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The Future of the United States = Rhodesia? October 20, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, history, horror, persecution, rank stupidity, Revolution, sickness, Society, The End.

There once was an African country called Rhodesia.  Today it is called Zimbabwe.  Yes, there was a long, involved history with all kinds of important factors – Rhodesia was ruled by a white minority but under circumstances far fairer and less offensive than those in, say, neighboring South Africa – but that’s not the point.  The point is, in 1980, when international pressure (and a great deal of treachery from South Africa) managed to force the capitulation of the minority government, Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, the Rhodesian dollar had parity with the British pound, health care was plentiful and cheap, no one starved, many blacks were moving into the middle class, and, materially speaking, things were quite good.

Fast forward 35 years, and after decades of so-called majority rule under (practically speaking) dictator-for-life Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe is the basket case of Africa.  Millions starve. The country is run by thugs.  Mugabe has enriched himself to the tune of Billions while the living standards of ordinary Zimbabweans has imploded.  The white minority who served as the technical and professional class has more or less evaporated, and Zimbabwe has become just another failed state.

For twenty years, off and on, I’ve had a bit of a fascination with Rhodesia.  I don’t care much for the politics or the racialism, naturally, but I do find something to admire in 220,000 whites holding off massed armies of communist revolutionaries for over 15  years, more or less single-handedly.  Not only did they hold them off, they absolutely crushed them. The Rhodesian Army is widely credited with being the world’s foremost counter-insurgency force during the 1970s.  Their tactics and incredible skill and professionalism held the communist insurgents at bay, greatly limiting the damage they inflicted on the country (casualties were a tiny fraction of our own experience in Vietnam (yes, the circumstances were quite different) – the Rhodesians were smart enough not to bomb to smithereens the population they were supposed to be defending). Read a bit about the Fireforce or Selous Scouts and I doubt you will come away unimpressed.

But I hadn’t read any of that stuff in years.  Suddenly, over the past few months, it’s come back in a big way.  I’ve been reading and watching all kinds of material related to Rhodesia.  A few days ago, I began to ask myself why.  Why am I suddenly so interested in all this.  It is true I am very eclectic.  I literally used to read – maybe scan is a better word – encyclopedias when I was a kid.  I learned a little about a lot.  That has certainly carried through to this day, I’m still a mile wide and an inch deep.

But why this – almost a fixation, really – on Rhodesia? Why now?  And suddenly it hit me.  Maybe I see parallels between what happened in Rhodesia, and what I see developing in this country?  Yes the circumstances are drastically different but what I am talking about is the demolition of an advanced, prosperous society for prurient political ends.  The enslavement and impoverishment of millions for the enrichment of a narrow, politically-connected elite.

Perhaps the analogy is a bit strained, but I wonder if there might not be something to this.  Our country is already mired in cultural ruin, economic ruin seems quite advanced, and our political institutions have fallen to the level of a joke.  All that is left is for the natural effects of these disastrous turns to play out.  I don’t know if a country as rich and bountiful as the US will ever experience mass starvation, but Rhodesia was bountiful, too, and used to be Africa’s #1 exporter of grain.  Not anymore.  There is nothing self-interested, self-enriching socialist elites cannot bring to absolute penury.

The Rhodesians fought like hell to keep their country from falling to communists.  They finally gave up when virtually all their neighbors went leftist in ’75 (thanks, Portuguese socialists), the US and Britain threatened far more destructive sanctions, and, most significantly, South Africa finally and foolishly abandoned them.  Mugabe played nice for 12 or 18 months – just enough to consolidate his power – but has since ruled as an absolute tyrant.  Far, far more black Zimbabweans have died under his administration than were ever killed during the entire history of white-run Rhodesia.  As a testimony to this, when former white Prime Minister Ian Smith died in 2007, most blacks lamented that things were far, far better for them under his rule than under Mugabe’s.  Of course, that has been the case over almost all of post-colonial Africa.

Can you see something like Zimbabwe in the future for the US?  If Hillary is elected, I’d say such a future is assured.  At this point, given the media has become simply yet another propaganda arm of the demonrat party, I don’t know if another Republican conservative will ever manage to be elected president again.  All the Repubniks seem good for is serving as the agency to consolidate and normalize leftist gains.  Or perhaps my religious “extremism” causes me to see things too pessimistically, as I realize how very, very far we are from the Catholic idea, and speeding headlong in the wrong direction.

Just one little aside, I love the sing-song accent of Southern African English.  Influenced by Dutch, it’s quite unique.  I love to listen to talk from native Rhodesians like Ian Smith.  It’s kind of like South African English, but a bit different.

For those ignorant of the Rhodesian Bush War, the following videos – admittedly, a bit on the propagandizing side for the then-government – are pretty good backgrounders.  Sorry about the quality, it is what it is:

Interestingly, scores, possibly hundreds, of American men volunteered to fight for the Rhodesians in the Bush War.  Most all were Vietnam vets. Some were out and out mercs, but most were not.  They really loved the country and a few stayed on for quite a while after the war ended. Rhodesia even acquired some Hueys, probably from Iran or Israel, towards the end of the war.  So it was kind of like Vietnam redux for those volunteers.

