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That’s it, I’m done April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin.
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This is it, my last post as a Catholic blogger.  I’ve tried to keep up a brave front, but I simply cannot stand it anymore. I can’t stand all the scandal, all the failures, all the abuses.  I’m tired of fighting.

Nope, I’m done, and I’m going back to where I belong, back to good old protestantism.  At least there, I can find some pastor  just like me who will tell me what I want to hear, all wrapped up in the warm warming fuzzy sweet sweet embrace of private interpretation.  We can pick and parse Scripture down till it reflects just what we want it to.  Heck, I might even become a pastor myself.  That way, I don’t have to agree with ANYONE on what the good book says, just what the Lord Jesus reveals to ME.

I know this seems rather sudden, but I’ve been thinking about it for a looooong time.  Hours, at least.  I know that’s where Jesus, my Lord and Savior, wants me to be.  Isn’t it amazing when the Holy Spirit guides you to make those easy choices, rather than encouraging you to continue the fight?!? I just ripped John 6 out of all my Bibles, along with Maccabees, Tobias, James chapter 2, etc.  Don’t need any “apocrypha!”

Another great benefit to my decision is that now I’ll be the beneficiary of all kinds of ecumenical outreach, rather than being one of those despised and ignored neo-pelagian restorationists!

Now I’m free, free to be me!   I wonder how many people will join me in my gay-friendly (oh, yeah, forgot to mention, tired of fighting on that, too, easier (and much more lucrative$$$) to just go along) radical traditional protestant sect, with simulation pretend offering availability of the Sacraments?  I mean sacraments, both of them.

Well, it’s been quite a journey.  I’ve made a lot of friends along the way, but they’ll all have to be bitter enemies now that I’m switching teams.  Again.  Because it’s all about me.

Toodaloo, I expect this life-shaking change to affect me for at least the next 16 hours or so.

Rock on, my good former co-religionist readers.

And, oh yeah, I almost forgot……have a happy April Fool’s Day.



St. Francis de Sales – nothing more important than Mass April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, sanctity, Tradition, Virtue.
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I have read some great Saints who say no one will be saved who does not practice prayer.  Some will counsel on the necessity of adding meditation to that prayer life.  And I would tend to agree with St. Alphonsus that private, meditative prayer is at least morally necessary for salvation, if not materially/absolutely so.

However, St. Francis de Sales, another great Doctor of the Church, notes that, as important as prayer/meditation are, they are not as important as assisting at Mass.  From Explaining the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Fr. Martin von Cochem:

St. Francis de Sales thought so highly of Mass that he preferred it to mental prayer, although this is universally acknowledged to hold first place among spiritual exercises.  Writing to one of the nuns of the Order he had m_massfounded, soon after her departure to establish a monastery elsewhere, he said: “I beg you, my dear daughter, to arrange a chapel before all things, so that you may be able to hear Mass daily. If you cannot do this in your own house, then go every day to the nearest church, since the soul receives strength for the whole day if at its commencement she has been brought so near to Our Lord, present in the Holy Sacrifice.”  The nun, who was no other than St. Jane Frances de Chantal, wrote in reply: “Do you wish me to interrupt or even omit my meditation in order to hear Mass, or shall I leave the Mass on weekdays in order to make my meditation?”  The Saint answered: “You will find it much more useful to hear Mass than to omit it under the plea of making your meditation at home; for the Corporal Presence of the Sacred Humanity of Our Lord, which we have in Holy Mass, is of far more value than His fancied presence to our mind, especially as it is the wish of the Church 48f787ba1109ceef887795921e5a8276that all her children should assist at Mass every day.”

Thus St. Francis teaches that to hear Mass is better and more profitable than mental prayer.  Bishop Fornerus says the same: “The prayer of one who hears Mass piously, and offers it to God for the good of his soul, is worth infinitely more than other prayers, however long and fervent, even the prayer of contemplation.” And to account for this, he adds: “Because of the merits of Christ’s Passion, which make their power felt by a wondrous outpouring of Grace and a plenitude of heavenly gifts.” Consider what is said here, O pious soul, and thou wilt find that they are inspired from above, and contain most salutary teaching.

