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Get Me a Tinfoil Hat, I’m All-In on Conspiracy Theories Now February 8, 2018

Posted by Tantumblogo in blogfoolery, different religion, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, history, horror, persecution, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church.

Not really, not entirely, but some discussion on the previous post about how the powers that be in this nation are now completely off the rails, and just when it was that this nation lost it’s way, prompted me to extrapolate a bit on the broader subject of conspiracies.  The nation, of course, was in many ways off the rails from the founding, if you are even halfway convinced by Christopher Ferrara’s most important work, Liberty: The God that Failed, but I left a comment wherein I talked about how recent study has caused me to conclude that my previous belief – that conspiracy theories are almost always false – was itself a result of a deliberate effort by the CIA to discredit those who opposed their varying agendas.  That is to say, it was the CIA itself that coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” in the 60s to squash those asking uncomfortable questions about the JFK assassination, the Vietnam War, morally questionable (or downright damnable) US activities in many countries, etc., etc……..and in fact came up with all the arguments against conspiracy theories I have tended to believe – that conspiracies are extremely hard to conduct, that they are impossible to keep secret, that to do X so many people would have to be involved that word would certainly get out, that “the real world doesn’t work that way,” among other things. [Sorry for those of you who get posts by e-mail, I wrote this in a huge hurry and really botched the grammar in this first paragraph. The first few sentences didn’t make much sense.  Mea maxima culpa]

I had swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.  To my comment:

One thing I learned recently, which was fascinating and has caused me to re-examine my own previously held notions, is that it was the CIA itself that coined the phrase “conspiracy theory” in response to continued doubts over the JFK assassination and other scandals of the 60s. I wouldn’t say I believe in black helicopters, the Illuminati, chemtrails, or anything quite like that just yet, but it is patently obvious at this point to anyone with an ounce of sense that there is a massive, ongoing conspiracy against conservatism, Trump, liberty, Christianity, and the conception of this nation as founded, or what was long presented as the conception of this nation, that has become so clumsy and obvious of late that it can no longer be ignored, but which in fact goes back decades if not much longer. And yes the US was wrongly founded from the beginning, in being not based on Catholicism (and in many respects hostile to the Faith as it was certainly practiced then, and had been since the early Church), and in being the product of a small dedicated group that sought the overthrow of the existing economic/political/cultural power structure and its replacement with another structure – with themselves in the positions of power. In other words, a conspiracy, and a successful one.

If you read the sad, US-influenced political and cultural history of Mexico since 1800, you will find almost exactly the same thing. A small cabal subverting the will of the vast majority of souls and imposing a hostile and alien construct upon the masses, for their own personal benefit.

And then there is the example of the Church, where again a relatively small cabal, infinitely aided by sympathetic, timid, and/or feckless leadership, has seized control and imposed a radically different construct on the (initially?) largely unwilling masses, and even convinced them of how good and wonderful all these changes have been. Just recently I had an exchange with some septuagenarians, very early boomers who were at just that “right” age at Vatican II, who are just utterly convinced of how wrong and awful the pre-conciliar Church was, and how wonderful all the changes have been. When I presented contradictory evidence, the implosion of vocations, tens of millions of souls lost to the Church in this country alone, etc., etc., they said those were POSITIVE developments, that it made absolutely no difference what “church” one belonged to and those people were probably better off outside the Church, given all the evils like the boy-rape epidemic and collapse of catechesis that have resulted (and that religious life was a crock, that it was a medieval concept for stuffing unmarried daughters and Jesus freaks into veritable asylums). There is absolutely no arguing with these people, no quoting of Scripture, no relation of the wisdom of the Fathers, no statistical data that can possibly move them from their position that Vatican II was an unalloyed good and what existed before an unalloyed evil. These people are wholesale devotees of the new religion foisted on the Church in the 60s. They only remain Catholic themselves for sentimental reasons, or, more demoniacally, to continue the work of destruction (and some of them have been long involved in just that).

These are just a handful of examples.  I still do not believe that history in toto is more or less a collection of conspiracies successful and failed, but that doesn’t mean that extremely influential events have not been developed and decided by a (relatively) small group working to a particular purpose.

So get me a tinfoil hat and call me a conspiracy theorist, but honest reading of history reveals that a great many extremely influential events have been the result of a small cadre of dedicated activists, generally working in secret (see France, 1789). IOW, a conspiracy.

