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It is not enough to be present at Mass…… April 11, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Four Last Things, fun, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Latin Mass, Liturgy, mortification, Saints, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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…..we must make a definite offering of it to God.  Some excerpts from Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Fr. Martin von Cochem:

It is not enough to be present at Mass in order to share in the fruits of the Mass: we must make a definite offering of It to God in union with the officiating priest. The Mass is a Sacrifice, and it appertains to the nature of a sacrifice that it should be offered to the Deity.  Therefore those persons who fail to do this, either with their lips or in their bbe14e06c0280238d2f86133387f54e0heart, do not derive half [I’m not sure how you quantify it, but hopefully the point is made] of the benefit from the Mass that others do, although they fulfill the precept of the Church, whilst piously reciting other prayers that have nothing of the character of an offering……….

………We read in the life of St. Mary Magdalene dei Pazzi that she was supernaturally taught that the oblation of Christ’s Blood was most efficacious in turning away the divine anger, provoked by the transgressions of mankind. In fact, God complained to her of the little done by man to appease His wrath, and exhorted her to do her utmost with this aim. She therefore was accustomed many times – no less than fifty times a day – to offer the Sacred Blood of Christ for the living and the dead. And repeatedly it was granted her to see souls whom she had been instrumental in converting, or of releasing from Purgatory, by this oblation of the Precious Blood.

m_massShe used to also say that it was much to be feared that the impenitence of sinners is to be attributed to our apathy.  For if we were more zealous in offering the Blood of Christ to God on their behalf, He would doubtless, moved by our prayers, have preserved them from eternal reprobation; and she admonished all Christians constantly to make this oblation of Our Lord’s Passion and His Precious Blood for the erring and the sinful.  Let us remember this, for it places within our reach an easy means of appeasing the wrath of God, of converting sinners, relieving the suffering souls, expiating our own wrong-doing.  At no time, as we have already said, can this oblation of the Precious Blood be made so opportunely, so effectually,a s during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is then offered not only by word, but in deed, for the Sacred Blood is truly and actually there in the Chalice and is offered up by the priest not only in his own name, but in that of the whole Church, and more specially of those who are present.

———-End Quote———

More souls are released from Purgatory during Mass than at any other time!  So please remember them in your Mass intentions!



Yes! Someone else gets it! April 11, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, contraception, disaster, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, persecution, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the enemy.
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I’ve probably been spending too much time reading secular blogs of late…..if this one qualified.  Robert Stacy McCain is at least a moderately devout evangelical protestant and father of 6, even if he does have an unfortunate tendency to give fly to really impure language and imagery.  He needs to stop doing that.

But there is no other writer out there I’ve found that has tackled the sick marxist dogma of feminism better than he has.  Further, he has made the connection that feminism as a movement is about destroying the family as the prime building block of society, either out of twisted hatred or to better groom souls to accept government as their savior, lord, and master.

He had a post yesterday   [content warning, you might not want to go there] discussing the new phenomenon of “heterosexual guilt syndrome.” Primarily afflicting women (but I’m sure men are not far behind), y0uth today are being so groomed into radical feminist ideology (and remember, a feminist is just a marxist lesbian) that they actually feel guilt for NOT falling into this grave perversion.  As an indicator of how utterly upside down Western “culture” has become, this is a pretty good one: Sodom and Sapphos are so utterly triumphant among elite opinion-shapers, young people today (well, ok, at least leftist young people, but that’s many if not most of them) actually wish they were sodomites so that they could bask in all the culturally-driven glory:

The “Girls” star thanked her sister Grace, now 22, saying, “I have always felt a strong and emotional connection to members of the LGBTQ community. It was actually a huge disappointment for me when I came of age and realized that I was sexually attracted to men. So when my sister came out, I thought, ‘Thank God, now someone in this family can truly represent my beliefs and passions.’”

So obviously this Lena Dunham character is deeply depraved and deranged, as evidenced by the pornographic show she produces for HBO.  But this phenomenon is hardly limited to her alone.  A radical feminist university professor has noted that she can no longer teach her students elementary aspects of biology – such as that, men and women, and males and females of any species, are different! – without attracting hoots and catcalls of “homophobia:”

I wanted them to find their way to the notion that it’s not “heteronormative” to recognize that sex is an evolutionarily adaptive  [God-given, my edit] reproduction strategy that, in humans, involves males and females; it’s just our biology, and there’s a complex, mutually interacting relationship between the biological and the social. I’ve been working toward that all semester. But they have not gotten there.

