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Death Worship Is a Common Feature of Dying Cultures March 21, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, Basics, contraception, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society.

So reports have been coming from the Netherlands and Belgium with grim regularity telling of numerous souls being murdered by doctors, against their wills, because the doctors have decided their case is hopeless and that these people deserve to die.  Formerly called murder, even genocide, this mass taking of human lives is now dressed up in the mild sounding euphemism of euthanasia.

This is also exactly what people, mostly convicted Christians, warned would happen if states, strapped for cash with massive aging populations and taxpayer funded and government administered health care systems, started “allowing” people to commit suicide by doctor if they wanted to.  From an occasional permission it soon morphed into mass use and now appears headed towards something towards compulsory participation.

The Church, of course, has always held a “consistent life ethic,” which declares that thou shalt not murder an innocent no matter how inconvenient or annoying they may be.  That ethic once informed thinking throughout the West, but since the West has chosen to pretend God doesn’t exist, that ethic went out the window, first with chemical contraception, then baby murder on demand, and then the murder of the elderly and sick.  Some of these people aren’t even particularly sick, which plainly indicates that something like a Brave New World death date of 60, or Logan’s Run “carousel” at 30, may not be the stuff of science fiction anymore.

After all, it’s cheaper and easier for all involved, most especially those government bureaucrats calling the shots, to just kill people at a certain date before they start to get sick, rather than waiting for the endless drain and expense of those nasty old sick people:

In the Netherlands an elderly woman suffering from dementia was held down against her protests as a lethal injection was administered by a doctor. In the days before her “euthanasia” she repeatedly said “I don’t want to die.” The doctor was cleared of wrongdoing.

Another elderly woman in the Netherlands was euthanized due to her supposed “unhappiness” about living in a nursing home. This despite testimony from the staff that she was often “content and friendly.”

Doctors in the Netherlands and Belgium have also routinely euthanized patients with depression. Now, a law to “legalize euthanasia for perfectly healthy people who hold ‘a well-considered opinion that their life is complete’” is being considered in the Netherlands. [Doctors in these nations are just another form of bureaucrat. They work for the government in one form or another.  We all know from personal experience just how faultless bureaucracies are, right?  Ever had a run in with a bad doctor or out and out quack?  I have.  Want someone like that given the power of life and death over you?]

In the US, Washington, DC and five states—California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington—euthanasia is legal. Should we be concerned? [In any nation with not only legalized baby murder but a hundred other moral atrocities ongoing constantly with government approval, we should be more than concerned. Terrified, outraged, is more like it.]

Advocates tell us euthanasia allows a patient to “skip the suffering and die with dignity.” Based on this, euthanasia advocates advocates suggest that until we walk in the shoes of someone who wants assistance in dying, who are we to deny them “death with dignity”? The idea that an individual has an “inalienable right” to use their body as they see fit has some appeal. [Notice the similarity in language to the pro-aborts?  Notice how they reduce immutable truths, literally conveyed by God, to endlessly nebulous, amorphous things like feelings?  There is a reason for that.  Logically, what they propose is unacceptable and easily refutable.]

Liz Carr is the creator of the hit British anti-euthanasia play Assisted Suicide: The Musical. Carr grew up with and still suffers from severe disabilities. In her youth she visited some emotional “dark places” where she saw no hope. Born in 1972, Carr feels lucky that euthanasia was not yet on the cultural radar. It is her belief that the movement can encourage disabled individuals to believe their life “isn’t worth living.” [Thank you.  People are endlessly susceptible. If they weren’t, multi-hundred billion dollar industries like Madison Avenue would not exist.  It is even possible to talk people into wanting to kill themselves.]

In the Wall Street Journal, Sohrab Ahmari conducted a compelling interview with Carr who argues we “don’t know what assisted suicide means or what the consequences are.” We just clap along to a mindless mantra “the right to die, the right to die.”

Why shouldn’t we exercise “self-determination” and choose how and when we die?

Ahmari cautions, “The death-with-dignity case is often based not on the lived experience of people with disabilities, but on the subjective judgments of others.”

“Legalizing euthanasia doesn’t empower you,” argues Carr. “It empowers doctors.”

Doctors that are, in the nations in question, essentially agents of the state. “Oh, but there are review boards to insure there are no abuses.”  Review boards can easily be stacked, especially when everyone has been similarly indoctrinated, where everyone or almost everyone has the same biases and the same interests at stake.

This also shows the ubiquitous tendency of left-wing governments and societies towards mass death.  They cannot exist without causing mass death.  Every single leftist society that has ever come into being has been sustained by the deaths of millions, be they Jews, rural Chinese peasants, Russian kulaks, or unborn babies.  Now the elderly and sick are becoming too expensive to fit into the great leftist utopia, so they have to go.  Yet we are the Nazis, they tell us daily.  The mirror must not get much use in left-wing households.

But the projector sure does.

Who knew the 25th century would look like mid-70s Hyatt Regency lobbies?


1. Canon212 Update: Being Fat And English Doesn’t Make Fra Festing Chestertonian, And A Few Chilean Lies Don’t Make Francis Catholic – The Stumbling Block - March 22, 2017


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