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New York Times Endorses Hillary – as a Witch October 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in attachments, disaster, error, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, paganism, persecution, Revolution, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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I kid you not.  This is as incredible as it is revealing.  The New  York Times, the self-anointed “paper of record” for these United States, has published an op-ed that comes out for not only endorsing Hillary Clinton, but endorsing her even under one of the worst – if most accurate – epithets used against her, as a witch.

In fact, claims the New  York Times, if Hillary practices satanic crafts, that would be a good thing:

Hillary Clinton’s more extreme critics routinely refer to her as a witch — earlier this month, Joseph Farah at World Net Daily asked, “Can you even imagine enduring four years of this witch as president?” He was presumably speaking figuratively, but a quick scroll through the Twitter hashtag #WitchHillary reveals that some people believe Mrs. Clinton actually practices the dark arts…….

…….In her excellent essay on Hillary Clinton and Victoria Woodhull, the first woman to run for president and a practicing Spiritualist [re: neo-pagan, at least, if not an out and out witch], Jessa Crispin argues that we could use more witchcraft in our politics, not less. Witches, she writes, have “faith in the balance between humans and the natural world, in the power of sexuality, in human equality and dignity, and in community over hierarchical power or authority.” [Can you believe we live in a time, when witchcraft would be sold as a helpful and healing religion, while Christianity is constantly derided and attacked as poisonous, harmful, and even something to be outlawed, or at least driven from the public square?]

These values have been powerfully absent from a campaign season dominated by a man who once boasted that his wealth and status allowed him to grab women’s genitals……..[And by a woman who believes babies should be murdered in their millions, and even supports the brutal dismemberment of full-term babies in so-called partial birth abortion.  She demands that taxpayers, including Christians who are mortified to their bones by such practice, pay for it.  The leftist media is pathetic, trying to keep people worked up over an admittedly terrible statement (which I pray was exaggeration or even a falsehood) that means nothing, while ignoring scandals from Hillary and the demonrat party that would finish the career of any non-demonrat instantly.  Election stealing. Constant astro-turfing and bussing in of professional protesters to hassle, threaten, and coerce Donald Trump supporters. Ballot box stuffing.  Illegal campaign contributions.  Pay for play scandals at the Clinton Foundation totally BILLIONS.  Coordination between the demonrats and the media.  Massive bribes to so-called civil servants at the FBI and elsewhere to help bury the e-mail scandal.  Total ignoring of the fact that Hillary deliberately mishandled literally thousands of pieces of classified information, and even revealed EXTREMELY classified information in the final debate, in addition to engaging in a massive coverup and destruction of government documents – paid for and owned by the people – to hide all these facts.  And this list only scratches the surface.  But NO, we have to always talk about an off-color comment. ]

…….For a fuller examination of what a politics of witchcraft might look like, though, I recommend “The Craft.” This 1996 film, which follows four high school students who form a coven, isn’t necessarily a how-to guide for successful witching, since things don’t end well for all the characters, but it is a story of women coming together to develop and use their awesome powers to punish their enemies. If you’re looking for some relief from the misogyny exhibited by this year’s Republican nominee, you could do a lot worse. [Well, we can see what motivates the feminist movement, which is eaten up through and through with devotees of witchcraft, neo-paganism, and other such evils.]

This is the world the Left is making.  Islam is not radical or dangerous, but Christianity is.  Witchcraft is good, sweet, and wholesome, but also a wonderful way to gain dark powers to punish your enemies.  Do they ever go back and re-read what they wrote, or are they so blinkered it simply does not even dawn on them, how much they contradict themselves?

We are swimming in a sea of unmatched evil. Everything is upside down, inside out, and back to front.  Unbelievable.

On a related note, a post at Townhall that tells of one NeverTrumper’s conversion to voting, with great reluctance, for DT.  It’s a pretty good piece for its reasonableness and for the recognition of factors that finally convinced him it was more important to beat Hillary than to maintain ideological purity. I present it without comment, because the thinking closing matches my own:

Last time a Clinton was on the ballot, I voted for Ross Perot. My vote didn’t deny Bob Dole the White House, but I confess I felt a smug sense of satisfaction in “refusing to settle.” I sure showed them, didn’t I?……..