————-End Quote————-

I agree.  It is a most salutary teaching.  There is no act we can participate in that is more efficacious of Grace, renders more honor and glory to God, is more pleasing to Him, nor is better for the sake of the entire world than the devout assistance at Holy Mass.  It is better to reverently and devoutly assist at Mass than to make any d45ba48232bafe6aef710370af1197faprayer, read any holy book, or take any other act (assuming one is already initiated into the Faith).  During this Lent, which is already half over, perhaps it is a time to commit to assisting at Mass more frequently than you already do, even if this entails having to give up some other, pious acts.

I would say the above unconditionally, but I cannot, for if the only Masses available in your area are abusive and/or disordered, the above may not be applicable, especially if you find yourself discomfited and scandalized by the abuses.  However, if you have a good, holy Mass to assist at, then nothing is better for you and your soul than to assist at Mass as much as possible, even to the point of assisting at more than one Mass a day if you have the time.  Nothing will be better for your spiritually.  You can also gain enormous spiritual fruit by offering the Mass for the poor souls in Purgatory, for those who have fallen away, etc.



Archbishop Wilton Gregory apologizes for buying mansion….. April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disconcerting, episcopate, error, foolishness, General Catholic, scandals, secularism, self-serving.
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…..but stops short of saying the Archdiocese of Atlanta will sell it.  Is an apology sincere if it elicits no modification of behavior:

“We are disturbed and disappointed to see our church leaders not setting the example of a simple life as Pope Francis calls for. How can we instill this in our children when they see their archdiocesan leadership living extravagantly? We ask you to rethink these decisions and understand the role model the clergy must serve so the youth of our society can answer Jesus’ call. Neither our 18- or 14-year-old sons understand the message you are portraying.”

So went just one of many of the heartfelt, genuine and candidly rebuking letters, emails and telephone messages I have received in the past week from people of faith throughout our own Archdiocese and beyond. Their passionate indictments of me as a Bishop of the Catholic Church and as an example to them and their children are stinging and sincere. And I should have seen them coming…….

…….Even before the phenomenon we have come to know as Pope Francis was elected to the Chair of Peter, we Bishops of the Church were reminded by our own failings and frailty that we are called to live more simply, more humbly, and more like Jesus Christ who challenges us to be in the world and not of the world. The example of the Holy Father, and the way people of every sector of our society have responded to his message of gentle joy and compassion without pretense, has set the bar for every Catholic and even for many who don’t share our communion.

As the Shepherd of this local Church, a responsibility I hold more dear than any other, certainly more than any configuration of brick and mortar, I am disappointed that, while my advisors and I were able to justify this project fiscally, logistically and practically, I personally failed to project the cost in terms of my own integrity and pastoral credibility with the people of God of north and central Georgia.

I failed to consider the impact on the families throughout the Archdiocese who, though struggling to pay their mortgages, utilities, tuition and other bills, faithfully respond year after year to my pleas to assist with funding our ministries and services.

I failed to consider the difficult position in which I placed my auxiliary bishops, priests, deacons and staff who have to try to respond to inquiries from the faithful about recent media reports when they might not be sure what to believe themselves.

I failed to consider the example I was setting for the young sons of the mother who sent the email message with which I began this column.

To all of you, I apologize sincerely and from my heart.

But, again, he did not say they are going to sell the property, or put the Archbishop in a more modest dwelling.

Judging from the tenor of the apology – you can read the whole thing at the link – I have to wonder if, absent people being able to point to Pope Francis’ calls for episcopal simplicity and modest lifestyle, there would have even been an apology?  It seems much of the reasoning for the apology hinges on people pointing out the marked difference between Francis’ rhetoric and Gregory’s lavish mansion.  Of course, the reality of Francis’ living situation and that of Gregory’s might not diverge as much as the rhetoric would indicate, but……

This does seem pretty heartfelt, though if Archbishop Gregory keeps living there, what is the apology worth?

Finally, how many bishops live similarly? I can tell you, it’s more than a few.  So it’s a bit odd that a huge reaction got ginned up over just one particular bishop’s lavish home.  Not that I’m sad to see it, it’s just odd.

Our own Bishop Farrell does not live in appreciably more modest circumstances.  Why does one bishop attract huge attention with this, and not another?

