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Believing in the Doctrine of the Faith Will Get You Fired, and Investigated by Police, at “Catholic” colleges  May 3, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, horror, martyrdom, paganism, persecution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, the struggle for the Church, unbelievable BS.

At Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles – a university in the 20th century Jesuit tradition of modernism, immorality, lies, and obfuscation – a lay employee was fired for having the temerity to very gently explain Catholic doctrine to militant students afflicted with perverse inclinations and general confusion over gender identity, which every 4 year old generally figures out quite clearly, unless they attend public schools and most colleges and universities.  In which case, they lose their minds and no longer know up from down, and particularly right from wrong.

Although the students initially acted politely and seemed to appreciate the back and forth of the conversation, you just knew this being a leftist dominated institution in the Year of Our Lord 2016, they would just have to file a complaint.  Complain they did, and now the employee is not only fired from their job at Loyola, but they are under investigation by the Orwellian-named “Bias Incident Response Team,” and the Los Angeles Police.  Which just goes to show that not much has changed since the days of L.A. Confidential:

It’s uncommon at Jesuit universities these days for someone to openly share a traditional Catholic viewpoint. [How’s that for understatement of the decade?]

When it happened at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the school was so spooked it called the Los Angeles Police Department. [Was it spooked, was it really afraid, or is this simply part of the process of the radical Left attempting to ratchet up the open persecution of Christians in this country to an entirely more threatening level?]

Both the police and the university’s Bias Incident Response Team are investigating the stated belief that only two genders exist, male and female, as a hate crime.

A Loyola alumni office employee discussed her views on sexual orientation, which align with the Roman Catholic Church, with three students who were hanging up posters on the subject on April 14.

Cosette Carleo, one of the students involved, told The College Fix in a phone interview that the hate crime under investigation is “denying transgenderism.”….

…..The employee told Carleo, who identifies as gender-neutral, that only two genders exist, male and female, according to the student. Carleo told The Fix that statement was the hate crime.

Carleo responded that “you can have your opinion” as long as it doesn’t “deny my existence.”

Let me rephrase that for honesty: “You can have your opinion, so long as it corresponds to mine, which just happens to be a violent competing religion that will brook no compromise, least of all with you, Christofascist.  Furthermore, I’m insane, and you must not simply share my insanity, but rejoice in it, and call it normality and saneness.”

OK, got a bit windy and harsh there.  But how many marginal people of unhappy unbringings are falling into this mental illness because they perceive not only that it brings them great power and attention (as this example brilliantly illustrates), but it also conveys on them unassailable moral authority and victimhood status that elevates them to veritable superhuman status?  Just whom has the power of the university and police-like state at their back?  It sure ain’t the Catholic.  So forgive me if I scoff at your self-serving claim that my refusal to accept your mental illness as a gender somehow denies your existence.  Give me a break.

Naturally, it turns out that two very different accounts of the exchange have surfaced.  But the supposedly Catholic university has chosen to side entirely with the aggrieved radical, even though there are serious holes in their story. In fact, the university immediately shamed and castigated the employee, refusing to hear her side of events.

The amount of space being given to Catholics to not just “operate” or evangelize, but simply exist, is shrinking at an alarming pace.  I do not think Michael Matt and some others are wrong to fear that before long, the state will find reasons, related to “hate” and “bias,” to refuse to allow us to homeschool our children.  What shall we do then?  If we let our kids be brainwashed by the state, everything we have worked and suffered and struggled for will be for naught.  Much will depend on the specific circumstances, of course, but our options will be limited by deliberate choice.

How long will God allow a culture – and a Church – filled to the gills with such evils to stand?  And where in the heck is Cardinal Gomez in defending this persecuted woman?

The thing is, bowing and scraping to the culture a la Amoris Laetitia isn’t going to buy the Church acceptance or wiggle room.  It’s going to cause the flashing knives of the Left to grow longer and to strike harder.  Hard experience with the world caused the bastions to be built in the first place.  But modernists just had to know better, didn’t they?


1. Baseballmom - May 3, 2016

Read about this last night on LifeSite. My prayer at this point is – “whatever it takes…. For the cleansing of Holy Mother Church and for this nation to fall to its knees in repentance for the embracing of sodomy and child killing.” And if the election of HRC brings it about more quickly then so be it.

2. Saint Alphonsus – we must all be martyrs, either of the sword, or of patience | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - May 3, 2016

[…] In keeping with the previous couple of posts, some exegesis on suffering from St. Alphonsus I found helpful.  I pray you do, as well.  Minimal commentary on this one, I probably say too much as it is: […]

3. Faith of Our Fathers - May 3, 2016

Check the BBC website -I kid you not – It says that kids as young as 3. Now just read that again and take it in . It says that KIDS as young as 3 are being called -Set up -As Transgeder . Truly we are living in the End Times. The Lunatics are now a Running the Asylum.

4. Faith of Our Fathers - May 3, 2016


5. Margaret Costello - May 4, 2016

Sadly Cardinal Gomez has gone off the reservation: http://josephsciambra.com/gay-couple-and-their-son-help-present-gifts-at-the-altar-to-archbishop-jose-gomez/

Our Lord is showing us who the wolves are…and they seem to be everywhere in the hierarchy. God bless~

Baseballmom - May 4, 2016

As one who grew up in that archdiocese I recall the great hope many family members and friends had when Cdl. Mahoney retired and Gomez was named as replacement. What a huge disappointment he has been. When I read a few years back that he believed immigration was the greatest moral issue facing the nation I knew he was just another CEO.

6. Baseballmom - May 4, 2016

Response to Margaret did not go through.

7. camper - May 4, 2016

Scary. The end of America as we know it is fast approaching.

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