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MUST WATCH – Video on Franciscans of Immaculate situation December 16, 2013

Posted by Tantumblogo in Basics, disaster, disconcerting, episcopate, error, General Catholic, Holy suffering, Papa, persecution, religious, scandals, secularism, shocking, the return, Tradition.

Please watch the video below from The Remnant.  Michael Matt interviews Christopher Ferrara on the ongoing persecution of the FFIs, and what it means for the Church.

There is much insightful analysis below, as well as recognition of a huge amount of scandal and hypocrisy, a good bit of which I myself missed.  I’ll add some brief summations below the video:

If after watching this video and perhaps meditating on all the coverage from last week on the absolutely savage persecution of the FFIs, you still do not think this Pope has an inveterate, ideological hostility towards the entire cause that is known as “Tradition” within the Church, I’d like to enter into a long-term contract involving extensive real estate investments with you.

I saw some commentary from an Opus Dei priest still trying to pretend this matter has to do with “dissension” within the order.  So, dissension by FIVE whole friars (out of 100 times that many, or 1%) is sufficient cause to completely all but obliterate a growing, vibrant, holy religious order, THEN EVERY SINGLE OTHER RELIGIOUS ORDER IN THE WORLD SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE THEY ALL HAVE TRIVIAL AMOUNTS OF SUCH “DISSENT.”  Dealing with dissent from such a tiny percentage is the typical job of an order’s leadership, and certainly hasn’t required such a huge and destructive intervention from the Vatican over the past 50 years.

As Matt and Ferrara note repeatedly, to anyone capable of cogent thought, whether inside or outside the Church, this persecution looks absolutely terrible.  We have been told for decades that strict enforcement of discipline was “impossible” in today’s Church due to nebulous changes brought about by the Council.  Thus, religious orders totally gone over to the most extreme, hateful heresies, seminaries so full of sexual perversion and even rampant boy-rape as to boggle the mind, and the most open, flagrant graft and outright thievery at the Vatican Bank have gone almost totally unpunished.

There has not been a religious order dealt with so severely in DECADES.  You might have to go back before WWII to find a similar such violent suppression.  And for what?  The FFIs are NOT EVEN TRADITIONALIST!  THEY STILL OFFER THE NOVUS ORDO ALL THE TIME!  Oh, but they had a drift, a drift towards Tradition!  CRUSH THEM!

As Matt observes, don’t think the secular media don’t notice this massive, hypocritical disparity.  The next time some bishop is exposed as a boy rapist, the Vatican won’t be able to say “oh, we can’t do much, we’re so sorry,” the media will quickly bring up the FFI episode.  Apparently, there IS a wherewithal to engage in harsh, even radically uncharitable and savage discipline in the Vatican, but it is reserved for faithful Catholics. The heretics get a pass.

It is inconceivable that such massive moral, doctrinal, and financial corruption can exist in the Church for so long, with constant statements from the highest levels that sadly, nothing can be done, and now we are confronted with THIS. As the old saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way.  There is not a will to stamp out the hideous, festering scandal of a huge homosexual cabal in the priesthood and even Vatican, there is no will to enforce doctrinal orthodoxy, but there certainly IS a will to insist that all genuflect at all times before the nebulous “spirit of Vatican II,” whatever that means.

So, it appears the only Dogma left in the Church today is that of swearing fealty to the modernist revolution rapidly destroying the Church.  Do you know, the Arians did the same thing, requiring those who had fought them to take oaths now claiming adherence to the Arian heresy and rejecting Jesus Christ as the 2nd Person of the Trinity?   Well, modernists make you reject a good deal more than that.  And thus, the FFIs, such good, holy men, are now being made to sign what amounts to a modernist oath, swearing allegiance to Vatican II, or whatever that means.

I agree very much with Matt and Ferrara’s assessment of the Pope’s enormous worldly popularity, including man of the year and all that.  It is a tremendous danger for a prelate or pope to be loved and adored by the world.

If one wants to speak of a “war,” or a repression, the biggest war Matt/Ferrara see right now is Pope Francis’ war against the previous two pontificates. He appears to be trying to undo as much as he possibly can from the past 35 years, as quickly as he can.

One last thing, Michael Matt points out that Bishop Fellay now looks very wise to have rejected the Vatican’s “peace offer” in 2012.  I find it difficult to argue with that assessment.




1. TG - December 16, 2013

Thanks for keeping us informed. I noticed no one else is talking about this.

Lorra - December 16, 2013

That’s because at this point it is easier to stick your head in the sand and rationalize to yourself why you are refusing to read the handwriting on the wall.

2. On Pope Francis’ persecution of the FFI « New Sherwood - December 16, 2013

[…] in Dallas offers a scathing commentary, and has alerted us to the Remnant’s video summary of the crisis […]

3. Catholic4Life - December 16, 2013

Reblogged this on Catholic4Life.