Pelosi calls almost all bishops, faithful laity, and priests “dumb” April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, Basics, contraception, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, scandals, self-serving, sickness, Society.
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I really don’t think she “loves” the Church……she loves some idol she’s created in her mind she calls “the church.”

Anyway, Nancy Pelosi, world-renowned intellectual giant, calls all pro-lifers “dumb.”  Which, consider the source, but does she get that all faithful Catholics are, prima facie, strongly opposed to abortion?

At Planned Parenthood’s annual gala last night, attendees and your PULSEr stopped laughing at comedian and emcee Tig Notaro just long enough to watch Nancy Pelosi receive the Margaret Sanger award [What’s the award, a bloody coat hanger?]  for her work defending abortion rights. In her acceptance speech, Pelosi slammed abortion opponents…….

“When you see how closed their minds are or oblivious or whatever it is — dumb — then you know what the fight is about,” Pelosi said. “Whatever happens with the court…we must remember these battles will not be the end of the fight,” she added.

What Pelosi was complaining about was the fact that life begins at conception.  Pelosi thinks believing such is strange and ignorant. But knowing life begins at conception is a belief shared by essentially all scientists, as well as the hierarchy of the Church and all faithful priests and laity.  So when it comes to seeing dumb, old Botox Pelosi should know.

I will personally send $10,000 to whichever bishop first denies her Communion.  That money is safer than Ft. Knox.

Nancy Pelosi


Young people – marry a virgin April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, catachesis, Christendom, disaster, General Catholic, horror, manhood, Sacraments, sanctity, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.
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Before I begin this post, I must warn you that it will have a great deal of vulgar language as a matter of course.  No cussing, but just typical cultural words for intimate matters.  This post will not discuss sin necessarily, save as an aside to the ongoing cultural collapse.  It’s a bit off-topic for what I typically write nowadays, but I think it important to post.

This may be a hot topic, or completely mundane, I don’t know.  I fell into reading some really disturbing accounts of the mating scene among “millenials,” or, say, those roughly 18-30.  I say mating scene, instead of dating, as there essentially isn’t much dating anymore, just base animal rutting of the lowest sort.  Not that dating is ideal, anyway, courting is much more virtuous and apt to aid one in finding that one special person much better.

I saw a link last week that went to a post wherein a 32 year old Indian woman, self-described as very attractive, fit, highly educated, and highly paid, lamented the fact that now that she was done partying and engaging in no-strings sex, she couldn’t find a traditional Indian man to settle down with.  They all, in a sense, viewed her as “damaged goods.”  Oh, I should add, this woman, admitting 18 sex partners in her past, felt she was rather prim and proper compared to her friends, who had many more.  And this is not at all unusual for that age cohort, and in fact seems to be getting much, much worse as time goes by and the cultural collapse advances.  A priest related to me recently a group of high school girls in the Atlanta area who all had literally dozens, if not hundreds, of partners by the time they were 15 or 16.

There has always been a tendency among men to be pigs in matters of sex.  But women are rapidly descending to that same piggish level – or perhaps even exceeding it.  Feminism, instead of lifting women up, has encouraged them to ape the very worst characteristics in men.  This aping, however, is incredibly destructive, and will virtually insure that marriage, as the foundational institution of society, continues its sad fall into oblivion.

When it comes to marriage, most men do not seek in their wife a woman who has had many and varied sexual experiences and partners. Most men, in fact, would strongly prefer a woman who is innocent when it comes to such matters, and gives indication of virtue.  This  preference is more or less just part of most men’s makeup, it’s not even a conscious choice, in most cases.  But if men somehow get wind that a woman has been around the block a few times, they are much less likely to be interested in her for “marriage material.”  They’ll be happy to be the umpteenth notch on her bedpost, but not marry her.

And probably, quite rightly so.  I actually covered the data below in a post three years ago, but things just keep getting worse out there, and my blog had  tiny readership back then.  Now, it’s a bit bigger, and I think this data deserves to be seen.