And I would say that all the cultural/moral travesties we have witnessed over the past 50-odd years are the result of a deliberate conspiracy aimed at destroying Western civilization and, in particular, the Church, in order to bring about a sexularist socialist “utopia.”  I mean, transgender bathrooms, really? or arguing that guys (it’s always guys) who say no to men dressed up as women are hateful bigots?  For real?  Like that just happened organically, naturally?  Riiiiiiight.


1. Margaret Costello - February 8, 2018

Speaking of tin hat theories, what do you say to the supposed non-evidence of any gas chambers at Auschwitz or other Nazi camps? Never in my life would I have considered what I was told about the Nazi concentration camps to be a lie. But for the first time, since I realize I have been lied to by my government, Church, media, academia etc., I am actually considering looking into that theory. Have you read anything pro/against it? Just curious:+) God bless~

Mrs. Maureen Avila - February 8, 2018

I listened to an interview of Bishop W.( formerly of SSPX ) on his views re the Nazi gas chambers. I think there may have been lies or cover-ups regarding the types of gas used, even or the methods used, and maybe some +/- not quite exact corpse counts, but all in all I believe that the documentation and media coverage of the Nazi horror is about as good as it gets in presenting a historical event.

Numbskull - February 8, 2018

Yea, and who owns and operates that media coverage?

c matt - February 8, 2018

Personally, I don’t believe the “holocaust never happened” theories. Could the numbers be off? Sure, the best you can do is an estimate. Has the Holocaust been exploited for nefarious purposes. Again, sure it has. To the extent a conspiracy surrounds the holocaust, it is a conspiracy to exploit the event.

The 911 conspiracies do seem to have more “legs” to it than most give credit. The main thing being just watching the towers fall. It does look like controlled demolition. You would expect a side impact from an airplane would not create such evenly distributed destruction (incoming damage would be greater than the exiting damage, heat/fuel would not be evenly distributed). This uneven distribution of damage would cause certain structural members to fail before others, causing the building to “fall over” or “twist” rather than a symmetrical destruction within its footprint. The even/symmetrical failure of the structure does not look right (compare a controlled demolition (symmetrical failure) with what you get from an earthquake (asymmetrical failure))

2. Rebecca - February 8, 2018

The CIA may have coined the term “conspiracy theory”, but conspiracy theories have been around a long time: “For the Lord spoke thus to me while his hand was strong upon me, and warned me not to walk in the way of this people, saying: Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what it fears, or be in dread. But the Lord of hosts, him you shall regard as holy; let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” Is 8:11-13.

Every since I’ve read that passage I’ve tried not to view events as conspiracies, but it’s very hard in this day and age. However, I think you should look more to Communism for an explanation of what’s going in the U.S.

Mrs. Maureen Avila - February 8, 2018

I think you are correct about Communism based on what teachers were saying in U.S. Catholic Schools in the 1950’s….but once it gets started it takes on a power or its own and spreads like an infectious disease so it becomes difficult to attribute it to the original source.

Rebecca - February 8, 2018

Actually, Archbishop Sheen wrote a book in the 60’s, Communism and the Conscience of the West, where he predicts how the Communistic ideology will play out in the future. The predictions are so right on it’s chilling to read.

Numbskull - February 8, 2018

Communism was a Jewish political and revolutionary movement. 80-90% of the Bolsheviks were Jews. These are not God’s chosen people, we are the new Israel.

dthy - February 8, 2018

As Mary predicted at Fatima, Communism has spread its errors around the world.

3. Fran Rooker - February 8, 2018

All that those who would be persons of faith may trust implicitly and explicitly is that which is transmitted to us via Sacred Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium — and spare me comments/responses about the teaching of unfaithful prelates: each of us has the responsibility to find, know, and live The Faith. Whatever else that we may observe, hear, or read that is not conformed to those three sources must be suspect and is not profitable as a basis for living a faithful Catholic life. This is not easy, especially in this age of almost instant and voluminous and contradictory “news”, but it is necessary. In fact, it is likely all that is necessary to keep me focused on the duties of my station in life. Apologies if I agitated some hackles.
Ora pro nobis.

4. Numbskull - February 8, 2018

Speaking of small cabals that gain control, read the book: “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by EM Jones, and get red-pilled now. Before it’s too late.

5. John Watkins - February 8, 2018

Well, it;s time you read ‘The Barbarian Bible’, The True History of Man Since the Fall of Troy. And welcome to the daylight.