4. B - December 16, 2013

Apparently our good friend Cardinal Burke has been dropped from Congregation for Bishops. I think that this is all the proof we need that something is truly amiss in the Vatican.

Brian S. - December 16, 2013

Sorry, I hit the reply button too early, here is my name, in case you wanted to know who left the post.

5. Catholic4Life - December 16, 2013

Excellent video a must see indeed! Thank you for sharing and keeping us informed. The war on the Latin Traditional Mass is unprecedented!!
Parce nobis Domine!

6. Lorra - December 16, 2013

Would a kind soul here fill me in on what was said? Not everyone can afford high speed internet. Having dial-up is a very difficult penance but it is all we can afford.

Brian S. - December 16, 2013

More or less, the speakers were discussing the situation with the Friars of the Immaculate Heart and how the Vatican is treating them with undue harshness. Apparently the Church has not treated an order this harsh in over a half century. Their publication houses have been shut down, their new ordinations suspended. They then go on to discuss the double standard that exist in the modern church, that is to say, that so as long as you fall in line and think that Vatican II is the greatest thing ever, your order can a wretched hive of heresy and sex abuse like the LWRC and Legionaires. The Immaculate Friars only crime was that they are beginning to lean toward tradition and the new regime won’t have any of that, everything else is okay though.

Lorra - December 16, 2013

Brian, thank you. An “Ave” for your intentions!

tantamergo - December 16, 2013

The text of the post is a pretty good summation of the highlights.

Lorra - December 16, 2013

Tantam, do you receive The Remnant? It is sent to us out of the kindness of their heart as we cannot subscribe. The most recent issue has many good articles on Francis including an excellent one written by Chris Ferrara.

tantamergo - December 17, 2013

I don’t. I receive a couple periodicals but I rarely have time to read them. I am loathe to take on another without time to read it.

Ben Warren - December 16, 2013

The temptation to join the SSPX is very great, but they are still out of communion with Rome, and thus on the road to perdition.

Lorra - December 16, 2013

What is the alternative? Spiritually starve in my liberal parish which is in an equally liberal diocese? Do you know what that’s like?

Rome is out of communion with Rome. I’m sorry to say that, but it is true.

Lorra - December 16, 2013

Ben, I retract my comment above. You are right. The SSPX is no longer the answer for me. I will never be faulted for trusting too much in the promises Our Lord made for His Church.

LaGallina - December 17, 2013

Lorra, why did you retract your comment? I, too, am spiritually starving in my NO parish. Worse, my husband and children are starving even more and have no other source of Catholic information, other than what I try to teach them. If I had an SSPX chapel in my area, I would be there in a heartbeat. I’m not sure if that would be “wrong” or “right” but many Catholics have no other recourse.

tantamergo - December 16, 2013

Please don’t think I am off to the SSPX! That was not my point. But I’m sure Bishop Fellay is very happy with his decision right now – as much as anyone can be happy right now.

Alphonsus Jr. - December 16, 2013

Ben, google for this essay:

Gnostic Twaddle by Christopher Ferrara

Hannah - December 17, 2013

I’m on the road to perdition because I follow the Faith as it has always been believed and practiced? I’m sorry to say but it’s Rome that is on the road to perdition. Don’t think Our Lady didn’t warn us about this.

The SSPX is a light in this darkness, no matter if one wants to see that or not.

The Counciliar Church lost the Faith and lost it long ago. Why on earth do you think your witnessing what your witnessing right now?

7. Lorra - December 16, 2013

“There has not been a religious order dealt with so severely in DECADES.”

I don’t know that there has ever been a religious order dealt with so severely. By the time VII happened, the libs were in place within the orders. They dealt with any opposition by ruthless cruelty. In fact, I found the stories hard to believe when I first heard them, that anyone, especially a vowed religious, could be so inhumane and cruel.

But I do not recall the Vatican stepping in at all to restore any law and order.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

TG - December 16, 2013

I don’t think you’re wrong but I only recently returned to the church – 3 years. What really bothers me is how Bishop Lefebvre was excommunicated so fast by John Paul II yet that Kung whatever is still a priest.

tantamergo - December 16, 2013

There is a link on the cartoon post to Fr. Hunwicke’s blog. He talks about just that – the SSPX accept 95% or more of Vatican II. How much does Kung accept? He doesn’t even recognize the Resurrection! How much of Vatican II do most heretics accept?

But, then again, Kung hasn’t taken part in illicit consecrations – that we know of (although I bet, quietly, he’s been at a number of fauxrdinations of women). The Vatican could hardly not respond to a line of bishops being created without their approval. Not that I’m condemning the ordinations. It was a do or die moment, either the SSPX would fade away, or create a formal breach and survive, but with an enormous cost. I know it was difficult for all involved.

8. Alphonsus Jr. - December 16, 2013

Why is this at all surprising? Scorpions will sting, snakes will bite, and those on board with the Judas Council Revolution will behave as Judases.

