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OKC continues to demonstrate its status as most vile anti-Catholic city in US April 25, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in damnable blasphemy, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, scandals, secularism, self-serving, shocking, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare, unadulterated evil.

A bit of juxtaposition.  For the second time in three years, the city government of Oklahoma City, OK – a city long dominated by a narrow cohort of white evangelical protestants – is going to permit the ultimate blasphemy against the universal Church, a black mass, on city property.  OKC’s mayor, council members, and staff steadfastly maintain this is simply a First Amendment matter, that since satanists have “free speech” under our Constitution and Supreme Court rulings to blaspheme God, the city simply has no choice but to rent city property to these satanists allowing them to do so.  To block them, they said, would be to invite a lawsuit OKC would lose with 100% certainty.

Meanwhile, 200 miles to the south, the City of Dallas has blocked a repeat performance of the diabolically lewd “Exxxotica Expo” at the Dallas Convention Center.  Amazingly, when the producers of the Expo sued on First Amendment grounds, the City of Dallas won, at least at the district court level (no word yet on whether the Expo producers plan to appeal), but I have it on good authority the judge’s decision was worded in such a way that makes appeal quite difficult.

I would note in passing that Dallas proper is probably close to 50% nominal Catholic, with perhaps 10% actually practicing the Faith to some dimly recognizable degree.  OKC’s Catholic population is far lower, less than 10% in general terms and probably in low single digits when it comes to faithful practice.  However, to describe Dallas as a Catholic city would be ludicrous.  Dallas has its own white protestant cohort who tend to run things their own way, even as the city has become increasingly Hispanic and Catholic.

So, on the one hand, we have a city that has permitted (and, by happily renting city property, I would say encouraged) direct assaults on the Catholic Faith and the commission of the gravest, most offensive blasphemy imaginable (and not only that, but acts constantly associated with depravity of a criminal degree in the past); and on the other you have one that was not only willing to go to court to prevent a much lower level of evil (sins directly against God in His majesty being the gravest possible), they proceeded to win.

I had no idea there was a second black mass planned in Oklahoma City, and already approved by the City, for the Feast of the Assumption August 15 2016, until about an hour ago.  Even before learning this blood-boiling fact, I had already decided that Oklahoma City was, at least in its elected leadership and bureaucracy, a virulently, despicably anti-Catholic town.  This latest revelation only further confirms that fact, just as it confirms that the arguments I heard all last year from OKC officials in my extensive correspondence with them in the run up to the desecration of Our Lady were as false as they were self-serving.  Individuals claim First Amendment protections all the time, for all manner of nefarious activities.  Cities and other government bodies, for myriad reasons, choose to oppose those claims, legally, for numerous reasons.  Those bodies tend to win about as many First Amendment-related lawsuits as they win.  The idea that because someone said “religious freedom” meant the city had to positively cooperate in the commission of grave moral evil was always tenuous, at best.  Recent events in Dallas have proven it is verifiably false.

Which gets me to the conclusion I have been forced to reach: OKC would only roll over for these satanists, again and again, and even positively cooperate with their atrocities, out of reasons of bias, bias against Catholics.  Now one could argue that bias stems from mundane worldly motives (such as, there not being many politically involved Catholics in the area, Catholics not representing a big enough voting bloc to act in favor of), but those are unlikely.  City elections frequently draw only a few thousand voters and aggravating even several hundred could have a huge impact on an election. Since it is obvious even in this day and age that Catholics far outnumber satanists, even in OKC, it seems odd that a city councilman or mayor would not go to bat in favor of even 1-2% or so of their constituents.  They routinely act on behalf of far, far fewer than that.

I’ll add to that reasoning my personal experience.  If you know where I live and where my farm is (and all my family from), you will realize I’ve been through Oklahoma City scores of times.  At least 50. We used to stop there all the time.  Since I’ve become a more convicted Catholic, I’ve had some interaction with the local populace. Bear in mind, this is the city that likes to pride itself as being the brass clasp on the buckle of the Bible belt.  It is evangelical central, and often aggressively so.  I’ve had some encounters with the locals on religious matters, a few of them quite nasty.  I’ve never felt much warmth of Christian brotherhood form the locals.

So,  yeah, it’s not a lock solid proof, but I’m personally convinced the reason OKC is allowing all this to happen without even lifting a finger of opposition, nor showing even the slightest solidarity (by, say, participating in some of the protests or things to that effect) with Catholics is due to a widespread and quite deep anti-Catholic bias.  We’re also safe targets, unlike muslims or even Jews.  The former might kill you, while the media would go nuts should somebody draw a swastika on a synagogue.

Therefore, I’m boycotting OKC. In fact, I’m boycotting everything from Paul’s Valley to Guthrie.  I’ll never stop there again.  I might try to avoid stopping in the entire state when I’m passing through.  It’s easy enough for me to do.

Another response: sign the TFP petition.  Over 100,000 sigs so far, TFP are gunning for 200,000 and I bet they make it.  Apparently even 100,000 people scandalized and broken-hearted by this horrid blasphemy aren’t enough to move the rock-hard hearts of the Oklahoma City leadership.  That’s some pretty intense anti-Catholicism right there.  Rather what one would expect from people who made the likes of Robert Tilton and Oral Roberts filthy rich:

No different from Kenneth Copeland, whom Francis has received and feted several times. Francis finds this kind of devilish, money-loving chicanery just fine, but traditional Catholics, well, they’re the real sinners.




1. DM - April 26, 2016

I think you’re pretty much right on with your reasoning on OKC. However isn’t Tulsa at least slightly better? Aside from having more orthodox and traditional Catholics in the area, it seemed like there were more people from Tulsa protesting or showing some solidarity when the last OKC black mass happened then there were from OKC itself.

I have long had Oklahoma on my list of possible places to move to for many reasons. Despite it’s small Catholic population, I think overall culturally and politically it’s still far better than many states as far as resisting the moral evils of leftism and modern culture. This sad revelation has now kind of ruled out OKC, but anyone correct me if I’m wrong about Tulsa being better.

2. TF - April 26, 2016

One wonders if there are actual Satanists in the OKC government. I’m not accusing anyone, but there are more and more them around these days.

c matt - April 26, 2016

In many cases, it is hard to tell the difference between a satanist from your average run-of-the-mill politician.

3. DFW Catholic - April 27, 2016

Catholics should sue.

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