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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is not a Christian…… May 9, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in catachesis, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, General Catholic, huh?, sadness, secularism.

……..at least not in any conventional sense.  I had taken from some of his many discussions on the subject of the Divine Logos/truth/etc and some interviews he did with a creator of Byzantine iconography that he might be Christian, but he addresses the matter more specifically below and I would have to conclude that, sadly, the Jungian inanity Peterson has absorbed takes him out of any category of comprehensible Christianity and into some netherworld between Christian and deist.  Which, good luck with that, as the man is brilliant and full of conviction but ultimately I do not believe he could repeat the Nicene Creed with any conviction:


Perhaps you’ll have a different takeaway, but that’s mine.

It’s a shame because Peterson is a man of prodigious gifts but 30  years being steeped in the modernist/post-modernist social sciences is almost impossible to escape without taking a severe toll.  Still great to see how easily he can take atheist’s conceits apart.

You can see the entire interview here.

I will be out the rest of the week due to a death in the family.  Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Hoelscher, my wife’s uncle.  He died yesterday, Monday May 8, 2017.  May God have mercy on his soul.


1. Joseph D'Hippolito - May 9, 2017

May God provide you and your family, especially your wife, with the wisdom to deal with whatever you need to deal with, and may He provide the right people to comfort and support you.

2. mary onyango (mrs) - May 9, 2017

May his soul and all the souls departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen

Baseballmomof8 - May 9, 2017

Eternal rest grant unto him Oh Lord….

3. Tim - May 9, 2017

He will be in my prayers.

On Dr. Peterson……in the 1st 90 seconds he showed himself to be a quintessential modernist. He would fit in well to the Novus Ordo religion. Brilliant man, but screwed up.

4. Jim J. McCrea - May 9, 2017

The gift of supernatural faith allows for a completely higher, more sure, and solid understanding of things than the most brilliant natural intellect is capable of – we can see that perfectly illustrated in that video. Let us pray that Peterson acquires that supernatural faith.

5. We Are in Opposition to the Person of the Pope Out of Loyalty to the Sublime Office of the Papacy | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - May 9, 2017

[…] you for your prayers and well-wishes.  The power of prayer – or at least yours –  is unbelievable. Every […]

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