……No, what’s changed is me. Not through introspection and reflection, but through watching the sickening display of activism perpetrated by a covert army with press credentials.

Bias has always been a factor in journalism. It’s nearly impossible to remove. Humans have their thoughts, and keeping them out of your work is difficult. But 2016 saw the remaining veneer of credibility, thin as it was, stripped away and set on fire.

More than anything, I can’t sit idly by and allow these perpetrators of fraud to celebrate and leak tears of joy like they did when they helped elect Barack Obama in 2008. I have to know I weighed in not only in writing but in the voting booth.

The media needs to be destroyed. And although voting for Trump won’t do it, it’s something. Essentially, I am voting for Trump because of the people who don’t want me to, and I believe I must register my disgust with Hillary Clinton.

I am not of the mindset that any vote not for Trump is a vote for Hillary, but a vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary. And I need to vote against Hillary. I need to vote against the media.

After the last debate, when no outlet “fact checked” Hillary’s lie that her opposition to the Heller decision had anything to do with children, or her lie that the State Department didn’t lose $6 billion under her leadership, I couldn’t hold out any longer.

A Trump administration at least will include people I trust in positions that matter. I don’t know if they will be able to hold him completely in check, but I know a Clinton administration will include people who have been her co-conspirators in corruption, and there won’t even be a media to hold her accountable.

The Wikileaks emails have exposed an arrogant cabal of misery profiteers who hold everyone, even their fellow travelers deemed not pure enough, in contempt. These bigots who’ve made their fortune from government service should be kept as far away from the levers of power as the car keys should be kept from anyone named Kennedy on a Friday night. My one vote against it will not be enough, but it’s all I can do and I have to do all I can do………..

………This isn’t a call to arms for “Never Trumpers” to follow suit; this is a choice I had to make for myself after much reflection. I wouldn’t presume to tell others how to act any more than I would accept the same from someone else. I would encourage them to consider what awaits the country should Hillary win. If they can’t vote against her by voting for him, at least spend these last two weeks of the election directing their ire toward Clinton……..

………A simple protest vote for a third party or a write-in of my favorite comic book character might feel good for a moment. It might even give me a sense of moral superiority that lasts until her first executive order damaging something I hold dear – or her first Supreme Court nominee. But the sting that will follow will far outlive that temporary satisfaction.

Leftists Exist in a Parallell Universe of Their Own Creation….. October 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, disaster, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, Immigration, Revolution, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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……where fact and fantasy are perfectly inverse according to the dictates of their ideology cum religious conviction.  No group believes in more unsupportable fantasy masquerading as “fact” than the Left. No wonder they have such a hatred for Christianity, it is a religion founded on and informed by right reason, and thus incompatible with their mass belief in unicorns, climate change, Bigfoot, power crystals, and African witch doctor lightning powers.

As a case in point, a really offensive leftist named Russell Simmons – I’ve seen him cover himself in dung before – makes the preposterous claim that there are more “extremist” Christians in the world than muslims, and that the number one problem facing the world today is……..wait for it!……. so called islamophobia.  This is such a perfect inversion of reality, only a leftist could come up with it, but given that such beliefs are increasingly prevalent among especially young people today, indicates dark portents for the future:

Russell Simmons joined Trevor Noah on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” on Monday to talk about “Muslims Speak Out,” a project he formed to deal with Islamophobia, which he called “the worst scourge we have.” [This is where most people 35 and under get their “news” and supposedly informed political opinion.  No wonder a majority of millenials think socialism just grand]

