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“Walking miracle” of sister healed by intercession of Saint John XXIII April 28, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, episcopate, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Saints, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.

The Transalpine Redemptorist’s blog has a post that tells the story of Sister Caterina Capitani, who as a young novice was afflicted with a terrible digestive disorder, suffered for many years, and was then written off more or less for dead.  She had been advised to pray for the intercession of Pope John XXIII, but she had a huge devotion to Our Lady and did not really engage the deceased pope on her behalf.  However, her religious sisters did so, and finally the nun relented.  Before long, she had a miraculous dream in which the John XXIII informed her she was healed.  Even though she had been at death’s door, it turned out he was right.  She was completely healed, and more incredibly, could eat whatever she wanted in large amounts, even though she had undergone surgery to remove most of her stomach and her pancreas.

You can it all at the link, but I excerpt portions below, and include a video the Redemptorists produced regarding this miracle:

In 1962 a young novice, Sister Caterina started having problems with her health several months after having been clothed in the habit. She was 18 years of age. She began to feel a constant intercostal pain between her Bl John XXIIII 1stomach and heart. Until that time her health had been very good, so she ignored the pain. She thought perhaps she had knocked against a piece of furniture or something. The pain continued for a couple of months, and one night she had a hemorrage that frightened her. She was in her room. She felt like vomiting, ran to the sink and found her mouth full of very red blood. Since they had taught her during nursing school that very red blood came from the chest area, she thought she had contracted consumption; with a sickness like that, her life in the convent was finished…….

…..After a long examination and minute analysis of all the medical reports of his colleagues, Professor Zannini began a new cure that lasted five months. But the situation never changed, so the Professor decided to operate.

She was hospitalized and underwent an operation which lasted for five hours. The inside of her stomach was completely covered with a strange and rare form of ulcerous tumours, caused, perhaps, by the improper functioning of the pancreas and spleen. The Professor was obliged to remove her stomach, except for a small piece the size of a prune. He also removed the pancreas and spleen. The esophagus was connected directly to the intestine. It was also necessary to cut the aorta making a deviation of the blood circulation. It was a delicate operation and the probabilities for the patient to come out of the operating room alive were quite slim.

thCAX0Z7I2Before the operation, Sister Caterina tells us, I had prayed to the Holy Virgin of Pompei, to whom I am very devout. The day after the operation, while I was thanking the Virgin for having come through the operation safely, a Sister from our Congregation told me: “It was Pope John XXIII who saved you. I had placed his image on the bed of the operating room and had continued to pray throughout the operation.” She gave me the Pope’s image and told me to place myself under his protection. I admired John XXIII very much, but had never thought of praying to him. I answered: “Thank you for what you have done for me, but I am convinced that it was the Holy Virgin of Pompei who protected me, and I will continue to pray to her. ” I placed the image of Pope John on the nightstand, as if it served no purpose for me.

In the days following the surgery, Sister Caterina’s health, instead of improving, continued to worsen. During the first night, the nun had a collapse; after several days, she had an intestinal block. Professor Zannini was very worried, and thought that another operation was necessary. The sisters continued to pray to Pope John and Sister Caterina to the Holy Virgin of Pompei. Nine days after the operation, the nun’s condition suddenly improved.

“Three days later, while I was sipping some liquid, I became cyanotic and lost consciousness.” The doctors hurried to provide her with oxygen. “They examined me and found I had pleurisy. I was depressed. You have to pray to Pope John my sisters repeated to me. I was convinced and began to pray to the good Pope. Ten days later I was able to leave the clinic.”

The improvement was once again short-lived. Two weeks later, Sister Caterina started to vomit great quantities of gastric fluids. They were so acid that they burnt her skin and the lower part of her face was completely sore. Bl John XXIII 22Since she couldn’t hold anything down in her stomach, she was nourished through phleboclysis. Professor Zannini was still very worried. He decided to send her home, to Potenza. Perhaps the air of her home town would help her. But two months later Sister Caterina returned to Naples, in worse condition than when she had left. She looked as if she were already dead.

“On 14 May 1966, following a serious crisis of vomiting, I felt my abdomen and it was completely wet,” recounts the religious. “I called a sister to have her look at it: gastric fluids, blood and that little amount of orange juice I had just drunk were flowing out of a hole that had opened on my abdomen. A doctor was called. He said there was a perforation, which had caused an external fistula. There was diffused peritonitis. My fever was very high. The situation was desperate. Professor Zannini was informed, and he had me hospitalized immediately. He ordered some medicines and decided to wait to see how the crisis would devolop, because surgical intervention under those conditions was unthinkable”.

“We Daughters of Charity pronounce our vows five years after having donned the habit. The rule provides for exceptions, however, when a young sister is about to die. This was my case. So on the 19th of May, 1966, I pronounced my vows, and I was immediately administered the Extreme Unction.Bl John XXIII 4

On the 22nd of May a sister brought me a relic of Pope John’s from Rome: a piece of the sheet upon which the Pope had died. I placed it on the perforation which had opened on my stomach, and since I was suffering quite a bit, I prayed to the Pope to take me to Heaven. I was slowly dying. I felt that my strength was leaving me. The temperature was very high. A sister guarded the room day and night.

