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Passing God around like crackers at Pope’s Philippine Mass January 19, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, disaster, episcopate, Eucharist, foolishness, General Catholic, Papa, sadness, scandals, secularism, Society.

Via Fr. Carota, who had this to say:

I know that these priests and people did not mean to be disrespectful to God/Jesus in the Holy Communion.  I am sure they really wanted to receive Jesus’ Body and Blood at this papal mass.  But, nonetheless, giving out Holy Communion this way is disrespectful and anyone could receive and take Jesus home as a souvenir or to give to a satanist.  What needed to be done, is patiently let people kneel and receive God on the tongue as God deserves.  Practicality over Sacredness and Godliness.

It is also not necessary that we receive Jesus every time we go to Holy Mass. We should, but it is not at all necessary in order to get all of God’s graces at every single Holy Mass.

The video evidence:

Fr. Carota is certainly being charitable. The people perhaps did not mean disrespect or sacrilege but the priests should have known better, as should the organizers.  This kind of feeding frenzy and rough handling of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity Incarnate in bread is utterly unacceptable. The rough handling and mob mentality that is on display is indicative of the highly disordered beliefs people have developed regarding the Blessed Sacrament, what it is, and what it means. In a sense, Cardinal Kasper is right, that the Blessed Sacrament is not a reward handed out at Mass just for the good behavior of being present at Mass.  It is a sign and act of the deepest meaning, indicating a heart submitted to God and all the Truth He has revealed through His Church, who so desires intimate union with the Creator that it would even be so bold as to consume His Flesh, at His command.  But in the post-conciliar Church, reception of the Blessed Sacrament is treated not as an incredible privilege but as a right, and we know from sad experience that a very large number of people unworthily receive the Blessed Sacrament, blaspheming the Lord in the most offensive way possible.

Yes it is highly desirable to receive the Blessed Sacrament whenever possible, but not at the expense of scenes like this.  Even worse than the outer turmoil and sacrilege we see on display in the video is the inner turmoil that roils so many souls and the silent sacrilege that occurs under so many unworthy receptions.  It used to be, before the Council, that a good percentage of souls at Mass would not receive. That was not because they were “bad” Catholics, it was quite the opposite, they were good Catholics who knew that they could only receive their Lord when their heart was in the right place and their soul acceptably free of sin.  Who knows how many sacrilegious communions were made in the scene above?

Things like this only increase the disrespect for the Blessed Sacrament and the profusion of disbelief in the Real Presence. Such disbelief is already rampant.  Very few Catholics even know, and fewer still accept, the Church’s belief in the Real Presence.  This is such a sad scene.

But here is the problem post-conciliar practice, especially regarding unextraordinary ministers of Holy Communion is concerned, generates: already in most Masses in “large, suburban parishes” a dozen or more people go up around the altar to hand out Hosts at every Mass.  What we see in the Philippines, or in Neo-Catechumenal Way Masses, is simply the post-conciliar practice of casual handling and reception of the Blessed Sacrament taken to its logical conclusion.  If 12 or 20 people can hand out “crackers,” why not 20,000?  And if everyone can walk up and receive their Lord casually, on their feet, handling him with their profane, unconsecrated hands, why not just do what is done here?  There can be no real objection, because the difference in practice between what happens in most parishes every Sunday, and what happened in the Philippines, is not one of kind but only degree

And that is the real tragedy of the Philippines, not the fact that things like this rarely happen, but that things like this happen in almost every parish every day, and are treated as ho-hum no big deal.  Novus Ordo priests of a more conservative or orthodox bent often lament the fact that they find Hosts scattered in pews, in the aisles crushed to dust, outside in the lawn, or even in the bathroom stalls or urinals.

May God permit the shock and dismay caused by this extreme instance of abuse cause the people in the Church to reconsider the regular, mundane abuse they permit and encourage every day.


1. Don - January 20, 2015

For shame! If you believe, and Deo Gratias I believe, does the Pope believe in the Real Presence? If he does, how could he allow this? For shame!