The below is a graph that shows the correlation between lifetime likelihood to divorce and the number of partners a woman has had.  Since women initiate divorce anywhere from 70-90% of the time, this correlation is a very strong predictor of future divorce rates.  And the data is most grim:

teachman (1)

Source.  This actually two sets of data on one graph.  The green bars are the result of a Heritage study on correlation between divorce and number of lifetime partners, and that data was normalized to make it appear better than the reality.  The “Teachman” data is the blue lines overlaid, which shows a minimum divorce risk for a woman with at least ONE out of marriage lifetime sex partner of over 50%, and a maximum risk of 90%. And this is only 10 year divorce risk!  The base Heritage study, which I can’t find online anymore but recall from 3  years ago, actually showed, for a lifetime period, that women with 15 or more partners have essentially a 100% divorce rate, but the sample population was small so they revised the rate downwards to over 80%.  Not good, at any rate.

I can also say that while this data above shows a ~20% lifetime divorce rate even for those who were virgins when married, when religious practice and prayer life are factored in, that number drops to essentially zero.  Not completely zero, there are oddball cases now and then, but the rate is around 1-3%.

Now, if you couple the fact that women initiate divorce in the vast majority of cases, and the fact that even ONE sex partner outside marriage radically increases the likelihood of divorce……it is plain that men’s biological preference for virgin brides is not just rooted in some patriarchal bias, but in both self-preservation and the best interest of offspring.

One more bit of data, there is a strong but lesser correlation for men between lifetime partners and divorce rate. I blogged the data below here years ago, but here is a graph that shows lower correlation for lifetime partners and divorce for men, than for women:


The first study is really a lot stronger than the second one, I would tend to accept it’s data over the latter data where they diverge.  Nevertheless, we see that the truism holds for men, as well: having a partner outside your marriage radically increases your chances for future divorce.  Not quite to the same degree, but very substantially.  In fact, involvement in pre-marital sexual relationships is the single strongest individual predictor of lifetime divorce.

None of this is to pick on women, per se’.  But historically, women have been the main societal guardians of virtue, especially when it comes to matters related to the marital act. Historically, women “policed” themselves by maintaining standards of expected behavior woman-to-woman, which had the effect of increasing virtue and making obtaining sex a matter of commitment for men.  Feminism and other cultural calamities have managed to undermine that beneficial “peer pressure” to the extent it hardly exists today, and the “price” for men for sex has collapsed.  At the same time, there seems something innate in women that makes their suitability for a lifetime commitment also collapse if they have had even a few flings outside marriage.

So, if I could give one critical advice to a young man or woman contemplating a vocation to the married state, it is that they do all they can to insure that both they and their spouse are virgins.  This is obviously not an easy thing to check up on, but there are certain indicators you can look to without even having to ask a very uncomfortable question.

Look to those who practice modesty and all the virtues.  Find a young man or woman interested not in dating, but in courting, particularly with familial oversight.  If you happen to fall into a heated moment, and your dating/courting partner is making demands that are inappropriate, that’s a very bad sign. Get away.  If they seem to know a great deal about intimate matters and/or what they want in such, that’s another warning sign. Avoid those whose parents are divorced, that is another very strong indicator of future divorce risk. Avoid the worldly, and both weak or non-Catholics.  Most of all, though, stick with the most faithful, pious souls you can find, who not only practice virtue themselves but whose parents and family does so…….that’s the best possible place to start.

If all this sounds very old-fashioned and traditional, it’s meant to.  Numerous separate cultures around the world developed, over time, elaborate safeguards to defend marriage and the family.  Christendom had by far the best of those. It may sound horribly passe’ and even dumb to recommend the kind of courting seen below with strong familial involvement to insure no temptation arises to sin, but this kind of traditional courtship was really ordered to maximizing not only the security and lifetime happiness of the courtiers, but it also played a vital role in safeguarding the institutions of marriage and child-raising.


But we all know those safeguards have been deliberately destroyed, and enormous misery has resulted. Don’t fall into the trap yourself.  Be continent. Be chaste.  Avoid temptation.  For Heaven’s sake, never get started with pr0n, it will screw you up immensely, it will be a miracle if it doesn’t mess you up terminally.



I can share some absolutely amazing news on the local pro-life front April 1, 2014

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, awesomeness, Basics, contraception, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, horror, scandals, sickness, Society, Victory.
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When HB2 was being debated furiously in the Texas Legislature last summer, and all the demonic/satanic forces came out of the woodwork to stop it, I was surprised to find some Catholic voices saying HB2, as positive as it was, still could not be supported because it supported the basic idea of keeping abortion legal.  Some folks said the only kind of law “true” pro-lifers could support was one that banned all abortions immediately.

