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Thinking for yourself February 4, 2010

Posted by Tantumblogo in General Catholic.

I ‘think’ (get it!) Larry D. has an interesting post over at Acts of the Apostasy.   The money quote:

They look at their intelligence, their education, their experiences and believe that sacrificing their own self-importance is too great a price to pay to submit to our loving mother the Church. So they go off and think for themselves.

If you read the whole post, AoA is primarily attacking a mentality he sees mostly from those described as progressives.  I don’t feel like bashing progressives, but I do want to say that I very much understand that quote.   I think that is one of the greatest challenges for humans – to overcome pride.  God may have given us pride so that one day we could come to the realization of how foolish it is.  This is not to say that one should not think, that’s ridiculous, but when our thinking and the Truth as revealed in God’s Church clash, we should definitely step back and take a look at what we’re doing.  It may show us a great deal is wrong.

I pray every day that God will show me those areas of my faith where I am lacking (discernment), and will give me the humility to accept change and the strength to implement it.  I know I’ve got many failings, but I do know that with God’s grace I can get a little closer to Him. 

It’s the rain……it must make me contemplative :p