SoccerMom - February 8, 2018

Add “The Plot against the Church” to your reading list as well.

I started to give a lot more credence to conspiracy theories in general after learning more about the overwhelming evidence for controlled demolitions on 9/11 and the almost maddening, deliberate coverup of all evidence by the news media and the government. The arguments against controlled demolition are not even believable except for the fact that the media owns the airwaves and repeats the lie over and over again. Now I feel like I can’t really trust anything official to be accurate – maybe it is, maybe not.

Pray, study the faith, practice acts of charity, and beg God to preserve us through whatever trials await.

c matt - February 8, 2018

For a conspiracy to be successful, it does not require all participants to have the identical goal. Media/government conspiracies are a perfect case in point. The government wants to cover up its misdeeds, and the media wants to continue exclusive access (and also not be regulated or investigated) or more precisely, the media wants to maintain market share to sell advertising, thus it needs to maintain “press credentials,” favorable FCC rulings, getting to ask the questions at press conferences, etc. In addition, the “media” and the government are essentially owned by the same interests. GE owns large portions of the media, and as a government contractor, also owns large portions of the government.

6. Dismas - February 8, 2018

Tantum, it gives me some encouragement to see you write this piece. I grew up with the Vietnam War and fortuitously became aware of the Gulf of Tonkin sham in my teens. Watching my former classmates return in body bags certainly took the shine off of the veneer of the “greatness” of this particular experiment in social and political organization. It led me to be open to and consider alternative and frankly more plausible explanations for many of the events we see flashed before us on the wall screen.

There are a number of books that dig to the marrow of the truth regarding the founding of this country and its subsequent course. A couple of the Catholic ones I have read of late are Ferrara’s “Liberty…” and Coulombe’s “Puritan’s Empire”. Opinions are fine, but it is salutary to get a grasp on the milieu in which this country was begun and how it progressed from there, especially from an authentic Catholic perspective.

The list of events that can be reasonably questioned is fairly extensive, and it is far simpler and more comfortable for most folks to accept the myths offered rather than take the sure path which results in being written off as a “conspiracy theorist”.

Communist infiltration is certainly an important factor, but all cannot be written off to that phenomenon, either. This country was conceived as a shining beacon of Enlightenment social and political philosophy. Listen to Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, men somehow confused as “conservatives”, harangue about the greatness of that phenomenon on a daily basis, with a great many hanging on their every word. Mention real Truth and listen to their reaction.

Today we groan under a ruling class that makes the British monarchs we so reviled look like Mother Teresa. It is axiomatic. If someone is surprised, it simply means that person has not investigated the authentic history of this country.

As Mr. Rooker implies above, the real explanation and solution lies in adherence to that Faith established and purchased by the Son of God. We, and especially our children and grandchildren, will increasingly find that our adherence to that Faith leads to significant material suffering.

Rebecca - February 8, 2018

And how many body bags in Vietnam when the Americans left and Communism took over the country?

Abortion, divorce, the sexual revolution, atheism and the attacks on the Church are all Communist doctrine.

It seems to me that as Catholics we should take all of this a little more seriously, especially in light of Fatima, rather than attack a country that has been a beacon of light. I might also add that the many problems in this country are less attributable to the founding than to those who don’t believe in it.

Dismas - February 8, 2018

Rebecca, certainly Communism must be taken into consideration in the whole mix of things. It is one of the important elements. To understand where we are now and why we are here one must move past the Hegelian dialectic of Communism versus the “Free World.”

It is analogous to terrorism. Terrorism is problematic, to say the least. But as with Communism, nefarious agendas are launched, fortunes are made for some and personal “freedoms” are lost for most in this contrived dialectic.

To regard one’s country under the light of Truth is not to be unpatriotic.

There is a defined heresy called “Americanism”. Leo XIII addressed that in his encyclical Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae. Coulombe does a nice job of describing the origins of that heresy and the fundamental influence it has had on this country – Catholics and non-Catholics alike, and, by extension, upon the world.

Rebecca - February 8, 2018

” . . . certainly Communism must be taken into consideration in the whole mix of things.”

This is where we have to disagree. It needs to be of primary importance and not treated as just a part of the mix. No more than Catholicism can be treated as just one religion out of many. How many deaths have been caused by Communism and how many by Americanism?

c matt - February 8, 2018

Certainly communism killed more. But Americanism is catching up.

Rebecca - February 8, 2018

How so?

