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US House to Votes to Approve 20 Week Abortion Ban……. October 3, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, awesomeness, Basics, contraception, cultural marxism, disaster, General Catholic, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.

………and “not really conservative” Trump signals his endorsement.  But it’s all for naught, Yertle McTurtle will let it die an inglorious death in the Senate.  No chance whatsoever those great soldiers of conservatism in the Senate like McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, et. al.,   bearing the general stamp of approval of the establishment “conservative” press, would dare to attach this 20 week abortion ban to a do or die must pass bill like extending the debt ceiling or the Defense budget.

I like this statement of support the much too liberal for the neocon press Trump put out:

The United States is currently out of the mainstream in the family of nations,” the statement declares, “in which only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.”

Such is the power of the abortion industry in this nation.  Even though most Americans, depending on how the question is put to them, favor much stricter limits on abortion, if not an outright ban, the abortion industry has one party absolutely committed to insuring abortion on demand at any time without apology and you’re paying for it, Mr. Patriarchal Taxpayer, and that party has made all the difference.  On the other side, a majority of Repubniks in national elected office only tacitly oppose abortion, at best, and probably most of those secretly support the democrat take on the matter. After all, if they didn’t, who would invite them to swanky cocktail parties and secure for them multi-million dollar sinecures with a K-Street lobbying firm?

I also like this bit of commentary from the Catholic Ed Morrisey:

That data comes from a 2014 study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which studied abortion practices. We are part of a dubious club of nations that includes North Korea, China, and Vietnam, as well as the Netherlands, Singapore, and … oh, Canada. That basically puts us and Canada in league with euthanasiaists and forced-aborters, not exactly dignified company for Americans and Canadians.

Getting this bill through the House might be tough. Getting it through the Senate may be impossible, at least in this session. It will be subject to a cloture vote, which means it will need 60 votes to eventually get to a floor vote on the bill itself. Even if all 52 Republicans stand firm on HR36 — and that’s questionable considering the support for Planned Parenthood from Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski during the ObamaCare repeal efforts — they’d need eight Democrats to avoid a filibuster.

I exaggerated a bit above about Collins and Murkowski (why doesn’t Palin run against her?  Is she too toxic even in Alaska?) having the endorsement of the establishment class, but I can say this with a totally straight face: neither face even a fraction of the withering criticism Trump receives almost constantly from the establishment Repubniks in the conservativish press. It is amazing how butt-hurt these folks still are over the election.  Their sentiments are often indistinguishable from the (rest of the?) statist media.  Thus, the leviathan uniparty.

A 20 week abortion ban would be an eminently sensible restriction, and one that should be politically possible.  I’d be fully in favor of using the “nuclear option” to avoid cloture. But it’s not going to happen.  Sickening, given that every single day abortion persists in this nation brings down the curse and rage of God upon it.  Abortion should be made illegal again, but I don’t see that happening until there is a massive revival/restoration in the culture.

So we’re going to continue murdering 3000+ babies a day for the foreseeable future.


1. Tg - October 4, 2017

The “Tales from the Crypt” McConnell and McCain will make sure it doesn’t even get voted on. I wish those two old farts would retire. You would think they’d want to spend time with their grandkids especially if you have a brain tumor.

FL_Catholic - October 5, 2017

Why would they want to spend time with their grandkids? Being with them probably pricks their conscience to think about all the grandkids of other people who have been ripped apart and murdered before they’ve been born. Can’t have that! A disturbed conscience might even make them unable to fully enjoy their next round of tax-payer funded golf! Perish the thought! Nope, better to stay in D.C. and grandstand to the media and Soros to make sure the doctors on the Obamacare payroll don’t pull their plugs “by mistake” the next time their in the hospitals. Disgusting, putrid souls, the lot of them.

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