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This Philadelphia abortion nightmare story is going to be huge January 20, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, North Deanery, scandals, sickness, Society.

Top government officials were complicit in not enforcing laws/rules intended to make abortion “safe, legal, and rare,” and these barbarisms in Philadelphia to occur – according not to me, but to a Philadelphia grand jury!  Top Pennsylvania government officials could be indicted – including potentially the governor.  The below is from the grand jury indictment (apparently, many top government officials in Pennsylvania have lawyered up).  It’s long, but READ IT!:

We discovered that Pennsylvania’s Department of Health has deliberately chosen not to enforce laws that should afford patients at abortion clinics the same safeguards and assurances of quality health care as patients of other medical service providers. Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety [but  abortion providers know such standards would eat deeply into their bottom line, and they can’t have that – ED]

….. a significant difference exists between how DOH monitors abortion clinics and how it monitors facilities where other medical procedures are performed……..

Indeed, the department has shown an utter disregard both for the safety of women who seek treatment at abortion clinics and for the health of fetuses after they have become viable. State health officials have also shown a disregard for the laws the department is supposed to enforce. Most appalling of all, the Department of Health’s neglect of abortion patients’ safety and of Pennsylvania laws is clearly not inadvertent: It is by design. [abortion doctors have alot of money, as does Planned Barrenhood and most other pro-abort groups.  Killing babies is lucrative.  They can afford to pay governments to look the other way.  I should add, that some of the money Planned Barrenhood has for this kind of actiivity is YOUR money, since they are taxpayer funded.  Oh joy! – ED]

Pennsylvania is not a third-world country. There were several oversight agencies that stumbled upon and should have shut down Kermit Gosnell long ago. But none of them did, not even after Karnamaya Mongar’s death. In the end, Gosnell was only caught by accident, when police raided his offices to seize evidence of his illegal prescription selling. Once law enforcement agents went in, they couldn’t help noticing the disgusting conditions, the dazed patients, the discarded fetuses. [I have to wonder how many other abortion clinics are just like this one – I can think of at least one in the DFW area that would not surprise me in the least – ED] That is why the complete regulatory collapse that occurred here is so inexcusable. It should have taken only one look.The first line of defense was the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The department’s job is to audit hospitals and outpatient medical facilities, like Gosnell’s, to make sure that they follow the rules and provide safe care. The department had contact with the Women’s Medical Society dating back to 1979, when it first issued approval to open an abortion clinic. It did not conduct another site review until 1989, ten years later.

Numerous violations were already apparent, but Gosnell got a pass when he promised to fix them. Site reviews in 1992 and 1993 also noted various violations, but again failed to ensure they were corrected.

But at least the department had been doing something up to that point, however
ineffectual. After 1993, even that pro forma effort came to an end. Not because of administrative ennui, although there had been plenty. Instead, the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge [a Repubnican], officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and babies would pay.

The only exception to this live-and-let-die policy was supposed to be for complaints dumped directly on the department’s doorstep. Those, at least, could be investigated. Except that there were complaints about Gosnell, repeatedly. Several different attorneys, representing women injured by Gosnell, contacted the department. A doctor from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia hand-delivered a complaint, advising the department that numerous patients he had referred for abortions came back from Gosnell
with the same venereal disease. The medical examiner of Delaware County informed the department that Gosnell had performed an illegal abortion on a 14-year-old girl carrying a 30-week-old baby. And the department received official notice that a woman named Karnamaya Mongar had died at Gosnell’s hands.

Yet not one of these alarm bells – not even Mrs. Mongar’s death – prompted the department to look at Gosnell or the Women’s Medical Society. Only after the raid occurred, and the story hit the press, did the department choose to act. Suddenly there were no administrative, legal, or policy barriers; within weeks an order was issued to close the clinic. And as this grand jury investigation widened, department officials “lawyered up,” hiring a high-priced law firm to represent them at taxpayer expense. Had they spent as much effort on inspection as they did on attorneys, none of this would have happened to begin with.

But even this total abdication by the Department of Health might not have been
fatal. Another agency with authority in the health field, the Pennsylvania Department of State, could have stopped Gosnell single-handedly. While the Department of Health regulates facilities, the Department of State, through its Board of Medicine, licenses and oversees individual physicians. Like their colleagues at Health, however, Department of State officials were repeatedly confronted with evidence about Gosnell, and repeatedly chose to do nothing.

So too with the National Abortion Federation. NAF is an association of abortion providers that upholds the strictest health and legal standards for its members. Gosnell, bizarrely, applied for admission shortly after Karnamaya Mongar’s death. Despite his various efforts to fool her, the evaluator from NAF readily noted that records were not properly kept, that risks were not explained, that patients were not monitored, that equipment was not available, that anesthesia was misused. It was the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected. Of course, she rejected Gosnell’s application. She just
never told anyone in authority about all the horrible, dangerous things she had seen. [of course not, because that might make the practice of abortion look like what it is – dangerous (at best) for mothers, and death for infants.  We can’t have abortion look bad.  It’s a woman’s most fundamental right!]