Numbskull - February 8, 2018

Americanism negatively impacted the Second Vatican Council with its false concept of religious liberty, instigated by the CIA / Time Life through the writings of Fr. John Courtney Murray. And that’s no conspiracy theory.

Numbskull - February 8, 2018

Gen. George Patton was right when he said we defeated the wrong enemy. If you read his diary, he realized the threat of Communism was much bigger, that’s why the Germans despised the Jews so much. No surprise he was eventually assassinated in a supposed car accident.

c matt - February 9, 2018

Three words:

War on Terror.

And since when is abortion an exclusively Communist thing? Actually, it fits right in with the Americanist heresy – that authority/morality comes from the consent of the governed/individual conscience rather than from God. see https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=7630

Upwards of 80% of Americans approve of abortion in at least some form or under some circumstances.

c matt - February 9, 2018

That was meant in response to Rebecca’s “How so?”

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

You cannot possibly compare the miniscule number of deaths in the War on Terror to the 10s of millions killed by Communism.

You’re missing a piece: the consent of the governed was supposed to be based on a virtuous people. When you no longer have virtuous people, then you no longer have just laws. That isn’t special to America it’s applies to all people and all governments. You think kings or dictators do a better job?

There is always going to be a choice. Everyone is going to make that choice. If it was so simple as it being based in God (which the founding was) then there would be no sin in the Church: in its priests, or administration, or its people. Yet, there is sin. There is no guarantee unless people choose to follow God. The problem is not with the American founding anymore than it is with Christ’s founding of the Church. It’s with the people. We don’t need to change our government. People need to return to God.

Abortion is not a Communist thing or an American thing. The Romans had abortion. However, abortion in American was promoted and promulgated in American by left-leaning Larry Lader, co-founder of NARAL. His intent was to undermine sexual morality in the U.S. Why would a Communist sympathizer do that? Because Communism believes that morals are only there to support the economic system. Remove the support system (morals) and the economic system falls with it. One of the first things Stalin did was legalize abortion and promote sexual promiscuity.

Tim - February 9, 2018

You cannot compare the miniscule number of humans killed by Lenin, Stalin, Castro, “Little Rocket Man”, Pol Pot, Mao, Hitler, all of the African and Middle Easter regimes, etc. with the untold billions murdered by worldwide abortion and abortifacient “birth control”. This is the gift of “rights” from the MASONIC United States Supreme Court …..Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade. They make the Commies and the Nazis look like rank amateurs. The Supreme Court is only following the logical end of the masonic founding of this nation and the 1st Amendment……religious liberty…..another way of saying “you have the right to do whatever the hell you want”.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

Tim, You’re creating a false dichotomy as if abortion has nothing to do with Communism, when in fact Communism promotes it. In fact that same left-leaning co-founder of NARAL Larry Lader’s abortion book was quoted 7 times in the Roe and Doe cases. So if you want to include abortion (which I think you should), then you need to add them to the other 10s of millions killed by Communism. Also add those killed in China’s one-child policy.

I agree the Supreme Court made a bad decision, but that decision was not based on our founding, but on the spread of Communistic thought in the U.S.

And you feel religious liberty is bad? You want a revolution? What are you going to replace it with religious repression? That’s going to fix all of our problems?

Tim - February 9, 2018

Communist/Masonic….different means to the same end. Yes it is a direct rrsult of our founding. Communism was just an accelerant.

As far as religious liberty, it is a condemned heresy and to believe in it in not Catholic. We can tolerate the existence of false religions, but no one has an inherent right to practice them. Error has no rights.


c matt - February 9, 2018

Basically what Tim said. Our God created an hierarchical universe, and established an hierarchical religion. Democracy is the anti-thesis of it. The problem is we have been brainwashed (as all people under any system of government are) to believe Democracy is the only legitimate form of government. Even the architects of America called Democracy “two wolves and lamb voting on what’s for lunch.” Democracy works only for a virtuous people? So what – any system of government would work for a virtuous people. Problem is, virtuous people are rare than hen’s teeth.

We have been fed the Democracy lie from birth and with our mother’s milk, so it is difficult to see past it. Abortion was also promoted by Margaret Sanger, who was no Communist. Regardless, even if promoted by communists, it was accepted by Americans whose only true motto is individualism uber alles.

And if you start adding up every unjust war in which the US entangles itself (directly or through proxy), plus the number of deaths caused by our interference in other people’s governments (because “democracy” means electing only those leaders approved by the US), then yes, we do start to catch up. Not so “miniscule.”

c matt - February 9, 2018

that decision was not based on our founding, but on the spread of Communistic thought in the U.S.

