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Oppose Fanatical Devotees of the Religion of Sexular Paganism at Every Turn April 4, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, cultural marxism, different religion, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, paganism, persecution, rank stupidity, Revolution, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, Society, unbelievable BS.

When I read the article below, I was struck with the sense that what was being demanded, what these special snowflake university students were seeking, was essentially the imposition of their ludicrous false demonic religious creed upon everyone else.  Without any supporting evidence, they decried the presence of a presumably Christian preacher on their campus who, they claim, “promoted hate speech against marginalized students,” demanding that the ability to speak such heresy be banned from campus.

This is essentially religious speech, if from a pathetically weak, unreasonable (and unreasoning), and false religion.  Fortunately the administrator they were trying to bully – the university president – would have none of it.  At least so far.  We’ll see if the president yields as almost every one of their peers at other colleges and universities has.

But the key point, the takeaway is, if ever confronted by social justice warriors attempting to foist their demonic religion on you, CALL THEM ON IT.  Call them on the essentially religious nature of their beliefs, and the totalitarian nature of their methods.  Tell them you will not be made a proselyte for their (provably) sick and destructive faith.  Call on them to convert:

The president of a US university is facing calls to resign because she refuses to endorse safe spaces on her institution’s campus.

Rita Cheng, who leads Northern Arizona University, sparked protests and a campus walkout by telling students they had to confront ideas they don’t like rather than hide from them.

The university’s Student Action Coalition attacked Dr Cheng’s leadership and demanded that she quit after a tense confrontation at a Q&A session………

……….According to Arizona’s 12News channel, the incident came to a head with a question from a sophomore, who asked:

How can you promote safe spaces if you don’t take action in situations of injustice such as last week when we had the preacher on campus and he was promoting hate speech against marginalized students? As well as, not speaking out against racist incidents like blackface two months ago by student workers followed by no reform and no repercussions? [I would bet dollars to donuts this later event never happened, at least not anything like described.  And these kids demonstrate the validity of my claim, demanding the quashing of one religion in favor of their own.]

Dr Cheng responded by attacking the safe space ideology wholesale, saying essentially that they only serve to coddle students and stunt their development…….

A photo of the “mass protest:”

Now, NAU has over 30,000 students, but barely over a dozen bothered to attend.  This is also typical, however, a tiny but very loud minority comes to dominate not only the political scene on college campuses but the culture and even the material taught.  Over 50 years, the Left has managed to bend almost every of academia outside of the hard sciences and engineering to their lunacy.

Now, I realize there are many ways to verbally/mentally oppose these little leftist ideologues. They can very truthfully be called fascists, totalitarians, bullies, liars, and many other things besides.  But I think the religious angle will really throw them off, because these people almost invariably pride themselves on being wholly fact and reason-based, even if they do nothing but shout back slogans they’ve been indoctrinated to accept uncritically their entire life.  Calling them out in this manner is probably more effective than simply shouting wholly descriptive but more obviously pejorative epithets at them.

Or not. Do what you will.  Notice the makeup of the crowd, over 80% female.  Exit question: what role has the increasing dominance of women on campus played in the steady shift towards leftism and hostility to reasoned argument on the college campus, if any?  Can it not be fairly said that in the general society, granting women the vote played a substantial role in setting virtually all Western countries on an inevitably leftward arc over the past century?


1. Baseballmomof8 - April 4, 2017

Not sure it’s the granting of the vote… could be… but definitely is connected to granting easy access to contraceptives and abortion. These angry young women don’t even know the SOURCE of their anger… which is the cultural denial of femininity.

Tantumblogo - April 4, 2017

It was meant to be provocative. And, I’m finally giving vent to my seething misogyny.

Hadn’t you noticed?

Baseballmomof8 - April 5, 2017

Oh yeah, that’s right. I plumb forgot you were a chauvinist pig misogynist…. but then, I’m just a dumb haus-frau….

2. The Lord's Blog - April 5, 2017

Reblogged this on Jean'sBistro2010's Blog.

3. Sally Box - April 5, 2017

No, no, Tantum- they’re “spiritual”, not religious.

Unless it’s an exotic religion you were not raised in.
Then it’s once over, lightly.

Though many are, as you point out, sceptics.

4. Margaret Costello - April 8, 2017

Yup, it’s all due to messing with God’s design and allowing women a say in leadership, heck, actually becoming leaders. Women don’t have the “right” to vote, nor the right to lead in any way. That is a man’s job per Scripture and Tradition. Getting back to that sanity will be a big leap toward restoring Christendom:+) God bless~

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