This is a massive scandal, folks. I assert, this kind of thing is going on throughout the country, and right here in Dallas.  These new priests of Moloch, these purveyors of death, these violators of the most sacred human space, must be stopped.  This death cult must stop.  Sometimes I get so mad, and so frustrated, and I think all the prayers and marches and being peaceful are just not getting it done.  I’m not advocating violence, but I am coming more and more to believe in non-violent passive resistance against abortion.  Sit-ins, forming barriers, etc.  Pro-life is becoming an industry, and industries don’t like to see their market go away.

One final note from a commenter at Ace of Spades, genius in its very accurate portrayal of the cynicism of the pro-abort crowd:  “They [pro-aborts] WILL have the balls to claim that if Roe vs. Wade is overturned that this will be more common. See? Abortion illegal? Coat hangers. Abortion legal? Slightly less coat hangers. But, at least the government can pay for the coat hanger.”


1. thewhitelilyblog - January 20, 2011

“Pro-life is becoming an industry, and industries don’t like to see their market go away.”

Did you mean to write that? Because there’s some truth to it! Every pro-life organization has some full-time staff, and a part, varying from large to small, of their time goes to fund raising to keep themselves working. I can’t say I’ve met anyone who would consciously hope that abortion kept going, but I have met plenty who are comfortable in their roles. Unfortunately part of their role is all-too familiar: to be the “good” guy in the equation. My mother used to laugh gently at her ironing lady’s proclivity to end up in jail on Saturday night. “That’s how they are,” she was content to say, quite unvexed, truly amused at the weaknesses of others. Of course her own drinking never landed her in jail, because she lived with the policeman.

And lots of pro-life people are the same way, and my proof is, they do not offer the Faith to their clients. They offer diapers, and go home tired and well satisfied. To offer the Faith is to offer to break the cycle.

Look, Tantum. It seems to me that if you were to focus on doing whatever it takes to end abortion–okay, short of violence, but up to that point, and the actions you mentioned are a kind of violence rarely resorted to among Catholics–you’d be making the same mistake from another angle. ‘Cause at the end of it, even if you succeeded, you’d have to hold on to it hard, letting everything else go, because the conditions that allowed it in the first place are still there. Anything goes in a secular state! Why not focus instead on offering the Faith? Why not focus on being the true Catholic presence in the pro-life movement? Go inside your own closest local pro-life group and offer to set up a program by which every woman is offered baptism for her child at least three times via an outreach to connect her to her local (reverent) parish. Offer to set up a program in the teachings of the Church (instead of the Theology of the Body, our only Chicago women’s center offering).

Or that failing, begin the work necessary to form a third party where we would have a real choice. Religious state (a Gallup pole said over half of Americans would like to see the bible be part of the constitution and governanace–it’s equal to the number of muslims who say the same about the koran, but I forget the exact number. Actually I remember 70% on both sides. Distributist, anti-Walmart economics. Slogan: ‘our problem isn’t too many capitalists, it’s too few.’ Roll back all the lifestyle stuff presently in place. Kick Planned Parenthood out of the US. What a platform! Our choice now is between a kick in the head and a kick in the stomach. Durbin and Kirk going to sit together? They ARE together, both liberals.

You’ll say you’re religious, not political. I’ll say, huh? They’re the same thing!

By any means necessary. Haven’t heard that in a while.

tantamergo - January 20, 2011

Wow, and I thought we had done well to raise $2000 at a pro-life concert we held this week. You’d have me starting political parties and arranging baptisms (I’m not sure which is more difficult)! What I fear in the pro-life movement is inertia, and entrenched interests setting in that work around the edges of abortion to nibble away here and there, but keep it substantially around. Abortions have been performed forever. We’ll never be totally rid of it, because people will make terrible decisions and look for a “quick and easy” solution. Not everyone will be saved. But I do fear that, unconsciously, some in the pro-life “movement” may become too comfortable with their roles, and I fear that sort of inertia could be setting in – among a limited subset of pro-lifers. And, I have distinct memories of pro-life protests in the 70s and early 80s that did involve sit ins and arrests and that sort of thing, and that hasn’t happened in ages. Why? Are we really so much smarter, or have we gotten used to abortion, just a bit, so few can be bothered to take that kind of action? That’s all I’m asking.

I know what you’re saying about trying to bring the Faith to those who are seeking abortions. I have not had that kind of access in the past – as a sidewalk counselor/pray-er I normally have a couple of minutes at best to try to keep women from killing their children. Those few who are talked out of their decision and into the crisis pregnancy center could be the type where that kind of conversation could begin, but that would require a special charism. I do well writing here, in person, I’m not as “smooth.” I’m not sure how good I’d be at that, it would take alot of Grace, and I’m sure many at the CPC would be aghast if I tried, even though they are nominally devout, too.

tantamergo - January 20, 2011

The ‘we’ being my wife and I.

2. Raulito - January 20, 2011

Wow. Just wow…

3. Deadly California abortion doctor loses license « A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - January 26, 2011

[…] I discussed the Kermit Gosnell (the Pennsylvania abortionist) last week, I opined that the horrors described in his particular case could be applied to numerous abortion […]

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