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The Destructiveness of Female Promiscuity – The Message is Finally Getting Out May 15, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, catachesis, cultural marxism, disaster, General Catholic, horror, paganism, scandals, secularism, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, suicide, Virtue.
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Great to see from a secular source, Lauren Southern’s video below strongly endorses what I have argued numerous times on this blog: that women, by their God-given nature, are uniquely (and deleteriously) affected by sexual promiscuity, and the wounds so received by this behavior are so severe as to render them virtually unsuitable for stable marriage.  There is extensive scientific data to support this claim, though it never breaks through to the mainstream propaganda press.  The video is very worth a watch, though, by its nature, it is not at all suitable for children or those with sensitive consciences/strong temptations against purity:

I really like how Southern notes the major impetus behind all this “tolerance” and virtue signalling – good feelings on the part of those involved.  It feels better to tell people pretty lies than to tell them the painful truth, no matter how destructive those lies may be (and in this case, they seem, collectively, to be poised to destroy the greatest civilization to ever grace the Earth).

On a deep psychological level, sexual intimacy affects women in ways far different from men.  The divorce rate for women with 3 lifetime sexual partners is about 30 times that of women with only one.

Women with ten or more lifetime sexual partners are, statistically speaking, practically certain to get divorced.  They have become unsuitable for marriage, absent a miracle of grace.

Women with numerous partners are far more prone to severe psychological problems and highly negative life outcomes like addiction, self-injury, serious mental problems, and even suicide.  This has naught to do with any “learned social roles” or some kind of hidden bias – it appears to be related to core elements of female personae and constant across societies.

This is why I’ve said in the past that the modern amoral sexual pagan culture is literally driving women, especially young women leading a tortured existence on the present-day hookup-culture college campus, insane.  The young men are also being driven insane, but in different ways, ways that may or may not be easier to recover from.

At any rate, it is very refreshing to see another young woman acknowledge this fact, and implore others not to fall into the cultural trap of selling their most cherished possession, God’s gift of innocence/purity, at fire sale prices.

Put another way, perhaps all those stringent standards that have existed in so many successful/moral cultures across time and location going back millennia were not accidental, not the result of a cruel patriarchy, but are in fact a manifestation of God’s Law.  In fact there is no perhaps about it, that is exactly the case but we humans love to have to learn things the hardest, most painful way possible.

Dallas Diocese Opposes Texas “Anti-Sanctuary” Law……. May 15, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Dallas Diocese, different religion, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, Immigration, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, unbelievable BS.
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……..apparently endorsing lawlessness and law-breaking on the part of municipalities and others. Or, probably more accurately, but even more pernicious, a double standard when it comes to the law: the leftist coalition that provides (bribes) the Church to the tune of about $100 million per year for ostensible services for immigrants, legal and otherwise gets special rights and privileges, while others get the full force of the law.

At any rate, I was very sad to see one local priest I have always thought highly of strongly endorsing this diocesan effort to oppose a very fair and common-sense law.  I should also add that the Diocese of Dallas has stepped up its efforts in support of illegal immigration of late, lending support for a recent mass march in downtown Dallas in favor of immigrants rights (that only drew 3000 people, far, far less than the 100,000 predicted by its organizers):

Their message was direct: Break silence, speak out.

Their target: The impact of a new law that expands local law enforcement power over immigration matters and is billed as “anti-sanctuary.”

Senate Bill 4 was signed into law on Sunday by Gov. Greg Abbott and goes into effect Sept. 1.

“This law does not make Texas more safe,” said the Rev. Rudy Garcia, the Catholic rector at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe. “In fact, it makes all of us less safe as it discourages people from reporting crime and wrongdoing to local authorities, who now have to act like ICE agents.” [No, it is intended to avoid things like the recent case in Boston, where a legal immigrant green card holder was deliberately given a 364 day sentence by liberal prosecutors there, because green card holders who serve more than 1 year in prison can be deported.  That is, can be, not automatically or always are.  This was the prison term given for TWO armed robberies.  The same man turned around and murdered two people not long after getting out of jail.  They were unavailable for comment on the Diocese’s reflexive immigration endorsement.]

Garcia quoted from another pastor at a news conference Thursday at the Latino Center for Leadership Development in downtown Dallas, attended by more than a dozen clergy members, lawyers and social activists justice warriors.

It was the now-deceased Martin Niemoller who was an outspoken foe of Adolf Hitler. The lines attributed to him begin: “First, they went after the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist.” [Got that, Trumpistas? You’re all fascists, just like Adolf Hitler.]

………In a tearful exchange at the news conference, Dinorah Sierra introduced herself as an immigrant mother who was “indocumentada,” without legal immigration status. [She is here illegally.  She has broken federal laws, laws that are far more strict and far more rigorously enforced in Mexico and most lands from which the vast majority of illegals hail.  She is demanding, in reality, special rights and privileges for herself at the expense of those native born.]   She said she didn’t want to leave her home to attend the event. “But it gives me strength to see so many organizations united fighting for our rights,” Sierra said.

