-left side of the blue Overton window (like campus temper tantrums) are greeted with complete incredulity and open mockery on the right.

In fact, even progressive conventional wisdom (such as the notion that a man can become a woman) is at best on the far-left edge of the Republican Overton window. At best. Similarly, I’d challenge a Republican to walk into a Brooklyn coffee shop and find a single person who didn’t think you were a violent bigot for believing that Caitlyn Jenner is still a man and that the Second Amendment alone grants you the right to carry a weapon.

We may have exhausted all the “why Trump won” arguments, so I won’t go there. But I will say that the notion that one Overton community will govern the other is increasingly infuriating and even terrifying to the losers of national political contests.

None of this is exactly new.  It’s been apparent to many for decades.  But the process of dissolution of common interest and increasing animosity only continues to accelerate.  The Founders set up a system that could take surprising amounts of strain, but every system has its limit.  When we cross that limit is anyone’s guess, but I am thinking we’re getting closer than anytime in the past 150 years, with the possible exception of the late 60s.

Teach the Children Hell: Leftists Co-opt Traumatized Students to Advance Anti-Gun Agenda February 21, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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The Left has tried a new and seemingly effective tactic in their effort to totally disarm the entire law-abiding US population – co-opt children ostensibly traumatized by a recent attack (this one from generally liberal South Florida) into forcing weak-willed Republicrat politicians into a corner, forcing them to do something, anything to “stop the violence.”  How about the FBI responding to multiple tips (by name), and local mental health authorities not shirking their duties?  Nah, that’s too easy, and more importantly, doesn’t advance the agenda.

So now Trump is apparently going to advocate banning bump stocks, though those had naught to do with the Parkland, Fl shooting, and possibly raising the age of legal ownership for AR-15 type rifles from 18 to 21.  Because it’s fine to use an AR-15 type to die for your country at 18, but not for you to own one legally.

Ben Shapiro covers the Left’s very coordinated and, it seems, effective efforts below.  Gee, as well coached as these kids obviously are, one might almost wonder if the whole thing was at least allowed to happen, in order to serve a “greater” cause:

While not contained in the quotes included by Shapiro above, these kids have taken a nakedly partisan tack in response to this shooting, openly excoriating Trump and Republicans generally while showing great warmth and support towards demonrats and especially the far Left wing of that party.  In fact, it appears to me that these youths are very callously using the deaths of their fellow students as simply an opportunity to advance a policy position they have long preferred – using the logical fallacy of shroud waving in a despicable way to ban evil guns, rather than take action against the people who perpetrate acts of evil, or demanding the government hold accountable those who very apparently allowed this atrocity to take place.

Note the very deliberate F-U to the pro-life movement, commonly associated with the Right politically and, thus, support for relatively unrestricted private gun ownership, in calling this the “March for Our Lives.”  These shrill kids are obviously being coached, and Ace notes that the leftist media seems to be doing much of the coaching, with talking points going from statist media one minute and out of the mouths of these kids the next:

See Sexton’s post: He makes an interesting catch. CNN runs gun control talking points as “news,” then these same talking points make it into the mouths of the Child Crusaders, and then CNN now runs the Children Crusaders repeating CNN’s talking points as new news, this time out of the mouths of babes.

As Steven Crowder notes below, so-called assault weapons like the AR-15 are rarely used in these mass shootings, and are responsible for only a very small portion of murders involving a firearm on an annual basis.  So once again we see the prevaricating bait and switch of the Left, this time coming from children attempting to capitalize on the deaths of their deceased comrades (demonstrating the degree to which leftism corrupts even at a very early age), where they talk about banning or limiting one type of gun, but what they really mean, and intend to achieve, is a near total ban on private ownership of firearms a la Britain – where, incidentally, the murder rate has skyrocketed SINCE firearms were made very difficult for civilians to own:

