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It Will Be Light Posting Again This Week February 14, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, Basics, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, rank stupidity, Revolution, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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No, no more pressing health problems, for the moment, thank God, but I am stuck in all day meetings three days this week with a hard rule on no laptops or phones.  You can thank the VP of Quality for that.  Her rule, not mine.  So, I won’t have really any time to post until Friday, at best, and I’m sure I’ll be playing a lot of catchup then.

A little quickie to tide you over, some data that is as satisfying to your snarky side as it is revealing.  A German study has found that 90% of the most hardcore leftist “protestors” in that country still live at home, and a huge percentage are unemployed.  I doubt the situation is much different in this country, most of the so-called “antifa” (anti-fascist) radicals here are associated with various universities, either as part-time students, professional students, drop-outs, staff, and/or hangers on.  It has been revealed that a number of the most violent rioters in Berkeley were faculty or staff of that benighted institution (I heard somewhere – I think from Milo – that only 37% of recent Berkeley graduates are employed?):

A new study shows that over 90 percent of the anti-fascist protestors in Europe are still living in their mother’s basement.

Heat Streetreports that the study found that 92 percent of the protesters at these anti-fascist rallies that are believed to have committed violence still live with their parents. Heat Street also notes the following findings from the study:

  • 84% are male
  • 72% are aged 18-29
  • 90% are single
  • 34% are unemployed

These “Antifa” protesters have been behind the violent protests that occurred on the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration and the riots that occurred in U.C. Berkeley when Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to speak. In fact, it seems that the violence didn’t start until the “Antifa” thugs appeared, according to International Business Times.

In reality, most of these “spontaneous protests” are nothing of the kind, they are carefully planned and organized, while most of the hardcore of this group are basically paid activists/protestors/activists. They are paid by the demonrat party and many allied George Soros funded groups.  Many people have found ads on Craig’s List and other sites that attest to this fact, where advertisements appear regularly offering pay for taking part in protest-riots.  It’s all astroturf, fake grass roots uprisings conducting politics by other means, attempting to achieve on the streets through violence what the failed and rejected leftist agenda failed to win at the ballot box.  It’s exceedingly dangerous to fund and support groups like this, not only with money but with increasingly extremist and unhinged rhetoric – thinks like this can easily spin out of control.

Which may be the point of it all.  As I said, politics by other means.  When their political program utterly fails to attract the support of the majority, the historical tendency of the Left is to resort to violence.  More and more people are noting that a kind of civil war, whether fought with armed combat or not, is in the offing.

At any rate, I’m off for a 1st birthday party for my youngest, have a blessed few days and I’ll try to catch up with you on Friday.

h/t reader TT for the link to Rush