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Just how many “transgenders” are there? – UPDATED June 16, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in catachesis, demographics, disaster, disconcerting, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.

UPDATE: Format errors fixed. When I go to the farm in a few weeks I’m going to paint up a target with Google blogspot articles that have ruined my WordPress formatting and just go to town shooting them up.  That is a constant trial for my limited patience.

We already know that marriage is being effectively destroyed as the foundational institution of society for the sake of 1-2% of the population of this country – say 4 to 7 million people.  But now we are witnessing even a further assault on truth in the form of “gender fluidity,” or the “new normal” Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman.  We have already seen major cities like Houston declare that public bathrooms should be open more or less to all, with no distinction according to sex.  A man in a bad wig and sloppily applied makeup can apparently use the women’s room there.  Federal courts have indicated likewise.  And as I discussed yesterday, if we’re going to force 320 million people to buy into the deranged fantasies of a few, shouldn’t there be some discussion of just how prevalent these few are?

Jonathan Last looks at a few of the numbers available.  Tranny activists claim that their kind make up 0.3% of the overall population – just under a million souls.  I can tell you straight off that number is complete balderdash, there don’t come to even a fraction of that number.  First of all, the way these activists calculate this number is based partly on one truth – that “gender dyphoric” individuals make up about 3% of the so-called homosexual population, but then they take a discredited piece of pro-sodomy propaganda and assume that these “homosexuals” make up 10% of the overall population.

Wrong.  They make up at most roughly 2 percent of the overall population.  So what you have is perhaps 2-3% of 2% of the population, or at most like 130,000-190,000 souls, a figure I’d more or less arrived at on my own.  So I found it interesting when the numbers Last bandies about are strikingly similar:

But Steve Sailer points out a piece in the New York Times which tries to hang a real number on the trans population by using Census data for 2010, looking at the raw numbers of people who’d changed their name from one seeming-gender to another (89,667 people) and from one sex to another (21,833). [So the NYT concludes there are about 110,000 “transgendered” types. A vanishingly small number in a country of 330 million]

As Sailer points out, by those metrics, the trans number is somewhere between 0.007 percent and 0.029 percent of the population. What this suggests is that whatever the real number is, it’s so tiny that it will be difficult to pinpoint with any precision. It’s just too small.  [Sailers numbers would be between ~25,000 and 100,000 total in this country]

Also, that it is insane that the American media has push the transgender narrative the way they have over the last couple of years. Here are some comparative numbers:

The Census estimates that there are 324,000 Wiccans in America, as of 2008). Back in 2001, the American Religious Identification Survey found that there were 22,000 Americans who practices Santeria; 33,000 who identified as “Druids”; 55,000 Scientologists; and 84,000 members of the Baha’i faith. This is the order of magnitude we’re talking about with transgenderism. [Are there really so few Scientologists, after decades of high-dollar promotions?  Sheesh, half of them must be Hollywood actors]

I know I’ve been beating these twin topics of “trans” whatever and sodomy to death of late.  I’m beginning to tire of it a bit myself, but given the Supreme Court decision looming on the horizon I think it necessary to get as much of this data out in the public, on the intrawebs where everything is eternal, before  it is too late.  I don’t mean to dwell too much on this but the Reilly book is a game-changer, to me (too bad it did not come out 10 years ago), and we must have tools to resist all these highly abnormal “new-normals” being foisted on us.

So bear with me.  I will write more on this in the coming days but I’m quite certain I’ll be petering out by the end of the month……unless some fresh atrocity faces us.  Then, who knows?!?


1. TG - June 17, 2015

Speaking of Google. When I googled National Organization for Marriage, first thing that comes up is NOM Exposed by some leftist group. It’s like they don’t want you to go first to NOM. I went right to NOM and gave a donation.

Tantumblogo - June 17, 2015

Good for you! Thank you TG, you’re a grand lady.

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