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USCCB Continues Misinformation Campaign on DACA, Trump, Immigration October 3, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, cultural marxism, Dallas Diocese, error, General Catholic, Immigration, It's all about the $$$, pr stunts, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church.
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Our diocesan newspaper some weeks ago had an article repealing Trump’s use of an executive order to repeal Obama’s executive order instituting the so-called Dream Act, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).  DACA has been surrounded by lies and misinformation ever since Obama enacted it, probably illegally and certainly unconstitutionally back in 2012.  The USCCB has continually been in the forefront of this campaign.  I’ll excerpt a few brief bits from the article to demonstrate how this dezinformatsiya campaign works:

Lisette Moreno was just 5 years old when her parents brought her from Mexico to the United States……..[The setup Obama and the Left has used to sell DACA is that we are talking about poor teens and even younger, just little kids we’d be throwing out of the country to fend for themselves in a hellish Mexico.  Because that’s how the Left views third world countries.  If not quite kids, they’re at least very young, maybe college students, etc. How could we be so mean?]

………Moreno is an active parishioner at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and soon she and upwards of 800,000 people who were brought to the United States by their parents without documents could face loss of work documents and immediate deportation from a land that they know to one that is culturally in their blood, but foreign nonetheless. [Have there been any mass deportations, yet?  Any concrete plans developing to do so?  Or is this really more about overturning what was a politically unpopular and unconstitutional move – by executive action only, Congress was not involved, no law was every passed – in the first place?]

…….”When we were brought here as children, we went to school and our teachers taught us to dream big; our teachers taught us to progress, to be better, to set a goal and accomplish it,” said Moreno, who is now 34[They buried that little revelation at the end of the 6th paragraph in, well past the point when most people would have stopped reading.  So this is no kid. This is a grown woman, becoming close to middle-aged. Also, if she came here when she was 5, that means she came here 29 years ago, or 1988.  Which is, quite interestingly, just two years after the first shamnesty passed by Reagan, which was promised to be a “totes swearsie!” one time deal that would never recur, after which 2.5 million illegal immigrants were granted instant citizenship, the border would be closed firmly and we’d never have an illegal immigration crisis again. The lead up to the first amnesty was very well known.  But her parents came later, anyway. Did her parents give a thought to what might happen if they were deported, even split up, as was certainly very possible?  Does this Moreno show more allegiance to the United States than to Mexico? Does she still send remittances back?]

[Follows a parade of sad, meaningless, self-serving quotes from both our Bishop Burns and other figures in the Church]………Denouncements, criticisms, and outrage have come from many sectors across society: universities, Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, faith communities, and non-profit organizations. [All of which means absolutely nothing, since Trump was elected precisely to get a handle on the totally chaotic situation regarding illegal immigration and the southern border. A substantial majority of Americans oppose the “Dream Act” and the current immigration policy and desire a wall be built to drastically limit immigration (and drugs, and sex trafficking of minors, and a thousand other evils). I also note that every single one of the organizations listed either stands to benefit directly from continued unconstrained mass immigration through use of cheap labor/wage depression of native citizens, or through ideological alignment (adherence to leftism).]

……….Father Cruz Calderon, pastor of Santa Clara Catholic Church in Oak Cliff, called for prayers to unite, not divide. [See, when it’s what he wants, it’s unity.  If not, it’s division. Get it?]

“In my opinion, it no longer is about protecting and leading a country, but about authoritarianism,” he said. “This appears to be a partisan fight to revoke laws made by a previous administration to systematically say that those laws were wrong.” [First of all, it’s not a law.  A law is passed by Congress.  It was an executive order, and probably unconstitutional. And yes, guess what, the people rejected the unpopular actions of that previous Obama administration, and wanted them overturned.  So, we elected a new president who promised to do just that.  Your disliking the result is utterly immaterial, as is your attempt to calumniate without justification the duly elected President.Just so we’re clear, yes, very many Americans feel, with eminent justification, that pretty much everything the former occupant of the White House did was wrong.]

…….Moreno, one of the founders of the Peace and Justice Commission at the cathedral………[And we get that little revelation 20 paragraphs in.  So, she’s not exactly an unbiased observer, either.  She’s a dedicated activist.]

Sadly, and frustratingly, Trump has indicated he’d be happy to reinstitute DACA so long as it is done legally and constitutionally, e.g., through Congress. I really hope that doesn’t come to pass, especially so long as brick one has not been laid on the much-promised wall.

