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Ember Week Reminder and a Question for Readers May 16, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, Liturgical Year, mortification, priests, Tradition, Virtue.
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This week is Ember Week, but it is also the Octave of Pentecost, a First Class Feast throughout the week.  As such, in a “normal” week of this type, it would be all feasting with no prescribed fasting or abstinence.  How to reconcile the penance of Ember Week with such a festive season?  I asked a priest to find out.  Here is what he recommends:

  • The festive nature of the season “outweighs” the penitential nature of Ember Week
  • However, the festive nature is not by law, as it would be on a Sunday
  • Thus, the penances of Ember Week become optional (which, with their formal abolition, they really have been for years, but many still try to adhere to them as if they had not been abolished).
  • So, you can engage in the Ember Week fast and abstinence as you feel appropriate.  Some may opt to conduct their Ember Week as if it were not the Octave of Pentecost.  Some may adopt only portions of Ember Week penance.  Some may feast it up.  All are permissible, according to the priest.

I thought some might appreciate the clarification.  The above is obviously not a verbatim quote.

Finally, my question.  Father David Konderla was named the Bishop of Tulsa last Friday. He will replace Bishop Edward Slattery, who has been generally supportive of the TLM and Clear Creek Monastery.  I have one report from a local source who knows  Konderla that describes him as “solid.”  Anyone else know of his position regarding Tradition and the TLM in particular?  I’ve only been to Clear Creek once, but I really enjoyed it and pray the level of local support for the monastery remains the same, or even improves.

Thanking you in advance.

Why you should always make a morning prayer offering May 16, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, General Catholic, Holy suffering, Interior Life, mortification, reading, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, Virtue.
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Some pretty good advice, and a few suggested prayers, for making a morning offering.  The first prayer is based on three (private) revelations of Our Lord.  I will give the revelations first, followed by the prayer.  All material for this post comes from Joan Carroll Cruz’ book Prayers and Heavenly Promises.  As a brief aside, I have now read several books by Mrs. Cruz and I strongly recommend her as an author.  A very good priest I know seconds that opinion.

The first bit:

“When you awake, enter at once into My Heart, and when you are in It, offer My Father all your actions united to the pulsations of My Heart……If a person is engaged in work of no value in itself, if she bathes it in My Blood or unites it to the work I Myself did during My mortal life, it will greatly profit souls………more, perhaps, than if she had preached to the whole world.  You will be able to save many souls that way.” (Our Lord to Sister Josefa Menendez)

“When you awake in the morning, let your first act be to salute My Heart, and to offer Me your own……Whoever shall breathe a sigh toward Me from the bottom of his heart when he awakes in the morning and shall ask Me to work all his works in him throughout the day, will draw Me to him………For never does a man breathe a sigh of longing aspiration toward Me without drawing Me nearer to him than I was before.” (Our Lord to St. Mechtilde).

“It is not by praying that souls are saved, but through the actions of even the most ordinary lives lived for God……..Offer Me everything united to My life on earth……Offer Me all the crosses of the world.  There are so many, and few think of offering them to Me in expiation for sins……” (Our Lord to Gabrielle Bossis)

A Morning Prayer based on the Three above Revelations:

Dear Lord, I adore Your Sacred Heart, which I desire to enter with acts of love, praise, adoration, and thanksgiving.  I offer You my own heart as I sigh to You from its very depths, asking that You will work through me in all that I do this day; thus may I draw You closer to me than You were before.  I offer You all the crosses and sufferings of the world, in union with Your life on earth, in expiation for sins.  Please join my every action and heartbeat to the pulsations of Your heart.  I unite all my works of this day to those labors You performed while You were on earth, bathing them in Your Precious Blood, and I offer them to the Heavenly Father so that souls may be saved.  Amen. [Just a quick note – what a total contrast of intent to the mentality I discussed in my previous post!]

Fatima Morning Offering (based on Our Lady of Fatima’s requests)

O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, sorrows and sufferings, all that this day may bring, by they good or bad: for the love of God, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

———-End Quotes———-

Since I’m sure all my readers already have a routine of morning prayer/offering, perhaps a friend or loved one could benefit from these prayers and the revelations that help inspire them?  I do think the contrast between the mentality of joyfully willed suffering, so central to our Faith and a notion that played a critical role in instilling many of the nobler elements in Western Civilization, and that prevalent today, seen perhaps in its apotheosis in the euthanasia movement, is mind-boggling.  How very far we have fallen.

