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The Innovators/Modernists in the Church are Either Heresiarchs or Demoniacs July 19, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Christendom, cultural marxism, different religion, Francis, General Catholic, horror, Latin Mass, manhood, priests, Revolution, scandals, secularism, Society, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, true leadership.

An excellent sermon below from a priest much loved by this blog, dealing with the subject of attempted radical changes to Church belief which fallen men have tried to impose on her almost from the Church’s inception.  The specific matter addressed here has to do with a small portion of the First Catholic Epistle of St. John, but there are obvious implications for all those attempting to foist different and novel beliefs upon the Church.

The priest’s key point is that the Church has been empowered by God to be THE reliable witness to the Truth of Jesus Christ in the world for all time.  Father uses a secular analogy to describe the impact the innovators have on the Church’s credibility – if the sole eyewitness to an alleged murder radically changed his testimony on the witness stand, even contradicting himself, would such a witness be considered reliable?  Of course not.  In the even more weighty matter of giving testimony of the Truth absolutely necessary for salvation, if the Church changes her testimony, what will the result be?  The result will not be to win the appraise and lauds of the world – those these may occur, they will be fleeting, and more a self-congratulatory chorus from enemies of Christ and His Church on finally having “vanquished” an eternal foe – the result will be the total collapse of the Church’s moral and spiritual authority and its dismissal from the ranks of seriously considered belief systems.

Of course, even before Francis, immense damage along this line had already been done, as Vatican II and the revolution which afflicted the Church from the early 60s on produced numerous priests and prelates who promoted everything from practical apostasy to subtle undermining of ancient beliefs.  But it’s one thing for individual priests and prelates to promote error, it is something else for the highest authority in the Church to do so.  While Francis is never mentioned by name in the sermon, it is obvious that the specter of Francis looms large over all the priest says.

There is some good news, however.  The priest relates that during the Arian heresy, something like 95-97% of all the priests and bishops in the Church fell into the error that Christ is not God.  How many laity fell likewise is not as well known, though most historians describe the laity as being the main source of orthodoxy during this widespread heresy. Today, I’d say similar figures probably apply to the hierarchy, but in the current crisis, a vast majority of the laity has also fallen away.  I do think, in most respects, this current crisis of sexular paganism/modernism is the worst the Church has ever faced.

May God have mercy on us all.

PS – I saw on Rorate last week how one of Francis’ closest collaborators in wreckovating the doctrinal edifice of the Church, Fr. Anthony Spadaro, attacked Church Militant by name (and at length) in an official Vatican publication.  While I have no time and little interest in following Church Militant anymore, reading it did remind me of a saying an old Senior Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy used quite frequently: what would you expect from a pig, but a grunt?   I would say this attack (which was basically superficial, ill-informed, and full of spite for the United States via a wholly distorted view not only of the US but of the Church herself and her ancient conception of proper Church-state relations) is actually a good sign, in that some of the efforts at resistance (whatever we may think of their particular merits or lack thereof) to the revolutionary agenda are reaching even the highest levels of the Church.  Keep up the fight, and keep to that Faith which has always been believed and practiced.  You can learn this Faith by studying the Saints of old and reading pre-conciliar, and especially early- or pre-20th century books on morality, theology, and the like.  They are available, and a small but growing number of publishers are turning out reprints (or wholly new translations) of traditional Catholic works.

This pontificate lusts to be adulated by modernism on it’s own terms.


1. Tim - July 20, 2017

Baseballmomof8 - July 20, 2017

Spot on. Thanks!!!!

2. Baseballmomof8 - July 20, 2017

Excellent and sobering sermon. Thanks.

3. Canon212 Update: It’s Fr. Anthony’s vs. FrancisChurch MetalDorks – The Stumbling Block - July 21, 2017


4. Gary - July 22, 2017

As a convert of over 40 yrs I never cease to be amazed !! 🙀 I notice the KJV, Catholic edition is correct and the Douay 1752

5. Papal Succubus Sorondo Epitomizes Leftist Inversion of the Faith | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - July 25, 2017

[…]  This is all about the continued inversion of what the Church believes, and is.  These men, these demoniacs and heresiarchs, are not crazy, or dumb, or unhinged.  If you understand their belief system and their objectives, […]

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