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Blessed Miguel Pro, the Cristiada, and the Synagogue of Satan May 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, history, Holy suffering, Latin Mass, manhood, martyrdom, mortification, priests, Saints, sanctity, secularism, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Great sermon from Padre Not Tony Romo, on the life and suffering of Blessed Miguel Pro.  He then ties in his own apostolate trying to re-establish the authentic practice of the Faith in Latin America generally and once so devout Mexico in particular.

As is widely known, Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ, was one of many Catholic priest-martyrs of the Cristiada in Mexico, which developed after a masonic-inspired cabal of Christ-hating pseudo-revolutionaries gained control of that tortured nation’s governance.  I did not know, as Father relates, that Blessed Miguel Pro levitated during his final Mass before his capture and martyrdom, nor that his face was transfigured as on Mount Tabor.  Very interesting.

I like how Father notes the false Catholics of our time (and all times), those who, when confronted with a contradiction between the Truth of Jesus Christ and the ways of the world, choose the world over Jesus Christ.  Father does not say this, but the greatest reason for the crisis in the human element of the Church is that the vast majority of priests and prelates today are of just that type of Catholic, those who choose the world over Jesus Christ in the constant belief and practice of the Faith.  In fact, there was an entire ecumenical council that was captured, or hijacked, by this same spirit.  Or, at least, many think, and so it seems.

Many of those who choose the world over Christ lambaste those who still cling to Christ and His Truth as extremists, fanatics. Amazingly, guns are no longer needed to persecute the Faith out of Catholics, Catholics have largely voluntarily lost their faith under the bad example of so many priests and prelates, the errors taught since 1965, and the practice of all manner of immodesty, unchastity, and personal filthiness.  That is to say, the reason men like Plutarco Calles used violence was to force Catholics of the time to lose their faith through exposure to evils like pronographic sexual education in the state schools that replaced parochial schools.  Today, people happily partake of far worse of their own volition.

Good sermon:

I have had the privilege of meeting this priest and I follow his apostolate with some closeness.  I continue to be impressed with his devotion to the many souls in his care and efforts to restore the Catholic Faith in Mexico, which never really

Sorry if this is too many sermons for one day!

Two Complimentary Views of the Crisis in the Church May 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Christendom, cultural marxism, episcopate, General Catholic, Good St. Joseph, Grace, history, Latin Mass, paganism, priests, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership, Victory, Virtue.
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I originally thought to frame this post as two contrasting views, but that wouldnt’ be right.  Yes the Church is in dire straits, possibly enduring the worst crisis in her long history, as Michael Matt notes in the first video, but that might only make the likelihood of God working a miraculous turnaround even greater, as the priest notes in the second video.

Both are very much worth your time and consideration, especially, in the first, for the heartfelt eulogy Mr. Matt delivers for his departed friend and co-worker in the devastated vineyard, John Vennari.  I think there is worth in fleshing out something Matt alludes to, as well: he repeatedly defends Vennari, and himself, for their “strident” beliefs in noting they were simply elucidating the Doctrine of the Faith as it has always been believed and practiced.  The other side, the progressive-modernist side, does not get this; because they elevate, heck, exalt, their own opinion above that of the solemnly defined Doctrine of the Faith to such a marked extent, they assume everyone else must do this as well.  Thus they smear Catholics with “extemism” in defending what has always been the de fide mind of the Church, but which so many, including probably most bishops, now dismiss as mere opinion.

It’s a good video:

Also worth watching is this video on on the great corollary notion, the historical fact of God working improbable, even impossible turnarounds, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat time and time again.  Now most of the examples below are examples of personal conversion or healing, rather than the societal/ecclesiastical restoration, which we desperately need today, but there are certainly plenty of the latter I can think of.  The Counter-Reformation, what might better be called the Great Catholic Counter-revolution, is probably the most obvious.  There were a dozen different periods between 1520 and 1660 when the entire Catholic Faith faced seeming extinction in the face of the protestant onslaught.

And, of course, it was Athanasius contra mundum in 320 or so.  Then there was Joan of Arc saving France from English domination and, through that and the folly of Henry VIII, the ascendance of false protestantism over Christianity in the 16th century.  The very foundation of our Faith is based in a miraculous recovery from the darkest of events, when it seemed the Savior of the world had been put to death and crushed beneath a tyrannical people’s hatred.

But there is some really interesting catechesis from ~13:00 – 17:30 when the priest discusses the role of the occult on both the Allied and Axis side in WWII and the ascendance of the post-Christian ultra-rationalist cult of scientific materialism since.  We are plainly as a culture and Church experiencing God’s wrath for our lack of faith and deviance from not only devotion to Him but to the very truth itself.

The sermon also includes an illuminating study of the horrid pantheistic neo-pagan cult ceremony that marked the opening of the Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland.  That was a literal flipping of the bird towards God.  And yes there was a Catholic priest, in addition to a protestant pseudo-cleric, a rabbi, and an imam there to bless it all.  But Father sees much greater meaning in a performance that many just saw as strange, offensive, and gross.  It was a veritable recapping in ghoulish song and perverse dance of the descent of Christendom from its former glory through communistic materialism to the sexual revolution and now into neo-pagan violence, decadence, and self-degradation.  I forgot they had a huge picture of Bahomet on the screen and ultimately ended in Gaia-worship.  How sick.  That part of the sermon from roughly 18:30 – 27:00.  “The highway for hell has been opened for easy travel.”  Indeed.

Father, however, prophecies that we are poised for a great reversal from God.  Historically, however, we have to comprehend that several of these historical reversals entailed destruction on a national or even societal scale in order to clear away all the evil and set a path for restoration.  The fallen pagan order must cease to exist in order for the Reign of Christ to return.

I don’t want to steal all of Father’s thunder but it’s very well worth listening to.

Dr. Christopher Malloy Giving Talk on Fatima at UD May 3 at 7:30p May 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Our Lady, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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Go check out my friend Chris Malloy hosting a discussion on the revelations of Fatima and their pertinence to our times.  In this year of the 100th anniversary of the greatest Marian apparition ever, and with the consecration of Russia still not performed as dictated by Our Lady (speaking strictly of my own opinion), the message of Fatima is as significant as ever.

Details on the talk below.  I shall try to go, but may be late.

fatima flyer