As a sort of PS, a prayer from Saint Catherine of Siena, one of my personal favorites, for the transformation of our hearts through the action of the Holy Ghost.  I thought this prayer timely for this great feast week of Pentecost:

“O Holy Spirit, only Your clemency and ineffable love could have held the Son of God nailed to the wood of the Cross, for neither nails nor cords would have been able to hold Him there without the bonds of love.  And then, when Christ returned to His Father at His Ascension, You, O Holy Ghost, were sent into the world with the power of the Father, the wisdom of the Son, and Your own mercy, to strengthen the way of the Doctrine which Christ left in the world……….O Holy Spirit, come into my heart; by Your power, draw it to You, true God; grant me charity with fear, guard me from every evil thought, warm me, inflame me with Your most sweet love, so that every pain will seem slight to me. O Holy Father and my sweet Lord, help me now in all my actions.”

We can only escape the snares of the world, the flesh, and the devil in this diabolical time through the Grace of God.  Staying close to Our Lady and keeping up a vibrant interior life (with regular penance and works of charity) are the best means of remaining in God’s good grace.  I pray for your ultimate success in this vital endeavor.  May God bless all of you!


Dutch euthanasia spreads from “terminally” ill to mentally ill and others May 16, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, disaster, error, family, General Catholic, horror, paganism, Revolution, sadness, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, suicide.
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How far a leap is it from “permitting” the murder of the sick and the old, and requiring it?  The slippery slope is a legitimate fallacy in logic, but some slopes are indeed slippery, especially when it comes to the amoral shibboleths of the Left.

At any rate, from using ostensibly incurable cancer and other painful diseases as permissible justifications for murder, the Netherlands has now advanced to using mental illness or lasting reaction to trauma. Will it be long before being simply yet another bored soul in our infinitely-sated culture will provide sufficient merit for state-sanctioned murder?  I ask only half in jest:

…..The latest figures show that last year 5,516 Dutch people — including children — were legally killed by lethal injection administered by doctors trained to do the task with rapid efficiency……[which is over 100 times the number of state executions annually in the US, which executions are entirely consistent with Catholic moral doctrine, in general terms.  But where is the hue and cry for the abolition of this form of state-sanctioned death?]

…….Jackie wants to die by euthanasia, too. This follows a traumatic childhood experience when she was sexually abused at five years old and developed depression as a result……[My personal experience is that those subject to sex abuse as children never fully recover.  They are never quite “right.”  But in spite of this woman’s suffering, choosing to die is false release and gravely offensive to God.]


Details of the controversial case were released by the Dutch authorities this week in an effort to prove to critics of the country’s liberal euthanasia laws that doctors only carry it out under strict guidelines.

The process involves a patient submitting a request to die to a doctor who, in turn, must agree they are in a medically hopeless condition, suffering ‘unbearably’, either physically or — contentiously — mentally. Above all, they must have no hope of improvement.

The request then goes to an ethics committee which makes a decision, normally within a week. [So, find one crooked doctor and get his recommendation rubber-stamped by a favorable committee……that’s sufficient review for the taking of a human life?  Using the death penalty analogy again, there are always numerous reviews, appeals, and interventions, to the extent that the process takes years.  And here, find a quack and a week later you’re approved to die?!?  Wow……..what a robust process.]

……..Currently, 4 per cent of the 140,000 or so deaths a year in Holland are the result of doctor-assisted suicide and the tally is rising. [Put another way, Holland’s death rate is 4% higher than it need be.  You could say that over 5000 people were allowed/encouraged to kill themselves or have themselves killed.  And just how unbiased are the advocacy groups that often perform the killings themselves?  Can no one see that people with likely treatable illnesses are being killed by the macabre, demonic advocates of “euthanasia?”]

In particular, increasing numbers of Dutch people with mental illness demand euthanasia. In 2010, two people with such conditions had their lives ended with the figure increasing to 56 last year.

