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Francis Exalts Ecumenism Above Catholicism October 18, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, self-serving, Society, the struggle for the Church, unbelievable BS.
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At this point, there almost seems little point in bringing these things up.  But I think in this latest assault against the perennial belief and practice of the Faith, Francis has said more than he intended to.  What did he say?  Via Vox:

Vatican City, October 13 – Pope Francis told a group of mostly Lutheran pilgrims on Thursday that proselytism was a potential threat to Christian unity. [“Lutheran pilgrims” to the Vatican is an oxymoron.  They are at best agents provocateur and at worst activists for an alien and implacably hostile religion]

“The last thing you must do is ‘to say, to convince’. It’s not right to convince someone of your faith,” he said.

“Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism”.

The pope was speaking to around 1,000 pilgrims in the Vatican – most of them German Lutherans – who are in Rome as part of ecumenical preparations for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Lutheran reformation.

“The Apostle Paul tells us that, by virtue of our baptism, we all form the one Body of Christ,” the pope said. [He also said that if we failed to believe all the Doctrine of the Faith we were anathema.  This is a gross oversimplification and really erroneous presentation, but it’s been at the heart of the leftist-inspired religious indifferentist movement, which has cleverly chosen the name “ecumenism” as a cover for its patent undermining of the Faith]

“The different members, in fact, are one body. This is why we belong to each other and when one suffers, all suffer, when one rejoices, all rejoice. Let us continue with confidence on our ecumenical journey, because we know that, beyond the many open questions that still separate us, we are already united.

What unites us is much more than what divides us”.

Luther certainly didn’t think that.  Look, Leo X didn’t wake up one day and decide to cast Martin Luther out of the Church.  Luther cast himself out, because HE had the unmitigated pride, the seething arrogance, to decide that HE, Martin Luther, knew better than Our Lord and His Church and set out to found a new sect that HE would lead.  Once he had formed his false breakaway religion, he instantly decided that “private interpretation,” upon which he justified his own apostasy, wasn’t permissible for anyone else, and that everyone had to agree with HIS interpretation.  What he really wanted was to declare himself pope and mold Christianity to his own personal whim. Luther is the man most responsible for the complete fracturing of Christendom, the unity of which had been gravely wounded by the earlier eastern schisms but which was made complete by the protestant revolt against Church authority.

This is straight out of AA-1025.  And Francis is the man standing in the role of anti-apostle 1025.  He is trying to generate Catholic guilt over this lack of unity – a disunity no Catholic ever caused! – to remake the Church along leftist indifferentist lines.

What Francis says above, however, is even more insidious.  Not for the first time, he has elevated “ecumenism” to a virtue, and turned opposition to ecumenism into a pseudo-sin.  His words, if fully implemented, would finish the destruction of the Church’s already anemic (to the point of being practically dead) evangelizing efforts.  Of course, this is no surprise, as this is the man who thought the Anglican Ordinariate a “disaster” for ecumenical relations, and who has repeatedly stated he’d much rather a Lutheran or Anglican remain a “good” Lutheran or Anglican, rather than become Catholic.  And Kevin Farrell cheered.

I was reading a biography of St. Vincent de Paul lately, and while the conduct of the Saint’s life was, overall, full of edification and inspiration for any Catholic, I had to disagree with him vehemently on one point.  Vincent was no theologian, and appeared to have misunderstood Francis de Sales’ dictum that it is far better to try to convert people by showing them love than through apologetics or polemics.  de Sales, however, certainly wrote many polemics against protestantism, and it was these, in concert with his incredible practice of charity, that won back tens of thousands of protestant heretics.  Unfortunately, Vincent seems to have oversimplified de Sales approach somewhat, forgetting the polemics and focusing solely on the constant practice of charity.  He declared that no one is ever converted by argumentation, but only through being inspired by demonstrations of Catholic love.  That is, conversion must be an affair of the heart, not the head.