“Many of the buildings downtown have been made by Hispanic hands,” she said with her voice trembling.  ”The vegetables have been picked from the dirt by Hispanic hands, even though they don’t want us.” [Note the clever switch, from the issue of immigration to the issue of race.  The not-so-subtle implication is that if you oppose measures to curb illegal immigration and deport those here, you only do so from a standpoint of racism.  This entire press conference appears to have been conducted deplorably, relying on character assassination and reflexive appeals to emotion rather than logic or even rational analysis on the level of virtue.  I imagine that is because there is so little rational argument on the pro-illegal immigration side.]

About that, continued mass immigration, especially illegal but also legal, can often be, and in the case of the US I think manifestly is, unjust to the poorest of US citizens because this mass immigration artificially depresses wages, especially among the poorest and least skilled.  The Church is in this case helping keep wages depressed and tens of millions of US citizens out of work.

Throughout Catholic moral theology, it is an established precept that one’s duty in virtue applies first to those closest, and then radiating in a sort of concentric circles to expanding groups of people from the neighborhood, perhaps then to the parish, then to the city, the state, the region, the country, etc.

Thus Catholics have a higher moral duty to their fellow citizens than they do to those of other nations.

But for what to many appear to be selfish reasons, the Church has chosen to subordinate the rights of those who have a higher moral claim to those who have a much lower one.  So much lower, in fact, that on the matters involved – citizenship, access to social services, access to jobs, etc – it is quite arguable that citizens of those other countries have almost no claim at all, at least not when those claims put them in direct competition with natives of this country.

And I have left out entirely two enormously important factors that almost never get mentioned: the destruction of the family that frequently occurs with illegal immigration, with spouses and children often abandoned in the native land and bigamous marriages conducted here (and entirely as a matter of choice), and the fact that from the Church’s perspective, nearly half of this flood of Hispanic immigrants will leave the Church for the sects within 20 years, and an even larger proportion of their children will do the same, whereas the percentage of Catholics in Mexico (from which a huge majority proportion of the illegal immigrants come) has been relatively stable over the past 20 years, which means support for illegal immigration is support for a clear and present danger to the Faith, and, hence, the eternal destination of millions of souls.

Of course, the super with-it “church of accompaniment” established in 1965 cares little for such minutiae.  As I was told over and over again in San Antonio last week, All Dogs Go to Heaven, and concepts like hell and purgatory are just hoary old obsolete ideas that have no place in the new church, with a new pentecost, established in the sainted Sixties.

Upcoming Processions for the Anniversary Year of Fatima May 15, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, Eucharist, fun, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Our Lady, Restoration, sanctity, Society, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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I really really meant to get this post out last week, but due to the death in the family and travel, I was unable to do so.

Because of that, the first of 6 Marian processions to be held at Mater Dei parish in Irving on the 13th of the month from May to October has already passed.  Sorry about that.  The turnout was great.  I’d say close to 300 people.  While certainly intended for regular parishioners, everyone is welcome to attend these processions and, of course, to avail themselves of the Sacraments at Mater Dei at any time.

The details for the remainder are below:

Yes it is also important to note that the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue will be at Mater Dei on June 22nd, as shown above.

The other announcement concerns a diocesan Eucharistic Procession for Corpus Christi being held June 17:

Yes I know the Feast of Corpus Christi is June 15.  I did not schedule the event.

FYI, there is a Mass before the procession at 5:00 pm at Most Holy Trinity parish on Oak Lawn but given that parish’s reputation…….well, you are forewarned.  I have had recent experience of Novus Ordo Masses due to the death in the family and all I can say is that it was a travesty.  Instant canonization.  I stood up and addressed the 200 odd souls present, imploring them to pray for the deceased (not at Mass, at the non-standard Rosary and wake the night before).  Several thanked me for that afterward.

The priest refused to distribute the Blessed Sacrament, so I did not receive.  So typical of San Antonio, the choir director and some lay liturgical coordinator (both female) – I have no idea what their formal role or title is- just dominated events, with the priest sitting back as a dude who steps in to just sort of confect the Sacrament and then get out of the way.  He did give a sermon, but it was far more entirely to assuage the feelings of the bereaved, with nothing about praying for the deceased.  The entire ethos conveyed seemed to be that this life is the only source of our trials and sufferings, and that essentially everyone (except actual Catholics, mean and nasty as they are, believing all those harsh old things) goes to Heaven instantly upon death, where its sunshine and lollipops forever.

I could say a great deal more but won’t.  And this was one of the, reputedly, less heterodox parishes in SA.