Of those deaths, 36 were conducted by doctors from Amsterdam’s End Of Life clinic which has a lengthy waiting list and sends mobile euthanasia teams across Holland to help patients die in their own homes……. [As I mentioned, biased advocacy groups, who can also, by their own admission (not excerpted), assign friendly physicians to recommend suicide-murder for the poor lost souls]

……..Ms Stärcke showed a film featuring the family of a Dutch woman with post-traumatic stress disorder, chronic depression and a personality disorder, who — aged just 34 — chose euthanasia even though her own daughter was a toddler aged only three. She explained that the little girl was living with her father, whom her mother had divorced.After the woman’s euthanasia, her toddler daughter attended her mother’s funeral. [And the cycle of horrific childhood trauma yielding gravely wounded souls, souls disposed perhaps even to this total rejection of God and the gift of life, continues.  Poor little girl. THIS IS WHAT COMES FROM A SOCIETY THAT HAS TOTALLY REJECTED GOD. Without belief in God, existence is pointless.  I can find no better worse example of the diabolical narcissism that permeates our culture than this]

Ms Stärcke says that she was sure that the woman ‘would commit suicide if I didn’t help her to die’……. [The article also notes that many of these people have “numerous” past failed suicide attempts.  But why were they failed?  Were they failed because the attempt was more a cry for help than a real attempt at ending one’s life?  Here we have yet more evidence that the presence of euthanasia advocacy and an environment that encourages suicide/murder is creating a culturally acceptable means for disturbed people to die.  That is to say, it’s a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy]

……..Research shows that 70 per cent of those with psychiatric problems which the Dutch clinic helps to die are women. A quarter of them are under 50.

Many of the clinic’s mentally-ill patients — male ones, too — have already tried to commit suicide on numerous occasions, and more than 30 per cent have been refused help to die by doctors in the past, often because that desire may be linked to their psychiatric disorder.

Earlier this week, alarm bells sounded in Britain when the Mail revealed details of the young Dutch sex abuse victim’s decision to die in her 20s. [And you can see the degree to absurdity to which this will reach.  How can it be declared that someone in their 20s is incurable?!?]

As I said above, this vast murder racket is directly related to the death of faith in the Christian God.  Even more, it is an unavoidable outcome of the kind of pointless, materialist, Godless existence the modern sexular pagan progressive state posits.

The Netherlands has long been a cultural bellwether for Europe and most of the West.  What cultural atrocities they permit or encourage eventually spread to many other nations.  This is simply one of many forms of the cultural suicide the leftist-inspired diabolical narcissism overtaking our culture has brought to the fore.  The Netherlands leads in this series of cultural degradations due to its being one of the most thoroughly secularized countries in the world.  Sad to say, the Church in Holland has done very little to stop, or even strongly oppose, this process.  To some degree, the Dutch Church, thoroughly radicalized and infested with modernism, has helped bring about these seemingly unstoppable tendencies towards collapse.

Lord have mercy on these poor lost souls.  It is very easy to say “suck it up” from afar when one is dealing with unending, nightmarish pain, but that is what many Saints have done, and that is who we are called to emulate.  It is the death of the day-to-day, lived Catholic Faith that has caused the redemptive value of suffering to be entirely forgotten in the West today.  People who regard Jesus Christ as an ancient fairy tale find nothing in this world that can sustain them through their trial.

It’s monstrously sad, but this is just one particular example of where the death of faith leads.  The endarkened new paganism many elites want to visit on the former Christendom will not bring a post-Christian rationalist nirvana into existence, but a horrific new barbarism made far worse by the technology available.

Lord, have mercy on all of us.


Are you even slightly surprised? May 16, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, persecution, sadness, scandals, sexual depravity, sickness, Society, The End, the enemy.
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Yeah, I thought not:


Shee-ee-esh.  Tip yer hand, much?

And I know that’s immodest dress, but the angle conceals most of the problem areas so I went with it.  Yikes.  Perversion powers progressivism, that much I know.  The object of Clinton’s lustful glance (which would be considered “rape” if done on a college campus by a male) has confirmed, she was staring exactly where she appears to be staring.

Sorry in advance to you west coasters who lose your lunchtime appetite over this.

Reminds me so much of this infamous bit of unhinged envy:


I prefer envy to perverse lust any day. I’m sure Carla Bruni, though no longer psuedo French first lady, still hopes Hilary doesn’t become president, for obvious reasons.  No woman will be safe, anywhere.