When I read that, I was taken aback, because I most certainly was converted by argumentation, and entirely so.  My heart was dead set against converting, but I was won over, bit by bit, by the overwhelming arguments in favor of Catholicism that emerge from any serious study of Scripture, theology, and, most of all, Church history (which ineluctably demonstrates the continuity of belief from the earliest Church to today).

The bishop of Rome, however, is not arguing against evangelization (which he constantly smears as “proselytizing” and solemn nonsense) because he favors the Salesian or Vincentian approach. He is doing it because it aligns with his ideological predilections.  I am essentially convinced at this point that Francis actually despises the Church and the beliefs she held in his youth.  A gargantuan mass of evidence indicates he believes protestants are much more right in their “doctrine” and theology than is the Bride of Christ.  And he seems to firmly believe that when it comes to ecumenism, it is the Church that needs to do all the changing, not the myriad, contradictory sects.

I think the next year – with another Synod in the making, to attack the priesthood! – will be one of untold scandal and horror.

Lord, I know we as a people have sinned so very, very much and are unworthy of Your mercy, but I implore You to set Your infinite Justice aside and let Your infinite Mercy reign, and restore sanity and reason to Your Body, the Church.  But may Thy will be done in all things, as we implore you for the strength to weather these terrifying times.

Help Support First Traditional Nigerian Ordination in 50 Years October 18, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Dallas Diocese, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Latin Mass, manhood, priests, Restoration, sanctity, Society, Spiritual Warfare, the struggle for the Church, Tradition, Victory, Virtue.
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We have had the pleasure of knowing Rev. Mr. Charles Ike for the past few  years.  For at least the past two, and maybe three, years, Deacon Ike has been one of the seminarians sent from the Fraternity seminary to assist our local priests with Mass and other duties during Holy Week.  Each of those visits, he’s stayed for 2 weeks or so.

Rev. Ike is to be ordained August 15, 2017. Because his family could not possibly afford to fly to the states for his ordination, it is being held in Nigeria.  Actually, why don’t I shut up and let Deacon Ike apprise you of the situation himself:

Thank you kindly for all your interest in help out with my need this time. I really appreciate that, God reward you.

In the first place, I am Rev. Mr. Charles Ike, the FSSP seminarian from Nigeria, studying at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary (7880 West Denton Road, Denton, Nebraska 68339. USA).
My priestly ordination is coming up by August 15th 2017, and it is going to in Nigeria, as no one there could come for my Diaconate ordination, which was in March this year.
But for me to have my priestly ordination in Nigeria, certain preparations have to be made thus before the Ordination:
• Printing the ordination Holy Cards.
• Printing Announcing cards for friends, priests etc. as this is going to be first priestly ordination in the Old Latin Rite in Nigeria since the Second Vatican Council.

For the Ordination:
• I will need to get my ordination vestments, that is, a Ordination vestment for the Ordinandi
A Solemn Mass set for ministers
• My airplane ticket
• I will need to fly 7 seminarians to help out and support the ordination ceremony over there.

After the Ordination:
• Also a car. As a new priest, my priestly obligations require a means of transportation.

And all these money, if raised will be used to help with the Ordination and priestly obligations………

……This means so much to me, because it is going to be my greatest event in life. I have been studying and working towards its fulfillment so many years now, as we study seven years at the seminary, and this is my final year.
The reason I am applying for this aid is because, while in the United States, I operate on a student visa, which does not allow me to do any kind of work to sponsor myself financially.

Not only is Deacon Ike a very good traditional seminarian, and I’m certain he will make a very good priest (and help bring the TLM to a continent that is perhaps uniquely suited to taking advantage of the many graces that flow from it), but he is also a wonderful warm, gentle, caring, compassionate man.  As I noted at the top, our family has had the distinct pleasure of spending more than a little bit of time with Deacon Ike and I cannot praise him highly enough, nor endorse his GoFundMe with any greater alacrity.  He’s worthy of your support for about umpteen reasons I can think of.  I think it’s a beautiful thing that he will be ordained in a country (and continent?) where traditional ordinations have not been performed (or virtually never performed) for decades.  I can’t think of a man more worthy to enter the ranks of the traditional priesthood.
The campaign goal is $40,000, and is not 10% of the way there, yet, but there is plenty of time left.  It doesn’t take too many people donating $100 here or $50 there to add up to the amount needed.  Obviously, everyone has their own obligations and limitations.  I gladly thank you for your generosity in advance.