That is to say, this feminist university professor has found that her students already have such deeply ingrained, powerfully shaped notions regarding human sexuality and even biology – notions entirely shaped by radical sodomite rhetoric – that she cannot get them to accept basic facts like: men and women are different, there is a natural order to sexuality that is conceived to perpetuate the species, etc.

As we saw in the Charlotte, ahem, Catholic High School debacle, even Catholic students, or maybe especially Catholic students, are so deeply convicted of these homosexualist errors and depravities that they simply will not be told otherwise, that so-called homosexuality is not inborn, is not natural, and is in fact a profound perversion (something that should be obvious from the natural law, let alone theologically) of the created order.  But to say such nowadays is tantamount to heresy.  And people are being, effectively, burned at the stake over this nightmare. The poor nun that did nothing but repeat constant Catholic Dogma and some relevant sociological data has now been cashiered and will probably never be seen in public again.  That is the power of the sodomite lobby, and all the errors it has perpetuated.

What’s the end game?  As I said at the top, and as RS McCain notes, it’s to end the family as the building block of society:

Yet this phenomenon — Feminist Heterosexual Guilt Syndrome — is implicit in contemporary liberal culture, which holds that sex is merely a form of pleasure, without any spiritual or moral dimension, to be regulated only by mutual consent. Liberalism’s apparent neutrality toward the sexual preferences of consenting adults, however, is belied by the incessant cheerleading for contraception, abortion and homosexuality. Contraception and abortion are necessary to the liberal project of diverting women from the path toward marriage and motherhood by suppressing their natural fertility. And homosexuality is celebrated by liberals as part of the same project, to de-legitimize the traditional family as a normative social institution.

And these folks just keep moving the ball forward.  The effort heretofore has been to normalize sodomy and its female equivalent – now the effort is to convince people that everyone is at least a latent sodomite and to convince all – or as many as possible – that homosexuality is “naturally” superior.  There is a growing movement among marxist lesbians to assail all heterosexual relations as “rape.”  They claim women naturally “hate” men and and are repulsed by them, and it is only the oppressive patriarchy and patriarchal cultural conditioning that results in women having sex with men.  Black is white, up is down, Laverne is Shirley: there is no depth to the depravity that will come so long as people forget God.

Ultimately, they want everyone to be like them. Having even a small minority reject their claims is enough to drive them nuts, because they still have the law of God written on their hearts.  And even if, in some nightmare future, they do convince almost everyone to embrace sodomy, they will still be miserable and angry and refuse to understand why.  Because God will remain, and so will His Law, and they will remain counter to it.

You may say, oh TE, slow down, you’re getting too excited.  If you chart back all the progressive claims these radicals have made in the area of sexuality, you can see how the most radical claims, the most egregious, laughable stuff, suddenly becomes the accepted norm, and shortly thereafter, required belief, 15-20 years after the first outbreak of the new level of error.  Same-sex marriage was first posited on a serious level about 20 years ago.  Everyone laughed.  Not so funny anymore.  Leftist academics first began really arguing for legalized abortion, out in the public, starting in the early-mid 50s. In 1973, they got it. Now they’re arguing that all heterosexual relations are rape.

I wouldn’t laugh.

Sebelius’ Reign of Terror Is Over April 11, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, Basics, contraception, disaster, episcopate, error, General Catholic, horror, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.
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Cruella Deville has outlived her usefulness for the Zero.  She’s been thrown under the bus, like so many before her, ostensibly due to the manifold failures of Obamacare:

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has resigned from the Obama administration, a move that comes just months after Americans started signing up for health insurance coverage under Obamacare.

President Barack Obama accepted her resignation earlier this week and will nominate the Office of Management and Budget’s Sylvia Matthews Burwell, 48, as the next head of the HHS, the New York Times reported.

The new head of HHS is just a younger version of the same:


Is a hair brush too much to ask?  What?

Burwell is not Catholic, at least.  So maybe she’ll actually have more respect for Catholic belief than an invincibly convinced heretic.

What am I saying?!?  She’s a lefty, and already, during the government shutdown theater of last fall, she was the one that directed stupid, draconian steps – like closing national monuments that cost nothing to operate – in order to amp up the pressure on Republicans. She’s a Clinton loyalist, so I think we know her.  She’s obviously pro-abort to the core, or she wouldn’t have gotten the job.

Meet the new boss, same as the old.


Does Sebelius have a reputation left to detract from?