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Milo on Abortion – UPDATED February 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Abortion, Basics, contraception, error, General Catholic, horror, It's all about the $$$, scandals, secularism, self-serving, sexual depravity, Society.
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UPDATE: I added some material below, because there is one thing I forgot about the excerpts below from when I watched them last night.  Milo does seriously err, or misrepresent – innocently, I think – the beliefs of two great Doctors of the Church on a matter of great moral import.  I’ve made that clear below.

He speaks with the usual reserve and delicate concern for other’s feelings you’ve come to expect.

I know Milo is not everyone’s cup of tea.  He’s not always my cup of tea.  But he lays truth on a group of California college students harder and faster than the Keystone XL pipeline will be laid now that Obama is gone.

Three good videos below, all excerpts of the talk he gave at Cal Poly (the full talk is here, and much of it is dedicated to condemning the evil of abortion).  Those in attendance, primarily students, seemed a bit stunned by the extremely strong condemnations of abortion Milo made.  While he has mentioned abortion in previous talks during his college tour, he has not focused an entire hour long presentation on that incredibly important subject.  Usually his material is lighter and mixed with more humor, but he was more serious than usual as he should be on this grave matter, and good for him.  He also reveals his Catholicism (which appears real, if more than a little problematic if he is being honest about his peccadilloes) in good detail, quoting Doctors (though badly and erroneously – he claims Aquinas and Augustine thought prostitution should be legal, I know Aquinas did not, this is a serious misrepresentation of what Aquinas said) and beginning to form a cohesive framework of Catholic thought.  He still has a long way to go, though, and I’m afraid his study of the Doctors – as laudable as that is – comes from second or third sources, people who are “interpreting” the Doctors’ words in pursuit of some agenda, or otherwise misrepresenting them.

I think he deserves a lot of prayers.  There is obvious talent and potential here.  I still think he oversells his sexual inclinations as a sort of shield against leftist abuse, but perhaps he may be moving towards a celibate existence, if not already there.


Dang right on the next one.  I’ll go one further, rampant fornication makes women miserable, crazy, an extreme risk of divorce and yes widely depressed and possibly suicidal.  It also puts men at risk of becoming soft and effeminate, flippant, inconstant, lazy, and often poor material for marriage:

And, of course, Margaret Sanger, foundress of that lodestar, that irredeemable symbol, of the cultural left in America, Planned Barrenhood, was a thoroughgoing and hateful racist who wanted to kill almost all black, brown, and poor white babies in her drive to make the world “safe” for bourgeois upper-crust white women:

Margaret Sanger is alive and well today in the social justice warriors, so-called “antifas,” and other core elements of the leftist radical fringe.  The same desires she had burn in their souls – to rid the world of anyone who doesn’t think like they do, while reducing everyone else (those in the middle, or unpolitical, or uninformed, etc) to a kind of cloying paternalist sub-human standard.

But Milo you must go two steps further, condemning not just abortion but also contraception and fornication, which create the conditions for mass abortion on demand.   Being opposed to abortion without opposing the evils that give rise to it is a bit like the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke.

Scottish Episcopal Church Forces Out “Priest” for Refusing muslim Prayers February 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in asshatery, Basics, cultural marxism, disaster, Ecumenism, error, foolishness, General Catholic, horror, paganism, rank stupidity, Revolution, scandals, secularism, sickness, silliness, The End.
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On January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany (for episcopals as well as Catholics), an episcopal community in Scotland invited a muslim individual to preach, for some reason inescapable to logic and good sense.  That muslim chose to sight a sura from the quran that denied Christ’s divinity (revealing islam’s clear roots in Arianism and perverse Jewish zealotry).  A row developed in the anglican sect over this episode, a different anglican “preacher” with some title doing with the Queen complained over this episode, and that preacher has now been dismissed by the Queen/Buckingham Palace (most probably through the islamophiles Phillip and the idiot leftist Charles). Complicated, I know, but it goes to show how much ground has already been surrendered by purported Christians in Europe, the home of Christendom, and how much cultural suzerainty has already been gained by the muslim hordes invading the continent:

Rebel Media has lots of good stuff, of late, over and beyond Gavin McInness.