“On 25 May, at around 2.30 in the afternoon, I asked a sister who was guarding the room to close the window a little because the light bothered me. She did so, and then left the room for a few minutes.

“I drifted off to sleep. At a certain point I felt a hand pressing the wound on my stomach and the voice of a man saying: “Sister Caterina, Sister Caterina!” I thought it was Professor Zannini, who came to check on me occasionally. I turned towards the voice, and saw Pope John standing beside my bed: he had the same smile as the image that had been given me. He was the one who was holding his hand on my wound. “You prayed to me very much,”he said with a calm voice. “Many people have prayed to me, but especially one. You have really taken this miracle from my heart. But don’t be afraid now, you are healed. Ring the bell, call the sisters who are in the chapel, have them take your temperature and you will see that you will not have even the slightest temperature. Eat whatever you want, as you did before the sickness: I will hold my hand on your wound, and you will be healed. Go to the Professor, have him examine you, have some x-rays done and have it all written down, because these things will be needed someday.”

“The vision disappeared, and only then did I begin to realize what had happened. I wondered whether it had been a dream. I was trembling from the emotion and fear. I felt well. I felt no pain, but I didn’t dare call the Pope John XXIII 13sisters: they would have thought I was crazy. After several minutes, I had to decide. I did what the Pope had told me to: I rang the bell…….

….“They took my temperature: 36.8 C°. ‘Do you see?’, I said, challenging them. ‘Now give me something to eat because I’m hungry’. I hadn’t been able to hold anything down in my stomach for many months. Mother Superior, who was almost hypnotized by my state of excitement, ordered the sisters to do as I asked. A sister brought me some semolina, which I ate voraciously, to the astonishment of my sisters. Then they brought me an ice cream, and I ate that too. ‘I’m still hungry’, I said. The sister brought me some meatballs, and I ate those, followed by some soup, and I devoured that as well.

At this point, the Mother Superior, who was still not convinced of what was happening, said: ‘Now we have to change you’, thinking that everything I had eaten had gone out of the fistula that had opened on my stomach, which is what always happened. They lay me down on the bed. A nurse brought gauze and a clean nightgown. They uncovered me. The nurse shouted: ‘But there’s nothing here’. The sisters fell on their knees, crying from emotion. Until a few minutes earlier the skin on my stomach had been one big wound: the gastric fluids that continually flowed out of the fistula had corroded the skin. The wound had completely disappeared. There was no sign of the fistula, not a trace: the skin was smooth, clean and white. So I told them what had happened.

Sister Caterina was cured on 25 May 1966.
From that day she lived a busy working life as a nurse in a hospital of over 300 beds and as a religious sister. Her day was usually from 5.30 a.m. until midnight or sometimes 1.00 a.m.
Sister died during the night of 31 March, 2010.
————-End Quote—————
So now you know the story of the one approved miracle related to Pope Saint John XXIII.  The requirement for other miracles was waved by Pope Francis.
It’s quite an engaging story!  I enjoyed hearing it yesterday, and sharing it with you today.
We should remember, it was miracles that attested to the Divinity of Christ. It was miracles that gave the Apostles and early Fathers their power to win over myriad souls. Mind you, the people of high antiquity were hardly the easily wowed rubes they are presented as today.  Many were educated to levels beyond most people today, and the average level of critical thought was probably at least as high, if not higher, today.  There wasn’t much Jerry Springer or Katie Perry going on to while away the day.
The sanctity of the Church and Her claims has always been attested to by miracles.   Miracles are required to be a Saint.  And this story above certainly bears all the hallmarks of a miracle.  The Church certainly found this healing to be miraculous.  And so now we have another Saint.
john xxiii consecration in rome


1. Kim - April 28, 2014

Wow thanks for this!

2. Terri - April 28, 2014

I also read of John Xlll appearing to two coal miners that were trapped in a coal mining accident in Pennsylvania 10 weeks after his death. They (according to the article) were of course rescued and kept quite about this for years, thinking people would think them psychologically damaged from the traumatic incident. (1963) We may be hearing more stories like this now. This is the just canonized Saint that at first everyone believed didn’t have any miracles. They report that down in that mine it was naturally pitch black, but light started to appear in what they described as “blue flickers” (I believe) of light and eventually he appeared to them. No doubt he gave them comfort and support until being rescued.

3. Noss - April 29, 2014

John XXIII is much more traditional than people, especially the world, think that he is (that is, some think he was a progressive). Way more traditional than JPII, IMO.

tantamergo - April 29, 2014

No disagreement on the last sentence. The Saint John XXIII is a pretty big question mark for me. He was very traditional compared to his successors, but compared to his predecessors? He was sort of a transitional figure, from the Church that was to the Church that is.

And that is something that should not be.

GEMMA FALZON - April 29, 2014

GREAT POPE I THANK GOD that gave me the chance to attend for his canonized as a SAINT for I always hoped for this day VIVA PAPA GOVIANNI

tantamergo - April 29, 2014

Awesome to have a comment from Italia. God bless you.

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