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Cardinal DiNardo lets methodists use Houston Cathedral for fauxrdination June 4, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, sadness, scandals, shocking, Society.

As reported by Rorate. Just so you know, the United Methodist Church disagrees with the Catholic Church on a whole host of issues, ranging from their support for state recognition of homosexuals simulating marriage, to abortion, to contraception, to divorce and remarriage, to the nature of the priesthood, to what constitutes a Sacrament, to the Real Presence in the Eucharist, to………ad nauseum.  A few pwecious photos:



Just exactly what role does the spouse/girlfriend/lover play in the ordination of methodist ministers?  Do they splay out on the ground face down like Catholic priests?



As Rorate further notes, a very short time ago in the history of the Church, the idea of doling out space for a protestant simulacrum of a Catholic Sacrament (they don’t even think it IS a Sacrament!) would have been beyond unthinkable. A Cathedral is not just another space. It has enormous meaning and significance.  To dole it out to members of a competing sect, a sect which has made a point of attacking the beliefs of the Church for centuries and is now so far gone to the zeitgeist that it is a suicidal race to the bottom with the episcopals – well, it would have been viewed as being just about as sinful as paying for your employee’s abortions.  And we know the Church would never, EVER do that, right?  Oh………..f—…….

Rorate even quotes from a very significant, if totally ignored, encyclical of Pope Pius XI from Mortalium Animos:

So, Venerable Brethren, it is clear why this Apostolic See has never allowed its subjects to take part in the assemblies of non-Catholics: for the union of Christians can only be promoted by promoting the return to the one true Church of Christ of those who are separated from it, for in the past they have unhappily left it.


As a former methodist, I am just scandalized to death by all this.


1. Michael P. Mc Crory - June 5, 2013

I understand your pain.
All these horror stories indicate that true Catholics today
are already the Remnant. So few of us.
There is no way we can turn this around until there is a clear split between those who are and those who think they are catholic.
The false catholics have near total control.
We have to get out from under that control while remaing loyal to Rome and the Pope.
We will have to start afresh, greatly reduced in numbers,
as often suggested by Pope Benedict.

Jeff Welch - June 8, 2013

The Cardinal might as well let Jehovah’s and Mormons use the Cathedral too. Is the man suffering from dementia? I’m sick to my stomach. Watch Michael Voris’ video on this
We need to have a Catholic Monarchy

2. scarlettsuzannemills - June 5, 2013

While I recognize that there are differences between the UMC and Catholicism, you are incorrect about the denomination supporting gay marriage. In fact the Book of Discipline for the UMC specifically prohibits pastors from participating in such a ceremony. This is not the first site that I have seen this untruth shared on.
As for the role of the spouse in ordination, they are there as part of the blessing of the ministry and work of the pastor. As a preacher’s kid from the UMC, I can tell you that my mother was a vital part of my father’s ministry for the 30+ years of his ministry that they were married. For clarification they still are but he is unable to continue as a pastor due to disability.

3. James Prime - June 5, 2013

I wonder what they were thinking during their use of the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Houston. I remember doing consulting work for a Lutheran church and marveling how pastor’s wife was watchful of the local Catholic Parrish. For instance, how many cars were in the Church’s parking lot on a feast day I was working there. They seem concerned with what the Catholic Church does; I can imagine these Houston Methodist feeling somewhat vindicated.

4. bilokayy - June 5, 2013

This is horrible!
But I have known this Cardinal DiNardo for being anti-traditional. I have met the man personally, and he is not an easy spirit. We must pray for our Priests and our Church leaders, and ask God to have mercy on our people, that if they will be removed from office if they are only here to scandalize. We have lost sight of who we are as Roman Catholics, and our Priests are persecuted if they speak up against the Bishops & Cardinals. We must pray for an end to this!

5. Jeff Welch - June 8, 2013

I cannot believe the RC Church in Houston would allow this

6. tyler - June 8, 2013

713-659-5461 – call the Houston Diocese and tell them!

7. TG - June 9, 2013

Another example of the “church of nice”. (I’m listening to Michael Voris right now.)

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