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Michael Voris: ask your priest, does he desire all souls to be Catholic? April 18, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Dallas Diocese, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, error, foolishness, Papa, sadness, scandals, secularism, Society.

In a brief phrase, yes or no?  Several times, Popes and ecumenical councils have defined Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus: outside the Church there is no salvation. And while that is not an iron law – God can certainly save whom He Wills, and the Church does not know the contents of the souls in either Heaven or hell – I am of the belief that, objectively speaking, it is very difficult to see how souls outside the Church can be saved, without recourse to the Sacraments and all the torrents of Grace the Church offers. Certainly, there are mechanisms for that to occur, so to speak, but the ultimate goal of the Church should be that all souls are converted unto Her.  Being a Catholic in the state of Grace is the only really assured means of achieving salvation, outside inextricable actions of the Trinity which are beyond our understanding.

But so few Catholics, even among our leadership, seem to believe that today. Michael Voris has another excellent video – he should go to Australia more often (even though these were recorded before………)

So, ask your priest/pastor: do you desire that all souls be converted to the Church, formally, explicitly?  I can answer that question for mine: heck, yes!

But the failure to believe this is largely responsible for the collapse in the Church’s evangelization efforts. There are many people in positions of authority, even diocesan directors of evangelization or “faith outreach,” that cannot articulate why one should be Catholic.  It is a epidemic. And it’s not just parishes and dioceses so afflicted; numerous Catholic organizations like Catholic Relief Services are almost ashamed to evangelize, or claim it is contrary to their apostolate. Which is why Pope Benedict desired very much for Caritas and the organizations under its leadership, like CRS, be thoroughly reformed.


1. ak47 - April 22, 2013

This dogma is summed up rather perfectly in Christ’s own words:
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Deniers of Christ’s divinity (in addition to heretics who hate His Bride) are themselves denied salvation through Him which is the only way to the Beatific Vision.

As for the so-called invincibly ingorant … what is the point in God being omnipotent if He cannot bring the light of Truth to those presumably ignorant of His Church, the means by which the fullness of Divine Revelation is transmitted? Or does “invincibly ignorant” mean mentally retarded individuals, or perhaps children that have not reached the age of reason?

tantamergo - April 22, 2013

That’s my favorite quote from Scripture! John 14:6!

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