He told Noah that people misunderstand the Muslim community and that “99.99-tenths of them are not radicalized, right?” And then he added the kicker: “Probably more Christians are radicalized.” [This is, a) numerically illiterate, b), demonstrably false, and c) stultifyingly stupid in the sense that his definition of radicalized means “I perceive it as a threat to my ideology”.  99.99-tenths means nothing, I guess he means 99.99 percent, but per cent, as in per centum, means per hundred, not tenths.  Secondly, simply based on the numbers of militants engaged in combat on behalf of islam around the world today – some 7 million, minimum – out of a population of around 1.5 billion, indicates that 0.5% of muslims are actively engaged in radical activity. Aside from those, some 170 million, by the best reckoning, adhere to Wahhabist sects worldwide, which are nothing if not radical.  Add into that the number that adhere to extremist forms of Shiaism, and something like 20% of muslims are fully radicalized even if not actively engaged in/supporting combat of one form or another.  Even more, the problem with islam is that it has always been defined by the most radical elements, and has always been unique among major religions in always being spread through violent conquest, and never peaceful conversion.]

Of course, nothing of the sort is true, unless you accept the left’s definition of radicalization, which says that religious objections to sex outside of the biblical definition of marriage—and perhaps refusing to bake a wedding cake or having the expectation of privacy in the bathroom—is exactly the same thing as throwing homosexuals off buildings and stoning them to death. Simmons apparently thinks saying words that people find objectionable is the same as blowing people up. It’s hard to reason with individuals whose minds have been turned to mush by years of moral relativism. [I don’t think it’s mush, and I don’t think it’s moral relativism.  I mean, yes, of course the idiocy of moral relativism informs all his thinking, but that’s just a means to an end.  Leftism doesn’t adopt anything accidentally, and moral relativism is just another tool with which to attack Christ, His Church, and the values therein that built Western Civilization.  I think he and his ilk know exactly what they are doing, and they are doing it on purpose, because the Left hates Christianity more than it hates anything else on earth, and that’s saying a lot.  To him, Christianity is the uniquely evil religion in the world today, just as Western Civilization which was created by Christianity is uniquely evil and responsible for all the evils in the world today.  Of course, leftists choose to think this, as they recognize in Christianity the only true obstacle to their goal of an Orwellian/Huxleyian world devoid of religion with an all-powerful left-wing government.  To this end, islam is a valuable ally. Think on what this guy says, however, when I maintain, with mounting fervor, that once the Left and Islam are done crushing Christianity, they will not turn on each other, but leftism will happily, even eagerly, be absorbed into islam.  Yes, there will be some who will not, but the vast majority will happily don the hijab and embrace Mecca, because the underlying objectives and orientations of leftism and islam are the same: a repressive society based on force and the will of the powerful, not on reason, charity, and liberty.  In fact, leftism and islam are simply two sides of the same coin, dedicated to the overthrow of Christianity, and seeking the same ends: a cowed and ignorant populace with a narrow few at the top enjoying all the power, freedoms, and spoils.  Plus, islam, especially for the powerful, is not at all inconsistent with false “pleasures” the Left likes to push – hedonism, easy access to women, even sodomy.  This growing pact between Western leftists and islam is thus not surprising at all, it’s all about opposition to Christ and His Church, and thus has the same father.  I must also add, in conclusion to this long comment, that the leftists/liberals/modernists in the Church have essentially the same modus operandi and goals.]

Simmons then turned his attention to Donald Trump, saying that until the GOP nominee came along, America had been moving toward a peaceful, loving “collective.” But now, “people need to blame their discomfort on someone else,” he said.

Which is also BS, it’s just a Hillary ad with a very thin disguise.  Every four years, the Republican nominee – or, perhaps in future, whoever is opposing the demonrat –  is presented by such people as the devil incarnate, as the uniquely evil threat that simply must be destroyed no matter how vile the democrat nominee may be.

Heck, they tried to turn the total RINO, milquetoast Mitt Romney into a seething racist, sexist, and crazed right-wing radical.  It’s always, always about moving the ball forward, keeping the leftist momentum moving ahead at all times.  It’s always about the next election, the next court case, the next referendum.  They have a singular focus we should really try to emulate.  And given that Hillary is the most singularly corrupt, narcissistic, incompetent, and downright evil candidate any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes, it has forced – even coerced –  me to plan to vote for Trump, even though I have the gravest doubts about his conservative credentials and find his personal behavior not only toxic, but heart-breaking.  To think my country has fallen to the point that either of these people could be elected president is the most damning condemnation of all, but there it is.

