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Choosing Sides: Bush ’43 Bashes Trump February 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, secularism, self-serving, sickness, Society, unbelievable BS.
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Ace notes quite rightly that, in spite of constant barbs and insults directed at him by President Obama, who continued to blame the poor state of the economy on Bush 3 or 4 years into his administration, Bush 43 remained silent on Obama’s numerous mistakes, errors, and outright atrocities.  The establishment takes care of their own, and admits of no coarse and benighted outsiders.  Bush did at least note that Trump’s only been in office for a month, but his comments were distinctly hostile, especially in light of his constant silence in spite of all that Obama said against him and his administration.  I’ll also add that Bush has once again proven what a family of total squishes he belongs to.  The quotes below contain Bush’s comments, I add my own and emphasis:

Former President George W. Bush offered what appeared to be a thinly veiled critique of his Republican successor on Monday, as he defended the importance of the media and immigration policies that are “welcoming.”

“I am for an immigration policy that’s welcoming and upholds the law,” Bush said.[No, you have always been a fervent supporter of shamnesty and unconstrained illegal immigration, with periodic waves of the wand that make those illegals legal.  You are one of those Republicans who believe, contrary to all evidence and logic, that Hispanics are just craving a little more appeasement from Repubniks in order to transform from an overwhelmingly reliable liberal/leftist voting bloc, and into a conservative/Republican one.  Phyllis Schlafly rightly recognized this as insanity, and a sure way to not only destroy all future national conservative electoral prospects, but the very cultural fabric of this nation]

He also echoed the reported comments of new National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, refusing to term terrorism as inherently Islamic.

“People who murder the innocent are not religious people,” Bush said. “They want to advance an ideology. And we have faced those kind of ideologues in the past.” [Only someone deliberately ignorant of the entire history, distant and recent, of islam could make this claim, leaving aside the most key aspects of islamic doctrine, which have always advocated the spread of islam through violence, repression, and rapine]

“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy,” Bush said. “That we need an independent media to hold people like me to account. Power can be very addictive. And it can be corrosive.” [Where is the media being persecuted or prevented from speaking their mind?  Good grief he gets absolutely excoriated as a new Hitler, racist, homophobe, etc., dozens if not hundreds of times every single day.  For the vast majority of the establishment media there is nothing at all Trump can do right, and many within it have been plotting for his impeachment if not assassination since before he took office! Trump’s reaction to this has been exceedingly modest, only calling out the bias of the press the vast majority of his supporters see as being a huge problem in our disintegrating republic, and doing what Obama did – favoring certain news sites while blocking those relentlessly hostile to him.  This is just politics as usual.]

“One of the things I spent a lot of time doing was trying to convince a person like Vladimir Putin, for example, to accept the notion of an independent press,” said Bush, who cautioned that “it’s kind of hard to tell others to have an independent free press and we’re not willing to have one ourself.” [Well, this is certainly the view of the establishment desperate to hold onto its power.  I don’t think it’s exactly a revelation that Bush is both a part of, and beholden to, that same failing, unqualified, self-anointed elite group.  I’ve generally eschewed populism in my life but the establishment has failed so miserably for so long, and has put this nation in such great jeopardy, that I am willing to countenance even radical solutions to break their power and influence, as, apparently, a great number of Americans agree.  Trump was far from my first choice, but I am so fed up I took a flyer on a wildcard.  What I do know is that a$$hats like Bush simply are not getting the job done.]

And now he just gets nasty:

Bush said it was important to know the truth about any relationship between Russia and members of the current administration — “I think we all need answers — but dodged when asked if a special prosecutor was required to look into collusion allegations. [Even though there is zero evidence of any improper contacts.  But democrats and establishmentarians – but I repeat myself – want it to be true so very badly they are trying to wish the evidence into existence]

Sour grapes from a manifest failure?  Bush almost destroyed the Republican party and gave us Obamacare more than any single person, as his miserable administration led to both the most radical president in US history and a veto-proof majority for the dems in Congress. Republicans had the House, Senate, and presidency at various times in Bush’s administration, and he played an enormous role in losing all that (with a huge assist from hideously biased media).

There is no more insider-elite family than the Bushes. They practically define the self-serving corporate-interest serving uniparty so many Americans have come to deplore.  I’m hardly surprised he’s going to take shots at Trump. But I still find it galling that this man who couldn’t be moved to, say, even defend the rights of Christians, one of which he purports to be, in the face of unprecedented persecution on the part of the Obama administration.  Or the unilateral pullout from Iraq that left that country vulnerable to an islamist – be it wahhabist or Iranian-dominated shia – takeover.  There are endless examples to pull from, on matters infinitely more substantial than Trump’s feud with the press or fantasies regarding Russian involvement. Where was Bush on Obama’s radical pro-abort stands?  I could go on for thousands of words.