I know some see me as a hard-hearted Pharasaical jerk, and I’m about to confirm that notion again, but these kids earn no sympathy from me.  As noted below, they are wholly ignorant of the issues at hand, hold very widespread false beliefs (propagated by their leftist media allies) regarding firearms (guns can be bought with no ID, no background check, minors can purchase “automatic weapons” with no problem, automatic weapons are easier to buy that setting up a social media account, etc, etc), and are essentially demanding the nation, and thus millions of law-abiding, hard-working, family-protecting gun-owning citizens turn over the nation’s firearms policy to a bunch of indoctrinated, uneducated, politicized children on the basis of having ostensibly experienced some trauma.  Actually, I should say correctly, they had my sympathy, but these obvious political agents of the Left have completely and irrevocably lost it, as they seek to hijack a tragedy for their own personal benefit and the direct personal harm of me and my family (that is, to take away my wife and I’s ability to protect each other and our children).  And in the meantime, they intend to usurp a right given by God and recognized by the Constitution for tens of millions of taxpaying, law-abiding Americans.  My only response to them is, go frank yourselves and if you want to live in a left wing gun regulated paradise, enjoy your stay in Mexico, where the murder rate is nearly an order of magnitude higher than it is in the US in spite of extremely rigid firearms laws.

As Dr. Peterson says, when you’re 15 or 18 or 20 you don’t know anything, haven’t accomplished a thing, and need to get your own life in order before you lecture the world on all its faults. You don’t even make serious proposals, you just rant against conservatives, Republicans, and the “older generations.”

Unfortunately, the Left may have pulled a coup in drawing children into this debate, since few politicians want to be seen as standing on the side of putting children in harm’s way, even if that characterization is manifestly false, banning guns is not the way to achieve that safety, and there are many other ways to improve the safety of children in government-run taxpayer funded schools leftist indoctrination camp. But that’s where we’re at, and if you want a bump stock, I suggest you buy one now.

And maybe rekindle that interest in acquiring firearms that mysteriously disappeared once the Obamanation left office. At the least, prices will probably be going back up, so now is the time to buy.  There are some very good deals to be had out there now, at least compared to the last 8 years when the threat of Obama prompted millions to purchase tens of millions of guns (BTW, a recent study concluded that there are not 300 million firearms in private possession in the US, but upwards of 650 million!).  Yeah, good luck confiscating all those.

In closing, I’d  just like to add, when will people stop giving their money and time to CNN, ABC, CBS, and all these other naked organs of leftist propaganda, so that the whole bloody business will collapse and go away?  Even many conservatives, especially older conservatives, continue to get most of their information from the lamestream media, even though they know the information conveyed is often very biased, missing key nuance/exculpatory evidence, or just plain false.  Stop watching them!  They are already dying, but a concerted effort will help hasten that end.  Unfortunately the politicians, especially at the federal level, continue to treat the statist media as the gold standard, so they are inordinately influenced by what some agenda-driven jaded teen says to 300,000 people on CNN, and ignore what Steven Crowder or Ben Shapiro say to 3,000,000 people on Facebook and Youtube.

As for the post title, you know the old dumb hippie song “Teach, the children well?”………..there you go.

Popular TV Remodeling Couple Pilloried for the Sin of Having 5 Children January 19, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, cultural marxism, demographics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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This is the upside down, inside out, black is white world we live in, shaped by dystopian leftist views and mores for decades now.  Just a few decades ago, having a large family was seen at least as a neutral thing, and generally was viewed positively, as a sign of blessing.  Certainly, there have been misanthropes for decades, often liberal protestant types, who in the 20th century coalesced around the suffrage movement and radical social theories (like eugenics) to first start to push the notion that people = bad.  But at the time, those people were generally extremist nuts.  Nowadays, the default view by the typically childless “elites” is that children = bad, a drag, an endless source of carbon emissions, while they happily plan on collecting the Social Security checks and other benefits the children of others, the children they could never be bothered to have, will provide.

It’s a sick, sick, sick, sick world:

Fans of “Fixer Upper” no doubt have heard that stars Chip and Joanna Gaines have announced they’re having a fifth child.  Feminist commentator Kristen Pyszczyk does not approve.

“Procreation is becoming a global public health concern, rather than a personal decision. So when people do irresponsible things like having five children, we absolutely need to be calling them out.” [Actually, low birth rates are leading to massive social disruption and economic decline.  Japan’s economy has been in a zero growth recession for exactly as long as its birth rate has been less than replacement rate.  Europe is being remade due to the necessity of having to import millions of largely muslim immigrants to replace the babies they never had.  And the US would be experiencing a population decline, due to our lower-than-replacement native-born birth rate, and much of the poor economic performance of the last 45 years can be attributed to lack of population growth.  All the bases upon which the population explosion belief are grounded are utterly false.  But it’s a religious conviction with these people, so no amount of logic matters.]

