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Check out these awesome pre-conciliar photos November 18, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Art and Architecture, awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Christendom, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, history, Tradition, Virtue.

There are a bunch more at the link.  I’ve seen a few before, but not most:




Seminarians offering prayers for the dead in a cemetery. See that very often anymore?


9 Novices taking vows. Can you imagine?


As I said there are many more at the link.  Enjoy.


1. Chrissy - November 18, 2015

Lovely photographs, especially the first one, will we ever see anything like that again?

Tantumblogo - November 18, 2015

The Dallas cathedral looked a great deal like that before it was wreckovated.

2. Baseballmom - November 19, 2015

Uplifting, thank you.

3. richardmalcolm1564 - November 19, 2015

It all looks… Catholic.

Sad to say, every one of these photos would engender immediate fear and loathing in a certain stripe of Catholics today – many of them clerics and religious.

4. LaGallina - November 19, 2015

Oh, those photos make my heart ache!! Oh, how I long to experience that Catholic world.

5. David L Alexander - November 20, 2015

There’s a link on the ChurchPop page to a video depicting a 3D view of the original St Peter’s Basilica, dating to the time of Constantine.

It’s nearly six minutes long, and well worth the view. You will see an inscription in Latin at about five minutes in. Can anyone guess what is missing, and why?

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