German Birth Rate Hits Record High – Can You Guess Why? October 18, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, Basics, contraception, demographics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, paganism, rank stupidity, Revolution, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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I’ll take muslim Immigration for $500, Alex.  The native birthrate continues to plummet to less than one child per woman.  A slight acquaintance of mine who lives near Freiburg was regarded as crazy by her peers for having THREE children.  What was she thinking, what with carbon emissions and global warming and starving kids in Africa and Oktoberfest and TV shows and contraception and laziness?  But while German woman have one or zero kids each, enough muslims have been invited to occupy the country, and have enough babies, that the overall “German” birth rate has gone up significantly in recent years.  Which is pretty much the leftist plan all along – if the electorate you have won’t give you what you want, import a new electorate.

The only silver lining is that muslim birth rates are also collapsing, and second-third generation muslims in Western countries tend to have birth rates only slightly higher than the death wish native populations.  Still, cold comfort to a Europe rapidly islamizing:

east one Western European country’s birthrate has shot above replacement level, only it’s not because Germans finally had a newfound appreciation for fertility.

According to Reuters, the wave of Middle Eastern migrants into Deutschland has led the German birthrate to its highest level in 33 years.

From Reuters:

The rate was 1.5 births per woman in 2015, up from 1.47 births a year earlier, and the highest figure since 1982 when it was 1.51. It was also the highest rate recorded since the 1990 reunification of east and west Germany.

Years of economic growth and government support have helped raise the birthrate in Germany. But the figure is still below the 2.0 births per woman that demographers define as the minimum fertility rate needed to ensure a population replaces itself.

Western Europe has some of the world’s lowest birthrates, outdone only by Japan with a staggeringly low birthrate of 1.41. In Germany, twenty-eight percent of the German people are aged 60 years or over, with the second largest middle-aged population.  

In countries like Italy, the low birthrate of 1.41 has become such a problem that government sponsored PSA’s were launched hoping to entice citizens into having more children. Of course, this move severely angered the country’s child-hating feminists, who began decrying the campaign as a return to Mussolini fascism.

Is there anything feminists don’t hate, including themselves?  As a tradition-embracing Catholic blogger, I complain a lot – no, it’s true – but sheesh I cannot imagine how miserable these women must be to constantly carp and bitch and whine and scream about every. little. thing. that. comes. along.  Without babies, a country’s economy and then its culture will implode.  But don’t dare even hint what a woman might do with her private parts, besides sterilizing them and allowing them to be used by any Tom, Dick, Jane, or Harry for 15 minutes of instantly regretted, soul-crushing “fun.”  Because that’s “empowering,” which is why so many young ladies today are cutters, doped to high heaven on powerful psychoactives, or have just plain gone nuts.

Ah, yes, the alternative to the patriarchal society God-instituted by design, knowing human nature incomparably better than we ever could.  So awesome!

How much do these endlessly obtuse feminists think people are going to care about women’s rights when we’re back at a 17th century level existence (if we’re lucky) following a general societal collapse brought on by death-spiral birth rates?  Of course, I give them too much credit, they never think, just emote.

Still screaming at dad for ruining her life because he wouldn’t hand over the car keys.


Thirty+ Years of Leftist Domination of “Education” Is Really Paying Off October 18, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, Revolution, sadness, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, suicide.
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I’ll preface my broad, sweeping attacks again by noting that there are so-called millenials (folks 16-35, roughly) who are not idiots, not whiners, and who are in fact very good, hard-working, creditable people.  Having said that, this Madison Ave. defined “generation” continues to cover itself in ignominy.  So thoroughly indoctrinated by leftist propaganda in the school systems (public and private)they are utterly unable to think for themselves, left with a totally distorted view of themselves as the greatest, bestest, smarterest generation ever by the disastrous self-esteem participation trophy movement, these kids are ripe for any demagogue or slick-sounding hustler to come along and sell them on some sexular pagan paradise, which these kids will learn to their great cost will be nothing of the sort.