Twenty eight years ago, it would have been impossible. But that is how far we have fallen in such a short space of time.  And Russell Simmons and his ilk are directly responsible for it. My vote for Trump will be as much a Francis Urquhart to them as anything else.

Disgusting if Not Surprings: STDs Hit Record High in US October 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in abdication of duty, Abortion, asshatery, contraception, disaster, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, paganism, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unadulterated evil.
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Feature, or bug?  This is the entirely natural, predictable, and even just outcome to hideously amoral behaviors grounded in an ideology of boundless effrontery towards God and His moral order.  God allows the natural (and supernatural) consequences of our actions to be both our rewards and our punishments.  These consequences are plainly spelled out in Scripture and the natural law.  Conduct your life in a hedonistic, animalistic manner, and this is the natural result: sky-high rates of disease, some of them incurable, and biased amongst the  youngest populations.

Of course, the article waits until the umpteenth paragraph to tell us that, surprise!, much of this increase is centered in the growing men who have sex with men population, where rates of infection for very serious and increasingly difficult to treat diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea have exploded.  That kind of information is still judged unhelpful to the ongoing re-paganization of the culture and the destruction of the moral order:

More cases of sexually transmitted diseases were reported last year than ever before, federal officials said Wednesday — just as state and local health departments that could help fight them lose funding.

More than 1.5 million people were reported with chlamydia, the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

The CDC recorded nearly 400,000 cases of gonorrhea and nearly 24,000 cases of syphilis.

“The STD epidemic is getting worse in the United States and, in fact, is at its highest levels yet,” said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.

The CDC reported a record year for STDs in 2014, also, but the trend is worsening, Mermin told NBC News.

“Last year was the first year that we saw increases but those increases are actually continuing and at a higher rate,” Mermin said.

The new numbers translate to a 19 percent increase in syphilis cases, a 13 percent rise in gonorrhea and a 6 percent increase in chlamydia, Mermin said………

…….Gay and bisexual men account for many of the new cases, and the biggest numbers are among young adults, especially those in their late teens and early 20s. “Half of all STDs occur in youth under age 20,” Mermin said……….

………Congenital syphilis cases hit a record high in 2015, CDC said. More than 430 babies were born with syphilis. “Up to 40 percent of babies born to women with untreated syphilis may be stillborn, or die from the infection as a newborn,” the CDC said.

Let’s see:

  • Belittle and attack Christianity, especially Catholicism, for generations
  • At the same time, exalt the idea of fornication, adultery, serial divorce and remarriage, concubinage, etc., as either no big deal, or some wonderful, adventurous “phase” at least everyone, especially while young, should go through, if not the absolute preferred mode of living for all time
  • Complete destruction of adherence to religious precepts and the moral law.  Force religion from the public square.
  • Spread indoctrination in the libertine lifestyle to younger and younger ages – deliberately propagandize schoolchildren into the sexular pagan ethos
  • Exalt perversion as superior to traditional morality.  Mock traditional morality at all turns.
  • Constantly deride recalcitrant adult authority figures who counsel chastity, modesty, and decency, be they parents, grandparents, politicians, religious figures, etc.  Make clear that all the cool people are addicted to uninhibited rutting; even more, make clear that in order to be cool you have to do same.  Make being perceived as “cool” the height of social existence
  • After decades of the above, express shock and dismay when rates of STDs among schoolchildren, the target audience all along, skyrocket.  Demand absolutely no changes to the above program but more and more money for it.  After all, it’s working like a charm.

Feature. Definitely feature, especially since several of the diseases skyrocketing have the side-“benefit” of rendering the afflicted individual sterile for life.  Win-win to the child-hating, Christ-hating sexular pagan left.

Nashville bishop David Choby must be thoroughly pleased.