While having a child or five is a very personal choice, it’s also a choice that affects everyone who inhabits our planet. So while many people might find the backlash unwarranted, it’s actually a conversation we need to have in order to challenge our uncritical acceptance of the life-fulfillment-through-procreation story. [That’s a massive assumption – that this well known couple has a larger than average number of kids out of some selfish desire for personal fulfillment. There are surely numerous reasons why they have 5 kids, but knowing their (protestant) Christian convictions, obeying God’s call to be fruitful and multiply is probably foremost.  Notice that feminists are all about “choice” when it comes to killing babies, but not when having them.  Reveal much?]

Now, as a feminist, I tend to oppose any cultural conversation that involves telling a woman what to do with her body. But women have long been told that they need to have kids to have a meaningful life, and they are groomed for motherhood from a very early age. [So let me make a totally unsupported assumption about you, Joanna Gaines – I imagine, transplanting the feminist critic’s selfish outlook into this unwitting recipient – and then launch on a rant, which just happens to perfectly correspond to my already held convictions, about how having lots of kids in order to “fulfill oneself” is horribly, horribly selfish.  And yet, which type is more in the solipsistic “Eat, Pray, Love” crowd – feminists, or devout Christians?”]

But we don’t often hear arguments for alternatives to motherhood. Women need to be presented with options for a fulfilling life that don’t involve taking 20 years of their lives to care for offspring. Changing the narrative around motherhood should help to offset some of the cultural conditioning we receive throughout our lives. [The eternal selfishness of the feminist mind is on stark display here.  There is more than a slight whiff of “doth protest too much” in this tawdry critique.   Unhappy with your life choices?  Find being used as a receptacle by unworthy men a bit more empty than empowering?  Taking it out on someone else may make you feel better for a few minutes, but cats are no substitute for children and grandchildren.]

Note the paradox – not having children is the key to humanity’s survival.  What she means is, “I demand the power, for myself and fellow travelers, to decide for others how many children they are allowed to have, at what time, and under what circumstances.  You see, like the endlessly evil and personally immoral Margaret Sanger, I believe only the right kind of people should be allowed to have children. Holding this view is a testament to my immense virtue and a sure signal of how much better I am than you, the grunting, rutting hoi polloi.”

Thus, our self-anointed “elites.”

Congratulations to the Gaines on their expectant arrival.


“Millennial Democrats” Have Never Heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the entire Cold War, or the modern states of Russia and China November 29, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in attachments, cultural marxism, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, huh?, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Apparently, they believe North Korea’s nascent ICBMs (still appears they have no workable reentry vehicle, and it’s no mean task to get them to work, we spent years and billions on that alone) represent the first time the US has ever been threatened by nuclear-tipped ICBMs.  I would have thought they would have at least heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, foolishly caused by the incompetence of John Fitzgerald Kennedy the proudest moment of the God-Emperor JFKs administration, but apparently not.

Then there was that 40+ year unpleasantness known as the Cold War, with thousands of hair-trigger warheads, some stationed only 5 minutes flight time away from the US coast in submarines, ready and able to go off at a moment’s notice.

And, of course, persisting to this day, Russia and China have ICBMs targeted on the US.  Both have continued to develop new warheads, new ICBM and SLBM delivery systems, and new defensive technologies even while the US has stood entirely pat with a now 25  year moratorium on the research, development, testing, and production of new (or existing) nuclear weapons save for some modest rebuilds in the increasingly unlikely hope that the current arsenal would work if called upon (it’s not that unlikely, yet, but each year makes the problems of so-called “stockpile maintenance and reliability” that much greater).

A more general question – has there ever been a tweet that actually increased a tweeter’s stature in the world?

Deliberate, weaponized idiocy is the primary recruiting tool of the democrat party.  It’s also a perfect demonstration of leftist projection – it was Obama’s policy of appeasement, including gifting North Korea with billions of dollars in aid, that likely funded their weapon’s development programs.  That, and turning loose $150 billion in Iranian assets in a the biggest giveaway since Munich 1938.  How much of that unfrozen Iranian money has ended up atop North Korean ICBMs is unknown at this time, but given how these two nation’s missile and nuke development programs are run basically as one big bi-national effort, probably more than a little bit.

So far from being the Shield of Faith they’d like to claim, insulating the American people from a dangerously unhinged North Korean regime, Obama was actually a primary instigator of whatever terror these democrats now feel.  But they could never admit that, it be like me denying Jesus Christ, though they have every reason to make their denial, and I have none.

I guess this would just be totally lost on them: