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Practicing muslims reputed to outnumber Catholics in Brussels February 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, asshatery, Basics, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, suicide.

The numbers presented below square with what a commenter from Europe has said in the past.  Practicing muslims make up a greater percentage of the population of the city/region of Brussels than do Catholics.  More fruit from Vatican II.  I’m sure Cardinal Daneels, he of the “St. Gallen Group” who helped elect Francis, and a man deeply involved in the cover-up of the pedophile activities of some very close to him, is very pleased:

Considering what European Union policies have done to Europe, it seems all too apt for its capital to be a hive of Islamic terror and on the road to becoming a majority Muslim city.

Then turn to Brussels, some parts of which host large communities of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants, mostly from religiously conservative regions of those countries. Among respondents in the city, practising Catholics amounted to 12% and non-practising ones to 28%. Some 19% were active Muslims and another 4% were of Muslim identity without practising the faith. The atheist/agnostic camp came to 30%. [Let’s just accept these numbers at face value.  How many will continue in this practice when being Catholic begins to carry a marked social cost, be it from militant atheists or militant muslims?]

Among people who actually practice a religion, Muslims are a majority. And as usual, with Islamic indoctrination and birth rates, the news becomes more troubling in the lower age groups.

Thus among respondents aged 55 and over, practising Catholics amounted to 30% and practising Muslims to less than 1%; but among those aged between 18 and 34, active adherence to Islam (14%) exceeded the practice of Catholicism (12%). Admittedly the sample (600 people in all) is small. But if this trend continues, practitioners of Islam may soon comfortably exceed devout Catholics not just in cosmopolitan Brussels, as is the case already, but across the whole of Belgium’s southern half.

The southern half being the predominately Catholic region.  Forgive  me for doubting that even 12% of Brusselites (?) are “practicing” Catholics. I’d certainly appreciate any input from those familiar with the Church in Belgium. In France and other countries, it’s more like 3-4%, and almost all of them quite elderly.  Of course, “practicing” the Faith has been reduced in the minds of millions to showing up occasionally on Easter and Christmas, so perhaps 12% do still do that. This is not a practice of the Faith our Church Fathers would recognize.

And all this is why Brussels has become a hub for terror in Europe:

……..The greater Brussels area has long been considered to be a hotbed for radical Islamists. Troubled neighborhoods like Molenbeek and Anderlecht are known as being homes to secluded communities of immigrants in which radicals can easily go underground. So has Belgium become the center of terror in Europe and a security risk for the entire Continent?

These people who are firing their weapons and blowing themselves up don’t appear out of nowhere,” respected Belgian sociologist Felice Dassetto wrote on his blog after the Paris attacks……

…….There isn’t going to be a Brussels in 50 years. There’s going to be an Islamic State. It’s much too late to start pleading with the Jihadi invaders to play nice. It’s time to decide if there is going to be an Islamic State in Belgium or not.

And all this, in the capital of post-modern, post-Christian Europe.  As to the remaking of Europe into a balkanized construct of self-loathing atheistic sexular pagans and Western-loathing radical jihadists, for most of Europe’s governing elite, this appears all part of the plan.  People are easy to control when they are terrified.  Attachment to freedom goes out the window when one is in doubt of one’s life.  The native populace is almost entirely disarmed.

It’s almost as if someone had a plan………and do note the Church “elites” (hierarchy) are almost universally in favor of this unprecedented project in social engineering.


1. johnbryson - February 25, 2016

Good article! I lived in Brussels several times, the last time for 11 years between 1998 and 2009, and I definitely see the comunes of Anderlecht and Molenbeek passing Sharia Law. In fact, I think they have already tried in the passed.

But it is important to note that the Muslim problem in Belgium is limited to Brussels and Antwerp. In the rest of Belgium Muslims represent roughly 3% of the population. Here ‘s a link that shows other European cities and the proportion of Muslims.


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