Late n’ Rare Flightline Friday: The World’s Worst Carrier, Kuznetsov October 24, 2016

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, asshatery, disaster, Flightline Friday, foolishness, fun, non squitur, pr stunts, silliness, Society, technology.
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A lot of folks apparently got excited last week when, for the 7th time in its nearly 30 year history the broken down, way too small, horribly designed (and only) Russian carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov put to sea to ostensibly conduct combat operations off of Syria.  If the carrier makes it to the Eastern Med – which is by no means certain, given its deplorable history – Kuznetsov will take party in combat operations for the first time with its tiny fixed wing fleet of 16 Su-33 aircraft.

But first she (or, as the Russians say, he) has to get there.  And that’s been the problem in the past.  Even when Kuznetsov made it to Eastern Med, she was generally in too poor condition to actually do anything remotely military.  Her freshwater condensers constantly crap out, meaning they can’t run the turbines, meaning the ship has to be towed back to port.  Why else do you think the Russians never let Kuznetsov put to sea without the world’s largest tug as escort?  Does the US Navy do this, with their carriers?  The Japanese?  Italians?  Spanish? Even the Brazilians? No, no they do not.

Kuznetsov was a product of two disastrous characteristics: inexperienced, frankly incompetent design, and late-Soviet-era build standards.  Coupled together, and you have one of the most poorly designed and built ships ever to slide down the ways.  Her horrific design and shoddy workmanship are legendary.  The phased array antennas on the island? – they’re concrete ballast, as the real radar was never made functional.  The plumbing is worthlessly rusted out in half or more of the ship.  Basically half of the ship is unlivable.  The ship is only marginally large enough to handle the huge Su-33 tactical aircraft, and can only carry a handful of them, really barely enough to protect the carrier (if that), let alone project power anywhere. And her power plant…….a large steam unit……….has always been her most pronounced weak point.

It appears to have gotten even worse.  While passing through the English Channel, Kuznetsov belched forth such hideous, thick plumes of smoke from her oil fired engines that I seriously doubt she could conduct flight operations under such conditions.  See, carriers, when they do flight ops, always turn into the wind.  Pilots trying to land on Kuznetsov would be rendered almost totally blind by these clouds of incredibly dense smoke emanating from the ship and flowing straight into their approach path to land.  And this was while cruising at a leisurely 7-8 knots, not the 25+ generally required for flight operations.  I would wager she can’t come close to that speed with engines in such dire shape*.  If she can, her pilots will probably be splattered all over the round down trying to land.

Wow.  They are either using incredibly dirty, unrefined oil, or those engines have unbelievable problems.  Likely a bit of both.

This is not made up stuff.  How to deal with carrier smokestack emissions prior to the advent of gas turbines and nukes was a huge issue. That’s one reason US carriers wound up with their islands so far back, which generally prevented the gasses from spreading so much they seriously affected visibility.  On earlier Essex class carriers, with islands roughly midship, this was much more of a problem.  The Japanese, on their WWII carriers, actually vented the boiler gasses downward, below the level of the flight deck, to try to deal with this.

Of course, US and allied pilots go through the training hell of learning to make night traps using only mirror, ball, and the screams of the LSO.  Those landings are dang near blind, so it was generally less of a problem for US naval aviators even when we still had oil-fired carriers (which, we don’t.  The last were retired nearly 10 years ago).

So don’t get too worked up over Putin’s latest bluster.  This one is much more show than go.  That’s all any combat operations conducted from Kuznetsov will be, if there are any – show.  And it will be another hellish cruise for her crew, which despises the ship to the extent they mutinied a short while back.  This is a ship that has spent over 95% of her 30 year career tied up pierside or in drydock.  She’s a floating disaster, and the Chinese were probably suckers to gain most of their carrier knowledge, and their currently only operational carrier, from the incompleted hulk of Kuznetsov’s sister, now finished and called Laioning by the Red Chinese.  She has all the same engines and other design flaws of the original, and to date hasn’t put to sea very often at all, by Western standards.



I loved the jokes on Ace: the world’s first wood-, or possibly peat-, burning aircraft carrier.  I don’t think Lexington put out that much smoke after taking multiple Jap torpedoes at Coral Sea.

*- In fact, Kuznetsov has apparently never come close to her design speed of 29 kts