Mass media coverage.  Notice the bias inherent in THIS kind of presentation.  Communists become “nationalists.”  Atrocities committed largely against other blacks become “raids.”  Nevertheless, a good overview of the Bush War in the mid-70s:

This is actually a very balanced report by Morley Safer of 60 Minutes – again, showing how much our media has degraded in the past 40 years.  Safer was absolutely not a conservative, but he wasn’t so blinded by leftist ideology as to be nothing but a democrat propagandist. There used to be quite a few reporters like this – liberal, but mostly fair, and able to comprehend the other side – but not anymore.  In fact, it’s more than balanced, it almost seems to take the side of the Rhodesian government, which by the mid-70s didn’t oppose black majority rule in principle (in spite of one unfortunate statement by Prime Minister Ian Smith to the contrary), but also didn’t want it either instantly – which had led to chaos and societal near-collapse in so many neighboring countries – or under the point of a communist gun.  Not unreasonable demands, one might hope, but not good enough for the liberal elite who helped dismantle this once advanced and prosperous nation:

Will there be hand-wringing reports like this over the fate of the depressed, downtrodden, chaotic, dissolute United States at some point in the not too distant future?  It seems impossible, but I wouldn’t rule it out.



1. Camper - October 20, 2016

I learned the independence of Rhodesia a while back. It was absolutely a case of vile politicians from America and the UK (along with the rest of the world) ruining a glorious place over political correctness. About 1,000 Americans fought in the war. Rhodesia is interesting from the perspective of political philosophy because it was what Aristotle calls a polity – a cross between democracy and aristocracy. Only 5% of the population (virtually exclusively the whites) voted. It did have a democratic feel to it, but there was a relatively high property standard. I am inspired by this beautiful biography of an American who fought and served in the bush war. As far as I can tell, there is no trash on the website:


2. Camper - October 20, 2016

Ian Smith rightly called the rebels gangsters and terrorists, funded by the Soviets and the Chinese. Though he was a mildly unprincipled politician, his fight for Rhodesian independence was absolutely noble and worthy of respect.

3. aroamingcatholicny - October 21, 2016

Mugabe is the Inspiration for the Clinton Foundation. Both are Thieves.

4. TF - October 21, 2016

Isn’t this what George Soros has been caught saying he wants to do to the U.S.?

5. Brian E. Breslin - October 21, 2016

Well written and researched, Tantum. Took me back to a time when I too was fascinated by what was unfolding in that now ruined country.

6. Piers Forrester - October 21, 2016

America will be lucky to end up like Zimbabwe. For all it’s political and economic woes under Mugabe, it’s not nearly as far down the cultural sewer, and is, as a percentage of the total population, one of the most Christian countries in the world. I think there is a closer parallel between the US and South Africa: materially wealthy, but social and cultural problems will ultimately be the downfall of each nation. (I live in Durban, South Africa, and some of my closest friends are Zimbabwean, as well as my parish priest (SSPX).

Camper - October 21, 2016

Hello sir. I go to SSPX masses and I wonder how many people are in your parish in Durban. Is there a priory in South Africa?

Piers Forrester - October 22, 2016

There are two priories: one in Johannesburg and one here in Durban. Here in Durban there are about 100 people who attend Sunday Mass, plus more who attend Mass at the mission parish about 20 miles away.

7. sixupman - October 21, 2016

The age old problem: the order of Colonialism replaced by virtual gangsters, theft and chaos. The indigenous still suffer and also, in the case of Rhodesia, the poor Whites.

8. What Happens When the Left Seizes All the Levers of Power | A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics - October 21, 2016

[…] I think commenter PF was right……..we may be lucky to turn out as well as Zimbabwe. […]

9. Lepanto - October 21, 2016

I recall reading in The Times in the UK, shortly after Zimbabwean independence that the Air Force had no black pilots and several cadet pilots were sent to Nigeria for training. After weeks in the classroom without any practical training or any promise of any, they demanded some. There were embarrassed silences and some assurances that it would begin ‘soon’. Several weeks later they discovered that much of the aviation fuel was being sold by senior Nigerian officers to commercial airlines and they had to complain to their government before they finally received some flying experience. What a continent!

10. Observer - October 21, 2016

“The future of the US = Rhodesia?” To ask that question is almost to answer it. But if the globalists have their way the US won’t be alone, the whole western world will be in the same company. That appears to be the plan, and senor Bergoglio and the late Cardinal Martini of Milan think it’s a great idea.
This may surprise some readers, but prime minister Ian Smith wasn’t such a ‘right winger’. In the preparation for independence in 1965 he cut a deal with international financial circles, probably with the intention of gaining some breathing space, but as we now know they threw him under the bus at a time of their choosing. For that serious error of judgement many former Rhodesians were very suspicious of Smith’s real intentions.

Tantumblogo - October 21, 2016

I hadn’t heard anything about that. What exactly did he do?

Camper - October 22, 2016

I read about it a while back. Ian Smith was distrusted by some. He let the top marginal tax rate (a graduated income tax, of course) get up to 60% to fight the war, if I remember correctly. Ian Smith also eventually caved to South African pressure, but here I think he had virtually no choice.

11. Observer - October 21, 2016

Agreed, it sounds a bit conspiratorial but British writers and researchers, A.K Chesterton and Douglas Reed, both of whom had dealings with Ian Smith were of that opinion. The opposition of the British government to Rhodesian independence prevented the London banks from providing their usual financial services to the Rhodesian government. Into that gap stepped what those authors call the ‘International Money Power’. In return for political concessions such as slowing the implementation of independence they were prepared to retain their holdings of Rhodesian bonds.
Ian Smith was stuck between a rock and a hard place… partly of his own making.

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