Here’s another good production – Canada is preparing to pass federal laws forbidding blasphemy against islam.  Do they have such laws against Jesus Christ or Our Lady?  Of course not.  That would be a violation of church and state, and utterly impermissible!  But we all know islam is the de facto state religion of many western countries – or at least of their progressive ruling elites – and so special status merit special treatment:

Ah well, you may say, Canadians have always been crazy.  But laws enacted in Canada have a tendency to show up – if not in law, than at least culturally – in the US.  It’s just a further sign of the retreat of Christendom and the advance of islam. The measure discussed in the video are almost sure to pass with a left-leaning majority in the Canadian parliament.

More interesting analysis of the recent feminist’s march held last weekend.  Tiffany Gabbay feels this march revealed more than just vulgarity, hypocrisy and extreme political bias, they also revealed the ugly face of hate.  Never has so much been said by so many over something that so barely exists and affects so few (purported sexism and racism in the US).  There is unfortunately some vulgar and offensive content simply because it’s impossible to discuss the feminist march without including some of that, so overwhelmingly prevalent it was:

The presenter is cute but where did you get that dress and those shoes and that coat, jeeeez!

St. Francis de Sales on Dealing with the Sins of Others February 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, catachesis, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, reading, Restoration, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Another excerpt from Finding God’s Will for You, a collection of letters sent by the great Doctor of the Church over the course of his exceptional apostolate.  This one deals with how to deal with the sins of others, and not falling into despair because we can’t “save” all we would like to see saved.  From pp. 102-5:

God has supreme hatred for sin, and yet He most wisely permits it.  This is to allow rational creatures to act according to their natural condition; it is also to render the good more worthy of commendation when they do not violate the law, even though they are able to violate it.  Let us therefore adore and bless this holy permission.  [I have heard priests describe the gift of free will as “strange,” even hard or cruel, because why didn’t God just create everyone as mindless followers of His Will and thus to be saved.  St. Francis informs us as to why:  because He didn’t, we should not have been made in His image if we did not have free will, and because he wanted us to freely choose Him and His Love from among all the enticements and pleasures of the flesh.]images-3

However, since the same Providence that permits sin has infinite hatred for it, let us together with Providence detest and hate it, desiring with all our power that sin permitted may never become sin committed.  As a result of this desire, let us use all possible remedies to prevent the birth, growth, and domination of sin.  In this let us imitate our Lord, who never ceases to exhort, promise, threaten, prohibit, command, and inspire us in order to turn our will away from sin as far as possible without depriving us of liberty.

But when a sin has been committed, we must do all in our power to have it wiped away.  We should be like our Lord, who assured Carpus, as has already been noted, that if it were needful, He would submit to death a second time in order to deliver a single soul from sin.  But if the sinner is obstinate…..in company with the Savior of our souls, let us weep, sigh, and pray for him………

……Meanwhile, no matter how obstinate sinners may be, we must never lose courage in aiding and serving them.  How do we know whether perhaps they will do penance and be saved?  Happy is he who, like St. Paul, can say to his neighbor, “day and night I did not cease with tears to admonish every one of you.  Therefore I am innocent of the blood of all, for i have not shrunk from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.”  As long as we are within the limits of hope that the sinner can amend, and they are always of the same extent as those of his life, we must never reject him, but rather pray for him and help him as far as his misfortune will permit. [Thus, many of our corrections and blandishments of those many lost in sin and error in the Church must continue, so long as there is hope that they may repent.]

But at the very end, after we have wept over the obstinate and have rendered them our duty in charity of trying to reclaim them from perdition, we must imitate our Lord and the apostles.  That is, we must turn our mind from them and place it on other objects and tasks more useful to God’s glory.  “It was necessary that the word of God should be first spoken to you,” said the Apostles to the Jews, “but since you reject it and judge yourselves unworthy,” of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, “behold, we turn to the Gentiles.” [A true and hard saying, but one that must be borne in mind.  There are many fields for the spread of the Gospel, if not turns out to be sterile, we must move onto another.  That is incredibly sad, especially when it involves someone we love, but if we tried and prayed and wept for years over loved ones no progress, our efforts may be put to better use elsewhere.]

“The Kingdom of God,” says the Savior, “shall be taken from you and shall be given to a nation yielding its fruits.”  We cannot spend too much time weeping over some men without losing time suitable and necessary to procure the download-16salvation of others.  True, the Apostle says that he has a “continuous sorrow” over the loss of the Jews, but this is the same as when we say that we bless God at all times, which  means simply that we bless Him very frequently and on every occasion.  In the same manner, the glorious St. Paul has a continuous sorrow in his heart because of the reprobation of the Jews, since on every occasion he lamented their misfortune.