Actually, the exact opposite – it was based upon a hyper-extension of individualism, the exact opposite of communism. Or have we already forgotten the esteemed Justice “Sophomore Philosophy Student” Kennedy’s “sweet mystery of life” passage? It is that type of thinking (hyper-individualism) that supported abortion, and now supports gay marriage and who knows what next.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

Tim, You need to read your Catechism if you think no one has an inherent right to practice their religion: “The right to the exercise of freedom, especially in religious and moral matters, is an inalienable requirement of the dignity of man. But the exercise of freedom does not entail the putative right to say or do anything” CCC 1747.

You’ll notice it is an “inalienable right”.

No, Masonic and Communism are not the same. If you can’t identify the enemy, then you’re likely most likely to help them in getting rid of religious worship altogether. Because that is what your denial of freedom of religion does.

c matt - February 9, 2018

I think you may be confusing Communists supporting the spread of abortion because it can destroy a society they seek to undermine or control, and Communism providing philosophical underpinning for the practice of abortion. Of course a communist would support abortion in a capitalist society he seeks to destroy, just as he would support injecting any poison into said society (or even using it on his own society to maintain control). That does not mean he would support drinking such poison for his own health. It is promoted as a weapon to use against enemies, not as a good to build their own society. Leftists/progressives (Americans or otherwise), on the other hand, view abortion as a positive good for their society, and the philosophical underpinning to justify it is radical individualism.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

c matt, The Communists used it on themselves because they were instituting a communist system. “the bourgeois family reposes on capital or individual gain, and that ‘the family will, therefore, disappear with capital.'” And “If you do away with the right of inheritance which is founded on private property and give the women equal economic rights with men, then you dispense with the economic necessity of family.” “Abortion clinics were established by the state throughout the country, and every available means was used to weaken the family”

Another way of saying it is a Communist system is being put in place in America. It’s the same thing just looking at if from a different angle.

Eventually, the Communists did figure out these policies were detrimental to the U.S.S.R. and changed them. However, the underlying beliefs remained.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

c matt, Yes, Individualsim is a definite contributor and, yes, the founders did not like democracy which is why they founded a republic form of government. While democracy always has the potential to do evil, evil is not inimical to it. It depends on those participating: man. Man that God created with free will to do evil.

Whereas, evil is inimical to Communism as it recognizes no authority except the state: that means no God.

I don’t care how many wars Americans have had it will never add up to the deaths attributable to Communism. It’s not even close.

c matt - February 9, 2018

The right to the exercise of freedom,

And herein lies the problem. The CCC uses language that has a very distinct Catholic meaning which differs from what Americans (and post V II Catholics) typically understand. Freedom, in the Catholic sense, means the right to live in accordance with the Truth. In the American sense, it means to do pretty much whatever floats your boat as long as it doesn’t harm (too much) any one else (“harm” and “any one else” being very subjective and shifting from time to time).

Thus, under a Catholic sense “freedom of religion” means the freedom to live in accordance with the truth. And there being only one true religion, it means the freedom to be Catholic. For prudential reasons, a society may tolerate the existence of other false religions, but it cannot “promote” or give them official sanction. To some extent, the Blaine Amendments had it right, but backwards – public schools should have promoted Catholic education, and if Protestants (or other religions) wanted their own flavored schools, they could fund and start their own.

In the American understanding, it means you can believe or do just about any fool thing you want to, provided that the governing powers allow it (hence, you can parade around in a gay pride parade naked, but you can’t refuse to bake a cake for a same sex couple).

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

c matt, “Freedom makes man a moral subject. When he acts deliberately, man is, so to speak, the father of his acts. Human acts, that is, acts that are freely chosen in consequence of a judgment of conscience, can be morally evaluated. They are either good or evil.” CCC 1749

Yes, true freedom we do not err, but we have been given the freedom to err from God. That doesn’t make it right when we err.