2. Joseph D'Hippolito - January 20, 2015

Novus Ordo priests of a more conservative or orthodox bent often lament the fact that they find Hosts scattered in pews, in the aisles crushed to dust, outside in the lawn, or even in the bathroom stalls or urinals.

Does this mean that Catholics effectively no longer believe in the doctrine of the Real Presence? If so, how did this happen?

I’m not trying to incite anything. I’m just curious.

I also think a lot of this has to do with simple bad manners and a lack of decorum, which are becoming epidemic throughout society. Even if one doesn’t believe in the Real Presence, one simply doesn’t a Communion wafer that way.

Tantumblogo - January 20, 2015

Well, polls have showed that only about 25% of Catholics even know the Church’s belief in the Real Presence, and only about half of those accept that belief.

One of the many ways it happened was Communion in the hand, which casualizes the experience to a marked degree. Eucharistic Prayer II and the other new non-canonical Eucharist Prayers also undermine the belief by putting forth, in the participants own tongue, much less clear presentations of the Faith regarding the Real Presence. There are many more.

steve - January 20, 2015

Tantumblogo…”Well, polls have showed that only about 25% of Catholics even know the Church’s belief in the Real Presence, and only about half of those accept that belief.”

In light of that, it is amazing that in September 1965 A.D., three months prior to Vatican II’s conclusion, Pope Venerable Paul VI’s Encyclical on the Eucharist (Mysterium Fidei) offered the following:

13. “And so, with the aim of seeing to it that the hope to which the Council has given rise — that a new wave of Eucharistic devotion will sweep over the Church…”

76. “Fortified by the most consoling hope of blessings that will accrue to the whole Church and to the whole world from an increase in devotion to the Eucharist…”

It is incredible to read the great hope that our Churchmen had at that time…the Church’s tremendous liturgical and spiritual “renewal” that they believed had arrived or would arrive shortly, thanks to Vatican II.

In 1965 A.D., for example, Pope Venerable Paul VI was confident in a Vatican II-led renewal for Holy Mother Church.

In 1968 A.D., Pope Venerable Paul VI declared that the Church had entered into “self-destruction” mode.


Even more amazing, our Churchmen continue to extol the Vatican II-led “renewal” in liturgy and spirituality.

That is the official party line.

Anyway…peace to Pope Venerable Paul VI.


3. damselofthefaith - January 20, 2015

Seeing this desecration of Our Lord’s Body should make any Catholic cry out with indignation and outrage. Indeed, this is the end result of Communion in the hand. Why it is still allowed to be practiced is the work of the devil in the Church.

This is our God!

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is offended. And through the infinite merit of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

4. Baseballmom - January 20, 2015

This is precisely why it is time to end these papal “rock star” Masses. If this pope, Or any future pope, would like to grab hold of a “teachable moment” – explaining WHY these Masses will no longer be offered – he would do tremendous good by doing so. Don’t expect it with this pontificate, but perhaps the next one…

5. steve - January 20, 2015

The following aspect has for years puzzled me in regard to outdoor Papal mega-Masses:

The push today from “progressive” folks who control countless dioceses and parishes is that we must gather — literally — about the altar to obtain “authentic” liturgical experiences.

Encircle the altar…crowd the altar…literally…they preach to us…or you will fail to experience “authentic” liturgy.

Conversely, an outdoor Papal mega-Mass places millions of worshipers a tremendous distance the altar.

People are so far removed from the altar at such a Mass that they are forced to “assist” (at least visually) via massive TV screens and/or binoculars.

I will keep that in mind the next time that progressives design a church (or wreckovate a church) to gather worshipers about the altar.


6. mary gormally - January 20, 2015

Wrong to call the Sacrament ‘the second person of the Blessed Trinity incarnate in bread.’ It is Christ under the appearance of bread, the bread in itself being no longer present. In the Incarnation, Christ is truly man, but when transubstantiation takes place, the host is not truly bread.

7. TG - January 20, 2015

“It used to be, before the Council, that a good percentage of souls at Mass would not receive.” – this past Sunday at my NO parish, there were two young girls dressed ratherly casually in jeans who did not receive Holy Communion. I was kind of surprised that they would know they shouldn’t receive. It showed me not to judge by looks.

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