Ah, well, a Bush wound up on the wrong side of the interests of the American people in favor of a narrow, self-interested elite once again.  Film at 11.


Dems Enlisting Terrified, Indoctrinated Children to Attack Trump February 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, disaster, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, rank stupidity, scandals, secularism, sickness, Society.
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Mark Dice very appropriately eviscerates a recent NBC propaganda piece that claims to honestly transmit the concerns of blatantly terrified kids regarding the Trump administration.  Apparently, most New York leftist-raised children know Trump is a Nazi fascist homophobe racist anti-semite that just wants to kill him some dark skinned people.  This has nothing to do with their parent’s biases, irrational phobias, and political radicalism.  These are just the honest concerns of kids, concerns that were not forced upon them by parent or teachers at all.

I want you to observe the racial breakdown in the video below.  Of about 12 kids interviewed, only two to four,  I couldn’t quite tell, were visibly caucasian.  America is still nearly 3/4 white (at least, officially, not factoring in who knows how many illegals).  So this is an extremely skewed sample simply on that basis.  We also know that whites broke overwhelmingly for Trump while minorities were overwhelmingly against.  Maybe NBC should have expanded their search beyond some Upper West Side prep school:

Why do kids who appear to be about 3/4 white call themselves black?  Is it because of the massive in-built advantages being listed as a “minority” confers?  If whites were so all-powerful and possessed of so many wonderful societal privileges denied everyone else, why would so many millions of mixed race people invariably identify with whatever minority component they possess?  If being white was so wonderfully awesome and opened so many amazing doors, while being minority (of whatever type) was so hideous, full of constant put-downs and outright persecutions, wouldn’t these people be clamoring to ID as white?!?

Of course we know the answer.  Being a minority in this country conveys special privileges and advantages that are denied to whites, and, increasingly, asians.

Some related material on the subject below, via Ben Shapiro, who I usually like:

An Accurate Assessment from Iraq: “[Obama] despises Christians” February 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in disaster, Ecumenism, episcopate, error, foolishness, Francis, General Catholic, Holy suffering, horror, persecution, sadness, scandals, sickness, Society, the enemy, unadulterated evil.
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I’d say that’s about right.  The article below details recent muslim atrocities against Christians around the world, focusing on the near total destruction of the ancient Christian communities of Assyria, which were all but obliterated by the invasion of ISIS into this region in 2014.  Now that ISIS is being forced out of Assyria in a very half-hearted, desultory manner, some Christians are returning to relate the horrors they experienced at the hands of this terror group, which the US originally helped back and arm when it was thought, among our unqualified,  really dumb “elites,” that ‘anybody but Assad’ was an appropriate policy for Syria and the Mideast:

Reports of Christian life under the Islamic State (ISIS) continued throughout November. Many of these came from the ancient Christian towns surrounding Mosul, such as Batnaya and Qaraqosh, conquered by ISIS in August, 2014, and liberated in late October, 2016.

One Christian man, Esam, from Qaraqosh, related what ISIS did after his sister’s husband refused to convert to Islam: “He was crucified and tortured in front of his wife and children, who were forced to watch. They [ISIS] told him that if he loved Jesus that much, he would die like Jesus.” The Islamic militants tortured his brother-in-law from 6 in the evening until 11: “[T]hey cut his stomach open and shot him before leaving him hanging, crucified.” Two other members of Esam’s family, a Christian couple, were abducted and separated by ISIS. To this day, the husband does not know where his wife is; he only knows that she was turned into a concubine, a sex-slave…….

………Another handful of Christians told how they “were threatened, forced to spit on a crucifix or convert to Islam,” but they “miraculously survived more than two years under Islamic State group rule.”……

……..Before being driven out of these now-liberated Christian towns around Mosul, ISIS plantedexplosive devices in teddy bears and toys that would be detonated when children picked them up, “killing unsuspecting families.”