“The exercise of freedom does not imply a right to say or do everything. It is false to maintain that man, “the subject of this freedom,” is “an individual who is fully self-sufficient and whose finality is the satisfaction of his own interests in the enjoyment of earthly goods.”33 Moreover, the economic, social, political, and cultural conditions that are needed for a just exercise of freedom are too often disregarded or violated. Such situations of blindness and injustice injure the moral life and involve the strong as well as the weak in the temptation to sin against charity. By deviating from the moral law man violates his own freedom, becomes imprisoned within himself, disrupts neighborly fellowship, and rebels against divine truth.” CCC 1740

I don’t know one person in the U.S. who would agree that it is okay to do anything one wants. Even those promoting the most heinous of policies find things wrong with human behavior. Otherwise there wouldn’t be so many objections to Catholicism. It’s a matter of what we believe and what we choose to promote. Quite frankly, we’re losing that battle.

c matt - February 9, 2018

Whereas, evil is inimical to Communism as it recognizes no authority except the state: that means no God.

So how is that different from a Democracy? At its best, a Democracy likewise recognizes no authority except the will of the people at a particular point in time. That also means no God, because God exists only at the sufferance of the will of the people. Voted in today, voted out tomorrow.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

c matt, It’s different because you have a choice with Democracy. There is no choice in Communism.

Tim - February 9, 2018

Rebecca, you obviously are an adherent to the Vatican 2 religion. I adhere to Catholicism. The CCC has huge issues, beyond the scope of this discussion. Stick with the Catechism of the Council of Trent.

To say that anyone has a right to practice false religions is a direct violation against the 1st Commandment and blasphemy.

Go argue with Pius XI among others:


Rebecca - February 9, 2018

I lived a secular life until I was 40 yrs. old. God gave me the freedom to do that just as he gave Adam and Eve the freedom to choose between what He said and the serpent said. He also gave the Jews a choice when He told them “choose life, choose death.” Christ gave the Jews the choice when He called them to believe. He didn’t make them believe. People have the right to choose. This is not to say they choose rightly when they reject God or His Church. This is not to say that there won’t be punishment for bad choices. But we are allowed choices. Our duty is to help people make the right choices, not to take away their choice.

Christ founded the Church and guaranteed the truth of it’s teachings. If you reject the Church, then you call Christ a liar and that is blasphemy.

c matt - February 9, 2018

I think you are conflating freedom with ability/capability. We have the capability to act contrary to God’s law because we have a rational soul, as opposed to creatures which do not possess reason, and therefore can only act out of instinct or conditioning. But acting contrary to God’s law is to act contrary to truth, and therefore not freedom.

If our duty is to help people make the right choices, that includes structuring a society that makes it as easy as possible to make such choices. That includes the State promoting and supporting the one true religion, and making laws in conformity therewith. The extent which failure to comply with such laws should carry punishment, and how much dissent should be tolerated by the State is a matter of prudential judgment. Under such a system, people would be encouraged to make choices in accord with truth, but they could still choose to act otherwise with varying consequences depending upon the effect such choice has on the good of society. No one’s choice would be taken away. But that does not mean every option must be celebrated or be without consequence, or enjoy the same benefit.

I have to give it to the Founders, the First Amendment was a stroke of Satanic genius. By giving the appearance of State neutrality in religious matters, it actually gives the State authority over religion and allows the State to defy its God ordained duty to conform to the one true religion. First, the gov’t arrogates to itself the power to decide what is within the purview of the State, and what is the purview of religion, steadily expanding its own sphere of power at the expense of the true religion. Second, by not assuming its duty to protect and defend the one true religion, it is free to act contrary to and ignore it as it pleases. Yet the whole time, appearing “neutral”. Brilliant.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

If you’re allowed to choose, then it’s freedom. I honestly believe people have less ability to do evil, then they have the freedom to do it. Not many people will kill even though the choice is there.

So you’re saying we should pass a law making it mandatory to become Catholic and believe in Christ?

Tim - February 9, 2018

Free will is not the same as a right. Yes, we all have free will, but there are consequences for using it incorrectly. A right is something guaranteed by God……no such thing as “constitutional rights”.

If they were the same anyone could commit any crime with no expectation of punishment. When I sin I am using my free will, but I will be punished for it. Not so with a right.

Why would God establish a true religion and then grant a right to worship devils?
I await your answer to that.

c matt - February 9, 2018

A good example of what I am writing about are Sunday closure laws. They encouraged people to choose to rest on the sabbath, but did not prevent them from not doing so, only made it less convenient. But of course, the State decided that infringed on Religious Freedom of those who did not believe in resting, therefore struck them down. Again, using the First Amd to appear neutral, yet acting against its duty to promote the true religion. Satanically brilliant.

c matt - February 9, 2018

I don’t know one person in the U.S. who would agree that it is okay to do anything one wants.

