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Matt: Cardinal Burke Did Not “Betray” Traditional Movement with SSPX Comments October 4, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, episcopate, error, General Catholic, Latin Mass, Restoration, sadness, SSPX, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, Virtue.

If you’re fortunate,  you’ve probably been spared the drama over some comments Cardinal Burke made at a conference back in June or July regarding the SSPX.  When asked specifically whether lay Catholics should or could attend an SSPX parish, Cardinal Burke said (in main point) they were schismatic, and that while their Masses were valid they were not licit and should be avoided.  This is the 100% mainstream conservative opinion in the Church, and the one that was espoused by the Pope Emeritus.

Some folks took grave exception to this commentary and opined that Cardinal Burke had somehow exposed himself as a true modernist at heart, or that he had failed the traditional movement, or that he is now rather suspect and not a good friend of traditional Catholics.

I think Michael Matt sums up my sentiments more or less exactly.  I am not surprised at what Cardinal Burke said in the slightest.  As I said, it’s pretty much the default position of the hierarchical Church, what these men in positions of power are taught and expected to say.  This doesn’t make Cardinal Burke a bad person or somehow a turncoat.  The good things he has done remain.  He remains the chief opponent of Francis in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, the author of the Dubia, and a very good friend of the Traditional Latin Mass.  But, like all of us, he’s far from perfect, and probably does not, nor ever will, align with our every desire as a perfect Catholic prelate (we all know there has only ever been one perfect prelate, and ever will be – Marcel Lefebvre).

Personally, I was neither exercised by the cardinal’s comments, nor by the reaction.  In fact, I completely expected the reaction.  If Matt’s video below did not so well accord with my own views and provide sensible counsel, I would not have covered the matter at all.  I don’t want to see the comments turn into one of those endless SSPX/anti-SSPX imbroglios.  They are boring and have already been done to death 1000 times over.  You are welcome to your opinion and to express it, but if the tete a tete’s get to extensive and descend into incivility I will terminate the comments (but not take any action against particular commenters, especially those who have been around a long time).  Experience has taught that anything touching on the SSPX tends to lead to great passions on all sides.  Let’s try to keep things cool.

I think Matt’s video could be easily summed up as: don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.  Sure, Cardinal Burke may have said something you or I or we don’t like, or wish he had said another way, but he does a great deal of good at the same time.


1. Tim - October 4, 2017

I agree, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. However, this is not an “opinion” issue. The SSPX is not and never has been in schism. A cardinal such as Cardinal Burke should speak the truth no matter what the modernist destroyers want. Also, the cardinal mentioned Fr. Saguto, FSSP in the recording. Fr. Saguto is an excellent priest but he needs to stop perpetuating this lie and he needs to order his priests to do the same. Spreading falsehood for political cowardice is not virtuous or helpful.

Anyone who still believes this modernist calumny should watch the following and then attempt to refute it:

Tantumblogo - October 4, 2017

I don’t think the status of the SSPX has risen to the level of a dogma. Even if we don’t like his opinion, he can differ on matters of prudence without committing a sin. You may be convinced but there are many people of good will who disagree. I’d rather the cardinal not be charged with sin.

Tim - October 4, 2017

One can be of good will and be factually incorrect. I never said the cardinal sinned. He could be totally clueless on this matter for all I know. Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP told me he had issues with attending the local SSPX parish, especially in light of what the former FSSP parish in Indianapolis has degraded into since the left town.

I am not into the circular firing squad mentality as I attend SSPX, FSSP, ICK or Diocean TLM, but I will defend any group against falsehood whether it is purposeful or just delivered from cluelessness. I was FSSP for 13 years until they we driven out by the modernist movers and shakers in Indianapolis. So thank God the SSPX came to town. The former FSSP parish is currently a den of spiritual schizophrenia. A TLM is not enough, Catholics need sound doctrine and culture.

Tim - October 4, 2017

Should say Fr. Pendergraft, FSSP told me had NO issues……

Tantumblogo - October 4, 2017

Perhaps it was unintentional, but you describe Cardinal Burke as holding a common error and then describe that error as a modernist calumny. It is possible to read into that the Cardinal had engaged in calumny.

Tim - October 4, 2017

My wording could have been better, I don’t know the cardinal and wouldn’t know his interior motives. That aside, even if not sinful he then is perpetuating falsehood unwittingly. They are either in schism or they are not, there is no third option.

2. Cynthia Burley - October 4, 2017

That video by Fr Hesse is calumny against the FSSP, so please.

Tim - October 4, 2017

How so?

3. skeinster - October 5, 2017

I saw this elsewhere and thought it was very good.

Mr. Matt is gradually improving my opinion of, and increasing my sympathy towards, the SSPX.

4. Canon212 Update: Only Heretic Popes Propagate Multiple Heresies. What’s So Complicated? – The Stumbling Block - October 5, 2017


5. Tim - October 6, 2017
6. Tim - October 9, 2017

7. Tim - October 9, 2017

8. Tim - October 9, 2017

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