Those who survived ISIS, accused former U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama of doing nothing when Iraq’s largest Christian city, Qaraqosh, fell to the Islamic terrorists more than two years ago, when its Christian population was over 50,000. One man said, “Obama has never helped the Christians. In fact, he despises them. In the last 26 months, he has shown he despises all of them. But we have hope in the new president, Trump.” A Catholic priest said: “The US government led by President Obama could have protected us – or at least helped us to protect ourselves. But unfortunately Obama abandoned us.” A young girl wearing a cross added: “We hope this new guy called Trump will help us more than Obama did.” [I would add, given the scale of the tragedy, Francis and the Church at large have been far too silent on the horrific persecutions Christians and Catholics in particular are suffering around the world]

Hey, muslims take care of their own.  I know with complete certitude that Obama is no Christian, and I believe the evidence that he is either a practicing muslim or overwhelmingly sympathetic to them is overwhelming.

The article goes on to list an amazing list of atrocities perpetrated by muslims against Christians, which all occurred in one month, November 2016.  There are over 20 separate attacks listed, and this list is most likely quite partial.

If one didn’t know better, you’d almost think there’s a religiously motivated war going on, but thank goodness, we know that’s not the case.  Francis has told us so, even going so far as to claim that there is no such thing as “muslim terror.

Francis will probably be dead and buried before the folly of his interreligious fantasizing really becomes apparent, with large sections of Europe being overrun by the forces of islam.  Whether Rome will be one of those remains to be seen, but given the large and increasingly radical “refugee” populace there, the Church’s ancient home may eventually become untenable.  That seems unthinkable, but given the trends abroad in the world, the unthinkable is becoming increasingly likely.


Prayer for the Grace of Fatherly Wisdom and Responsibility February 27, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, mortification, Restoration, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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From a nice little prayer book my wife gave me – no hint there, I’m sure! – called, simply, Father’s Manual.  There is much good advice in this book, which is presented in the form of prayers one may offer up to be a good, wise, just, and holy father.

So many men today who are having children of their own had either only a weak or no good fatherly guide on which to model their own behavior as father and head of the domestic church.  Even those who had good fathers in their lives swim in a cultural sewer that inculcates perverse ideas regarding fathers and fatherhood on a constant basis.  These prayers, then, can be very helpful for men who are struggling in the roles to which they will be held to a strict accounting at their particular judgment.  Even for those who are very solid in their roles as father, I hope some of these will be helpful reminders.  The excerpt below is on praying for the Grace of fatherly wisdom and responsibility, pp. 22-26:

Heavenly Father, in establishing the family, you have decreed that the child should have a need for both father and mother – and have made each of them, as parents, responsible to you for the souls of their children, which have been created to your very image and likeness.

So, as a father, I must realize that I shall give a severe account to you for any laziness or indifference in the fulfilment of my office.

Bring me to be a good father to my children.

Let me never be a slacker in the sacred trust which I have accepted from your hands.

It is not permitted me, I know, to push off on my wife the obligation of parental control; I have my own part of this burden and a responsibility.  So may I always accept my share of the parents’ duty and carry it out prayerfully and dependably.

Your plan for the family and its needs makes it plain that the fact that I work all day to provide our material living does not permit me to remain aloof from the problems of rearing the children and directing them.  Let me always realize deeply that my calling to be a parent is a full-time job, which admits of no vacation.

May I prayerfully strive to work harmoniously with my wife in all things pertaining to discipline in the home – discussing matters privately with her and working them out cooperatively.  And my I never bicker with her or argue before my children, especially in matters of family policy or discipline.

May the consideration I show my wife deepen my children’s love for her as their mother.

Let the correction I give my children be quiet and fatherly, yet firm – and may it always be the fruit of prayer.

Let me realize deeply my obligation of being a companion to my children, sharing their interests and enthusiasms, guiding them, counseling them, encouraging them.

And in the corrections that I must administer, may my children be able to to look to me and see in my life an example of everything that, as a father, I require of them.

Let them see in me a fitting example of truthfulness at all times, of honesty in dealing with them and with my fellow man, of reverence for God in all I say and do, of dignity, always, in my speech, which should never be such that I may not approve the same words in them.  But rather in all things may I teach first by actions what I must require of my children by fatherly command.

Teach me, heavenly Father, to model my thinking and willing and acting after your own all-wise fatherhood and thus may I return responsibly and reverently to you the souls of the children you have entrusted to me.

———–End Quote———–

I should add, while the above was certainly tailored specifically for fathers, mothers could certainly derive great fruit from such prayers/meditations, with suitable changes.  The unique role of the father, however, has been often even more under threat in our culture than has that of the mother, or at least some strange derivative of what was traditionally associated with motherhood.  Then again, men aren’t as frequently sold a horrific pack of lies asserting that killing one’s own offspring is the way to personal empowerment.  So perhaps the threats are a bit differently orientated, but of the same magnitude for both mothers and fathers.

I pray you find this useful and/or edifying!