For the rest, we must always adore, love, and praise God’s avenging and punitive justice, just as we love His mercy, since both are daughters of His goodness. [Well now, isn’t that contrary to the church of infinite mercy and zero justice we hear preached today.  In point of fact, mercy cannot be separated from justice.  If it is, it becomes mere weakness and sentimentality.  Those who wish to replace justice with a false sense of mercy will get neither, but will only gather a harvest of rank indifference and moral decline – which may well be what the purveyors of the church of infinite mercy want in the end, anyway] By His Grace, He wills to make us good, for He is good, yes, supremely good. By his justice, He wills to punish sin because He hates it, and He hates it because, being supremely good, He hates that supreme evil which is iniquity.

In conclusion, note that God never withdraws His mercy from us except by the most equitable vengeance of His punitive justice, and that we never escape the rigor of His justice except by His justifying mercy.  Always, whether He punishes  or gives grace, His good pleasure is worthy of adoration, love, and everlasting blessing. Always, whether He punishes or gives grace, His good pleasure is worthy of adoration, love, and everlasting blessing.  Hence, “the just man” who sings the praises of God’s mercy over such as shall be saved likewise “shall rejoice when he shall see vengeance.”  With joy the blessed shall approve the judgment of damnation passed on the reprobate as well as that of salvation on the elect.

Since the angels have exercised their charity toward the men they had in their keeping, they shall remain in peace when they see them obstinate or even damned.  Therefore, we must acquiesce in God’s will and kiss the right hand of His mercy and the left hand of His justice with equal tenderness and reverence.

———–End Quote———–

Now this is a Francis I can really get behind.  Too bad there aren’t more like him around these days.

Start Novena for Our Lady of Lourdes Tomorrow Feb 2! February 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in awesomeness, Basics, Domestic Church, family, General Catholic, Glory, Grace, Interior Life, Novenas, Our Lady, Restoration, sanctity, Spiritual Warfare, Tradition, true leadership, Virtue.
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Start Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes tomorrow, Feb 2.  She Is The Immaculate Conception!

O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort to the Afflicted,

you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings. Deign to cast upon me a look of mercy. By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it  a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors; and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal. 

 I come, therefore, with the most unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession. Obtain,  O loving Mother, the granting of my requests.  (mention your intentions here)

Through gratitude for favors, I will endeavor to imitate your virtues that I may one day share your glory.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us. Amen.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be.)

Another nice accompanying prayer:

Two prayers to prepare the universal celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes, on February 11

Mary, you showed yourself to BernadetteLOURDESMARY_BERNA4inchcopy1
in the crevice of the rock.
In the cold and grey of winter,
you brought the warmth, light and beauty
of your presence,

In the often obscure depths of our lives,
in the depth of the world where evil is so powerful,
bring hope,
return our confidence!

You are the Immaculate Conception,
come to our aid, sinners that we are.474718093_70c533b5f9
Give us the humility to have a change of heart,
the courage to do penance.
Teach us to pray for all people.

Guide us to the source of true life.
Make us pilgrims going forward with your Church,
whet our appetite for the Eucharist,
the bread for the journey, the bread of life.

The Spirit brought about wonders in you, O Mary :
by his power, he has placed you near the Father,
in the glory of your eternal Son.
Look with kindness
on our miserable bodies and hearts.
Shine forth for us, like a gentle light,
at the hour of our death.

Together with Bernadette, we pray to you, O Mary,
as your poor children.glory4
May we enter, like her, into the spirit of the Beatitudes.
Then, we will be able, here below,
begin to know the joy of the Kingdom of Heaven
and sing together with you :
Magnificent !

Glory to you, Virgin Mary,
blessed servant of the Lord,
Mother of God,
dwelling place of the Holy Spirit!


Thanks to Reader TT for the Kind Gifts February 1, 2017

Posted by Tantumblogo in Admin, awesomeness, fun, non squitur, reading, thanksgiving.
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I wanted to give a special shout to reader TT who went through some shipping hassle to send me a very nice gift of all five volumes of The Catechism in Examples off my Amazon wishlist.  That was really generous and unexpected.   Thanks, TT!

I’ve also received some other items from folks who wish to remain anonymous.  I thank you all for everything you have taken the time to send.  My hope is to draw fruitful material from whatever I am sent off the wishlist and share it with readers in posts.  It may take me some time to get around to a particular book, but I will eventually get to it.

It means a great deal to me that people think enough of my prattlings to go to the time and expense to buy me a little something (or a big something).  I do appreciate it!