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When will this book be published in English?! October 11, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Dallas Diocese, disaster, episcopate, General Catholic, Liturgy, North Deanery, Papa, sadness, sickness.
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About 12-18 months ago, Professor Roberto de Mattei wrote a history of the Second Vatican Council – Il Concilio Vaticano II: una storia mai scritta (The Second Vatican Council – a never before written history).  The book apparently includes many never before revealed details of the Council, how it operated, how the “schemas” produced before the Council were thrown out, and how the Council wound up producing what it produced.  I have written about Professor de Mattei before, and he is definitely one who feels that the Church has suffered greatly since the Council, and that there have been many abuses that have come from it.  He also believes that certain portions of the Council documents are problematic in and of themselves – that they may represent, or be prone to being interpreted as, a rupture with the continuity of Church Doctrine.  Professor de Mattei just won a prestigious award in Italy for this work.  My question is……when will this book be available in English?!?! 

Rorate Caeli has an excerpt from the book – describing some fears developing in the Curia and among certain other Church leaders a few years after the Council:

The existence of a serious crisis, […] was  confirmed  even by  some theologians coming from the progressive ranks.  We will mention only some of the more significant declarations. 
The historian Hubert Jedin (who had collaborated as an “expert” with Cardinal Frings at the Council) after having tried to oppose the idea of a “crisis in the Church” was obliged to admit its existence.  At  a meeting held by the German Episcopal Conference on the 17th September 1968, Jedin  presented,  History and Crisis in the Church (published in Italian by the Osservatore Romano1)140 five phenomena  related to the crisis already in act in the Church:

1.insecurity in the Faith continuously on the rise, caused by a liberal diffusion of theological errors from university chairs, books and essays; 

2.the effort to transfer forms of parliamentary democracy into the Church through the introduction of ‘the right to participate’  at the three levels of ecclesiastical life:  the Universal Church, the dioceses, the parishes; 

3.the desacralization  of the priesthood;’ 

4.liberal “structuring” of the liturgical celebration instead of the fulfillment of the Opus Dei [Work of God, in its liturgical sense];  

5.ecumenism as “Protestantization”.

Father Henri de Lubac, one of the “fathers” of the Council, denounced the use and abuse of the principal conciliar documents at a conference held on the 29th of May 1969 at the University of St. Louis  in Missouri (U.S.): 

“The constitution Dei Verbum  – he said –   offers the pretext  of a narrow Biblicism that disregards all of Tradition and ( therefore) it devours itself”, elaborating “the notion of  a ‘faith of the future’,  so much so that one no longer discerns what it retains from  the Gospel of Jesus Christ;  the constitution Lumen Gentium is interpreted  “in order to transform the Church into a vast democracy” and to criticize that which is called ‘the institutional Church’  for the sake of an ideal of  ‘an amorphous Christianity’ which strikes at the Divine foundation of the Church.”  

I must now go do penance, since I am apparently a “conservative anti-Catholic Catholic,” for reprinting these comments from 45 years ago, according to some notable personages in the Church, like his Shea-ness.

Well, at least I have good company regarding whether Vatican II should be re-examined, or even a syllabus of errors produced regarding much of what is called its “spirit.” 

Reminder – 40 Days for Life ongoing October 11, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Interior Life, North Deanery, Virtue.
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40 Days for Life started September 28 and runs through November 6.  Many local parishes have days scheduled to pray and give witness outside the abortion mill targeted – Southwest Women’s Surgery Center on Greenville Ave, just north of Royal on the NE corner of the intersection of Royal and Greenville.   I’m sure you can check your parish bulletin for times scheduled to pray outside the mill, and you can see what times are covered here.  If you are outside the Dallas area, you can see what prayer activities may be going on in your area here

I note there are times still uncovered for tomorrow, Oct. 12!  I had planned to go tomorrow afternoon, but I may go instead later at night – perhaps 9 -11 pm, since those times don’t appear to be covered right now.   You should go out and pray!  There is no question that, properly disposed, many graces will flow into those who take part!

40 Days for Life is reporting that there have been 144 saves already!  Let’s have this year be the most effective, yet!

Do “gay rights” trump all others? October 11, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, Dallas Diocese, disaster, General Catholic, horror, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society.
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Larry D has what I think is a brilliant post that I am going to copy in toto below, discussing an atrocious situation in Britain (go figure) where a gay male couple is apparently involved in a custody fight with a female gay couple over two children the males provided genetic material for.  In light of many other ongoing trends in our culture, where a tiny minority is having great success dictating terms to the vast majority, I ask……..do gay rights trump all others in our present culture?

The post from Larry D:

We’re constantly being told that kids raised in a gay household will turn out just fine. Not quite.

From The Daily Mail:

A High Court judge issued a stark warning yesterday about the traumatic effects on children when complicated homosexual parenting arrangements unravel.

In a case in which a gay man and his lover took the lesbian mother of his children and her partner to court for access rights, the judge expressed frustration at the ‘lack of sufficient vocabulary to explain the true nature of the relationships’.

But Mr Justice Hedley was clear about the impact of the couples’ conflict on the two sisters in the case, saying at least one of them had suffered significant emotional harm.

‘The four adults in this case regard the price paid by these two children as an acceptable price for the pursuit of their own adult disputes,’ he said.

The identity of the girls, aged six and ten, and their four parents was kept secret in the Family Division judgment published yesterday.

The judge said the adults involved were ‘intelligent professional people’ who agreed to have children through IVF ‘with the agreement and co-operation of all parties’.

But he warned: ‘The case provides a vivid illustration of just how wrong these arrangements can go.’

