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How the Elitist Uniparty Works February 28, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, asshatery, contraception, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, rank stupidity, Revolution, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, sickness, Society.

Barbara Bush is headlining a fundraiser for Planned Butcherhood here in Texas. Franklin Graham is not amused:

Franklin Graham is calling out former President George W. Bush’s daughter, Barbara Pierce Bush, for speaking at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser on Thursday, saying that raising funds for the abortion business is like raising money for Nazi death camps.

“Planned Parenthood is the #1 abortion provider in the United States,” Graham wrote in a Facebook post yesterday. “Raising funds for this organization is like raising money to fund a Nazi death camp — like Auschwitz, except for innocent babies in their mother’s wombs!”

The Christian evangelist and son of Billy Graham continued: “Reports say they [Planned Parenthood] perform over 300,000 abortions per year. And this is the organization whose employees were caught on video trying to sell baby body parts over wine. Disgusting.”

Bush will be the keynote speaker at the fundraiser for Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. Individual tickets to the event cost $150, and sponsorship levels go up to $20,000.

As LifeSiteNews reported, Bush’s company, Global Health Corps, which promotes “health equity,” works closely with Planned Parenthood, which Bush labeled an “exceptional organization.” A senior staffer for GHC is a former board member of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands, and the Pacific Northwest Abortion Fund.

Bush and Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards “are enthusiastic supporters of each other’s work,” The New York Times reported in an article celebrating their alliance.

When it comes to social issues, Bush seems to have imbibed the liberal worldview of former First Lady Laura Bush, who is pro-abortion-on-demand and pro-“gay marriage.”

………Barbara Bush also supported Hillary Clinton’s run for president.

So, I’m an ardent pro-lifer.  I know many others who are.  I can’t say I know many of those ardent pro-life fathers and mothers whose kids wound up becoming pro-abort.  I’m far from sure I know any couples where the husband and wife ostensibly disagree stridently on matters such as abortion and pseudo-sodo-marriage.  The point being, this is further evidence whatever slight pro-life stands Bush ’43 took were probably simply for political expedience and not related to some deeply held belief.

It’s more than passing odd that this formerly leading family of the Republican party has so many close and happy associations with ardent leftists.  That’s what I mean by self-serving elitist uniparty.  They all attend the same institutions, go to the same parties, marry within the group, seek to please the same corporate masters, and wind up believing pretty much the same things.

More on the Bush family’s long-time love affair with contraception and abortion.  Yes it’s Mother Jones but there are many other articles from less left-wing sites confirming the same thing, but this one gave the most detail.


1. dymphna - February 28, 2017

Isn’t it sad that not one Catholic bishop spoke up like Rev. Graham? As for the Bush’s, they hoodwinked a lot of people.

2. c matt - February 28, 2017

They did, but the other options on the table at the time were worse, not unlike the last go ’round that put The Donald in the oval office.

3. Blaine - February 28, 2017

Never. Trust. Politicians.

Tantumblogo - March 1, 2017

I owe you an e-mail. Sorry I am behind in several areas.

4. Canon212 Update: It’s Trump vs. the Pro-Death, Money-Driven FrancisVatican! – The Stumbling Block - March 1, 2017


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