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A Little Commentary on the Canonization of Mother of Teresa September 7, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, Ecumenism, General Catholic, Grace, huh?, Interior Life, Saints, sanctity, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, Virtue.

A reader who wanted to contact me offline via my wife wondered why The Remnant and Church Militant hadn’t had any commentary on the Sunday canonization of Saint Teresa of Calcutta.  As for the former, they have, at least in a way, which I share below; regarding the latter, I have no idea, I really have no interaction with them anymore.  I think Church Militant would find it problematic to be critical, however, since this canonization is closely associated with the kinds of virtues this pontificate wants to stress – corporal over spiritual, active over contemplative.  But perhaps they already have been, I dunno.

At any rate, here is what The Remnant posted, not on their website, but on Youtube, where all the kool kids go these days:

My sentiments align very closely with the priests.  Who wants to criticize Mother Teresa?  I wish I were much more like her in most important respects.  Her practice of the corporal works of mercy was simply amazing, I would say, clearly supernatural.  She had an awesome ability to give of herself and ask nothing in return. She gave great witness to the Truth on very important issues like abortion and the culture of disposable human beings.  She’s one of the few well known and truly popular Catholic figures around the world who doesn’t have much if any negative stigma attached – very much a saint for our times, and for this world.

Which, as the priest notes, is also the problem.  The world could love Mother Teresa because she never demanded anything of the world that the world didn’t have at least a certain predisposition to give. She was, from the world’s perspective, the best kind of Catholic – holy, but keeping her holiness very much to herself, except when it came to doing manifestly good things for others, but never demanding or even recommending a change in the behavior of those she so ably served.  That is to say, there were few calls to conversion, save for the tacit one which was the witness of her life.  Now this was an awesome one, but many would have preferred she would preach the glory of Jesus Christ and the necessity of His Church for salvation with at least a little more effort.

She even frequently confirmed people in their false and erroneous religions much of the time, far from preaching even a very gentle message of evangelization.

Many saw a tendency to religious indifference in Mother Teresa that was perhaps an unintentional absorption of the modernism which has run amok in the Church over the past two-plus generations.  When I say that her form of evangelization was the conduct of her life, I do not mean to underestimate that in the least.  Based on that conduct, and with very little (if any) preaching/evangelizing, Mother Teresa did attract thousands of converts and formed a whole new (and vibrant) religious order.  We have had some interaction with the local Missionaries of Charity and they are dear, sweet, giving women, whose outlook on the Faith is not difficult to reconcile with the traditional practice of it.  They assist at the TLM at least occasionally.

For me, the biggest problem is one of process, wherein we see, at least for certain, politically popular individuals, the chucking of centuries old processes intended to insure that those individuals who were canonized were of the highest caliber of faith and of unimpeachable character, with no taint of any kind attached.  But since John Paul II chucked the office of “devil’s advocate,” there has been an increasing number of Saints produced whose record is not always as pure as one might hope.  At least Mother Teresa had two recognized miracles, instead of one as now seems to be the standard for canonizing post-conciliar popes.

In reality, I don’t want to come off as harsh, or critical of her canonization.  I have concerns, like the priest, but who am I?  I pray for a fraction of the sanctity Saint Teresa of Calcutta evidenced on a daily basis.  If The Remnant and others aren’t writing negatively about this, they probably feel the same way.



1. Margaret Costello - September 7, 2016

I think Louie Verrechio did a good job nailing down why Mother Theresa just doesn’t sit right with us Trads. Here are his two posts on the subject:



To sum it up…if Mother Theresa had been alive a mere 40 years earlier she would have been reprimanded for heterodoxy. All of the corporal works of mercy are meaningless if you ignore the most important: the salvation of souls. Sadly, the “Missionaries of Charity” totally miss the Mission and highest form of Charity: getting people to heaven and speaking the truth about salvation.

It’s like having a doctor who treats a man with all his bones broken yet ignores the bullet in him…the one thing that will kill him. I think this forces us to focus on priorities…and that living the true Gospel has to be book ended with speaking the truth and the salvation of souls, just like Our Lord did. There was no risk for Mother Theresa in what she did…no courage…the world of course certainly showered her with praise for caring for it’s own. The Nobel Peace prize anyone? But oh what a different story if speaking the truth and the salvation of souls were included…now that would have been Gospel living and thus risking death, persecution etc. just like Our Lord. The world wanted to make Our Lord King for all He did for them, it wasn’t until He spoke the hard truths that they ended up killing Him.