Gee, ya think?

And the judge expressed frustration at the “lack of sufficient vocabulary” to describe the situation? I got some words for him: immoral, unnatural, disgusting, selfish. I’m sure there are plenty more.

These poor girls. Victims in a world gone mad, where it’s okay to take obese kids away from their parents, or to deny foster parents the ability to adopt kids because of their Christian view of homosexuality. But when the kids are merely subjected to “significant emotional harm”, why the sensible thing to do is just issue stark warnings and modify the parenting arrangements. Because the rights of gays to construct children via masturbation and a baster, and raise them in the presence of disordered behavior and abnormality must never ever be abated, the rights and well-being of said children be damned.

Support Fr. Michael Rodriguez October 11, 2011

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, episcopate, foolishness, General Catholic, Interior Life, Latin Mass, Liturgy, priests, Sacraments, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society, Tradition.
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As should be known to my readers, Fr. Michael Rodriguez was removed from his position as parish administrator of San Juan Bautista parish in El Paso some weeks ago.  There is now a petition effort in that diocese to have him returned to San Juan Bautista and to have him made pastor of the parish, which would provide Fr. Rodriguez with greatly increased canonical rights.  The El Paso Times has an article about this effort today, including a poll where you can voice your opinion regarding whether Fr. Rodriguez should be returned to ministry in the city of El Paso.  I highly encourage all to vote. 

An update on San Juan Bautista.  There are no Traditional Latin Masses at the parish at present, although there is a promise to train a priest or two in the timeless Mass of All Ages and to have a Sunday TLM there at some indeterminate point in the future.  There are no other Sacraments offered, none of the daily catechesis classes Fr. Rodriguez offered, none of the daily prayers and devotionals, the whole parish life is essentially gone.  There is apparently an offer to undergo prep like First Communion or Confirmation at a neighboring parish that is apparently very problematic, and then to have the actual Sacrament at San Juan Bautista, but that’s hardly a replacement for a vibrant parish life. 

Some additional details from a press release that precipitated this news article:

 For the past 9 1/2 years, Fr. Michael Rodríguez has served as parish priest of San Juan Bautista in central El Paso.  Recently, Bishop Armando Ochoa reassigned Fr. Rodríguez to Santa Teresa de Jesús Parish in Presidio, TX, and the surrounding missions of Candelaria, Redford, and Shafter, TX.  We, the parishioners of San Juan Bautista, and hundreds, probably even thousands, of other Catholic faithful from around the diocese and southern New Mexico, want to make a public appeal to our Bishop:  please restore the traditional Catholic parish life that we had at San Juan Bautista.  We are convinced that this parish life is, by far, the greatest spiritual treasure of our city. 

     The Catholics of El Paso have now been left without the priest who was the lone voice speaking the truth and upholding all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  Anyone in El Paso can tell you that the most reverent Mass offered was at San Juan Bautista.  Fr. Rodríguez had Confessions five times a week and often stayed past midnight absolving our sins. He had a Holy Hour almost every day, and all-night Adoration at least once a month.  The Rosary was prayed daily at San Juan, many times more than once.  Every Friday, after the evening Mass, Fr. Rodríguez led the Stations of the Cross in Spanish, and others prayed them in English every Friday at 12:30 p.m.  At San Juan Bautista, we had many other devotions, novenas, blessings of sacramentals, processions, and additional Masses for First Friday and First Saturday.  There were also numerous classes in the faith for both the adults and youth of the parish.  Fr. Rodríguez was the only priest speaking out in public to defend Marriage as the union between one man and one woman. In addition, he was the only priest of the diocese offering the Traditional Latin Mass.  Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has made it very clear that the Traditional Latin Mass should be offered generously throughout the world wherever the faithful are requesting it.  Here in El Paso, hundreds of us are requesting a daily Traditional Latin Mass, just as it was being offered at San Juan Bautista.  We respectfully ask Bishop Ochoa to do nothing more than obey the directives of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.  Moreover, in just two years, the small parish of San Juan Bautista has had five men go to the seminary and two women to the convent. Another two men and two women will probably go this year to seek a religious vocation and many more youth are discerning a religious vocation thanks, in part, to the example and spiritual direction of Fr. Michael Rodríguez.  Finally, Fr. Rodríguez was the only priest in the diocese who was openly promoting true Catholic education and supporting those who wish to homeschool within their family.  

     Many Catholics will attest to the fact that no other priest in El Paso was working harder than Fr. Rodríguez for the sanctification and salvation of our souls.  And now he is gone, and so is the rich and magnificent spiritual life that we formerly had at San Juan. The grief and sorrow which many of us are experiencing is unimaginable.  We’ve lost our spiritual father!  Many of the faithful are utterly devastated. They simply do not know where to go for the feeding and care of their souls.  Hundreds of letters have already been written to our Bishop, and we intend to make it thousands upon thousands.  The injustice is palpable, especially for those who prefer the Traditional Latin Mass, as well as the poor, the elderly and children who relied on him for their spiritual nourishment. Their pain and hopelessness is written all over their faces.
     This morning we presented Bishop Armando Ochoa with a petition of more 180 signatures, and are still in the process of gathering more. Our hope is to have 500 by next week and then grow that number even more.  We are urging our Bishop to be obedient to Pope Benedict XVI, and provide El Paso with a parish life centered on the Traditional Latin Mass.  Secondly, we are pleading with our Bishop:  please, please send Fr. Rodríguez back to us.  We love him, he’s sacrificed so much for us, and El Paso desperately needs the light and strength of his priesthood.