That’s a lovely thought, and one I would fervently support (in addition to praying for on a daily, ongoing basis), but surveying the culture around us, the likelihood of such a measure passing is nil.  But HB2 provided measures that are sure to make abortion much, much less available in this state, and will result in the saving of many lives.  As such, it always had my support.

Let me relate to you what HB2 has achieved, and is in the process of achieving, just here in the Diocese of Dallas:

  1. Lamar Robinson has had his privileges at University General Hospital revoked, but I can also reveal he has sold his abortuary in Dallas to UT Southwestern Medical Center and the property will be razed.  Robinson plans to continue offering abortions in East Texas if he can get privileges.  He will exit the Dallas Diocese entirely, it is believed, as of Sept. 30.  It is certain, however, that his mill will be razed to the ground as part of UT Southwestern’s continuing expansion.
  2. Heavy pressure is being applied to Dallas Medical Center to revoke the privileges of the abortionists at Routh Street mill on Central Expressway.  We will have to see if Dallas Medical Center wants to be seen associated with filthy abortion mills.
  3. Planned Barrenhood shut down their abortion referral center in Irving last Dec. 31.  This is due in part to HB2.
  4. This last bit is not entirely confirmed, but will be most significant:  another measure of HB2, requiring abortuaries to meet the same minimum health and safety requirements as other ambulatory surgery centers, goes into effect Oct. 1.  I have been told that because of this measure, ALL abortion mills in the Diocese of Dallas (save one) will close on or before that date, because their antiquated, sub-standard, often filthy facilities will cost too much to upgrade to still allow abortionists that money they crave while providing at least a minimum of safety for the women involved in this barbaric practice.  I say all but one, Curtis Boyd’s Southwest Women’s Surgery Center will remain open, it was designed to meet those requirements, more or less, from the get go.  But I am told Planned Barrenhood will close their mill on Greenville (yes, even Planned Barrenhood, because the only thing they love more than abortion is money), Routh Street will shut down, and Robinson has already sold out.  From what I was told, these closures are a direct result of HB2 and the ambulatory surgery center standards it requires.  As of late this year, there will only be two abortion mills open in the metroplex, Southwest Women’s Surgery Center and Planned Barrenhood’s Fort Worth mega-mill.  All this info comes not from pro-life sources but from an insider in the abortion industry in the DFW area.

If this holds – if HB2 is not overturned (I sincerely doubt it will be), if pro-abort radicals don’t funnel money to some of these mills to keep them open, if the abortionists don’t change their minds, if new mills that meet the new standards don’t open to take the place of those closing (again, I doubt this will happen),etc – we will see abortions in the Dallas area radically reduced and made much more difficult to obtain.  Pro-life forces will be able to focus their energies on just the one mill in each Diocese, which ought to result in heavy pressure around these mills.

Curtis Boyd is quite old – 73 or 74.  I know he has trained some younger abortionists to step in when he finally retires or passes away, but I doubt they will have the ideological commitment he does.  Boyd is an unabashed pro-abort ideologue, he knows he’s killing babies but doesn’t care.  But will those who follow him be so committed?  Time will tell.

But if all this comes down, it will not be exaggeration to say that we could honestly look forward to the day when there isn’t a single abortion mill in the Diocese of Dallas.  I would like to take this opportunity to offer and challenge any priests reading this post to amp up their presence outside Boyd’s mill on Greenville Avenue in Dallas.  Heavy presence of priests, seminarians, and even the bishop outside mills got them shut down in the Diocese of Rockford.  There is no abortion mill in Rockford, but it was a long, hard, mostly spiritual fight.  There was a huge amount of diabolical activity associated with the process of getting that last, most militant mill shut down.  In charity, I would hope that priests would not leave their flock unguarded outside these centers of evil, but would do all they possibly can to both witness to life and engage in the mighty spiritual warfare that occurs around these altars to satan.

But for now, truly stupendous, amazing news.  It appears HB2 is doing much to radically reduce the availability of abortion in the State of Texas.