We can expect much more lobbying from the institutional Catholic press in favor of just that.  And, I am equally certain, even more disinformation and constant appeals to emotion.  The key point is to get people feeling and not thinking.  That’s exactly what articles like the above are designed to elicit, and are part and parcel of any well-orchestrated leftist campaign.

But, I hear our new Bishop Burns, in spite of his quotes in the article I declined to excerpt, is much more friendly to the Latin Mass than was his predecessor, who made it absolutely clear that there would never be a TLM outside of Mater Dei so long as he was around.  I even understand that a priest or two has been “given permission” – though by canon law none is required – to offer Mass Ad Orientem again, which now Cardinal Farrell had firmly squashed.

There might even be a possibility for TLMs outside Mater Dei, and in the northern part of the Diocese where there still exists much latent unsatisfied demand.  But let me counsel you folks, on the outside chance this occurs and there is a TLM in the north deanery, ATTEND IT.  Don’t let it die for lack of support.  There were many reasons the Novus Ordo Latin in Plano at St. Mark died, it was intended to be unsuccessful from the start, but, not showing up gave Farrell and his allies all the reason they needed to cancel it and to never permit such an “experiment” again.  Don’t let that happen, especially with a TLM.

US House to Votes to Approve 20 Week Abortion Ban……. October 3, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, awesomeness, Basics, contraception, cultural marxism, disaster, General Catholic, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.
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………and “not really conservative” Trump signals his endorsement.  But it’s all for naught, Yertle McTurtle will let it die an inglorious death in the Senate.  No chance whatsoever those great soldiers of conservatism in the Senate like McCain, McConnell, Murkowski, Collins, et. al.,   bearing the general stamp of approval of the establishment “conservative” press, would dare to attach this 20 week abortion ban to a do or die must pass bill like extending the debt ceiling or the Defense budget.

I like this statement of support the much too liberal for the neocon press Trump put out:

The United States is currently out of the mainstream in the family of nations,” the statement declares, “in which only 7 out of 198 nations allow elective abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.”

Such is the power of the abortion industry in this nation.  Even though most Americans, depending on how the question is put to them, favor much stricter limits on abortion, if not an outright ban, the abortion industry has one party absolutely committed to insuring abortion on demand at any time without apology and you’re paying for it, Mr. Patriarchal Taxpayer, and that party has made all the difference.  On the other side, a majority of Repubniks in national elected office only tacitly oppose abortion, at best, and probably most of those secretly support the democrat take on the matter. After all, if they didn’t, who would invite them to swanky cocktail parties and secure for them multi-million dollar sinecures with a K-Street lobbying firm?

I also like this bit of commentary from the Catholic Ed Morrisey:

That data comes from a 2014 study by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which studied abortion practices. We are part of a dubious club of nations that includes North Korea, China, and Vietnam, as well as the Netherlands, Singapore, and … oh, Canada. That basically puts us and Canada in league with euthanasiaists and forced-aborters, not exactly dignified company for Americans and Canadians.

Getting this bill through the House might be tough. Getting it through the Senate may be impossible, at least in this session. It will be subject to a cloture vote, which means it will need 60 votes to eventually get to a floor vote on the bill itself. Even if all 52 Republicans stand firm on HR36 — and that’s questionable considering the support for Planned Parenthood from Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski during the ObamaCare repeal efforts — they’d need eight Democrats to avoid a filibuster.

I exaggerated a bit above about Collins and Murkowski (why doesn’t Palin run against her?  Is she too toxic even in Alaska?) having the endorsement of the establishment class, but I can say this with a totally straight face: neither face even a fraction of the withering criticism Trump receives almost constantly from the establishment Repubniks in the conservativish press. It is amazing how butt-hurt these folks still are over the election.  Their sentiments are often indistinguishable from the (rest of the?) statist media.  Thus, the leviathan uniparty.

A 20 week abortion ban would be an eminently sensible restriction, and one that should be politically possible.  I’d be fully in favor of using the “nuclear option” to avoid cloture. But it’s not going to happen.  Sickening, given that every single day abortion persists in this nation brings down the curse and rage of God upon it.  Abortion should be made illegal again, but I don’t see that happening until there is a massive revival/restoration in the culture.

So we’re going to continue murdering 3000+ babies a day for the foreseeable future.