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Hare Krishna chants in Our Savior parish, NYC November 11, 2015

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, damnable blasphemy, different religion, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, error, General Catholic, horror, paganism, pr stunts, Revolution, scandals, secularism, the struggle for the Church.

Boy, they are really desecrating Fr. Rutler’s old home in NYC.  The original video has been pulled, but someone got a copy of it and uploaded a video that combines two great affronts against proper divine worship, the “Gaia” hymn that was sung at the end of a Mass for shut-ins broadcast by the Archdiocese of Toronto (which I blogged on here), and now this “hare krishna” worship in Our Savior parish in NYC.  Both excerpts are combined in the video below, the hare krishna part starts at 4:00 (I would limit myself to watching the portions from 1:12 to 3:00 and 4:00 to 5:00):

More details:

The description of the video explains that the kirtan was filmed in ‘late September’ and organized and led by The Bhakti CenterAccording to the The American Conservative the kirtan was part of “an interfaith prayer vigil for action on climate change, as part of Pope Francis’ visit to New York.”

You see what they have done to the parish Fr. Rutler saved and totally revitalized.  In addition to stripping out much of the art he painstakingly adorned the church with (at great effort and expense), now they are promoting heretical religions of pagan gods.  Since Scripture tells us all the gods of the pagans are devils, this can be construed as support for devil worship within the sanctuary intended for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Calling it blasphemy doesn’t do justice.

But the Franciscans of the Immaculate must be crushed.  Different (an irredeemably hostile) religion, indeed.


1. Baseballmom - November 12, 2015

Hey, it was to promote action on climate change…. Nothing to see here! Move along…. Move right along…

2. RC - November 12, 2015

There really should be a groundswell of faithful laity emailing the heck out of this place demanding a public apology.

Example: Rorate and a few other blogs posted the story out of Germany where the Archbishop of Trier denied a priest a TLM funeral, which was in his Will. Rorate urged people to politely email the Archbishop to demand that he obey the priests wishes, I am among those who emailed. This morning when I look on Rorate’s Twitter page, it turns out that the priest will be granted his wishes.

We’ve seen that emailing can have a tremendous impact. Just look at the impact the walk out signature had on the Synod of the Family.

3. tg - November 12, 2015

With stuff like this, can you blame the Protestants for thinking the Catholic Church is the whore of Babylon. This just makes me so angry.

4. Gary - November 13, 2015

Nothing makes me feel sicker than ‘Catholics gone bad’. As usual I say thanks for keeping us informed about the need we have to fast and pray for the bride of Christ. I’m so proud to be a convert of 40 years; it’s a privilege to suffer these insults with our Lord and brother Jesus.

5. Marguerite - November 14, 2015

I know Our Savior hurch very well. Went to it for years and Fr. Rutler turned it into a beautiful place of worship. To have pagans prancing around in the church is a sacrilege of the highest order. But didn’t the French Revolutionaries put a prostitute in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. We shouldn’t be surprised this is happening. Satan is behind all of this.

6. Marguerite - November 14, 2015

I notice the sanctuary lamp is missing. Was a it removed along with the Blessed Sacrament to justify this blasphemy? Fr. Robbins, the pastor, should be censured for this outrage.

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