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Head of Synod on Family reacts angrily to lay input defending Church Doctrine, says doctrine has always evolved January 28, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, SOD, the return.

One of the most glaring aspects of the ultra-clericalism that has been rampant in the Church since the last Council, is that many statements purporting to encourage lay input and involvement in the Church are suddenly forgotten when the laity don’t uphold the progressive-modernist line.  It seems, as in so many areas of Church life, some laity are more equal than others. The input of the radicals at the National Heretic Reporter are eagerly sought; that of the most faithful and involved Catholics are rejected, sometimes angrily, for the inconvenient things they sometimes say.

There has been some rather strong evidence of this trend of late.  Recently, in preparation for the second session of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family, the Vatican held a conclave of numerous lay family organizations from around the world. They were asked for their input for the various proposals being discussed.  When they almost unanimously called for the upholding of the constant belief and practice of the Faith, Synod Secretary General Cardinal Baldisseri apparently reacted angrily, even stating that “doctrine” has always evolved and that it was ridiculous to have a Synod that only confirmed what had already been said before. I think that last statement right there tells us more than the Cardinal intended regarding the ultimate impetus behind this extraordinary Synod.

The article below is a translation from the German site Katholisches by Tancred at Eponymous Flower. I have taken the liberty of cleaning up some of the Germ-lish:

Preparations continue for the Synod of Bishops on the family in 2015. The Pontifical Family Council has invited  the leaders of the world’s most important Catholic laity to Rome to hear their views on the 46 questions of the new questionnaire from 22 to 24th January, which will be the basis of the Instrumentum laboris  of the Synod. But the result was not as Cardinal Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops had planned.  The cardinal, who acted as an extended arm of Pope Francis at the Synod of Bishops in 2014, was angry and broke out with rage in his statements against the lay representatives.

Everything went down very discreetly. The communicative Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, appointed by Pope Francis, made no public announcements.  This seems to have to do with the fact that the outcome of the conclave did not meet the expectations of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. The priest Santiago Martín, founder of the Franciscans of Mary conceived the opinions of lay associations in an essay titled: “Catholic Laity: Discount, No thanks!”

“Virtually all lay movements represented in Rome have spoken out in favor of retaining the traditional doctrine.” The outcome of the hearing “could not have been made clearer. Practically the whole of those present in Rome, about eighty movements, including the most important and those with the most membership, have spoken in favor of retaining the traditional doctrine…….”

…….Accordingly,  Cardinal Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops reacted angrily to the opinions of the laity. He defended the “right” of Cardinal Kasper against criticism of the laity, to require the approval of adulterers to communion. Cardinal Baldisseri spoke not of adulterers, but of “divorced persons who live in relationships unrecognized by the Church.”

Baldisseri contradicted the lay representatives, and they should “not be surprised”, because there are theologians who oppose the teaching of the Church. What was understood by those present was that the Cardinal wanted to say that the Church’s teaching is not so clear on the point.

Finally Baldisseri claimed that the dogmas of the Church “evolved” and that “there is no point to hold a synod, if you then just repeat what was always said.”

But indignation among those present broke out into the open upon Baldisseri’s final assertion: “Just because a certain understanding 2000 years ago was in place that does not mean that it can not be called into question.”

The lay representatives could not wait to give their  ​​reaction. Patrick Buckley, the international representative of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children commenting on the statements Cardinal Baldisseris, said:

The Church’s teaching on the indissolubility of marriage is based on the words of Jesus Christ. These words may have been spoken 2000 years ago, but remain an immutable law of God for the Catholics, nothing more and nothing less.

Mary Madise, director of Voice of  the Family said: “Cardinal Baldisseri has publicly corrected one delegate, who protested the attacks against the Catholic doctrine. Unmistakably, the same thing did not happen not so shortly afterwards, where another delegate denied the Church’s teaching on contraception. One had the impression that there is only one sin today, the defense of what the Church has always taught. [I don’t believe this lady is alone in thinking that.  Seeing what the Cardinal said himself is quite revealing. It becomes extremely indicative of a course of action to be pursued when coupled with the failure to challenge statements that are opposed to that constant belief and practice of the Faith.]