I am amazed at how well the leftist indoctrination in the schools has played out.  These kids are completely ignorant of the evils of leftism/socialism/communism and are so pumped full of media lies they actually believe George W. Bush was responsible for more deaths than Josef Stalin.  Of course, the kids have to admit they have no idea who Josef Stalin was. Oh, and communism is totes great, get on board the free stuff gravy train!:

More than one in five U.S. millennials would be open to backing a communist candidate, and a third believe George W. Bush killed more people than Joseph Stalin, according to a new poll released Monday. [In their defense, what do these kids know?  Virtually nothing outside what idiot box sites like Twitter, Vox, Slate, and Buzzfeed have told them.  They grew up seeing Bush ’43 described as the devil himself, compared constantly to Hitler, but have probably only the foggiest notion of Josef Stalin, and have heard none of his mass murdering crimes.  It is obvious kids are being intentionally dumbed down by federally funded schools far more concerned with political indoctrination than they are with giving young people a broad based education which will teach them how to think.  After all, the powers that be want good, docile worker bees, not independent thinkers.  The pathetic part is, these kids think they have arrived at their leftist leanings on their own, when all they are doing is parroting what they have been very carefully propagandized to say]

The poll, commissioned by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and carried out by YouGov, surveyed Americans of all ages about their attitudes towards communism, socialism, and the American economic system in general.

Overall, the poll found, Americans remain broadly hostile to socialism and communism, even though 67 percent of the populace believes rich people don’t pay “their fair share” and 52 percent believe America’s economic system works against them. [And they may be right.  After all, the vast preponderance of the most wealthy in this country hold leftist opinions, and I don’t see any of them volunteering to overpay their taxes by several hundred percent. But the cultural assumption is that the rich is made up of right-wingers.  That hasn’t been the case for 20 years or more as the same cultural forces that are producing a whole generation well disposed towards leftism first moved through the elite levels of society, who all attend the same prep schools, Ivy league colleges, and have developed into a terrifyingly monolithic block of opinion totally disdainful of traditional values and especially Christianity]

But American millennials are more sympathetic towards communism, the survey found. While 57 percent of respondents overall had a “very unfavorable” view of communism, only 38 percent of millennials felt the same way. Close to 20 percent said they were likely to vote for a self-described communist, while barely 50 percent said they were likely to vote for a self-described capitalist.

Millennials were also more likely to take a favorable view of communist leaders. Twenty-five percent view Soviet revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin positively. Eighteen percent were favorable towards Chinese dictator Mao Zedong, despite a body count in the tens of millions. Thirty-four percent were favorable to Karl Marx, and 37 percent were favorable to revolutionary and T-shirt fixture Che Guevara. [Didja know Che was the scion of a guilt-ridden wealthy heretical leftist Spanish Catholic family that fled Spain when Franco quite rightly won the Spanish Civil War?  Another person who never learned to think beyond his programming. He wanted to help the poor by……..miring them in even more grinding communist poverty!  Or maybe he just wanted power for himself and all his high-minded rhetoric was just a means to that end]  

A full third of millennials believe U.S. president George W. Bush is is responsible for more deaths than Soviet leader Joseph Stalin…….[This has to be the most offensively stupid thing I’ve read this year that didn’t come from Francis or one of his flunkies]

……..Notably, despite his infamous purges, Stalin enjoys a 12 percent approval rating with millennials.

Useful idiots.  That’s all they are.

And oh gee giant surprise the whole BLM movement and the violence outside Trump rallies is just political theater organized and carried out by a tiny group of paid demonrat revolutionaries.  But you knew that already.