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More proof leftism is a false religion October 29, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, paganism, rank stupidity, secularism, self-serving, Society.

Our “friends” on the left like to tell us they are the “rational,” “fact-based” community.  But when it comes to the sacred shibboleths of leftism: whether abortion may cause cancer, or the disastrous effect divorce and contraception have had on the family-  they are almost impervious to any contrary evidence.

And when it comes to one of their latest fetishes, global warming cooling climate change, they are so uniquely opposed to any contrary evidence and so determined to enforce lockstep doctrinal uniformity that the religious connection becomes clear.  Take, for instance, recently unearthed satellite weather photos from the early-mid 1960s that show radical changes in polar ice caps at least as large, if not larger, than those we see today, which were supposed to be “unprecedented.” Do the acolytes and high priests take this new evidence to re-evaluate their theory?  Of course not!  This new evidence is simply inexplicable!

Scientists have uncovered a cache of satellite images of Earth from the 1960s that had been forgotten in storage for nearly 50 years and that push back the first satellite images of our planet a full 17 years. [well I know of some shots from the Ranger Program that showed the entire earth by 1965.  Yet again the media screws up a very easy topic – I guess they were saying their were no shots of the full earth from space until 1980 or so?!?  What about all the Apollo pictures!?!]\

What they found astonished them: The images revealed new records for both the smallest maximum [Antarctic] sea ice ever recorded and the largest. The latter record was just broken this year. The two records were just two years apart, but the difference in sea ice extent was more than 1.5 million square miles (4 million square kilometers), an area twice the size of Mexico.

“We’re talking a 20 percent difference,” says Gallaher. “That’s a sizeable change.”

The Nimbus satellites also caught images of the Arctic before warming from climate change accelerated. Gallaher and Campbell were surprised to see some mysterious holes in the ice in the old images. [See how they do that! Present “global warming” and “climate change accelerated” as accomplished facts, rather than highly dubious and contested theories.  This new, old evidence rather explodes the theory, does it not, or at least gravely undermine some of its central assumptions?  But rather than discuss that, we have scientists acting bewildered, unable to explain how this could be, since the “theory” isn’t a theory, but a religious tenet.]

Holes in the Arctic ice are a common phenomenon today, as the Arctic warms. But in the colder 1960s, a large patch of thin or melted ice was unexpected—and nothing like it was seen again until the 21st century.

Now, wait, how do you know that?  How many other photos are “missing?”  During the 60s, 70s, and most of the 80s no one was much concerned about polar ice caps or gerbal worming so there may not have been much notice taken of such photos but I guarantee they exist.  We have no idea what the ice coverage looked like from space then. So you can’t say this is some weird 60s-2000s phenomenon.

We also now know supposed “unprecedented” changes in the levels of polar ice, which are supposed to “prove” climate change (whatever that means, today), do in fact have precedent.  We also have little to no proof that the Arctic has “warmed” any more than an absolutely trivial amount.  And ice coverage in the Arctic is higher this year than it has been in some time.

It is also very significant that ice coverage in Antarctica varied 20% in only 2  years.  That tells me our scienticians have very little idea of how this ice coverage behaves, or its significance.

But, being the cardinal archbishops of the religion of materialist sexular paganism, that won’t stop them from dictating to the rest of us huge penances for the sins of carbon emissions in order to appease the dread god Gaia.

I tell you, if we had a few thousand of these climate change scientists as Catholic bishops and priests our troubles in the Church would soon be over my friends.  That kind of religious fervor is rarely found in the Church today.

On the contrary, our present situation in the Church today is that a sizable number of nominal Catholics, including a good number of bishops and priests, have more faith in “global warming” than they do in Jesus Christ, the Real Presence, and all the Truths of our Faith.



1. John C. - October 29, 2014

I believe in climate change…
It happens four times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter).

Don’t forget the “unprecedented disaster” of climate change that occurs when the sun goes below the horizon and the ambient air temperature drops.

All sarcasm aside, ate we even sure that CO2 is a “pollutant”?
Want this decided, like most leftist items by some judges?

Sorry, but global warming (uughh I mean climate change) is so far down the list of my concerns… things, I guess ate just different when one lives in a penthouse eating caviar, having nannies and having George Soros as a mentor

Baseballmom - October 29, 2014

My favorite climate change is occurring g right now outside my window!!!!!! And the colors are amazing! 🙂

2. steve - October 29, 2014

Here is how we can dialogue” with Islam.

Pretend that “authentic” Islam rejects violence.

Who defines “authentic” Islam?

Churchmen who are determined to justify and continue their failed commitment to “interreligious” dialogue define Islam.

Naturally, they have advanced the claim that “authentic” Islam is peaceful.

The reality is that “authentic” Islam does not exist as Islam is divided hopelessly into sects.

Nobody speaks on behalf of Islam.

That explains the overall failure of our Churchmen’s “dialogue” with Islam.

The “peaceful” Imam who visited the Vatican, where he prayed for Islam to conquer the world, symbolized the utter failure of said “dialogue”.

3. steve - October 30, 2014

I meant, of course, to have posted the above to the thread that dealt with Islam.

I apologize for my error.

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