About the overall climate regarding the hearing from   the Roman position, Madise said: “It seemed as if one could discuss just about everything at this conference, including  questions that have already been clarified by the Magisterium of the Church. Such a debate distracts from the task of finding real solutions to the problems encountered by the families really face. The serious evils such as abortion, euthanasia and the attacks on the rights of parents was barely touched on in the discussion. These are some of the key issues that were incidentally also ignores the final report of the Synod in 2014. The suffering  of families is not helped by the subtleties of professional dissenters, whether these are church leaders or laity. “

Voice of the Family called for, considering the “shocking experience” a few days ago in Rome, all Catholics to unite in prayer so the Catholic doctrine affirms marriage and family in any document of the Pontifical Family Council in the wake of the conference and when the Synod of Bishops is formulated in the fall.

———End Quote———-

I haven’t much else to add.  This is just another data point, among many.  Take it for what you will.

BTW, on a somewhat related topic, I keep getting little bits of input here and there on the sufferings of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.  Please keep them in your prayers, I cannot discuss what I am being told publicly, but let me just say that the persecutions ongoing behind the scenes exceed, and seem more coldly vindictive, than even the rather horrifying things already made public.  They are being very deliberately, painfully crushed.  It reminds me of the treatment Catholics got at the hands of the totalitarian Elizabethan government as much as anything.

It is amazing how all that mercy talk goes out the window when it becomes inconvenient.


1. S. Armaticus - January 28, 2015

Reblogged this on The Deus Ex Machina Blog and commented:
T -249: The Pianist’s Returns and He’s Spartacus!

2. hello@gmail.com - January 28, 2015

Modernism has no positive element to attract lay people. The modernists says believe and do whatever you want and its okay. When people accept this nonsense, they, as you expect, just leave the Church.

But, modernism does have a positive attraction to non-believing homosexuals. They can become priests and acquire all the prestige and status that comes with being a priest and hide their homosexuality from society and their relatives. That is a good value add proposition.

The conundrum for the modernist homosexual priest is that as they push their modernist agenda on the Church. Lay people drop out and they lose revenue and have to sell assets to keep in business. Eventually if modernist get their way and God does not intervene all the lay people will drop out and the Church will just be a club for homosexuals masquerading as priests.

TG - January 28, 2015

Hello you read my mind. That’s what I was thinking. I also thought what do you expect from some that are probably Masons and Satanists.

richardmalcolm1564 - January 29, 2015

I believe you’ve just described the Episcopal Church.

Peter - January 30, 2015

Except that nowadays it’s perfectly accepted, even lauded, to be gay so no one has to hide anywhere. Second, being a priest has not been prestigious for fifty years, except maybe to old feminists who think priests actually have some authority. Finally, the Church is the Body of Christ. It simply Will. Not. Fail.

3. Magdalene - January 29, 2015

What is a way to write to you privately?

4. Magdalene - January 29, 2015

Oh, I should ask that you contact me please at

5. guy Mcclung - January 29, 2015

Cardinal Baldisseri should have at least one more Synod [correct spelling? or is it “Sinod”] and try to change Church teaching on both the particular judgment and the final judgment-because he will die. I may be viewing this from purgatory, but imagine this: “Jesus says, what do you have to say for yourself Lorenzo? And Lorenzo says, not to worry, I changed your words and your teaching.” Guy McClung, San Antonio

6. Kathleen Wimmer - January 29, 2015

The Bible, the Word of God, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written for guidance and protections and were not intended to evolve with the times. It would seem that those who reject accountability for actions committed are the ones that wish to make changes. This would be the progressive liberal elites.

7. Cardinal Baldisseri confirms Pope Francis directed inclusion of heterodox statements in Synod final “Relatio” | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - January 29, 2015

[…] Via 1 Peter Five, confirmation of what we’ve already known from Pope Francis’ right hand man at the Synod.  This confirmation apparently also came out of the conclave featuring many leading family associations held at the Vatican recently, which I discussed in a post yesterday: […]

8. Peter - January 30, 2015

Where are Bishops Farrell and Olson on all this?

9. Peter - January 30, 2015

It’s too bad you can’t be forthcoming on the persecutions of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. These thuggish persecutors survive and thrive in the dark. Name them and shame them.

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