Hannah - December 17, 2013


9. Hannah - December 17, 2013

As I’ve said before also, anyone and everyone is welcome to practice anything and everything that is not Catholic in the Counciliar Church and get away with it EXCEPT true Catholics.

10. Dismas - December 17, 2013

Great video. I only differ in two viewpoints.

First, I do not find this to be at all frightening. Actually, I find it refreshing. These men are showing themselves for what they are, and that makes the situation that much more clear. They are drawing lines in the sand. It eventually has to come down to this. I am thankful that it seems to be happening.

Secondly, I do not find it at all “unbelievable.” In fact, I find it completely believable. But I know that Michael Matt is using the term “unbelievable” loosely.

Alphonsus Jr. is right on the money. Snakes bite. No surprise here.

The decisions Archbishop Lefebvre was faced with were not easy. Few of us will be faced with decisions that difficult in our lives. This pope is making the Archbishop’s decision look better every day. God bless the SSPX.

On the other hand, who among us can fault one of his priests for not being able to go along with that decision? The FSSP did not “turn” on Archbishop Lefebvre. Those priests hung with him through many a trial and censure. This bold act was simply too much for a number of them. God bless the FSSP.

But if you want to see how much the bishops of this day admire the FSSP, just let the SSPX go out of business. Those good priests of the FSSP will find themselves high and dry.

Does anything “frighten” me? Not really. But one thing does concern me. As long as the SSPX and FSSP continue to calumniate each other, the Mahoneys have naught to fear. We have, on the highest authority in each case, testimony that the respective priests are not to be doing that. So when you see your priest calumniating another traditional order, know that they themselves are practicing disobedience.

tantamergo - December 17, 2013

Thanks, Dismas. Really good comment. I agree with pretty much all, although I am frightened that in this drawing of the lines, the chalk appears to be in the hand of the Sovereign Pontiff. Maybe I’ve been naive in the past, but this is about as far as we’ve seen one go, to my knowledge.

I know an FSSP priest who was bashing the Society. He seems to have stopped doing so, at least publicly (I don’t know what he does on the internet, he may be bashing away, he visits a lot of Trad sites, but anonymously). I agree that we have bigger battles to fight than with each other. I bear no ill will to the Society.

Dismas - December 18, 2013

Call me dull (many do) but I just do not find a tremendous amount of difference between this pope and Bl JPII, other than perhaps style and curb appeal. In substance they seem cut from the same cloth, which might mean…to the younger folk…that you are witnessing another “saint” in the making.

Sooner or later, are we not sort of “promised” an apostate pope? If that is the case, count on some very visible Catholic media…including that which purports to be “authentic” … to defend him. I’m just not sure we get to make it all the way around the board without an apostate pope.

Like that great neo-Catholic commentator Alfred E Neumann was fond of saying, “What? Me worry?”

11. Rebecca Joan - December 17, 2013

The ‘spirit of Vatican II’ is the Spirit of Satan. Let’s just face it. They don’t want to give up that spirit, they bow down to that spirit and they persecute others who question that spirit. It’s downhill from here unless we get a new Pope or unless the Pope has a profound conversion.

12. Michael - December 17, 2013

Great post by Dismas!

For one to presume that the SSPX is on the “road to perdition” for being the sole voice crying in the wilderness, taking a marked stand against the auto-demolition of Holy Mother Church is not well informed. In 50 years, when this epic crisis of Faith is behind us, Catholics will look back on the legacy of Archbishop Lefebvre with praise and wonder.

Consider the words of Our Lady of Good Success in 1634. She spoke to Mother Mariana of the crisis in the clergy that would come in the 20th century. Our Lady told her to pray insistently for “the Prelate” who would come to bring an end to those terrible times. These are the words Our Lady spoke:

“In this epoch [20th century], the Secular Clergy will be far removed from the ideal, because the priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Losing the divine compass, they will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will unduly strive to obtain.

“How the Church will suffer on that occasion, the dark night, from the lack of a Prelate and Father to watch over them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, discernment and prudence! Many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.

“Pray insistently without tiring and weep with bitter tears in the secrecy of your heart, imploring our Celestial Father that, for love of the Eucharistic Heart of my Most Holy Son and His Precious Blood shed with such generosity and by the profound bitterness and sufferings of His cruel Passion and Death, He might take pity on His ministers and quickly bring to an end those ominous times, sending to this Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its priests.

“My Most Holy Son and I will love this favored son with a love of predilection, and we shall gift him with a rare capacity, humility of heart, docility to divine inspirations, the strength to defend the rights of the Church, and a tender and compassionate heart, so that, like another Christ, he will assist the great and the small, without despising the more unfortunate souls who ask him for light and counsel in their doubts and hardships. With divine suavity, he will guide the souls consecrated to the service of God in the cloisters, making light the yoke of the Lord, Who said, ‘My yoke is sweet, and my burden light.’”

Hannah - December 17, 2013

Yes! A wonderful post. Thank you!

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