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CONFIRMED: FW Bishop Olson OK’d Pro-Abort, Pro-Immorality Rep. Veasey to Speak at FW Parish August 17, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, contraception, different religion, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, paganism, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.

I have just received confirmation via local pro-life sources that Bishop Michael Olson of Fort Worth personally OK’d the campaign event* for Representative Marc Veasey at All Saints parish tomorrow night.  As I reported yesterday, Veasey is one of the most radically immoral members of the Texas Congressional caucus and has constantly advocated in favor of abortion, supposed rights of sodomites, persecution of the Church through HHS mandates, a general reduction if not termination of the role of the Church in the public square, and all other manner of moral evils.

Local pro-life sources have informed me that at a meeting with Chancellor Msgr James Hart, Hart informed the pro-life souls complaining of Veasey’s campaign event that Bishop Olson was aware of the event and disagreed that allowing Veasey to use the good name of the Church for his own political benefit was scandalous.  

The Holy Writ of Saint Dialogue was cited as the Doctrine in favor of allowing Veasey to speak.  Must be cited somewhere there in Guadium Et Spes …….

As an aside, the Fraternity parish promised last year by Bishop Olson remains stalled with little apparent progress being made to occupy their permanent parish (at least as of a month or so ago).  This may be beyond Bishop Olson’s control – apparently, the community currently occupying what will become the FW FSSP parish has run into fundraising and other problems in building their new church, but I know some folks are becoming frustrated and beginning to lose heart.

If you want to voice your opposition to this great scandal, there is contact info at the link.

*- That’s what a “town hall” is, especially 2 1/2 months before an election, it is a local campaign event for the Rep during Congress’ month-long August recess.


1. Baseballmom - August 17, 2016

I’m shocked… Yawn…. Today’s N.O. Reading is most appropriate.

2. Adeste Fiddles - August 17, 2016

I check in on this blog from time to time, and even though I am no longer Catholic it is still one of my favorite sites to visit. TB, you’re one of my favorite bloggers!!

I have to say I am saddened by this development from bishop Olson. I met him once in Denton, when I greeted him, he responded with “pray for me.” Though it was a very nice gesture, I couldn’t help but think “Oh great, more faux Pope Francis humility.”

(I’m probably going to get my head chewed off for this), but it amazes me how over the years since I have converted to the Orthodox Church that Catholicism is still the same, nothing seems to have improved. I went to Mass for the first time in quite a while with a family member while on vacation and it’s still just the banal nonsense it always was.

Camper - August 19, 2016

Did you ever go to the Latin Mass? May I suggest the SSPX? They have far better bishops and no foolishness at Mass.

3. Dennis Hogan - August 17, 2016

Time for a visit from the Papal Nuncio concerning Olson. As I’ve stated before, he’s changed for the worse in many dealings since becoming bishop. The Holy Spirit was not at work when he was selected for his diocese.
P.S. I have heard about the same “pray for me” request by him from another person. He does not impress me at all as being genuine with that request.

4. Mirari_Vos - August 18, 2016

Monsignor Hart said such things? I am VERY surprised. When he was our pastor at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Keller up until July 2016, he would’ve preached so ardently with great religious and academic zeal against such event, as he did towards other worldly errors. I’m going to lean towards the idea that Bishop Olson requested Monsignor Hart repeat some nonsensical series of phrases that passed this event off as “okay” now that he’s practically in the chains of the Bishop.

Perhaps getting moved from a parish he oriented towards traditionalism to the chancellery was a means of silencing the “rogue” traditionalist. Parallels to Francis and Burke…

Tantumblogo - August 18, 2016

As I said, it was a report from local pro-life folks who met personally with him. I know one of them very, very well and he is a rock in the DFW pro-life community. I’ve never known him to lie or even exaggerate.

5. Camper - August 18, 2016

He’s a traitor who will burn in Hell.

Tim - August 18, 2016

If he does not repent……it’s not up to you or I.

Tantumblogo - August 18, 2016

Thank you. Yes, we don’t know the destiny of any soul, even our own, and we should pray for his repentance, but let’s avoid assigning souls to Heaven or hell on this blog, and just pray for them.

dthy - August 18, 2016

A good point to make about assigning souls to either Heaven or Hell. We hear so much about not being judgmental, yet at so many funerals souls are said to be “in Heaven” or “with Jesus” and I wonder how they know. It does the deceased person no good to make that assumption. Judgment runs both ways.

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