Then you need to read (or re-read) most of the SCOTUS opinions on abortion, sodomy, and gay marriage. Kennedy’s “sweet mystery of life passage” is exactly that.

Rebecca - February 9, 2018

If you think about it even they don’t believe you can do anything you want. For instance, they would start crying foul if anyone tried to prevent a woman from having an abortion. They start crying foul if someone says they don’t like abortion. Those are limits, therefore, you can’t do anything you want.

It comes down to faith: what do you believe? Do you have faith in Christ and His Church or in the world? If you’re faith is in the world, then you are going to promote things of the world and be against the things of God. Vice versa for those that believe in Christ. So, everyone is against something.

c matt - February 9, 2018

c matt, It’s different because you have a choice with Democracy. There is no choice in Communism.

I am not sure I follow why having an individual choice makes a difference on a systemic level when the system itself (democracy) only recognizes itself as the ultimate authority. Yes, within a democratic system, an individual may be able to choose (by which I interpret you mean vote) for a candidate or policy (in the case of a referendum) that complies with God’s laws. But the system does not act in accordance with God’s laws because they are God’s laws, it acts so only accidentally – because this time, in this election, enough individual voters decided to cast a vote in favor of God’s laws. The authority or legitimacy of the law rests upon the whim of the people, not the authority of God. If a democracy of atheists vote in a law against murder that does not make the democracy recognize God any more than a Communist system that declares murder illegal. In both cases, the only recognized authority is the State (Democratic or Communist).

Rebecca - February 10, 2018

c matt, no it is not the state in both cases. In Communism it is the state and in Democracy it is the people. Huge difference. In Communism if you speak against the state they throw you in jail or murder you. In a Democracy you can change the state if you don’t like it.

An atheist passing a law against murder is not the same as a Christian passing the same law nor is that the same as God passing it. The Christian does it because they believe man is made in the image of God. The atheist does it because he finds it beneficial. Which is why in atheist communism abortion was promoted when it was beneficial and when the population dropped so drastically they stopped promoting it. That’s the difference.

c matt - February 12, 2018

Rebecca, that is not a difference, it is a distinction without a difference. In both cases, whether the Christian or atheist votes to outlaw murder, the law is based upon the will of the people, not based upon God’s authority. You are confusing an individual voter’s intent with the basis of authority for the entire system. The system (Democracy) cares not one wit for the voter’s intent – it only cares about what the majority voted. If a majority voted for The Donald because they agreed with his policies, hated Hillary, or just liked his hair, the “system” does not care about any of these reasons, only the result. Therefore, even if 100% of the voters for The Donald did so because they thought he best exemplified God’s will, that does not mean the system itself is based upon God’s authority. In fact, our system expressly denies any reliance on God’s authority. Rather, authority in our system comes from the “consent of the governed.” It is just another form of non serviam with respect to God’s authority. “Sure, we will follow God’s law until we vote otherwise.” In such a case, authority is based solely upon the “will of the people,” not the will of God. If the two coincide, it is by pure accident, not by design or intent.

Tim - February 12, 2018

cmatt….presenting facts and logic to Rebecca is the same as presenting them to a brick wall. Her responses expose her to be a committed modernist/americanist. You’ll need a huge battering ram to knock down that wall.

c matt - February 12, 2018

I don’t know, Tim. Rebecca is engaging and willing to discuss, so that is encouraging. Americanism is not an easy thing to come to terms with, because it forms such a core belief for so many of us and we were immersed in it from our first moments of cognizance. I struggle with it as well. Heck, I had not even heard of Americanism until I was well past my first four decades of life.

Tim - February 12, 2018

cmatt, yes you are correct, it is diffficult to totally shed americanism. It’s like trying to get dry in a pool. It is good that she will discuss but I recognize this pattern from discussions I’ve had with others and you typically just go around in circles.

7. Canon212 Update: Cirque du Soleil – The Stumbling Block - February 8, 2018


Rebecca - February 9, 2018

Exactly. Corporations, non-profits, and events are all formed by people getting together and making plans. It’s not by definition an evil thing.

Tim - February 9, 2018

Christianity(NOT protestants) is of God, the other groups that are not of God are the ones who qualify for that title. Conspirators are easily differentiated from true Catholicism by their behavior, having and evil end in mind and hiding facts that would expose them. Christ just gives us the truth with no hidden agenda or “angles”. That’s the difference. Unfortunately, we now have conspirators in positions of great power in Holy Mother Church, but they have no chance ultimately, it’s rigged….GOD WINS!!!