I’ve always wondered whether Mother Theresa’s spiritual blindness was due to this religious pantheism. Read the comments in the second Louie V. post. Supposedly a close doctor friend tried to explain to her that Popes could be wrong. It sounds like she trusted V2 blindly. Very sad. I hope she is in heaven:+)

God bless~

Tantumblogo - September 7, 2016

I don’t know how much experience you’ve had with them personally, but at least here locally, they do not totally ignore the good of souls or their salvation. It’s a pretty heavy focus of their local efforts, which are centered around a school/sorta day care and solid catechesis.

But I think I did say exactly that Saint Teresa of Calcutta is quite the model Saint for our time, with all that entails, good and bad.

I guess I’ve been kicked out of the trad camp now.

Margaret Costello - September 7, 2016

Not at all:+) I can quite well imagine that many MC’s speak the truth and promote the salvation of souls. Good for them:+) I’m only speaking of Mother Theresa and of what she at times promoted thru the MC’s. Maybe one day the MC’s can re-focus their priorities and shine even brighter in the world:+) God bless~

Tantumblogo - September 7, 2016

I gotcha. I do wish they were a bit more explicitly traditional. They like the TLM, they flirt with a number of traditional practices, but remain committed to the wonderful world of Novus Ordo as something equivalent.

Pray for them.

------------ - September 9, 2016

I never followed St. Teresa of Calcutta or her order closely, but I’ve heard for years that not one of the dying clients to whom they ministered refused baptism. They baptized thousands, perhaps tens of thousands apparently.

2. Baseballmom - September 8, 2016

Very measured and prudent sermon. Thanks.

3. tg - September 8, 2016

Mother Teresa wasn’t afraid to confront politicians about abortion. I think there was a prayer breakfast and she really let everyone know how she feels about abortion. I don’t get too excited about canonizations. It’s possible that Mother Teresa did evangelize just by her example. We really don’t know if many souls were saved because of her. I just leave it up to God.

------------ - September 9, 2016

Marching for Life, Mother Teresa, and Mrs. Clinton —


“Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House.

The little woman sitting at table with Mrs. Clinton did not hesitate in her reply.

“Because she has probably been aborted,” said Mother Teresa.

On this January 22, it is good to remember an event that took place 22 years ago. In 1994 at the National Prayer Breakfast, the keynote speaker was Mother Teresa. Before President and First Lady Clinton, Mother Teresa spoke about the cultural corruption that arises out of crimes against the unborn.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton did not stand and did not applaud.

Speaking to her afterwards, Mother Teresa told Mrs. Clinton of her desire to continue her mission to find homes and families for orphaned, abandoned, and unwanted children by founding an adoption center in Washington, DC. She invited the First Lady to assist her in this endeavor, and brought Mrs. Clinton to India with her to witness her work firsthand.

Mother Teresa’s motions were not wasted. When Hillary Clinton returned to Washington, she took up Mother Teresa’s request with a will. Keeping in contact with the saint who called her regularly to receive updates on her “center for babies,” Hillary Clinton did the necessary legwork and succeeded in opening The Mother Teresa Home for Infant Children in 1995 in an affluent section of Washington, DC. Mother Teresa joined her for the opening, and two years later passed into the arms of her Lord. But she left a bright mark on the career of Hillary Clinton

The center was quietly and unfortunately closed in 2002.

4. JMJ - September 9, 2016

One of the doctors clearly stated that the “miracle” which he was called to testify to (against), was in fact not a miracle at all. Now because most “Catholics” today don’t know their faith very well and have been misled (ultimately as a punishment for not being desirous of the Truth), it bears mentioning that if one departs from even one dogma one ceases to be Catholic. M. Theresa believed in leading people to “be the best Hindu, the best Muslim, the best Jew” they could be. Objectively speaking, she did not have the true Faith, and the true Church teaches infallibly that “Extra Ecclesium Nulla Salus”.

Scarier yet, is the fact that once one loses the Faith, one doesn’t know they’ve lost it.

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