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Do “gay rights” trump all others? October 11, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, horror, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.

Larry D has what I think is a brilliant post that I am going to copy in toto below, discussing an atrocious situation in Britain (go figure) where a gay male couple is apparently involved in a custody fight with a female gay couple over two children the males provided genetic material for.  In light of many other ongoing trends in our culture, where a tiny minority is having great success dictating terms to the vast majority, I ask……..do gay rights trump all others in our present culture?

The post from Larry D:

We’re constantly being told that kids raised in a gay household will turn out just fine. Not quite.

From The Daily Mail:

A High Court judge issued a stark warning yesterday about the traumatic effects on children when complicated homosexual parenting arrangements unravel.

In a case in which a gay man and his lover took the lesbian mother of his children and her partner to court for access rights, the judge expressed frustration at the ‘lack of sufficient vocabulary to explain the true nature of the relationships’.

But Mr Justice Hedley was clear about the impact of the couples’ conflict on the two sisters in the case, saying at least one of them had suffered significant emotional harm.

‘The four adults in this case regard the price paid by these two children as an acceptable price for the pursuit of their own adult disputes,’ he said.

The identity of the girls, aged six and ten, and their four parents was kept secret in the Family Division judgment published yesterday.

The judge said the adults involved were ‘intelligent professional people’ who agreed to have children through IVF ‘with the agreement and co-operation of all parties’.

But he warned: ‘The case provides a vivid illustration of just how wrong these arrangements can go.’

Gee, ya think?

And the judge expressed frustration at the “lack of sufficient vocabulary” to describe the situation? I got some words for him: immoral, unnatural, disgusting, selfish. I’m sure there are plenty more.

These poor girls. Victims in a world gone mad, where it’s okay to take obese kids away from their parents, or to deny foster parents the ability to adopt kids because of their Christian view of homosexuality. But when the kids are merely subjected to “significant emotional harm”, why the sensible thing to do is just issue stark warnings and modify the parenting arrangements. Because the rights of gays to construct children via masturbation and a baster, and raise them in the presence of disordered behavior and abnormality must never ever be abated, the rights and well-being of said children be damned.


1. LarryD - October 12, 2011

Thanks for the link!

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