8. MFG - February 9, 2018

Good questions. Having worked in politics for a bit, I can sort of see the different ways difficult questions or topics are generally swept under the rug. It can run the spectrum. Perhaps someone did want to hide something originally but the next generation continues the prior policy without knowing why – the original reason may be lost and instead becomes an implicit act based on peer pressure or laziness (to dig into X would be too much effort). I’m speaking just generally here, and there are probably exceptions.

One thing that came to mind though is the POW/MIA from Vietnam. I often wonder if it did turnout we knowingly left POWs behind – is it still possible for a conspiracy like this to be revealed 50 years later?

Its interesting in our age that many of the political or government protagonists of the prior generations are still alive (50-60 years later). Wonder if they are keeping the lid on some of this and would it be lifted when they naturally pass away?

Could we see any revelations come out? Would it even matter?

9. Dismas - February 11, 2018

Rebecca, on Feb 8 you referred to the USA as being a “beacon of light”. Could you expound on that and describe for us the nature of that “light”?

10. Observer - February 11, 2018

It’s gratifying to see lots of discussion on this site.
For those wanting to see how real conspiracies work, there can be no better start than reading Professor Anthony Sutton’s works. He wrote 3 important books in the early 1970s. They are available for sale on-line, or as free pdf format. A quick search will find them.

Dismas - February 13, 2018

Yes, Observer, Sutton was on the mark. He wrote a book with Patrick Wood, who I think also has it right – socio-politically that is.

11. JJ - February 12, 2018

I’m a septuagenarian and totally agree with your description of that 60’s generation, sad to say!! I attend Mater Dei so count me out of that group. I’ve had enough of the NO mass and liberal thinking. Our family moved a lot with my husband’s job and found ourselves always looking for the “conservative” Catholic Churches wherever we moved, not knowing we were actually trying to find the ones that were more traditional. Vatican ll ruined our beautiful church. I remember in high school learning that we could chew the host, not cover our heads, etc plus in 1965 the sisters in my high school had a mass exodus!! It was written up in Time magazine, so many sisters left at one time. The big changes happened incrementally so the damage was hard to detect. Eventually, you realized that something was wrong but you couldn’t discern what it was. After attending a traditional Latin Mass, you’re able to see that the sacredness and beauty of the Mass is what’s missing! we lost so many people with these terrible changes…changes that made the Catholic Church more like a Protestant church. I can understand why those folks said it didn’t matter where you went to church. Many of my High school friends have left the church, others are very liberal Catholics who no longer see a need for confession, don’t believe in Hell etc. I can’t see this changing anytime soon especially with what’s coming out of Rome these days. It will validate this faulty thinking. One positive note is the growing number of people searching for the truth and filling the pews at Mater Dei!!

12. Dismas - February 12, 2018

Rebecca, on Feb 9 I think you tell us that the United States was “founded on God” (“If it was so simple as it being based in God (which the founding was) then there would be no sin in the Church…The problem is not with the American founding anymore than it is with Christ’s founding of the Church.”)

You then go on to tell us that both the USA and the Catholic Church were founded on God, and that the problems each are due to the human element, not to the founding.

I am unclear as to whether you are referring to the Church or to the USA when you say “which the founding was”, but from what follows it seemed to me that you were referring to the USA

I think you are correct when you say that the problems in the Church are human ones, and not with the founding, since the Church was founded by Our Lord.

I doubt that we would disagree that the USA was not founded by Our Lord. Since it was not, perhaps then it is a possibility that there is a problem with the founding.

Could you describe for us the nature of the “God” upon Whom the United States was founded and direct us to some of the evidence upon which you base your conclusion that the country was founded on God?

Would we be speaking here of the Triune God, the Second Person of Whom was conceived by the Third Person in the virginal womb of Our Blessed Mother? Or might we possibly be speaking of a different conception of “God”? If the latter, then how are we to interpret and understand that?

13. Tim - February 13, 2018

Ahhh, the Trump supporters “conspiracy theory” against Hillary:

14. Tim - February 16, 2018
15. Tim - February 16, 2018

Absolutely shocking!!!!!! Modernist conspiracies seemingly against folks who just want to be Catholic??? How can this be?????


16. Tim - February 17, 2018
17. Tim - February 17, 2018

Mike Matt on the military/industrial complex/neocon continuing conspiracy:

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